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sam34 16th Dec 2005 20:17

employment for french ? help me

i am new in this forum.
I am a french student in ATPL in the south of France so sorry for my english.
I'm 20 years, and wish to become an airline pilot like you!
Why I am here?

I am afraid...because I'm studing ATPL but in France the employment is very bad...
most students pilots are in unemployment after the course CPL/IR.

The company AIR FRANCE is the only who recruits many people aproximately 200 by year.
But every year 500 students pilots are formed and 1700 pilots are in unemployement actually however they get CPL/IR MCC sometimes with QT 737, ATR, Focker etc...

In france, we often hear that in england the situation of aviation is good, and for exemple for find work in the restauration, barman it's very easy if we speak a little english. You have good reputation. :ok:

I wonder if with a JAA ATPL (but French in fact! ) a french can become an airline pilot in england ? How is the employment in reality ?

You'll see my message in this forum, because I am very interested by UK, I Like english, and I would like working as Flight dispatcher, or cabin crew if I don't become pilot after my course.

than you very much


KrazyKraut 16th Dec 2005 21:15

Thanks to JAA-standardisation, there is no reason why you can't, in principle, get a job in England or another JAA country with a French licence. During the golden days of cadet sponsorship, even BA selected into its Trainee Pilot Programme quite a few Europeans whose first language isn't English.

But herein lies the key - if you attend an interview with an English airline, your language skills must obviously be at a high level - you need to fit in the organisation.

You didn't say at what stage of your training you're at, but if you are doing the ATPL theory now, a good idea might be to go to a UK FTO (training provider). You'd get used to flying to UK procedures, and brush up on your language skills as well.

Don't forget, with a JAA licence, there are many other options open to you (in addition to France and the UK).

Good luck,


sam34 16th Dec 2005 21:39

thank's for your replie!

I am studying ATPL theory.
I know with a JAA licence we can working in a JAA country, but do you believe that the companies privilegie their nationals ?

mad_jock 17th Dec 2005 00:09

The famous country that does that is your own.

There are many french pilots working in the UK for UK airlines.

And usually they are the ones which get most wound up with Air France when they do thier thing and bugger everyone else.


powdermonkey 17th Dec 2005 07:48


There should really be no problem, I am half French but have been living in Ireland 28 years, so English has essentially been my first language. I am pretty sure there are other french companies, regional etc., but some options you could look at are
CityJet, which has plenty of french staff, and obviously low cost airlines like Ryanair who employ al over Europe. Get comfortable working with the English language and you will have the same chance as everyone else!!
Best of luck and Vive la France!!!

sam34 17th Dec 2005 10:58


"The famous country that does that is your own "
yes, I agree...

ok I miss it more than to still work my English !

Crivens 19th Dec 2005 13:20

By the far the best way to improve your language skills is to live in a country where they speak it.

As KK says, think about doing some of your training in the UK. Get a job in a bar or restaurant to supplement your earnings and get yourself a British girlfriend. That way you'll learn lots of important English phrases like, "Where were you last night?", "No, there's nothing the matter with me" and "Who the hell is Veronique?".:O

wbryce 19th Dec 2005 17:25

try AF first and enjoy the croissants and red wine...

If not, we...(the UK), will give you a job! :}

sam34 19th Dec 2005 17:53

ye of course!

But you are lucky because you don't need learning english lol it is the language of aviation! but us, little frenchies, we must get a fluent english! so it's dificult, we have to go abroad etc...
So, it is asked us to travel in UK, and look for work abroad and no only in France.
Air France is the only company who recruits!
Ok, we have Regional, Britait, but piston is needed (i don't know how you say "piston" in english sorry, it is when a person help you to find work)

If I fail Air France, I'm going to see you! no problem.:D

flying_sinclair 19th Dec 2005 18:09

Very interesting post... I did not know, that the job conditions are so well in the UK. I knew from a German board that British Airways does not recruit any pilots at the moment, so I thought that there is as much unemployment as is France or Germany.

I hope that the opportunities for Germans in the UK are the same like those of the French :)

Do you think that it is useful to start directly the flight training in the UK after may Abitur (similar to British 3-A-Level).
Could there be abilities to do a job besides the training ?

@ SAm34 Sorry that I ask my questions in this Topic, I hope it is okay for you. If not I`ll start a new topic.

sam34 19th Dec 2005 18:24

no problem, I 'm not the webmaster lol

In fact, the employment is no very good in UK but better than FRance, is sure!

Do you know how many companies are there in UK ?? aproximately 31, and you can add the Irish companies!
In France the famous companie are AF, Regional and Britair...
In UK they get lot of " Low Cost", in france no.
the probabilite to make you employ is better in UK, I think. I don't say that the unemployment doesn't exist, but in any case, the rate of unemployment in UK is 3% and in France 10%!
for some people to try Air France is them last chance, because the formation is too expensive.
it is necessary to be flexible.

But I would say, that the aviation in the world is not in a very good situation.
Fo exemple in US, lot of companie lay off pilots...

to do a course in UK is very good, but lot of people in France say that the weather in UK it is not terrible, so the course is expensive. We must pay the travel too, etc...

flying_sinclair 19th Dec 2005 19:08

okay, i must admit that is was a littlbe bit to optimistic that the situation is very good :)

I really know the problem you mentioned from Germany. We have also got only one Airline which recruits her own Pilots, the Lufthansa, but the chance to graduate there is almost 4% :(. I think that is comparible to the requirements of Air France.

Although we got the "Low-Cost" Airlines , which are strongly developening now a times, I think we got about 2000 unemployed Airbus-Pilots in Germany. As you also mentioned one must be very flexible to fulfiil his dream.

Formation is also very expensive.

If I would do a course in the UK it would only be possible if i got a job beside to financiate it.

I heard that Air France also takes foreigners for their Cadet programme, but you must speak french fluently, but i only know about 100 words after 5 years learning french :)

wbryce 19th Dec 2005 19:10

I wouldn't assume the job market in the UK is peachy...I think its the experienced pilots that are like gold dust presently...

There will be lots of unemployed UK pilots that will agree with me and say employment in the UK is still very competative like anywhere else you go.

If anyone from the UK wants to fly in other foreign countrys, then generally we need to be proficient in their native lanauge too...i.e. Holland, Czech Republic. I dont know if this is true for France / Spain / Germany etc.

sam34 19th Dec 2005 19:16

I would like to do the course in UK too, but I wonder how to refund the bank, because even thought, you get a job, you must pay the rent of the house...
And it was said to me that the rent in UK, is very expensive, the life is more expensive, so I have to think about it...

scroggs 20th Dec 2005 07:08

I knew from a German board that British Airways does not recruit any pilots at the moment, so I thought that there is as much unemployment as is France or Germany.
Complete and utter rubbish! British Airways have hired over 140 pilots in the last year, and need considerably more next year. Easy Jet needs a similar number - maybe more - and Virgin Atlantic will recruit over 100 pilots next year. Most other UK airlines report similar stories. Almost all UK airlines are making a good profit. The employment situation doesn't get much better than this! That's why so many non-UK pilots are trying to get jobs here...


hotelmodemetar 20th Dec 2005 10:36

Bonjour tout le monde!

Sam34, you can also try Airlinair, it is not the best airline of the world :yuk: , but maybe they can take you for a 6 months contract, if you are desesperate.
for the rest i agree with you, if you want to join Britair, CCM or Regional, the salary and working conditions are excellent, BUT, BUT you will need a tremendous contact :E

Regarding germans here, can anybody tell me if you need to speak German in order to fly with CONTACT AIR ? i am an ATR rated pilot, and i dont speak german! ( i only can say "ish liebedish" to the nice german ladies :cool: )

Good luck all, and mery chrismas!

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