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-   -   47 Classic F/E's (https://www.pprune.org/freight-dogs/436998-47-classic-f-es.html)

porkus 17th Dec 2010 19:32

47 Classic F/E's
If anyone has any past training materials from your F/E ground school you might want to part with, I sure would appreciate it if you would contact me. Thanks

ABO944 18th Dec 2010 18:07

Is it really too difficult to put the 7 before the 47 ??:ugh:

SNS3Guppy 18th Dec 2010 18:21

The thread title sound as though someone is looking for 47 flight engineers, rather than what the original poster is really asking.

dixi188 18th Dec 2010 19:15

Is a "Classic F/E" the one with a roll of speed tape, a can of WD40 and a bottle of 12 year old malt in his bag?:)

fesmokie 18th Dec 2010 19:18

No..that would be a DC-6 FE.:rolleyes:

SNS3Guppy 18th Dec 2010 20:49

In our classics, the FE's aren't issued the roll of duct tape.

They have to buy their own. (and they're grateful...)

fesmokie 18th Dec 2010 21:45

Oh come on Guppy..CKS isn't that bad.:E

411A 19th Dec 2010 00:29

CKS isn't that bad
It always has been, why change now?:}

fesmokie 22nd Dec 2010 14:35

Your just jealous cause your stuck on the 1011 for the rest of your life!! LOL:E

WhalePFE 25th Dec 2010 21:34


Did Connie hurt your feelings at sometime?

411A 26th Dec 2010 01:25

Did Connie hurt your feelings at sometime?
No...however I had several friends there who were screwed when the company was sold to Kittyhawk.
401K's went away, too.

WhalePFE 27th Dec 2010 01:24

Get over it...that was a long time ago. It is a totally different company! If you are not familiar with how things are currently, you should keep your trap shut!! I suggest you gossip on things that you are involved in!!

Old Fella 27th Dec 2010 05:15

Duct tape. They have to buy their own (and they're grateful)
Still got the "lovin" feeling for your F/E's Guppy. BTW, where do you get the time to post 144 times in 28 days? Must be difficult to fit in with your international long haul flying duties!!!!

SNS3Guppy 27th Dec 2010 13:30

I'm home at the moment. Why are you so deeply concerned about my time?

411A 27th Dec 2010 15:04

It is a totally different company!
Crashing at BOG and BRU, engines falling off into lake michigan...different company...I don't think so, sunshine.:}

SNS3Guppy 27th Dec 2010 15:17

There's your problem. You simply don't think.

Do we really need to show your failing in the examples you *think* you just provided?

fesmokie 27th Dec 2010 16:20

And in the far Corner....:}

Old Fella 28th Dec 2010 02:58

Time at Home
SNS3Guppy, I am pleased you are having time at home and whilst I am not in the least concerned about your time I think it would be an opportunity for you to review your response to earlier posts of mine on another thread on "Tech Log" reference "Aircraft with no loss of Oil Pressure Procedure". Your have no reluctance to call others "liars", "trolls" and to generally dismiss any opinion which differs from your own. In your post #29 of 30Nov2010 on the above mentioned thread you wrote;

"The C130 (and L188, for that matter, even though the Electra/P3 does use upside engines) is a bit of a different animal, as it uses a seperate pressurised sump of H-5606 for the propeller; it doesn't use engine oil to control the propeller, or lubricate the gearbox".

My response, in post #30 and later posts, was to point out that the gearbox is indeed lubricated by engine oil which is supplied from the same oil reservoir which supplies the engine lubrication system, albiet the engine and gearbox having independent pressure pumps and scavenge pumps. Initially you ignored my post, however when specifically asked to respond you simply wrote, "You're wrong" and later when I asked you, via a PM, to accept that I am correct you accuse me of "fishing for information". Now is your chance to show me why your assertion that the gearbox on the T56 is not lubricated by engine oil is correct and my assertion that it is is wrong. It is not asking too much to have you accept that, in this instance, you wrote an incorrect comment.

fergineer 28th Dec 2010 03:28

Old Fella......you are of course correct, If I was at home now I could paste the extract for you. If the argument continues for a while and when I get home I will post the relevant facts to back up your case.

Old Fella 28th Dec 2010 04:56

Backing up facts
fergineer Thank you mate, but this is not really about the T56. It is, for me at least, about the fact that Guppy will not ever concede that he may have erred. It is a matter of principle more than what is correct. With ten years on C130's I am sure I can hold my own with Guppy who, it seems, has operated 80 different types/models of aircraft in his career. He also is a rare person who has been a mechanic, an inspector in a depot level maintenance organisation, a F/E and a pilot. Thanks again, but you may as well enjoy your time at home because Guppy will not, I expect, agree that whatever you post is correct if it is not how he sees it.

SNS3Guppy 28th Dec 2010 06:01

SNS3Guppy, I am pleased you are having time at home and whilst I am not in the least concerned about your time I think it would be an opportunity for you to review your response to earlier posts of mine on another thread on "Tech Log" reference "Aircraft with no loss of Oil Pressure Procedure".
Oh, good God. Listen up, you antiquated old nutcase; if you can't keep your comments within one thread, and drop this obsession, it's time to stick you on the ignore list with the other fruitcakes.

You are absolutely obsessed with this issue. I've asked you not to PM. I've quietly encouraged you to shut your yap. The thread in question was shut down at length, in part due to this same stupidity that you pursue. Enough already. This is not the first thread to which you've followed me, yapping like a wounded poodle about the damn engine. Give it a rest, already.

411A 28th Dec 2010 06:56

I've quietly encouraged you to shut your yap.
Hmmm, looks like we have an agitated guppy....:hmm:
Harry Truman said it best....can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.:yuk:

EW73 28th Dec 2010 07:28

Well...as a norm for me in these sorts of disagreements (referring to the T56 reduction g'box, to which I hasten to add, IS lubricated by the same oil as the engine! I had the unfortunate experience one time of having the g'box scavenge pump fail, and the subsequent pumping of the entire engine oil contents into the gearbox, which of course, forced me to shut it down!),
I make a point of asking the question of the opposer:

"How do you want your barley, before or after the horse?"


Old Fella 28th Dec 2010 09:21

Guppy's true colours to the fore
SNS3Guppy. Your outburst is an indication to me, and no doubt others, that you are "rattled" by my continued attempt to get you to admit you erred. Yes you did ask me not to PM you, after my one and only PM, a request I have honoured. You see Sir, this is not about whether or not I know the T56 better than you, IT IS ABOUT A PRINCIPLE. You "namecall" and highlight only those parts of posts which suit your response. Why did you not highlight the pertinent parts. You are, at the very least, incapable of admitting your mistakes and at worst a fraud. Put me on your ignore list if you will, I could care less. Until you find it within yourself to be honest I and others will just dismiss you and your rants. As for me being an "antiquated old nutcase", I think I have been more than fair in seeking to have you address my requests. You see Guppy, no matter what you write, or think, I know I have been correct all along. I also know that if I were shown to be wrong I would admit it was so. As I said, the real issue is your lack of the capacity to accept that you erred which is at the heart of my persuit of an apology. It is a PRINCIPLE, not an OBSESSION.

SNS3Guppy 28th Dec 2010 15:29

Put me on your ignore list if you will, I could care less.
Very well, then. The proper treatment for a stalker:

This message is hidden because Old Fella is on your ignore list.

Hmmm, looks like we have an agitated guppy....
Hardly. That particular poster can't let go, and brings the same obsession to thread after thread, to private messages, and into irrelevant conversations. It's absolutely ridiculous. He missed the point entirely in the original thread, and can't seem to let it go. Moreover, he was wrong to begin with. Producing type certificate data sheets and documentation to establish and prove that fact still didn't do it for him, and more than enough time has been wasted responding to him in the original thread.

I'm certainly not going to validate him by doing it here, there, or elsewhere. He's had his five minutes of fame, and regardless of whatever level of senility drives his passion, I am not obligated to help fuel it every time he pops up with his one-track drive. If he wants to keep it going let him do it by himself. For the present, he's on the ignore list, and I find that an acceptable solution until he quits blathering, shuts up, and finally turns his attention back to the great grandkids, or whatever may float his boat.

dixi188 28th Dec 2010 16:17

Thread Creep in extremis!

Started off with someone asking about manuals, I introduced a bit of humour, and now its a slanging match.

Enough, OK!

fesmokie 28th Dec 2010 18:39

Back to the topic
I do have some stuff for you if you would like to PM me. Just keep in mind that not all the numbers etc. may not be the same as your company's op's specs.

Old Fella 28th Dec 2010 21:46

A Challenge for Guppy and others.
Guppy has put me on his ignore list. My challenge to Guppy, and anyone else who does not hold to the principle of "Admit it if you are wrong", is to read my post "Time at Home" on this thread and show me where I was incorrect. It is pretty simple really. As is his usual response Guppy claims "Moreover, he was wrong to begin with". Well Guppy and any others who share Guppy's view, SHOW ME WHERE I WAS WRONG. Sure, it is thread creep, but a principle is involved. When the only defence one has is to ridicule another with a differing view it is no defence at all. Guppy is able to call people "Trolls", "liars", "fruit cakes" and numerous other names with impunity. The problem for me is that Guppy has set himself up as an all knowing authority on almost every subject on this forum. Where anyone dares to question his opinion they are subjected to his tirades. Well, I must be mistaken. I understood the purpose of this forum was to, in part, expand the knowledge of each other. It is obvious that Guppy cannot or will not accept any opinion other than his own. A pity really for one with his vast experience to be so beligerent toward and dismissive of others.

411A 29th Dec 2010 01:31

Where anyone dares to question his opinion they are subjected to his tirades.
Do you actually mean that you pay attention to his so-called 'tirades'?
Most folks have long ago dismissed his posts as far too long and boring, in the extreme...or misinformed, in many cases.:rolleyes:

Old Fella 29th Dec 2010 01:53

411A I am not really interested in becoming involved with a fued between you and SNS3Guppy which, reading exchanges between the two of you, seems to exist. My ONLY INTEREST is in having Guppy admit to having made an incorrect statement, whether made by accident or because he did not know the system on which he commented. If Guppy is as experienced as he claims, and if he has held the various positions claimed, he should have much to offer. It is a pity that he apparently believes his knowledge in all things is unquestionable because, to me at least, this aspect of his persona discourages any attempt at sharing knowledge.

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