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Curry Lamb 8th Feb 2021 20:21

Easyjet is an LCC, and even though CXi is fast moving in that direction (sic), you cannot compare cucumbers with dragon fruit. Especially when it comes to housing and education. Worlds apart - literally.

AQIS Boigu 8th Feb 2021 23:56

Originally Posted by CodyBlade (Post 10986288)
All those days in a hotel. Can open the window at Headland?

NO, cannot la

controlledrest 9th Feb 2021 01:28

Originally Posted by kahaha (Post 10986449)
Not a single pilot has left cx since the salary downgrade, not a single moaning minnie.
Says it all really. .

:mad: At least 25 didn't sign over to POS18, they left. Each week in the propaganda newsletter there are announcements of promotions and resignations. Today another 3 leaving. Wait for the house allowance to unwind, the numbers will sore.

OK4Wire 9th Feb 2021 02:18

Originally Posted by controlledrest (Post 10986580)
the numbers will sore.

I like your (unintended?) pun!

doolay 9th Feb 2021 02:18

It is sad to see a once great airline in her final death throes.

VforVENDETTA 9th Feb 2021 07:23


Find a better source.

There is an average of 2 a week resigning and fleet office is openly saying they don't know how they will man the airline once things pick up again. There's no manpower planning in place for the near future.

The group of cathay pilots whose attitude and level of good will or not matters right now for this company to survive is only the freighter pilot group. They have not been sitting at home collecting free paycheck and getting on with DIY projects and catching up on whatever. The rest are hardly doing any flying at all if any. Their good will is of very little value at this point. And of course they're not nearly as pissed off as the freighter pilots are. The rest can volunteer all they want. They'd have to be qualified on the 747 first before they and their good will be of any use or value.

Veruka Salt 9th Feb 2021 07:38

You do know many (not all) Airbus guys/girls have also been busy enough to enjoy weekly COVID tests & holidays at The Headland.

With the deepest of respect to my mates on the jumbo - you’re not the only ones. As for not getting your leave, yes that’s appalling.

arse 9th Feb 2021 08:08

Originally Posted by kahaha (Post 10986449)
Not a single pilot has left cx since the salary downgrade, not a single moaning minnie.
Says it all really. .

Not correct. Some have left. Not many, but some. More will as options eventually open up again.

Landflap 9th Feb 2021 08:46

It is just numbers & it is all relative. In the current climate, 8000 a month sounds damn lovely to me.

Uplinker 9th Feb 2021 09:25

8,000 a month, or even half that would be riches beyond my wildest dreams, having had no income for a year since two UK international airlines I flew for went bust.

VforVENDETTA 9th Feb 2021 12:09

Veruka Salt

I know there are some airbus and 777 flights going on. But a very small number. Only a very small number of airbus and 777 crews can possibly be utilised by the company. There will always be a small percentage of so called volunteers on any fleet. But since there are only very small number of flights can happen on airbus and 777 fleets, cathay will have enough volunteers to crew them no matter what, for now.

But when it comes the 747 fleet which is the only money making operation in cathay right now, the manpower resources are being used 100%. Majority by far are extremely pissed off to be shafted the same as the rest when they have been putting up with everything and continuing their operation. Even if a small percentage of 747 pilots volunteer to be shafted even more via this new scheme/scam of even more loss of health mentally and physically, there still won't be enough to operate anywhere near enough flights on 747 fleet.

Again I repeat myself... it's the 747 pilots' good will and further sacrifice that cathay needs and has use for... they don't need nor can they use the same from airbus or 777 pilots unless and until they transfer them onto the 747 fleet. This will take way too long to make a difference in time and they all will become disgruntled and unwilling to volunteer for more abuse with no reward in short time anyway once they experience the same as the 747 crew do.

It's been mentioned in management meetings which include all other departments that they know the amount of what they have offered to pay in, compensation during those 14 quarantine days is ridiculously low and isn't sure to attract enough volunteers but that they hope there won't be enough volunteers so they can show proof to hk government their operation isn't sustainable although they've tried. So yes, even management does not want to see volunteers. There's a big political game being played behind the scene and cathay is afraid of offending the hk government.

The issue of why hasn't cathay done anything to secure it's own vaccines to vaccinate it's own work force asap has been brought up in meetings. The answer was that they were warned strongly by hk government that they won't look favorabley upon anyone sidestepping hk government vaccine program.

PatObrien 9th Feb 2021 12:49

747 pilots NOT being used 100%. Let that sink in a bit.....

Progress Wanchai 10th Feb 2021 00:40


Geez you’re full of it.

I’ll ask again. After all this company has done to its employees over a 30 year period, why did it take you until October 2020 for you to remove your goodwill? Ignorance? Lack of empathy as you weren’t personally affected? Whatever people’s motivations may be, goodwill is hardly going to be one of them.

As for the company rolling out its own internal vaccination program, that’s hilarious. Perhaps it explains why they are unable to produce a roster, use the JCR or produce a sensible pay slip because they’ve got Dorris, Apple and Pink busy working on how to vaccinate you. I wouldn’t trust this circus to run a chook raffle.

NYCPK 10th Feb 2021 02:41

All airline workers in NY State are eligible for the vaccine, not just AA/DL/UA. I am getting the second jab next week. Should be the same everywhere, you guys are essentials workers. That's messed up.

doolay 10th Feb 2021 04:18

Relax. Everything will be fine. Our fearless senior leaders just sent out a cheesy CNY message.

armchairpilot94116 10th Feb 2021 06:18

Isn't it a given that someday Cathay Pacific will just essentially become China Pacific?

Walkingthedog 10th Feb 2021 07:14


A CX mate sent it to me. Good God your DFO comes across as a real wet fish.

1200firm 10th Feb 2021 07:51

Wet fish? You mean....Jelly Fish.

Starbear 10th Feb 2021 10:34


You are too kind. Imagine the time and effort expended by this group of inspirational leaders, to come up with this gem. Year of the Ox? Perhaps should be renamed Year of the Jellyfish, noting the constant rictus grin on CX's very own example.

Walkingthedog 10th Feb 2021 11:50

When one reads the 2019 accounts it would appear that your aforementioned “Jellyfish” is very well compensated for his acting skills.

VforVENDETTA 10th Feb 2021 13:16

Progress Wanchai

You're not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?

Don't answer that.

Where and when did I ever say I did any goodwill gestures for this company? When you ask a question and get completely ignored you should get a clue.

I have not once done anything except very strictly what my contract required me to do. I've never once answered cc phone calls, acknowledged anything including when 15 pieces of paper were slipped under my door on layovers, never done a single thing to save fuel or help beyond my responsibilities except for my fellow crewmembers for whom I'd do anything, I never report for work until exactly when my roster sign-on or van pick time to the minute, i have never once asked for a single direct, etc. This is how I've behaved for as long as I've been here. A little less than 2 decades, not to get too specific. I've always thought it was appalling that hkaoa would declare cc suspension during typhoons etc. Those were the times for us to make a real dent. So many lost opportunities. Why in the :mad: would i ever want to give more than my contract specifies? Would they ever give me more in return? I'd have to h
be very stupid to give more without getting more. But there are plenty of those stupids at this outfit. When I say WE, I mean as a collective. Personally, I never gave anything in the way of good will, because in the first few months it became clear exactly what the corporate culture character of this airline was and always has been. So I made adjustments.

Now of course we don't work under a contract at all. Cos18 is by definition not a contract. its not a binding agreement on both parties. It's changeable at any time and in any way company wishes to do so. None of us have any obligation to abide by any of it. We only do so as far as necessary to not get fired. It's nothing more than company policy amendable at will. The moment YOU decide you're not working for this company, you ignore it all. 3 months notice? If I can arrange everything so I have a layover close to home at the right time, they'll be calling my number at departure time wondering where I am. This isn't just me the individual. This is overwhelmingly how people feel on the only fleet that has actually been busting it's a$s for the last one year and gotten shafted as a reward. Again, please don't use the other fleets who have been almost entirely sitting at home while getting paid as examples of how "well, I don't see that among the crew" . Obviously they don't feel the same for obvious reasons.

And you accuse ME of showing good will, ever? What a laugh!

I didn't bring any of this attitude with me when I first joined. But I've adjusted accordingly, like a mirror. Cathay management doesn't deserve any more. They never miss a chance to prove it. This place was always a :mad: place to work at. But the money was good so we all put up with it having decided the money was worth it. But now that the money is gone, nothing worthwhile remains at this company. I know some of you are hopelessly without better options for now. So you try to justify for yourself things are not/have not been that bad. But this is a state of forced denial and delusion because the reality is depressing and dark. I understand exactly why some of you choose to look at things with thick rose colored glasses. But reality doesn't care. Like I said before, cathay is in a death spiral. You'd be stupid not to jump with a parachute if you can secure one. If you can't well then, you can't but at least you tried.

Flex88 10th Feb 2021 15:17

Essential Workers 😂

Nobody gets it.. The only people you are essential to is your families and CX, AA, DL etc could care less about you as has always been the case. All they care about is "essential passengers" and at this time you governments are doing absolutely EVERYTHING to thwart their return.. Vaccination passports, pre-flight & post flight testing, quarantines ....
The industry incl ancillary industries + Boeing + Airbus are toast.. Not to mention the TRILLIONS of $$$ vacuumed out of the world wide economies..
China has done its best to kill the tourist industry in Asia, the fat lady has sung..

Harbour Dweller 11th Feb 2021 01:30

More routes cut back


Piet Lood 11th Feb 2021 01:49

Originally Posted by VforVENDETTA (Post 10987789)
Progress Wanchai

You're not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?

Neither are you if you ever thought that the AOA wanted you to do anything different than usual (e.g. continue removing your goodwill) during a typhoon.
I know there was an exemption for a typhoon, but that was mostly for PR reasons (I know, I know). NOTHING precluded you to work as per your contract and not add anything else.
It always amazed me how “smart” pilots who thought of themselves as the “sharper tools in the shed” could not read between the lines or ask a GC member what the real intent of that typhoon clause was.

For the rest I applaud your efforts and dedication.
There weren’t many who followed the rules of contract compliance to the letter and don’t even get me started on the training ban.

mr did 11th Feb 2021 02:14

So how long before the geniuses in the press realise that this Government have just p!!sed 40B HKD into the wind with this latest quarantine absurdity??
If these idiotic advisors and public servants aren't brought into line RFN, 40B wont be enough to last past June and they will either have to spend another 100B of tax payer's money or let the while thing fold.

noboloco 11th Feb 2021 03:37


that’s funny cause last time I checked there are still plenty of expats working for Taiwanese airlines. Greener pastures? There is no such thing! Just a different shade of brown.

jetjockey696 11th Feb 2021 04:19


I think Eithad already done that...https://gulfbusiness.com/uaes-etihad...e-flying-crew/

cannot 11th Feb 2021 06:00

Fauci , has once again moved the goalposts , after telling everyone that masks were a bad idea now he is recommending 3 masks , after telling us that we could return to normal after being vaccinated , now he says well not so fast , masks and social distancing are here to stay .
Do a little research on Peter Daszak and Fauci , Fauci was ordered by Obama to stop gain of function research into corona viruses simply because it was so dangerous , he blatantly disobeys the order and farms the research out to Daszak who in turn hands it over to a well known lab .
why Fauci and Daszak are not both in jail absolutely astounds me

Flying Clog 11th Feb 2021 08:27


Holy smokes, you nailed it! Every word of your post, bang on.

carolknows 11th Feb 2021 08:50

https://www.straitstimes.com/singapo...afm-kbDDH5apUc(First SIA flights with crew fully vaccinated against Covid-19 depart Singapore)
And we still debating how to increase quarantine days here. Woah.

wongsuzie 11th Feb 2021 10:10

A 41-year-old Singapore Airlines (SIA) cabin crew member who was on a turnaround flight to the United Arab Emirates is the fifth person on that aircraft to test positive for the coronavirus.

But she already vaccinated...that's worrying.

She also received her first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on Feb 2. "As the vaccine does not contain live virus, she could not have been infected due to vaccination," said the MOH.


main_dog 11th Feb 2021 11:30

Naw, that’s actually quite possible I gather. Two shots of Pfizer are required for vaccination. One only offers partial protection, and even that would not have developed fully after less than one week from the first shot.

CodyBlade 11th Feb 2021 14:44

They are blaming the cleaners at DBX.

Are they ready to travel with only one jab?

LLLQNH 11th Feb 2021 15:16


she operated the flight to Dubai where she was supposedly infected before she received the vaccination! It says so in the article, so she was not already vaccinated at the time of exposure.

Oasis 11th Feb 2021 19:02

"All five have also tested preliminarily positive for the more infectious B117 strain of the coronavirus, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said on Tuesday (Feb 9).

She also received her first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on Feb 2. "As the vaccine does not contain live virus, she could not have been infected due to vaccination," said the MOH. "It is possible for one to be infected just before or just after vaccination, as it typically takes a few weeks for an individual to build up immunity after completing vaccination."

Ok, so first she got the Pfizer vaccine on feb 2, then she got on a flight to dubai, between then and Feb 9, where it was announced she had it.
It is perfectly normal to be susceptible to Covid for a significant time after the injection. Nothing to get worried about.

the guardian:
"One dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine gives people about 90% protection from Covid by 21 days, according to an analysis of Israel’s mass vaccination programme."

So it takes a while to kick in..So don't stop taking the usual precautions after you've had your first shot.

deja vu 12th Feb 2021 07:45

Seriously, Cathay has been dying since 1991/92. Anyone who joined after that date has accepted progressively inferior Terms and Conditions whilst blaming the AOA, this has only enabled this agonisingly slow death. Its sad but inevitable.

Peter47 12th Feb 2021 08:11

If a vaccine is 90% effective then one in ten who would catch it without a vaccine will still get it, although likely less severely, so its not surprising that vaccinated people have tested positive. Vaccines may also be slightly less effective at preventing transmission. The good news is that they will reduce the 'R' rate to a level where outbreaks will fizzle out automatically. The bad news is that this will not happen until most people have received their shots so not until the end of the year and even then its likely to be extended travel bubbles between countries where the programme has been completed. There may be restrictions to 'developing countries' for some time to come.

Silent Running 12th Feb 2021 10:40

At last a sound observation and logical projection of the immediate future... now, if the media could be persuaded to take this on board perhaps we might be saved the alternating demands to lock down / open up, dependent on which phase government has been bullied into following.

Stick Flying 12th Feb 2021 13:20

Vaccine's don't necessarily stop you catching the virus, they prepare the body's immune response if it encounters it. But they should dramatically slow down infection rates.

Flying Clog 13th Feb 2021 20:55

The point is moot.

There are no vaccines in HKG because the morons who run this place can't make a decision on which one to choose and/or take responsibility for any side effects.

It's all about losing face you see.

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