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betpump5 17th Oct 2015 11:54

Care to tell us Why?

cpdude 17th Oct 2015 17:31

Well, the way I see it, you're either extremely immature or an outsider troll looking for dirt. But if you are one of us, then nothing is stopping you from heading on upstairs and asking the individual yourself.

rmcdonal 17th Oct 2015 23:50

Well, the way I see it, you're either extremely immature or an outsider troll looking for dirt. But if you are one of us, then nothing is stopping you from heading on upstairs and asking the individual yourself.
That's hardly fair.
How can we be immature if we have no idea what this is about?
Trolling? Nah, superfrozo had a go at trolling just because no one would say what happened, not the other way round.
Seriously whats the point in the Big R in PPRuNe if the only rumor we get is that there is a rumor, but we aren't allowed to know what it is? All that does is makes people intrigued, you can see that by the fact that this is 3 pages in and yet still no content.

Dilbert68 18th Oct 2015 00:26

I have no idea why so many of you are rushing to this managers defense. Despite what a good guy you think he may be, he will not hesitate to put your name down next to 48 others on a list if the higher ups ask him to do so.

He should get whatever is coming to him, no sympathy here.

NoAndThen 18th Oct 2015 00:39

Ops A
6.3 Alcohol & Other Drugs
6.3.1 Appropriate Behaviour Problematic Use of Alcohol or Other Drugs

Crew members shall not be under the adverse effect of alcohol or other drugs, including medication, to an extent so as to impair the proper performance of their duties in any respect, whilst at work.

A Crew member is considered to be ‘At Work’ where he is performing the duty related to his employment with Cathay Pacific Airways Limited. It includes the intent to carry out a flight duties, positioning, ground training, ground duties and Reserve duties.

Max Reheat 18th Oct 2015 01:10

If it had been an iCadet you would have all crucified him by now!

Captn_Kirk 18th Oct 2015 04:07

But if you are one of us, then nothing is stopping you from heading on upstairs and asking the individual yourself.
Ask what to whom?
Most bizarre thread ever...

betpump5 18th Oct 2015 05:09

Forget iCadet.
Imagine if the person involved was the same position just on the other fleet.:}

3 pages this would not be. Make it 30.

slowjet 18th Oct 2015 15:59

I must admit to considerable envy of, what appears to be a Management Pilot being fiercely protected by, er, Management. Us ordinary Bods would be left to flounder. Looks like the "Old Boy's " network , Freemasons, Privy Council , "waster" (in the Middle East) etc, etc, remain very much in charge. Boo hoo. Where do I join ? I mean, do I have to pay someone or is it an inheritance(kinda ) thing ?

cpdude 18th Oct 2015 17:30

Captn Kirk et al,

You're either not one of ours (so it's none of your business) or you're deaf and stupid. Cause everyone listening knows who it is.

hkgcanuck 18th Oct 2015 23:25

Pretty easy to check flight crew list for 838 around the day in question... if you actually work for CX that is.

Tea time 19th Oct 2015 02:54

Sounds very much like gear up max thrust is one and the same individual
Wonder when his promotion is announced ?

boxjockey 19th Oct 2015 07:59

Have a browse of the crew lists, it's not hard to figure out....


GTC58 20th Oct 2015 20:26

Or ask any cabin crew .....

joblow 22nd Oct 2015 10:42

Heard that he is taking a spot of let's call it leave
Let's see what the company do about it because had
It been any of us we would be in deep s--t

Numero Crunchero 22nd Oct 2015 12:50

Truth and rumours!?

From my sources, and to paraphrase Mark Twain, GL's alleged crimes are grossly exaggerated!

I have heard from two second hand sources now - and neither come even close to the wonderful conjecture of the previous posts on this thread. So I will conclude by saying, rumour is far more interesting than the truth!

iflylow 22nd Oct 2015 12:54

"I have heard from two second hand sources now..."

Yeah, glad we cleared up that rumor once and for all!

Numero Crunchero 22nd Oct 2015 12:56

Ha ha - you got me iflylow - I missed my own hubris;-)

Beta Light 22nd Oct 2015 15:43

Numero Cruncher,
2 of my second hand connections confirmed the restraining device was used. Yeah, the rumor is way exaggerated.

airplaneridesrfun 23rd Oct 2015 23:36

Originally Posted by Beta Light (Post 9155164)
my second hand connections confirmed the restraining device was used.

But what were they used for?

speedyb 24th Oct 2015 03:27

Some clown went barmy. What's the bid deal?

Beta Light 24th Oct 2015 13:30

The big deal is that if it was any other employee they would be out of a job and possibly on a no fly list. It's the double standard. " We hold our managers to a high standard" is the big deal.

Stanwell 25th Oct 2015 05:58

.... and besides, it's not as if he does it very often. :rolleyes:

Synchronize 25th Oct 2015 06:31

Well if that was the issue ,then he clearly needs to go back to ground school
He should have known that it is impossible to open a door in flight .

But yes it's a total double standard .
Look at what happened to the chief pilot of the Seattle fly by incident . so will this be judged in the same light .?

The major issue now becomes , how will he ever be in a position to discipline a crew member for any minor infraction of the rules ?

Lowkoon 25th Oct 2015 11:05

Synchro, only if it makes you tube.

cannot 5th Nov 2015 05:45

I don't see how he can ever return to his previously held position after something like this
It will be very interesting to see how this will be handled once he returns from sick leave , or will the the ever pervasive double standards be applied as per usual

Trafalgar 5th Nov 2015 08:44

The ONLY thing this company does well is double standards. :ugh:

JammedStab 5th Nov 2015 09:17

Originally Posted by Dan Buster (Post 9156615)
Attempted door opening.

Don't you go to jail for attempting to open a door in flight?

geh065 5th Nov 2015 09:24

I have it on good authority that most of the rumours are untrue.

geh065 5th Nov 2015 11:47

Has it occurred to you that the 4 pilots and many cabin crew from that day have been flying around and telling people what the truth actually is?

Scoreboard 5th Nov 2015 12:13

Memories are so short on this ..

Anyone remember the off duty drunk guy who in his poor state after a nite on the town took home a Octupus machine?

If you appeared in the office during that bruhaa there was a large cadre of managers calling for said guys dismissal... He survived by grace.....and maybe an act of kindness....but

The double standard this reeks of is disgusting....

And anyone who peels the line "on good authority" is helping the company spin..

GL is a good guy but unless there is mitigating circumstances or the incident is highly exaggerated....he should face the higher standard that senior officers such as Captains and even higher standards that should be held for managers....with transparency and not the cloak and dagger coverup thats occuring

Oasis 5th Nov 2015 21:00

I would allow a case of double standard in this case, if necessary.(not that it matters!)
He is one of the guys and is one of the few up there doing a responsible job of keeping things safe and fair.
True leadership, and not just a yes-man.

Gnadenburg 7th Nov 2015 00:52

There's an elephant in the living room.

Stilnox and friends.

Just Do It 7th Nov 2015 01:36

The elephant in the room must have read Part A regarding the use of such medicines.

The company has zero tolerance to such behaviour!

Sleeping drug linked to deadly side-effects

Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Broadcast: 19/02/2008
Reporter: Deborah Cornwall
There's growing debate over claims some commonly prescribed sleeping pills are linked to bizarre side effects and even death. Now one family is campaigning to ban them after their daughter died after jumping off a bridge.

KERRY O'BRIEN: The drug Stilnox is one of the most popular sleeping pills in the world, but after several years of controversy it's under review by the Therapeutic Goods Administration.

In the past few years there has been a growing number of reports to a national consumer hotline linking the drug to up to 14 deaths and a range of bizarre side effects, from hallucinations to sleep driving.

The TGA last year upgraded its warnings to Stilnox users. But many health professionals believe the drug is now being over-prescribed and often misused by patients, and such is the concern the TGA will tomorrow consider whether Stilnox needs to be rescheduled as a drug of abuse.

zolpidem tartrate
Consumer Medicine Information

Progress Wanchai 7th Nov 2015 01:37

Curtain Rod, et al,

There is nothing new in the way cx has handled this incident. There's no double standards or hypocrisy. It's the same old playbook they use time and time again. It doesn't matter if it's an operational matter or breach of discipline.

Do nothing, say nothing.
Those involved given a few weeks PRA and hidden away.
See if the media finds anything, and, if so, what their take on it is.
Act in accordance with the suggestions from the editor of the Apple Daily.

Remember every office in cx city from the 9th floor down had a framed photo of the wilkinson sword. Right up until the day CNN lampooned it as a cowboy stunt. I hope those photos were placed in the recycle bin and not just shredded.
And the same playbook was used with the crew of cx780. "We have no comment until the investigation is complete". In the meantime, the media and aviation bodies worldwide were singing the praises of the crew involved with cx's belated praise being mute, weak and looking ridiculous.

Changing the playbook would require leadership.
That's not going to happen while this circus meanders along with Ivan the Invisible and Anna the Incompetent.

Arfur Dent 7th Nov 2015 02:40

Not a shred of that particular attribute has been in evidence anywhere in Cathay for years.
'Yes men' and 'Yes ladies' one and all. Do as your told. Never argue or resign ( not one Manager has ever resigned in protest - even when ordered to fire their own colleagues).
Expecting 'Leadership' from a culture developed over decades is as futile as expecting accountants to take a back seat in Swire's decision- making processes. It ain't going to happen.

Oval3Holer 7th Nov 2015 02:41

I thought BS resigned in protest.

ByAirMail 8th Nov 2015 00:17

Progress Wanchai
Wrong! 18 months ago a pilot was accused of smelling of alcohol, 3 days later he was out of the building. No media involvement. In his hearing, the GMA only had one line , straight from Part A as quoted in a previous post.
Various lawyers was amazed in how tests was performed, scaring me for the future as CX propose random testing, but that is another subject matter.
Advice from lawyers to said pilot was , it is a slam dunk case, just not in Hong Kong against Swire.
A definite double standard..

Network 8th Nov 2015 14:40

Progress Wanchai
Progress Wan Chai

No argument with the general sentiment of your latest post (no 85)........

however I seem to recall a ready endorsement and support of the CX780 crew by the Airbus fleet office very soon after the event, before any investigation had been started let alone completed.

An easy Google search provides the following:

Crew Actions
The Captain and First Officer both displayed commendable professionalism and airmanship of the highest order in successfully handling the challenging situation they faced.

And justifiably so!!

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