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BongleBear 14th Sep 2005 08:57

CTC Holding Pool
just about to fill in form for ctc atp programme.
it says that if you're in a holding pool then you'd get picked up by an airline and have an interview- would this be the same interview that anyone can get, or is there no sim check for example? if its the case that they will send you to an interview along with all the other low hour fATPL's is it worth it?

b bear

CAT3C AUTOLAND 14th Sep 2005 21:02

I think you should research CTC a little more.

If you get onto the CTC Wings program, part four of the selection process is the Airline Qualification Course (AQC). This course is a JOC and MCC. On successful completion of the AQC you then go into the hold pool. When I was there last month for stage 3, we were told that persons who were successful at this stage would go straight onto the AQC, and then onto the B757 type rating course to then go on and work for Thomson Fly. So, you were in and out of the hold pool pretty dam quickly!

With regard to the interview, we were told by CTC, that some airlines don't even ask to see the candidates, they consider the selection process at CTC to be adequate to select the right people for the job. Some airlines have candidates along for an informal day prior to training, but no interview grilling or simulator checks.

Take your time with the form, and make sure you fill it out in your best hand writing :D.

BongleBear 15th Sep 2005 12:29

cheers, sounds alright! wish i hadnt used tipex on that part though...!

I think you should research CTC a little more
thats actually why i actually posted in the first place. but thanks anyway.

CAT3C AUTOLAND 15th Sep 2005 20:43

Check out there website, there is some information on there.


jimbo804 16th Sep 2005 12:19


A bit off the subject, but anyway. I have just made it through the CTC wings selection process and am still unclear about the living situation out in New Zealand. Are meals provided for the cadets out there training.


scallaghan 21st Sep 2005 19:23

The 60K Bond

I was reading the CTC Wings details and noticed the 60K bond which maybe passed onto a employer such as Thomson, if you were offered employment.

Does anyone know if you already have a JAA PPL with 150 hours, that this bond is reduced?

I am assuming this is for someone going from beginning to end.....

Does anyone know what the selection process was like?

I have been accepted for the second stage which is the £164.00 pounds day of assessments.

Do they interview you and ask about previous flying experience etc and evidence of the class 1, log book and other qualifications along with possible ground school?

The reason I ask the above, is that I have 150 hours, class 1 and am in a position with Bristol GS doing my module 1 brush up course shortly.





Alex Whittingham 21st Sep 2005 20:06

You need to talk to CTC. From memory they credit you with the PPL and pick your training up from that point. I don't know how they would deal with your progress on the ATPL course. In the worst case they would perhaps just tell you to stop studying 'till the rest of your course caught up with you.

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