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-   -   Well if you say so Mark! (https://www.pprune.org/fragrant-harbour/563104-well-if-you-say-so-mark.html)

CISTRS 20th Jun 2015 08:58

Flight Crew Communications Manager - Yammer Champion
They want to develop Yammer as a communication tool for FOP.

Good luck to you guys...


Arfur Dent 20th Jun 2015 09:21

Perfect opportunity to take no part and watch this potentially spectacular own goal from the sidelines.

CISTRS 20th Jun 2015 09:29

The third bullet point indicates that Contract Compliance is seen as a "crisis event or period"

    Shep69 21st Jun 2015 23:28

    The fact that they lump the two together is very telling (when in reality they are completely different animals) and is frankly a level of convenient propaganda (with real world consequences in terms of RPs and the latitude given to essentially violate them). As we move forward this needs to kept in mind when evaluating the language of any proposed RPs.

    This is the only place in the universe that I can think of when following one's contract is viewed as a form of "crisis event" -- when at most other airlines it's defined and expected behaviour.

    So it appears in ANY type of RP agreement fuzzy language (which we've all seen) will be exploited when any self-defined 'crisis event' happens. An important thing to remember. We seem to always meet this criteria at the convenience of those running the place.

    AND need to make sure ANY future agreement doesn't allow for it.

    SOPS 22nd Jun 2015 02:19

    I am lost for words....you guys following your contract is a crisis? What kind of BS is that?

    Trafalgar 22nd Jun 2015 02:35

    You haven't seen BS until you've seen CX BS. It's at a whole different level...

    goathead 22nd Jun 2015 04:46

    Too funny the whole thread is just beyond hilarious
    In all of my time viewing pprune this thread tops my ratings as the most amusing event in the history of fragrant harbour well done MH YOU LEGEND ! :D:D:D:ok:

    positionalpor 22nd Jun 2015 11:39

    First class airline third world manners from mngt.
    On a different note; It is preposterous that such a profitable airline is so keen on penny saving with the very peoples who generates them millions.

    Hedo Rick 24th Jun 2015 16:32

    I don't Yammer :=

    Just in case I sit on my phone and upload an incriminating image of me "Harbour Bridging" a Sunday special from New Makati.

    The Rippin and the Tearin

    cluin44 5th Jul 2015 23:39

    Yammer Hoey has made a fool of himself. It beggars belief that professional pilots would sign up for it.

    Intrax 6th Jul 2015 03:04

    Yammer is a useful tool to pick their next bunch needles from the haystack !

    Pathos 6th Jul 2015 09:56

    Yammer is yet another diversion from the reality that pilot 'managers' have spectacularly failed to protect professional line pilots.

    VR-HFX 6th Jul 2015 10:21

    Yammer is yet another way of pretending to communicate without having to actually communicate.

    I for one refuse to believe that you can have any meaningful discussion unless it is face to face. Having found myself on a potential cull list many years ago, I confronted some of the characters in the Star Chamber (after one of them called me to alert me of the fact). Their demeanour told me a lot about where the company was headed. Since that day I have been in CC.

    As a team player and a go-the-extra-mile person, this taught me one thing; we can all stand up as individuals against mindless tyranny. When you look someone in the eye and ask them to explain, invariably they will back off.

    This company has seriously lost the plot and until we all start communicating again face-to-face, it will only get worse.


    zygot44 13th Jul 2015 19:55

    Yammer. Really?

    Anotherday 14th Jul 2015 00:33

    As a team player and a go-the-extra-mile person, this taught me one thing; we can all stand up as individuals against mindless tyranny. When you look someone in the eye and ask them to explain, invariably they will back off.
    Umm, nope you just get added to any next cull list, a phone call is made as you walk out of the office and lucky you receive a Management line check with about a days notice.

    But be my guest, speak your mind, and let us know how that works out for you..........

    VR-HFX 14th Jul 2015 10:56


    To be quite frank, after 30 years, I don't really care. The last line check was a breeze as no-one had any points to score.

    I am on a bigger cull list...one deigned from higher authorities than CX management, so why should I be intimidated. I was once and it was a very bad feeling. The only remedy was to confront those who I thought were responsible. You soon find that Cowards Castle has no moat and no drawbridge, and certainly not the cover of ridiculous things like Yammer.

    My current reality is that the company needs me more than I need them. They rely upon my reservoir of nostalgic goodwill and the fact that I do more for them on the line than they can ever do in the current C&T regime and more than I could do when I was in said regime.

    It must be so because I am still around.QED.

    What they are doing to all you younger folk is deplorable and if I had but a modicum of courage I would do what many buddhist monks in Tibet have been doing for years.

    Unless one is able to settle into a calm and collected mindset ( I think there are about two dozen of us left), life in this company in 2015 is, no doubt, rather stressful.

    I have been fortunate enough to have seen the best of this company from tje days when it was smaller than Dragonair is today. I have also seen the rapid decline and the concomitant infighting that has become the norm.Some of the discord has come from within our own ranks and much from the management trying, in their own inadequate way, to address economic realities.

    I can but wish you all the best and advise that unity, although hard to achieve in a place like HK, is the only weapon available.

    Pucka 14th Jul 2015 14:59

    ....and as worse as things become..have you tried staff travel lately??biz FOC..one seat only with 3 travelling..we dispatch with a spare in biz..me in ey....wtf?..and then 2 out of 3 bags don't arrive?..and where were they?...still in HK!check in staff are getting seriously vindictive..it's time to put our balls on the line and begin dismantling this corporate arrogance from the ground up.what a Fecked up mob....

    Yonosoy Marinero 14th Jul 2015 16:26

    from higher authorities than CX management
    Blasphemy! There is no such thing.
    God himself comes down to the 9th floor on 8 scenic road for advice.

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