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fesmokie 19th Jul 2002 23:36

Don,t know but there are plenty of aircraft scattered all over the country side that have been shot down, ran out of gas, overshot runways and just about anything you could imagine.Lots of spare parts if you need em:

Engineer 29th Jul 2002 18:54

Latest JAL FE recruitment if you are interested

fesmokie 29th Jul 2002 19:12

Thanx Engineer
Allready applied for it. Thanx again .:p

GlueBall 31st Jul 2002 19:58

Friend of mine got on at Arrow Air at MIA. Word was that new hire classes are already in progress with more classes scheduled for Aug and Sep. It was said that Arrow was expanding its DC8 fleet, requiring qualified Captains, F/Os and F/Es. Don't know what experience levels are required. :cool:

fesmokie 7th Aug 2002 16:21

FE Jobs
Rishworth Aviation is looking for Current and qualified DC-8 FE's for a one year contract in Europe. Contact Robert Finch at www.rishworth.co.nz if your interested. Good Luck ! I left the DC-8 in 1995.... Bummer.

fesmokie 8th Aug 2002 15:41

Have a look on Climb to 350 . DC-8 crews wanted. Current and Qualified only. Good Luck !!

CR2 8th Aug 2002 20:28

Would you please watch the links to to commercial sites; PPRuNe is not here to provide free advertising. I realise that the idea behind this thread is bona fide, so I'm checking with the the top bosses if some kind of exception is going to be made. Ta and good luck.

fesmokie 8th Aug 2002 21:15

Jobs For Us poor and starving FE's ?
Uh..... ok but I'm just trying to help out my brothers as they would me. I'm Sorry... wha wha wha wha wha . I didn't mean it. I guess thats why I'm just an dumb PFE. Did I ever tell you I HATE CAPTAINS !!! Oh sorry.. I just lost my head for a moment. ANY JOBS OUT THERE ????? Can't you tell I'm bored to death. Do you know the difference between a stagecoach driver and the two pilots sitting up front??. Ok I'll go back to sleep.

Obsolete Observer 9th Aug 2002 07:40

Immoderate moderation again..........:p

CR2 9th Aug 2002 08:23

OO: No it ain't. I have rules to follow too.
FE: I've asked for guidance. As a general rule, links to commercial sites are frowned upon; if they want to advertise here, let 'em contact PPRuNe & cough up accordingly.
This one is a bit of a grey area; you may have noticed that the links are still there. They'll stay there until I get the go/no go decision. There is precedent for making an exception.
And just for the record, I mentioned that in my humble opinion they should stay in this instance. So do us a favour, stop slagging off.

DownIn3Green 11th Aug 2002 00:00

Don't know how long you guys have been around, but this forum wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for Cargo Rat2's perserverence it getting it on line, so why don't you give him a break?

FYI, Custom Air Transport is finishing up a class of 6 F/O's and 6 F/E's as I write this...another class in the works...

CAT1 11th Aug 2002 00:08

Flight Engineers should be obscene but not herd.

fesmokie 11th Aug 2002 00:59

"Herd" is for SHEEP
Check your spelling. "HERD" in the Websters Dictionary is defined as" A Flight Engineer who taps you on the shoulder while on the approach to Bogota, the GPWS is makeing all kind of noise and he Calmly says "why are those sheep up here in the clouds?":D

Engineer 11th Aug 2002 05:18


Can tell you are a pilot by the fact that you had to edit an eight word sentence post. God help us all :D :D :D

CAT1 12th Aug 2002 10:53

Well, my cover is blown. I'll miss flight engineers. Who's going to make the coffee? Who's going to come for a beer when the F/O is more intereted in his hotel room than the local sights? I've got used to that extra pair of eyes, even if they are weary and bloodshot.

fesmokie 13th Aug 2002 00:58

I Give UP !!!
Who's going to go to the Bar now with the good old Captain AND TEACH HIM HOW TO SPELL !!!!!!!!!:D :D

Capt PPRuNe 21st Aug 2002 22:53

Fesmokie, please be VERY aware that anyone who ignorantly does ANYTHING that promotes ANY of Neil Robertsons scams will be under close scrutiny here on PPRuNe.

By mentioning the adverts on 350 and other websites where Robertson has been exiled to, only shows me and the other mods on PPRuNe that you have not done your homework about Robertson and his Walter Mitty fantasy land. If you or anyone else wants to give Robertson some free advertising for his fantasy world of 'airline CEO's' then you are NOT going to do it on PPRuNe. I do not allow fraudsters air time on here so be warned.

DownIn3Green 22nd Aug 2002 02:46

Did I miss something?

I strongly agree with the above post from the Captain...

fesmokie 22nd Aug 2002 03:04

My intentions I assure you were not to promote Robertsen but only to raise awarness to all that he is on the prowl once again. I am somewhat ignorant on this mans reputation in the aviation community and by posting the info regarding the add in 350 was only an innocent ploy on my part to perhaps shake up other ppruners to reply to the thread with a little more info about Mr. Robertson so that I and others may not get caught in his web, so to speak. Myself and I'm sure other un-empolyed and desperate crewmembers have received E-Mails from him requesting resumes and licence info and would jump at the chance of an employment offer. So with that said, I apologize if I stepped out of bounds. ;)

rockon tommy 25th Aug 2002 18:41

Fesmokie!! STOP grovelling!! I take it that you are an F.O.!

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