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Big Red ' L ' 3rd Mar 2001 19:23

Tattoos and Airlines
I have a tattoo on my hand. Its my nickname from the school 'gang' i was in and got it done when i was 14. I also have a very small dot on each knuckle. I know they are naff and tacky but i was young and under the influence of Merrydown (cider)..!! Whats the score with airlines and tatts. I have had no problems in the past and i am in a really well paid responsible position now as those of you who know me will know. Also i am a bit afraid of meeting new ppruners at the gatbash because of them. First impressions and all that. (But i am a good egg really.. :) ) Obviously, removal of them is the thing but i dont want to get that done yet just in case they are not a problem.
Anyone know the situ...?

Its not the fall that kills you...Its the sudden stop.....

Sensible 4th Mar 2001 05:36

The fact is that a tatoo indicates ones class!! ie: tatoos are considered working class and some may not be comfortable with that!! But then some may be!!

Now shoot me down!

Jetdriver 4th Mar 2001 06:01

Not sure what your tatoos actually say "Big Red L", but that might have some bearing on the reaction ?

My advice if you are attending an interview is to consider covering them cosmetically. I appreciate these things don't change you as a person, but they might raise an eyebrow.

Beyond that you have to live with them, and anyone else will have to accept it.

Naughty Boy 4th Mar 2001 06:30

I too have tattoos but not in prominent places. You would only see mine if you went to the same gym as me and used the swimming pool. I can tell you peoples expressions change when they have seen you on the treadmill and then topless in the pool. Everyone knows that tattoos are a personal preference but most people will view visable tatts with disdain. I too would also advise you to cover them up to get past any interviews you may have. As the saying goes "you can't judge a book by its cover" but in reality we all do, even me.

Buffy Summers 4th Mar 2001 09:21

I would say that for interviews its worth covering them - ask your girlfriend/wife/sister/mother for info. A heavy concealer or stage make up could probably cover them for an interview.
Once you have the job, then I wouldn't even mention it, and if the subject comes up you can say you had them when you were employed. Of course, you must check the company regs in case its strictly forbidden. In general I think for pilots it not really a problem although our cabin crew have to cover any tattoos when working.

sandran 4th Mar 2001 11:20

Maybe it's a good thing, imagine the reaction of a rowdy passenger, if the pilot appeared with 'KILL' tattoed on his knuckles.

It could have it's advantages.

Oleo 4th Mar 2001 13:01

If they turn you down for a job because of your tattoo, you will never know the real reason.

I am fairly sure you will be able to get them removed on the NHS but there is sure to be a long waiting list, so best to get your name down now. I think it is quite a quick procedure so you might even be able to go privately.

I would definitely get them removed, they will have a negative affect on your career: from the receptionist at the front desk of the airline, to your first training captain, to the cabin crew passing you your coffee. It will give a bad impression and we all need everything possible going for us in this line of work.

Big Red ' L ' 4th Mar 2001 20:43

Oleo Excellent answer. That has given me a lot to think about.
Does anyone know if the big airlines have any kind of company regs regarding this kind of thing..???

Its not the fall that kills you...Its the sudden stop.....

Bailed Out 4th Mar 2001 20:51

Big Red, Your first day in a shiny new job, you're sat there waiting for the boss and in strolls your captain sporting a nose ring.

Now think about it.........what’s your reaction?

GJB 5th Mar 2001 13:24

Some airlines stipulate 'No Visible Tattoos' Being on your hands, they are almost certainly highly visible.

Perhaps you could wear a pair of white flying gloves?!

Pandora 5th Mar 2001 14:34

BA doesn't like visible tattoss. That said I know several pilots working for them who have tattoos. My advice is use Derma Color medical standard concealer. I was given some by a plastic surgery nurse and it covers up a 14 inch long scar a treat. You can order it at the counter at bigger Boots but you're better off paying a scar clinic to show you how to apply it and get the right colour. I promise they won't be able to see a thing.

timharrison 17th May 2004 17:00

Tattoos and Airlines
Hi everyone,

Quick question for the professionals. I know a few flying instructors with tattoos, would this be a problem with airlines?

DB6 17th May 2004 22:50

It's not on your forehead is it? Doubt it'll matter otherwise (depending on the airline).

GrkPilot 17th May 2004 23:10

Well they might say it will not be a problem, but in the end it will. I know of a Ground Instructor that I had who is full of tattoos who actually told our class that because of them a lot of job's were not given to him. This guy had tattoos visible on his forearms etc. Im sure if you have it in a place none can see it you will be fine, I mean we don't fly naked!! :cool:

Milt 18th May 2004 03:38


Trouble is anyone who goes for Tatts is clearly exhibiting a low IQ and most a predisposition to criminal intent

Wouldn't get a job in my airline or enterprise

Saw one poor kid once who had a dotted line tattooed around his neck and marked Cut Here. Would YOU employ him?

One of the first questions you will be asked is

When did they let you out?

I feel sorry for you, especially if the tatt was done during a bout of inebriation.

timharrison 18th May 2004 06:53

Thanks for your thoughts guys, i suppose that visible ones (forearms, head!, neck etc) could be a bit of a problem .


VFE 18th May 2004 08:34

Trouble is anyone who goes for Tatts is clearly exhibiting a low IQ and most a predisposition to criminal intent
So what do you make of a girlfriend of mine who has 21 tattoos, a BA Hons and an ambition to become an LA police officer then?

As long as the tattoos are not clearly visible at interview you *should* be okay. Many people possess them these days but it's the style and location which is the deciding factor on how they're interpreted. It won't look too good if the pilot walks through the cabin with "love hate" printed on his knuckles..... but a band around the upper arm is unlikely to get too many heart rates racing.

First impressions apparently matter but it would be a seriously shallow interview board who turned down a promising applicant purely because of a simple tattoo but sadly there can be some real anal types in the industry but they're in the minority.


5150 18th May 2004 11:02

Old instructor of mine had two tattos on his forearms of a couple of tigers!

He's now a senior skipper with easyjet.

He just wears long-sleeved shirts if he feels he needs to. That said, it's his plane when the doors are shut so he can do what he likes

GJB 18th May 2004 11:08

A good reason for turning down tattoed applicants is that certain societies find them offensive. eg the Chinese consider a tatoo as a sign of being a gang member.

Self-expression is all very well for the individual, just don't expect everyone else to accept you, just becasue that's the way you want to be and 'it's your right to freely express yourself.'

Personally speaking I don't like them and yes, I would prejudice against a tattoed individual for the reason stated above.

BEagle 18th May 2004 21:21

I cannot believe that anyone seriously contemplating an airline career would even need to ask such a question.

Turn up at interview with a tatoo? F*ck off, get rid of that thing, then we might talk to you.

Same goes for anyone turning up with a faceful of scrap iron.

Don't like being told that? Tough - for every tattoed, pierced yoof trying for a job in the airlines, there'll be dozens more who haven't felt the need for such tribal self-inflicted injuries who will get the job ahead of them.

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