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papazulu 9th Sep 2005 20:15

Intercockpit selection process
Hello everybody.

I kindly ask to the mod to be patient if this post is not in the right place.It should be in the FI & FE section but I believe it deserves a bit of attention and the wannabe forum is just right!

I applied to Intercockpit FI selection and I got their application form for the pre-selection. I don't want to dive deep into experience or kind of place it could be but I really want a job like that, so whenever they give me the opportunity...However advices are very welcome!

Does anyone know how their interviews are? From the file I got it sounds very airline-oriented not easy at all...
Anyone out there who went there before?

Thanks to those who can help.


Left Wing 11th Sep 2005 07:56

Stay away! from those amatures! Go to a local flt school and do your own type rating after that. Save a lot of money, besides their training is not that great anyway.

I agree the website and other stuff is very impressive, but beyond that its rubbish!

Carter123 11th Sep 2005 13:23

@ Left Wing:

Have you had any negative experiences with InterCockpit? Or do you have sinply no idea what you are talking about? I would say the second one fitts better.....
InterCockpit is a very professional flying school, besides the Lufthansa Flight Training and the RWL perhaps the best in Germany.
Shure there are more "good" schools in Germany where you can (with much luck) get an airline job, but the opportunities and the chances on these 3 schools are the highest.....!
You will be trained there very good an in a professional way to make the transition to the right seat of an airliner as little as possible!
If the training there would be realy that bad so why should Fly Niki take for the second time more than 10 graduates directly on the A320??? And they did!
So do me a favour and please collect first information about what you like to talk and not simply tell us what a friend of your friends brother told him 3 years ago. And please don´t get me wrong, I don´t want to critisize you personally, I just wanted to correct these wrong impressions!

I think you will have to pass the so called GAPF-Test and then a personal Interview.

I suggest to visit:


Have a nice day and please don´t look at my english, I´m not a native one;)

papazulu 12th Sep 2005 19:56


Three bars rated post and two opposed replies already! Interesting...

Left wing.

I also wonder what went wrong with those guys. However I just want state what is obvious: there is not such a thing as the perfect school. I visited Flighsafety and Comair in USA, great places and still there was someone complaining. Different situations and aspectatives, I guess...I'll keep your advice as a amber light, anyway.


Former IC student? Or FI, maybe...Well they are looking for the moon, anyway! A friend of mine with 1400+ hrs instruction given, TP experience and already ATPL was turned down so, I guess my CV must be in CFI trash can already...Lucky me if I'll get a polite turn down!

My considerations are maybe useless but still I wonder where this journey will take us. It seems we never hold enough paperwork to start making experience. Of course, when the ratings are appropriate there is no way to gain experince...

Like dogs bitting their tails...

Blue skies!!!


PS. No worries for you English, mate! I am not a morėthertongue too ans, maybe my German would be even worse!!!

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