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-   -   Hong Kong - what it's really like (https://www.pprune.org/fragrant-harbour/77970-hong-kong-what-its-really-like.html)

hymie 20th Jan 2003 13:46

Traffic, are you sure you are allowed to talk to the ref after you have been sent to the sin bin?

BE, you gotta lighten up some mate. If the people reading this forum can't handle that ..... you know the rest.

BlueEagle 20th Jan 2003 22:01

Please re-read my original post on this subject, reproduced below:

"Back to the Topic Please!
OK ladies and gentlemen, points made by both sides, for and against etc.

Can we now please dump the racial stuff and get back to the topic of what life is like in Hong Kong but leave out matters which are of a highly personal and individual nature. Ones man's meat is another man's poison , as the saying goes.

Objective and non racial comments please. Thanks.

BlueEagle - Moderator"

and perhaps you can tell me which part of that you don't fully understand please?

I read you comments and thought they could be seen as offensive, particularly by those amongst you in Fragrant Harbour and elsewhere whose wives are of Asian ethnic origin.
Nothing wrong with my sense of humour, it is just a case of a time and place for everything and a widely read BB is not always the place. Not sure just what "sinister motives" Mrs Traffic is suggesting, I have no hidden agenda and no, my wife is not from Asia.

I don't propose to continue this discussion on this thread, feel free to use the PM or email system if you wish.

BlueEagle - Moderator.

mole 21st Jan 2003 09:34

First post for weeks and weeks bcos I wasn't going to post ever again on FH, however!

BE you really seem to have lost it mate. Those of us who do have Asian wives I am sure are having trouble understanding your position. What excatly is the point you are objecting to and what is the point you are trying to get across to us?

FaPoGai 21st Jan 2003 11:27

H-K whats it really like?
Well I don't believe it!

The only one on the thread with any nous is Hot Dog.(we must have been contemporaires ?)
H-K. and CPX was the single most enjoyable experience in my working life and my only regret is that the law prevented me from getting more than one Asian wife. On reflection also the bank!

Get your act together boys. CX is the best job you will ever get and when you are old and grey (like moi ) you will wish it had never stopped.
By the way I used to live in To Fuk Street, perhaps it influenced my attitude?
Rgds. FaPo Gai

Traffic 21st Jan 2003 13:36


Clarence, my trusty computer, has exchanged signals with our Moderator and I believe we have buried the old meat cleaver.

I found the 'one man's meat is another man's poison' advice rather apropos to some of the earlier comments and attempted some embellishments on the subject which attracted the off-side flag.

For the record, I would like to state that Mrs Traffic is in fact an Asian. One with a very keen wit and highly developed sense of humour. As a result, so are my offspring.

As many have said, HK is very much what one makes it . Those that are miserable will soon find they can be just as miserable anywhere, and invariably are. The day you decide to learn a bit of the language and enjoy the rich diversity on offer is the day your eyes open. The so-called ex-pat lifestyle gives you the privilege to enjoy HK not the license to whinge about it.

The only real concern I would flag is the difficulty in providing a balanced education and lifestyle to teenagers.

There are many hardship posts on the plnet. HK is not one of them.

shortly 21st Jan 2003 14:02

Lol Traffic, well said. But also having occasionally crossed things with the moderator I guess I must say on his behalf that his job is difficult. I suppose he has to err on the side of caution and I feel certain his soh is really there somewhere, perhaps hidden from us nonetheless. GL.

BlueEagle 21st Jan 2003 21:54

Thanks Traffic and Shortly . Mr Mole, I edited out a post that I interpreted as possibly causing offence, maybe you didn't see it before it was edited, maybe you did and placed a totally different interpretation on it?

Part of a moderators job is to ensure that conflict is avoided, what may appear quite harmless to you may seriously upset someone else so one errs on the side of caution. It takes very little for a smouldering ember to become a raging bush fire here on the Fragrant Harbour forum where feelings frequently run high. Anything that contains a racial connotation, however slight, falls into this category, if you don't believe me just take a look in Jet Blast some time, including the archives!

There is nothing wrong with my sense of humour, in fact it is here in abundance, this forum, however, rarely, if ever, gives an opportunity for it to show!

Those are my last posted words on this subject as we can all beg to differ. Anyone who feels the need is welcome to contact me either via the PM or email function of the BB.


BlueEagle - Moderator.

pontius's pa 22nd Jan 2003 13:29

As BE indicated

Nuff said on this.

Time for bed said Zebedee

Thank Christ for that said Florence, I thought you would never ask.

Good night Florence, Good night Brian, Good night Zebedee, Good night everybody


shortly 22nd Jan 2003 15:23

Good night John boy.

Flying Swan 27th Jan 2003 14:27

Personally I think Hong Kong is a great city to be part of. There are so many things and activities to do there, and don't forget the warm climate!

So my advice......go for it!!!!!!

There are so many other western expats living overthere, most of them work for the business companies.

If you need some more info about magnificent Hong Kong, please take a visit to one of these sites:



www.pagina.hongkong.nl (sorry, this site is in Dutch language only)

If I would have to chance to work for Cathay Pacific and to become an expat in Hong Kong, I would certainly do it!

However, I'm afraid CX doesn't hire western flight attendants, I would love to work for them as a senior flight attendant.

Flying Swan

Dr._Strangelove 28th Jan 2003 20:56

Hi all

I found this thread very informative. Thank you for answering some questions for me. :-) I do However, have a couple more questions.

Being a European I have never heard the expression PAT or EX-PAT. What does mean??

I know that this thread is made to cast some light over the living/family environment in HK, but you make it sound like it's only an option to work for CX if you can cope with the lifestyle of HK. I would like to know if any of you has any knowledge of what it's like to have a base in ie Europa or the US while working for CX. This would be very interesting for me as I would like to transfer some day. That is if I get a job. :o I have only just been ivitied for the first interview. ;)

Anyway, thanks in advance and good luck to you all, whatever your future has in store for you.

HotDog 28th Jan 2003 22:24

Expatriate-a person who lives by choice in a foreign country. Expat for short.

FaPoGai 29th Jan 2003 18:02

H-K whats it really like?
EX-PATS fall into two(or more) categories------------
1) The Innocent Abroad
2) The Unaccompanied Minor
Most survive!
Rgds. FPG.

Flying Swan 12th Feb 2003 16:06

For more info on X-pat life, please visit www.asiaxpat.com.hk

christep 14th Feb 2003 03:44

But bear in mind that AsiaXpat is a commercial site, not the open exchange forum that it appears to be. There is very heavy censorship of any contribution which makes any comment which could be considered in any way negative towards any of the very many advertisers on that site, and of contributions which conatin positive comments or recommendations for any competitors of any of the advertisers. When you see how many advertisers it has then you will realise that this basically means you shouldn't put any value on any recommendations there. Additionally, contributions can be made under any alias so there is no way of identifying who says what or what any individual's track record of advice is like.

So all in all, apart from the directories of links to other useful sites I would say AsiaXpat is pretty useless.

Flying Swan 17th Feb 2003 12:53

Sorry Christep, I didn't realise this site would be so commercial. Anyway thanks for your info.

freightdriver 19th Feb 2003 22:45

What an interesting posting...learned a few things bout HK and CX. Just curious does CX expat crew comprise mainly of expatriate with western origin or there are other nationality...(of other Asian origin) and do they mix well together or mainly segregated...I am not trying to start another hell raising topic...just curious.:=

jtr 20th Feb 2003 01:37

freightdriver, something like 99.8% of the expats are 'western', the new freight setup (DHL or whatever they are going to call it) with A300's (i think) is rumoured to be flown by local (asian region) pilots.

Cripple 7 22nd Feb 2003 23:35

Perhaps some of the ex-PAL pilot?:rolleyes:

Ramboflyer 1 28th Feb 2003 13:33

Well after all it is only freight and the aircraft are insured.....:ouch: :suspect:

Ramboflyer1 - You are starting to tread on thin ice, your provocative posts are usually well accepted as adding a bit of life to the FH forum, this one is not so clever.

BlueEagle - Moderator.

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