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skyman68 13th Aug 2004 18:59

where are the jobs?????????????
do not know about you, for what I am concerned, I have sent many CV all over EU, and still nothing. no job at all, and many of my friends are in the same situation.

I have lot of hours, and they ask more.I have to be a captain but no company want employ pilots.
If you have 200 hours, I wish you good luck, because I do not see any futur for low time pilot unless you are willing to spent a fortune to log time and pay your own qualification without any promess of the job .

so what is the best way to get a job, to continue to beg for a job?
to build time in a cessna 150, to buy a type on airbus or space shuttle , or sleep with a captain's daughter who owns the company???

If you consider to become an airline pilot, please, do not even think, it s very expensive and at the end, guys like me who continue TO PAY to fly , is simply because we have spent enough money and we can not go back or sell our license.

Pilot Pete 13th Aug 2004 19:16


There are plenty of jobs going in the current market here in the UK, for all experience levels. Just looking back over your various posts it would appear you have a very negative attitude (perhaps stems from your 12 years of flying with no job?), be VERY careful that this is not being communicated in your applications and CV...........

Just a thought.

Have you been asked to attend ANY airline selections over the years? If not, then I would seriously recommend trying to find out where you are going wrong, because you MUST be doing something wrong to get no interest whatsoever in the current market.


Doodlebug 13th Aug 2004 20:55

Hey, Skyman!

Try NOT sleeping with the daughter of the captain who owns the company!


Luke SkyToddler 13th Aug 2004 22:47

Echo Pilot Pete - there *are* plenty of airline jobs going all across Europe at the moment.

I can't offer you much advice skyman except to tell you a story that I was once told by a very very senior pilot in Air New Zealand, involved with the recruitment process ...

"We wouldn't call someone for interview if we didn't know they could do the job. What we are really interested in, is the guy an @rsehole or not, can I sit next to him for 14 hours across the Pacific without him p!ssing me off?"


skyman68 15th Aug 2004 18:39

maybe i have a bad attitude, i do not know, but I am not the only guy who say"where are the f...g jobs"

10 years on small plane, sick of small planes.
Hope after summer the situation will be better for all of us who are looking for a flying job.

CAT3C AUTOLAND 15th Aug 2004 21:44


What are you going to do when you have 10 years experience of flying large planes, will you be sick of those too?

willow_79 16th Aug 2004 07:27

Good question autoland!

eagerbeaver 16th Aug 2004 08:04

PP - that is a little harsh. For example i have had one interview and a few other things in the past couple of years - i would love to know where i am going wrong. For the record i am not a complete kn*b head like skyman68.

YYZ 16th Aug 2004 11:55

For the record i am not a complete kn*b head like skyman68.
I know he's a bit negative but that seems a bit harsh?

skyman68 16th Aug 2004 16:25

again, today 5-10 negative answers.
I do not know you guys how you make to be invited to an interview, Please, tell me how you do to get a job???

you look much smarter than me, ...

GlueBall 16th Aug 2004 21:33

popular job site

fireflybob 16th Aug 2004 22:28

Truth is the pilot market is like the lottery - you have to be in it to win it.

Just keep applying to every company that takes your fancy. They all have their own peculiar ways of selecting pilots so just do your homework and do your best if you get an interview.

At the moment there are plenty of pilots chasing a fewer number of jobs but barring any major catastrophes this will change before long and then the boot will be on the other foot for a change.

Good Luck!

unablereqnavperf 16th Aug 2004 22:29

suggest you try and improve your english especially if you are looking for a job in the UK.

You may also look at your very negative attitude because this will shine through in your application letters.

You may also find that joining an airline working in ops will help to get you noticed. Just remember you are competing for every school boys dream job and the competition is very strong.

You have to do something that makes you stand out from the rest and be positive, however from your posts are you really sure you want to be a pilot in the first place!

piperindian 17th Aug 2004 13:45

actually, there are very few jobs for low time pilots at the moment
Its no secret that airlines are still going belly up at the moment
Some US airlines like Delta/continental will have to file for bankruptcy soon if petrol prices stay so high, Alitalia also and it received recently an aid package from the italian government.
I am sure we will witness see some interesting moments in the US and Europe in the following months.
Most financial analysts forecast the oil barrel to stay above 40 USD for light crude. This has a very negative effect on airline profitability (and hiring).

I dont know why PP is posting such nonsense about plentiness of jobs for low-time pilots.
You can find a job with 3000 hours jet but low-time piston at the moment does not lead anywehere

skyman68 18th Aug 2004 09:02

apparently Piperindian has a true conception of the reality.And he is the only one who do not tell BS on this board...like
people telling me I should improve my english.

I wonder how I passed all my ATPL exams in England and with a better score than the average in england.English is not my first language and as you can see I can post on this website(can you do that on a french website like I do here ???).

Airline like people speaking several languages, not like british people who can not even speak french correctly or any other foreign language!How do you want get a job if you speak only english????when german, french, spanish and italian are some European languages.Why airline websites ask how many languages you speak!please do your self a favor,learn french!becaue french is the best language in the world!(enough about languages)

Actually there is no job on this market, speacially for low time pilot.I have sent many CV all over Europe, just basic CV and like my friends who are looking for jobs, WE do not find anything.
So I am not the only one to not find a job and there is NOTHING to do withmy attitude. so please, kids, stop to say stupidities, ...

once again, where are the f...g job?, where is this shortage of pilot , where are the pilots who suppose to be retired.

what the hell is going on here?

jaarrgh 18th Aug 2004 09:54

I think that it is largely irrelevant whether there are jobs out there, as far as you are concerned, I doubt if you will ever be offered one. The way you reply to people giving advice is no doubt the same on this forum as in an aircraft. I just can't understand why you need to be so aggressive about it. I also can't imagine working with you.
If you want an answer to your question the try removing the 'f***ing' from it. Just a thought...

salapilot 18th Aug 2004 10:36

It's always difficult to sense whether someone is being aggressive on forums, just seems to me Skyman is sounding off about the frustration of the job market. He's not the first and certainly wont be the last for several years to come. I qualified in 2000 and did my training on the back of the so called "Pilot shortage". Despite all my attempts I'm still searching and wont give up.

Whichever way you want to look at it, this industry is a very closed one and the ones who do get jobs by just sending there CV's in, are few and far between. Let's face it, unless you network, get a recommendation, do a instructor rating or pay for a type rating, your chances of landing that first position are very remote.

Skyman can I suggest you go on one of these interview courses ie AOT. It may just help you that little bit in your outlook.


tom24 18th Aug 2004 11:04

Come on guys, this blokes obviously a bit of a clown. He must be. He comes here moaning about his 2,000 hours and the fact he still cannot get a job. People out there are getting jobs with 250, 500, 1,000, 1,500 hours, so maybe you should analyse yourself a bit closer.

Come on skyman, stop coming on here and yapping on about how hard it is. Go and put yourself about and make your face known. Sitting at your PC all day, everyday isn’t going to help you.

Also, I suggest you change your name from skyman68 to groundman0 as the former is a bit misleading.

Seven Squared 18th Aug 2004 11:49

Skyman (Ronchonner, piperindian, gorky etc.),


You’ve been polluting this website, in various guises, for at least 3 years now. Pretending to be someone you’re not, making the same tired points about the JAA and lack of jobs.

Why do you do it? Really, why?

Have you nothing better to do; is your life that empty?

Now a lot of people that read the wannabes forums might not have a clue what I’m on about so I’ll explain:

The person that is currently posting as Skyman68 and piperindian is the same person. He has been posting here since 2001, perhaps earlier. He posted under various names, many of which have been banned. Here is a list of some of them:


[Click on the profiles and then on “search for all posts by this user” and you will see what I mean]

His original posts were quite obviously wind ups. But after a while he probably got bored of having to create a new email address to re-register every time he was banned, so he changed his style. It’s a little more subtle these days. But the same old traits are still there:

His posts are usually riddled with bad grammar, spelling and punctuation.

I’m not sure whether this is deliberate of just lazy, but he is vaguely capable of correcting it. Particularly when he is posting from an alias that claims to for the UK, such as piperindian.

He usually claims to be French.

I actually doubt he is and his French seems to be as bad as his English.

He goes out of his way to criticise the JAA.

He often claims to hold an FAA license and/or an instructor rating. He once claimed to own an FTO too.

He almost always complains about the lack of, or difficulty in getting jobs, particularly for a JAA wannabe.

This is his most consistent point. It has been the recurrent theme in almost all his posts under all his aliases.

For some unknown reason he has been on a crusade to convince people not to become pilots, particularly thought the JAA system. Perhaps he’s a failed wannabe who is can’t stand the thought of other achieving the dream that he could not. I don’t know.

What ever his reasons are, he’s a delusional charlatan with too much time on his hands. Don’t listen to a single word he says.

High Wing Drifter 18th Aug 2004 11:57

I do love listening to Talking Heads...dum dara dum dara dum....

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