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d_devilliers 17th Jul 2004 08:09


I'm recently completed my CPL and am starting the seemingly impossible task of finding a job with 200 hours. Does anyone have any advice on where to look (I'll go anywhere in the world) and how to go about it?? I've thought about trying for the CTC program but I have a Canadian CPL and, of course, converting to JAA licenses will cost about $14 000, so that's out. I would really appreciate any words of wisdom from anyone who has been successful in finding a job.


1McLay 17th Jul 2004 08:40

Hi d_devilliers

Its not as easy as one might think is it! I have a friend who got his CPL here in New Zealand and went to Botswana and flew 206's on air transport ops. He got his 206 rating before he went however. Down here in NZ the Government wont let you work if it appears that you could be taking work from fellow NZ citizens. However if you had in mind a specialist area such as "floatplane driver" they may allow you to do some work. I know of a person who recently did this for about 18 months, although it wasn't a lot of flying it was definately a foot in the door to bigger things. Also here in NZ, young Agriculture pliots are hard to come by. I would be certain there is a demand for this work which is notorious for its higher than average risks. They start you off as a "loader driver" then on to flying. Its a tough process but the rewards are fairly good compared to other areas of aviation. One area I'm not to clear on but similar to the Ag work is aerial mustering in Western Australia. Other areas to look into would be parachute flying or glider towing. Are you sure the people who trained you haven't got any work for you?

A few other points is that when you do get a job don't expect it to pay the bills straight away! Working your way up the ladder and getting your name in all the right places is what its all about and it will come slowly to begin with but stick with it mate ;)


tonker 17th Jul 2004 20:14

So in New Zealand you can't take a job as a Brit if it takes away possible employment from a native!!! mmmmmmmmmmm Kiwi and Aussie accent constantly on radio, large back log of indigenous pilots mmmmmmmmm

Gearupandorrf 17th Jul 2004 21:08

From an Aussie working in the UK:
G'Day Tonker!
Mate, lets set something straight about Aussie/ Kiwi pilots working in the UK and Europe.

The simple fact of the matter is that we are here on visas that enable us to live and work here.

The simple fact is that this is a throwback of the Empire that your native country built over centuries.

The simple fact of the matter is also that YOU can go and work as a pilot in Australia/ New Zealand, provided that YOU have the appropriate visa.

In fact take my case. If it wasn't for my Wife (with her direct UK ancestry), I would not be progressing my career in this fine country of yours. I don't have direct UK ancestry, and therefore no avenue to work here without her.

Lose the mindset that any old Aussie/ Kiwi can rock up on your doorstep and start working. It just aint so- in fact we had to jump through MANY hoops to qualify to come here.

Lets turn this around- if you were to marry an Aussie or Kiwi, or if you happened to have immediate family there who were willing to sponsor you, you would be in the same position.

In fact, I'll mention your attitude the next time I'm talking with friends and family way back home in Melbourne. Their attitude should be interesting to guage- CONSIDERING THAT MANY OF THEM ARE BRITISH EXPATS!

Do I feel threatened that they are taking jobs away from Aussies at home? Not on your life. And there's a large backlog of qualified Pilots who can't get work at home either. But then again, that's an Aussie midset for you.

So tell me Tonker- do you resent the many British pilots who are working all over the Middle East, The Far East and Australia/ New Zealand? (Emirates, Qatar, Cathay Pacific, Dragonair, Silkair, Royal Brunei, QANTAS etc. etc.).

Please let me know!

The sooner you realise that the marketplace for Pilots is a global one, the better for you. If you feel disenfranchised by the lack of opportunity in your own country- do yourself a favour, get out and go somewhere where the opportunities are. Trust me- IT'S WORKING FOR ME!

I'm so sick and tired of this narrow- minded attitude!


Your Aussie mate,

yyzdub 18th Jul 2004 12:40

Gearup, well said...

I get pretty sick and tired of hearing the winging and moaning of people complaining how foreigners are taking their jobs, etc.

To those people out there with that mindset - do you have any idea how hard it is for us to get these visa, etc. It's not nearly as easy as you think. Further, did you ever consider that maybe these 'foreigners' may in fact have National parents and they were raised elsewhere entitling them to citizenship or maybe, hey here's a good one - that they are married to a National entitling them to citizenship or even better maybe they've met the residency requirement and now they are entitled to citizenship all equating to the RIGHT to live and work in the EU

So, just because you hear a foreign accent on the radio doesn't mean that person stole a job from a national - they may in fact be a national themselves. I'd hazard to guess that the majority probably are.

Anyway, that's my two sense...

tonker 18th Jul 2004 12:50

You make a good, and as far as i can see a valid piont. I apologise.

Regards Tonker

Gearupandorrf 18th Jul 2004 20:41

No worries Tonker!
Hi Tonker,

Many thanks for your apology, it is gratefully accepted. I recognise that it takes guts and maturity to do what you have done on such a public forum.

Best of luck with your future flying endeavours, it's a very small industry so hopefully I'll bump into you "out there".

Cheers mate,

GeeBeeZee 20th Jul 2004 00:27

Gearupandorrf check your pm :P

d_devilliers 22nd Sep 2004 00:41

Hey thanks for the advice 1McLay! As it turns out, a friend of mine knew someone who is flying 206's in Botswana and, with my family in SA, it's looking pretty promising. He told me you have to be there in the flesh to get a job and you have to be willing to stick around for a while and hope for the best. Apparently, it's a great place for wannabees to find a job, in case anyone is interested.
Leaving in 2 weeks. Can't wait!


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