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backspace 1st Aug 2002 08:04

What news on the vote?
Anyone heard any news on the AOA Presidential Elections?

If not when are the results due to be published?

Abbeville 1st Aug 2002 08:18

Next Monday

backspace 5th Aug 2002 05:28

Well, its Monday. What happened with the vote?

FlexibleResponse 5th Aug 2002 05:33

Apparently a landslide victory for the current HKAOA President, Captain Nigel Demery.

shortly 5th Aug 2002 05:53

In the land of blind men the one eyed man is king.

gissmonkey 5th Aug 2002 08:48

landslide victory, for who????

The Fan Man 5th Aug 2002 09:02


HONG KONG – The Hong Kong Aircrew Officers Association (HKAOA), the
representative body for Cathay Pacific’s 1600 pilots, today announced that the pilots had
shown strong support for the current union’s leadership in returning Captain Nigel
Demery to office with 63% of the vote. This represents an 8% increase of the vote
received by Captain Demery versus his first election in August 2000.

“I am very pleased to have received such a strong show of support from the membership.
This vote sends a clear message that this dispute is far from over,” said Demery.
“Cathay’s pilots are fed up with management’s ostrich-like denial of a serious problem
that is sapping the lifeblood from this great airline.”

The election was contested by three candidates: Captain Nigel Demery, Captain Philip
Elliot and Captain Peter Hay, who received 63%, 34% and 3% of the vote, respectively.

The latter two candidates ran on very similar platforms. In the previous presidential
election Demery received 55% of the vote. This year, from 1088 members entitled to
vote, 907 cast their votes, representing a turnout of 83% - up from 75% in 2000.

Regardless of who won lets all hope the company and the AOA get back to the drawing board and start negotiations and end this bitter fued that effects so many people.

Mabey the next AGM might shed some light on what's to come in regards to the ban for new hires.


backspace 5th Aug 2002 10:17

Fan Man

When is the next AGM?

Also, I seem to recall that it is/was mentioned on the HKAOA web site that there are 1300 members. Does the previous post mean that 200 odd have pulled out of the union?

whodunnit2 5th Aug 2002 14:50


Indeed it does.

If "Cockpit speak" is to be believed then this result means that many more will follow.

Let us hope not.

shortly 5th Aug 2002 14:52

I wonder how many actually attended. Or even how many based in Hong Kong actually attended? Proxies are great aren't they.

nudger 5th Aug 2002 17:32


BMM389EC 5th Aug 2002 19:45

If Cathay has 1600 pilots and 1088 are entitled to vote, that's a 68% membership of the union. Give or take a few who maybe on in arrears on their subs. Not a good percentage.
Of those 1088, 907 unspoilt votes were received.
Of those 907, Nigel Demery received 574 - 63%
Perhaps a better picture can be gained by looking at those 574 votes against the total 1600 pilots at Cathay. Then it becomes 36% supporting the unions current course of action. That I think tells the real story.

shortly 6th Aug 2002 01:41

Nudger, proxies are an easy way out for people who really don't want to be identified as part of possible increased industrial action. I was alluding to BMM's post position actually as the vote for Nigel in percentage overall terms was not nearly as good as it appeared.

The Fan Man 6th Aug 2002 06:22

The Love of Maths
Thanks for the Maths BMM389EC

At the end of the day numbers don’t lie – Demery wants to keep the ban and Peter Elliot wanted to drop the ban.

If only 36% are in support of Demery’s tactics well it just goes to show that they are loosing the battle.

Give it a few months and they’ll be back out asking for everyone’s help!!!!

If even I find this amusing , Management must be pissing themselves laughing!!!



FlexibleResponse 6th Aug 2002 09:58

Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics!

Using your logic, the only other major candidate got less than 20% of the vote. Then it becomes less than 20% of the pilots not supporting the unions current course of action.

Do you think that tells the real story?

Just how would you propose to "elect" a HKAOA President? Company sponsored Political Appointee, perhaps re-introduction of Royalty or maybe just an old fashioned self appointed Dictator?

fire wall 6th Aug 2002 10:03

Fan Man, the perceived direction of the workforce of my company is being commanded by Demery with 35.8% of the pilot workforce backing his/the General comittee's "call".....this does not fill me with a warm fuzzy glow.

Come on Frankg....how about some AOA spin....blame it on the Aussies maybe....sorry there cowboy, make it simple for you eh.........574 votes / 1600 pilots = 35.8%

Perhaps more significantly, it can be read that the 309 votes given to Elliott are an indication to all of just how many are prepared to let the 51'ers hang out to dry (something I would not condone personally but being a non union member my opinion is of little value...right Franky.) If you summize that the non union workforce agree with this call (1600-907=693 non union/non financial AOA members.) and add this to Elliott's vote then 1002 pilots have a "potential" conflict with Demery's direction.

Nigel is a smart cookie and I figure he can do the sums as well as all of us, so I figure the flow of champagne is being tempered in the Demery camp and some serious thought given to the way foward....unfortunately I beleive they have run out of ideas .... a ship with a wayward compass in an ocean full of reefs.

FlexibleResponse 6th Aug 2002 10:12

Spin City?
I don't think it will give any replacement pilot a warmfuzzy glow.

Full_Burner 6th Aug 2002 13:20


Had to giggle at your perverse logic.

Let's see 1600 pilots

HKAOA 1088

Eligible voters (or at least who voted) 907

Demery 574

Elliot 300?

What that tells me that even 300 of the AOA members who are still prepared to pay the 5% are not in favour of the current course. For my money you can count them in with all the others who are either not in the union; do not pay or chose not to vote.

No matter which way you play the numbers only 574 of 1600 are with the current course.

Roll on MSS 2 by all those idiots.

FlexibleResponse 6th Aug 2002 14:33

Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics!
Perpetrator or yet another victim?

shortly 7th Aug 2002 02:09

Frankie baby you are one person I have encountered who is never right. But you still blither and bully on regardless. The 49ers are martyrs to union stupidity and were hung out to dry by union management. That same union could easily have had all or most of the 49ers back at work months ago but at their arrogant misguided best left them on the line instead. This is after the positions of the 49ers were filled by their AOA card carrying colleagues. As a token they placed a 'ban' on hiring new people to fill legitimate vacancies caused by expansion and aircraft return. Why the IFALPA supported the 'ban' remains one of lifes little mysteries, as I have said before IFALPA will regret that decision. Now ND gets back with around 38% pilot support and immediately goes to print threatening more radical industrial action, and get this, this industrial action will 'involve junior pilots who had the most at stake because they were furthest from retirement'. Newsflash junior pilots - you be identified as part of increased industrial action and you won't be far from retirement at all and the same A scalers who let the company have its wicked way with B scales will still be laughing all the way to the bank. Sadly it's now almost too late for the AOA. I might have to start an alternative union based on democracy, communication with only allow members with IQ's greater than their age.

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