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DC-8 21st May 2007 20:19

Hi mates!

Next 29th of May I'll be going to Turkey to perform some screening tests for the B737 TR program. Pegasus told me I would have to do an interview, and then a motor test and sim test. Could somebody tell me what should I expect in the sim assessment (B738)? Finally, what do they ask you to do at the motor test?

Thanks in advance!


europaexpress 22nd May 2007 23:33

To DC-8

Best of luck with your screening in Turkey.
From people inside PGS, I have heard that they will need a lot of pilots for the summer months.
Unfortunately you will be too late to catch that wave, but I don't think that PGS is the worst place to start your career.

I was in AYT until 31st October 2006.
Indeed it was frustrating from time to time, but I think the training and the flying we got was ok.
You will fly a lot of VOR, NDB and visual app's in difficult terrain etc. Great fun and a lot of challenge to your flying skills.

Some got kicked out during the linetraining, but to my knowledge these guys did not perform well. Thats what I heard from training captains and safety pilots.
These guys should never have been on that course. A screening would have prevented that, and it looks like they found out in Istanbul as well.
I feel sorry for those who spend a lot of money and now got another 30000 EUR to pay the bank, but some sense of reality would help before handing in the check...

For me it turned out to be the right decision and I know that it has been for many others.
Give it a shot and hopefully you will get some Boeing hours and a good start on your career as an airline pilot.
I can't give you any hints for the tests since we did'nt have it when I was there.
Have fun in sunturk/speedhorse/speedturk or whatever they call them selves...:ugh:

Jannik23 23rd May 2007 11:19

Hi DC-8

Im with PGS now - started typerating in Jan. 07 and have 150 hrs on type now (in just 5 weeks) I can highly recommend it.
The screening is not a problem at all - its a written psycho test with about 250 questions (no time limit) and a 5-10 min interview and a simtest.

the simtest it just to see general handling of a/c and 2 visual approaches - no SIDS, STARS or anything.

if you have further questions feel free to pm me on [email protected]


DC-8 23rd May 2007 22:37

Many thanks for your replies Jannik23 and europaexpress!

Is anybody else going to the assessment this week?


zakka 25th May 2007 11:47


What is wrong with all you people! You make it sound like paying to work is the best way to "boost" your career. By doing this you are destroying the aviation industry. How are other companies supposed to compete with an "airline" like Pegasus when they have pilots paying to go to work.
Please stop supporting these lousy, crappy organizations who just want your money.

I am shocked about the way you all talk about it. You make it sound like it's the most normal thing to do.

Please get back to reality and stop undermining our industry:=

Jannik23 3rd Jun 2007 12:32

I am shocked about the way you all talk about it. You make it sound like it's the most normal thing to do.
Im afraid it has become close to normal - judging from your age it could seem like you have had a job for yrs and have no problems finding a job with thousands of hrs in the book - correct me if im wrong

wilderbeest 3rd Jun 2007 12:45



portsharbourflyer 4th Jun 2007 11:27

Well I am not necessarily against people buying ratings, but the group whom I do feel sorry for are the Turkish pilots (by the way I am not not Turkish), who are struggling to find jobs because "overseas" pilots are paying to fly with their local airlines. I doubt some of these Danish pilots would be quite supportive of of SSTR if it was Turkish pilots paying to fly on Danish airlines and were finding themselves priced out of the market.
I guess that is the true price of a freemarket economy (by the way I am instructor who is currently "fogged" in with weather so I have nothing better to do at the moment than waste time on pprune in the clubhouse).

In truth /I guess the JAR system is really the problem, allowing the modular / self improver route to hold a full CPL at 200 hours (also I am modular myself). I am not sure how the national licensing system worked in other European states, but the UK CAA self improver system meant everyone who didn't attend an integrated course had to obtain 700 hours to get a full CPL, hence most people had to instruct, para drop or something on a BCPL. Imagine if Ryanair had to wait for all the 200 hour Second Offcers it employed on SSTR scheme to obtain 700 hours through some other route, they would be forced to offer training bonds to attract candidates. I admit 500 hours of vfr hour building is irrelevant to flying an airliner, but at least the old system created a buffer in the system. So really it is the JAA system that has propagated the SSTR culture.

zakka 4th Jun 2007 12:03

judging from your age it could seem like you have had a job for yrs and have no problems finding a job with thousands of hrs in the book - correct me if im wrong
I finished My CPL 7 years ago. Did some years of instructing. Thereafter I worked non-flying jobs for 1.5 years. I then got into some corporate flying and slowly working my way up the ladder.
I would just like to see newly graduates at least TRY to find another job before paying to work. And where does it stop? I thought the industry went wrong when people started buying typeratings. Then people started paying for 100 hrs linetraining, then 200 hrs, and now some people even buy 500 hrs linetraining:eek: How far are you people willing to go to fly a 737 (One of the most boring airplanes - too many of them).????? Are you ready to pay for your own upgrade to command, pay for another typerating when your company needs you on another type, pay for your own transport when your flight originates elsewhere than your normal base, pay for uniform, pay for license renewals and OPC etc etc???? All this will happen if you don't start changing your attitude a bit. I know it can be very frustrating being unemployed, but please have a little patience!!!

ant1 4th Jun 2007 22:22

Be the change
Be the change you want to see in the aviation indiustry.

Jannik23 7th Jun 2007 06:34

I had 3 yrs of patience until I realised that the bank still wanted their money back even if I did not have a flying job - so I decided that something had to happen - in those 3 ýears all I could get was 60 hrs of aerial photography - so watching guys straight from school getting jobs with a typerating I decided to go for it as well -
Where I come from GA is dead and no one will hire you if you have 250 hrs and no rating - and hard to get hrs without a job - I COULD pay for the hrs myself by why should I - I have to pay oor my own rating later anyway - so went straight for the rating - never had intentions of becoming an instructor ( think instructors should be people who WANT to instruct not just to build hrs quickly)
Before 9/11 when everything was good you more or less just needed 700-1000 hrs to get a job - no longer - Airlines prefer a guy with 250 hrs and typerating over a guy with 800 hrs and no typerating -
I did my rating and not surprised I had 2 jobinterview-offers 6 weeks after I got my rating -
Im sorry to tell you but the industry seems to have changed to the fact that you no longer just need to pay for your Frozen ATPL - but also your rating. Hopefully it will change - but im not spending more years waiting for it to happen already spent 3 yrs.
happy flying

Pstatic 9th Jun 2007 14:25

To Jannik23

I definately see your point. Waiting 3 years is enough.
So how is it going for you danish guys at pegasus?! What are your prospects when the charter season ends, going to ryan or what?!

Warlock1 8th Jan 2008 10:10

Does anyone have any update as to when the next LT is starting? Any feedback wrt what 'Pegasus standarts' are?

trncrd 8th Jan 2008 11:33

New LT course
The nearest date for the Line Trn is 21st of Jan.

daf 16th Jan 2008 21:40

Anybody knows when the next course for PGS is starting?

I was told it would be either February or March. Anyone with more details?

And how many are going?



trncrd 17th Jan 2008 06:29

Next Course
Yes I have also been informed that the next course will be in Feb or March.

daf 17th Jan 2008 06:52

Are you considering taking the course or are you signed up and read to go.....??

have you been to the asessment? And do you know what it consists of? Where can I find more info about the company?

trncrd 17th Jan 2008 07:14

You can check their site www.flypgs.com or send your CV to [email protected]. They send you detailed info about the course and prices. Then you are automatically on their list to contact you for their next course.
I have heard from former pilots (also in the forum) that at the assessment they check your basic flying skills, not with failures etc.

daf 17th Jan 2008 10:48

trncrd are you also going??

trncrd 17th Jan 2008 10:52

I may not be able to attend the courses at those dates maybe near summer.

CPAM00 19th Jan 2008 12:35

What are Pegasus' minimums for applying?

zakka 21st Jan 2008 16:43

What are Pegasus' minimums for applying?
That you pay them enough money!!!

trncrd 22nd Jan 2008 13:02

from the reply I have got: valid JAA license (CPL/IR), valid medical and passport, Frozen ATPL

trncrd 23rd Jan 2008 13:52

new course
They have contacted a friend of mine:
The new course will be on Feb 11th, and the prices are more reasonable....
For your info ;)

daf 23rd Jan 2008 14:46

I have also heard that it will be the 11. will someone join it? I will go there the 31 of jan. for assesment. But it is not long time in advance they give us.

trncrd 23rd Jan 2008 14:54

new course
I wish you luck for your assessment
after your visit inform us about your opinions so we can plan too
Yes it is short notice but everything changes so fast in aviation and since they are a charter company at the same time their schedule changes all the time
That's why they decide to open a course all of a sudden
I have a friend who used to fly for them
He says they called him suddenly too
He wasnt expecting it, i guess its just luck;)

daf 26th Jan 2008 07:40


This friend? SO he did fly for them and they called him in for the summer or what?

He doesn't have another job now?

What does he say about PGS? Does he like it or what?

Hi DC-8.

Im going very soon to a screening in Ístanul for Pegasus.

Can you tell me a little about how the tests are? I was told that there is an assesment, interview and english exam....



DC-8 27th Jan 2008 19:39

Hi daf!

The screening process is quite easy. I had 2 English exams (computer based and written test, the last one with some aeronautical questions as well), English interview with the Training Manager (5 mins. aprox, very easy going), personality test and sim assesment. The sim. was also very easy. The instructor helped me a lot with everything. I had a visual traffic pattern, some step turns (60º) and visual landing (15 mins).

Good luck!

trncrd 28th Jan 2008 11:29

My friend worked for them. He is now employed in Europe.
He was happy but his contract ended at the end of summer season.
He says the assessment is not something we should worry about like DC-8 says. If you are good enough, honest and sincere in your attitude you can be selected.
Good luck,

diamond1 4th Feb 2008 11:54

Hi guys/gals is anyone on the TR course on the 11th Feb?? Im looking into it now, are there any hidden charges? Whats the quality of living like? Anybody who has trained there and/or done some line hours id be keen to hear from you.


daf 8th Feb 2008 20:33

yes im back. I passed the screening and are going to start on monday.

I have alot to do now. Pack my stuff and fix alot of things. Thats why havent answered until now.

I know 3 people who went last year. They liked it. I am not expecting it to be easy, so i can be positively surprised... We are 4 guys to do the course.

Will take around 6 weeks as far as i know. Will keep u posted on how it is. Are going to stay at SAS radisson hotel during the course with a guy from Rome and we will have dun i think.

It is alot of money, but a kickoff to the carrier.

i signed up for 200 linetraining hours, and will hope to finish them in june. Hope they need me for the rest of the summer also. Other companys might need me aftewards then. I hope.


IRISHPILOT 8th Feb 2008 21:51


I was with PGS many years ago as a contractor. there were many people going through the same programme as you and some through Eaglejet.

A course started mid February will end at the end of March. If your CAA is as quick as mine, it will take approx. 3 days to hold your licence endorsement in hands. Add the days needed for the auxillary courses, and it is mid May. You will then be rostered from the start of the next roster, which begins on the 1st of June. Depending on instructor availability, you will be flying between 40 and 65 hours per month. You will be let go when the high season is over all over Europe.

If you signed up for 200 hours of line training, this is not what you will get (that's not a bad thing): much over 100 hours of line training is pretty much unheard of and unlikely to be necessary. So you will be doing more hours after that for the last month or so, up to 105 or so under Turkish regulations, if I remember correctly.

Good points: nice people, good quality of instructing if you put in the effort. Excellent sim. They will let you copy as much software as you want: CBT for classic and NG, Jeppview, etc. Very varied flying in well maintained aircraft, possibly based in Algeria or Jeddah. Possibly AYT or IST too, I was in Algeria.

Istanbul is an amazingly beautiful city, lots to do and see. Nice hotel. Make the most out of it and have fun!

cheers IP

PS: this is many years ago, things may have changed since then.

daf 9th Feb 2008 11:55

The groundcourse is scheduled to last almost a month starting on monday. Then we will go in sim. Dont know where it is going to be.

I hope to be placed in Antalya, but other base is in Istanbul. Not bad. Im not hoping for the summer contract, but it would be nice. They seem very friendly and I know other people who did the course last year. They were all offered summercontracts. We are only 4 on this course. So I hope it will be to my advantage.

The working permit and all, will be handelded by PGS in the begining of the course. And we will be rated on either NG or CL. And then diff. for either CL or NG. It will be a good experience. I am hoping by being myself and being open, that they will like me and vice versa. Dont know when they will start the next course.


SeattlePilot 11th Feb 2008 09:01

PGS doesn't do Algeria anymore. The planes will be busy flying from/to Turkish destinations in the summer time. I am sure you guys won't last until the end of the summer season (you will get many hours during the summer time).
I think they will need you this summer. Lots of guys are interviewing with TK this week and next. You should expect to fly a lot because mostly F/Os are going to quit soon if they get hired by TK soon.
To give you an idea one of the most senior F/Os has a hire date of jan 2005 ish..

Get in , fly , get out. works for both parties..

daf 1st Mar 2008 20:59

I am now in the middle of the TR. Everything is goign well and I am positivly surprised about PGS. Hope to fly alot this season with them. They promised us a contract if we will be above the standard. Just have to move on if they wont offer us the contract. It is not the end of the world... Nice guys and good athmosfere that is what I have experienced until now. Been here since the 10th of feb. Going to Amsterdam CAE to do the SIM in a weeks time.

just_another_pilot 5th Mar 2008 08:41

Hi everyone..

I am invited to the assessment on the 16th, heard there would be someone else flying out from stansted..

whatI noticed was that there was like 6 months of no posts on this thread..

is that coz they were not doing the TR or..??..

any update regarding the assessment would be :ok:.

and if anyone is going out also on the 16th.. let us know..

IRISHPILOT 5th Mar 2008 09:22


where did you look?! there are over 20 replies on this post during the last 6 months, including some informative ones.

Good luck with the assessment, which is really hard to fail if you have the money. Enjoy Istanbul! IP

just_another_pilot 5th Mar 2008 19:11

Its just that there is a big gap between june 07 and jan 08...

Thanx alot..

Are u doing the TR now by any chance??

Pilot Positive 14th Mar 2008 19:01

The details...
Does anybody know of or who have themselves completed their contracted number of hours with Pegasus and gone on to work for another airline??? Any contacts will be helpful...

Also: What has been the usual number of hours for completion of line training? What kind of sign off and follow up report can you expect?

Thanks for any useful info :ok:

EpsilonVaz 27th May 2008 22:51

Does anyone have any new info about Pegasus?

Do people get employed with other airlines after their TR+line training if they don't get a summer contract?


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