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cxorcist 4th Sep 2011 01:20


I cannot prove God exists and you cannot disprove it. What I can say is that I think you are "betting the farm" with your disbelief. I hope you are comfortable with your gamble because in the event that there is a God and an afterlife, you might find yourself in rather uncomfortable circumstances post-death. If I am wrong, I get to join the same nothingness you do. I will have just had one more imaginary friend than you:)

Good Luck,


Beta Light 4th Sep 2011 01:50

Unbelievable. Once again from pollution to something totally unrelated.

Beta Light 4th Sep 2011 01:54

Seeing that we are off topic, I'll rather enjoy life now and have one less space friend. Living by the book of " can not's" is not for me personally. Now remember today is Sunday, Space Daddy's rest day, don't bother him on a G Day.

Iron Skillet 4th Sep 2011 02:14


First, if you don't want a discussion, perhaps you shouldn't post: The "last word" comment you made is nonsense, unless that is because you are hoping to intimidate others into not posting so that you could have the "last word" instead? You asked me several questions, then pre-attacked me about posting a response.

About your PS, I thought this was clever of you to come back at me how I did to you before, except I think you're off base in your attempt:

#2: I stated an opinion about my perception of your knowledge, a comparison to other posts you have made, and a statement of the use of uppers/downers by the military. I did not make an argument about/against your position, much less a straw man argument.

#3: I made no great claim or draw a major conclusion. See #2 above.

#5: Well, maybe debatable, but again, see #2 above and I don't think I made a personal attack on you, just the knowledge you shared and previous (delusional) creation-related conclusions you stated, without evidence.

#21: I see no relevance, as I did not draw a any bogus link conclusion about unrelated things, did I? I don't follow you with this one.

To answer your questions, yes I have personal knowledge of these pills. Yes, I have personal knowledge of the facts of the Tarnak Farms incident and the evidence you mentioned. Yes, I have considered the other pressure involved, and I personally understand them very well. However, I also have personal knowledge of this pilot, his personality, his reputation, his ego, his attitude and his performance that night, among other times. Do you know what his nickname/callsign was? I do. I believe there were many contributing factors, as with almost all accidents, but the final hole in the Swiss cheese was this pilot. He ignored orders to "stand by" where he was perfectly safe, and 2 minutes later to "hold fire" but seconds later he chose to execute an attack "in self defense" without a positive ID of the target, which was required for obvious reasons. Fighter pilots are trained to operate (and are normally proficient at operating) under extreme pressure and take great risks to do their jobs and particularly extreme risks to avoid friendly fire incidents. Even if the pills altered his judgment, the clear regulations intended to prevent his actions remained the same, as did the orders from both his flight lead and his controlling agency. Lastly, I don't think I have been shot at, though I could have been, but I think that has more to do with maintaining the offense rather than becoming defensive. Still, I don't see what being defensive and disconcerted has to do with this Tarnak Farms incident, as the F16 guy was neither defensive nor should he have felt disconcerted by the ground troops' training exercise way down below him.

Have a nice day!

PS Seemingly balanced Wikipedia article here about this incident is interesting, but it is not exactly the whole story.

Iron Skillet 4th Sep 2011 02:16

Ah, man, cxorcist....really? Again we have to deal with the "What if you're wrong?" silly non-argument?

See here for the perfect 1-minute video response from a very smart speaker:

Have a nice day!

PS I cannot prove invisible pink unicorns exist and you cannot disprove it. But there are reasons why you and most everyone else do not believe in invisible pink unicorns, right? Good. Now, extrapolate.

Air Profit 4th Sep 2011 06:03

....your comment...'most everyone else do not believe in invisible pink unicorns' is quite typical of the childish anger and frustration that atheists usually demonstrate. Most people do not believe in invisible pink unicorns. However, billions of human beings since the early AD years do and shall continue to believe in a man that lived, died and rose again. A man that had no army, no money, no possessions. Two thousand years later we still speak of him and the gift he gave mankind. The entire foundation of Christianity is for each individual man to make a choice to accept Gods deep Love. All the problems of our lives and this world are due to mans rejection of said Love.

God does not compel, nor force this upon us. It is offered as the greatest gift in our existence. It came at a terrible price. It is something we cannot earn, but simply accept. One of you spoke of a relationship with God as living the life of 'cannots'.... I would counter that a life lived without a close relationship with God is one that is hollow, without meaning and eventually tragic. I would suggest that the anger inherent in most of your comments is reflective of the constant pricking of your conscience by the very God you choose to mock. Man's desire to achieve 'happiness' and 'fulfillment' are doomed to failure without God at the center. He made us to operate properly on one 'fuel' only.

There is no avoiding the eventual day of acknowledgement of God's existence. Only a brief time in eternity is spent in this life. I would suggest that the true definition of 'Hell' is an eternity separated from the very God who had his only Son die for you...to save you and reunite your soul with Him. An eternity where all that God represents is absent, and the realisation that you rejected the very power that created you and this universe will be something that is too awful to fully comprehend. Have no doubt, there is an eternal existence that will be far more profound than the brief flash of time we spend here. Every man makes a choice, whether they realise they are making one or not. God did not intend for us to avoid this subject, as it is at the core of why we are here. We did not 'just happen'.

I would encourage all those who are more inwardly curious about their existence and the universe we live in to read C S Lewis' book 'Mere Christianity'. He lays out a logical examination of mans nature and the eventual conclusion that our behaviour and the way our world is structured can only be due to God's involvement, and more importantly, Christ's necessity to have existed. For most of you posting here, I have no doubt that you would rather focus on invisible pink unicorns....but Christ died for your sake as much as he did for mine...

Iron Skillet 4th Sep 2011 07:30

Funny wind up, man, talking about Hercules this way today! Right? Hercules, or did you mean Ju Ju....oh, or was it Allah or Thor or Vishnu......wait, which bogus book of fairy tales did you look at to pick your delusion from?

Hey, I think you used the whole list in that short bit of nonsense, fallacies 1-25! Well done! Ok, I know, you missed a couple, but that's a really good, concise compilation of logical fallacies, man.

Have a nice day! Hope you join us in reality soon!

PS Since the writers of your little super-translated, re-edited and endlessly re-written book never met the guy and used hearsay for their contradictory stories, that "AD" thing is off by at least 4 years, which is why CE and BCE are used these days by those who don't use other calendars based on their own imaginary friend's birth/death/resurrection/miracle/battle victory/etc.
PPS Believing in something does not make it true! Think, repeat, then think again. It really doesn't matter how much you believe in fairy tales. Repeat: 9/11 terrorists really, really, really believed they were doing what their god wanted, too.
PPPS 5000 or so years later and we still speak of Osiris and 100's of other gods with virgin moms, god dads, stars marking their births, supernatural powers, 3 wise men, emperors committing genocide to "get him," resurrection and promises to return that of course never come true. 5000 yrs is even longer than 2000, so it's gotta be more true, right? Age of story = reliability, as with all old stories, right?
PPPS Really, you get through the day relying on all that stuff? Come on, man, think! Pretend you were born in Japan or Saudi Arabia or India, and think about Christianity from that point of view, not the bias that was imposed on your brain at some point. Just do the same thing you do now when you think about all the other equally bogus belief systems you so easily dismiss.
PPPPS Oh, I know this has to be a wind up, it's just so so so silly! Funny, good job, man!

water check 4th Sep 2011 07:42

Iron Skillet. You consider that a thoughtful reply? Pretty sad 'man'. There is an old saying: 'Better to keep your mouth shut and let them think you are an idiot, than open it and remove all doubt'.

Iron Skillet 4th Sep 2011 08:14

There, I added more! Is that better?

As for opening mouth and sounding like an idiot....are you possibly serious? Kettle, pot...Oh, just another wind up! Funny, man, you guys are on a roll! Ha! 2000 yr old superpower dude is your hero, but does nothing, ever! Funny stuff, man, funny! Hey, let me tell you about the story of this awesome guy Jack, it's a really old story so it's true, and he died to save YOU! Really! And just ask him, he'll do anything you want, it says so in this book some other guys wrote about him. He's just so awesome! :ok:

Apple Tree Yard 4th Sep 2011 17:22

Iron Skillet. Re: WaterChecks comments. You obviously don't get things the first time do you.

Kitsune 4th Sep 2011 20:59

Keep wearing the tinfoil hat AirProfit... you'll be able to hear the voices in your head easier... or is this just a futile attempt to suck up to Mad Henry?...:cool:

... and as for using C.S. Lewis as an authority on one's internal dialogue with the infinite... you need ****'in help!

Kitsune 4th Sep 2011 21:10

It's also interesting to note that whenever a thread inimical to the management viewpoint is posted, AirProfit pops up and diverts the thread into a loonier, ( but safer from a management point of view), direction...

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier...

Geepers Eprs 4th Sep 2011 21:24


Apple Tree Yard 4th Sep 2011 21:38

Kitsune. I see you are from England, a nation that once led the world in Christian thought and literature. Now it has lost it's way and is as spiritually dead as it is culturally dead. I'd worry about sorting out your own back yard before commenting on something you have so little understanding of.

Flap10 4th Sep 2011 21:52

And what makes you such an expert aty????? You're just another close minded moron like the rest. Considering that there have been more muslims that have walked this planet than christians, what makes you so sure you're worshipping the right god??? What bunch of rubbish posts by some of the religious freaks.

Iron Skillet 4th Sep 2011 21:57

Water and ATY, please indicate which of my comments demonstrate idiocy, as in "something notably stupid or foolish."

Merriam Webster idiocy (I believe you intended #2 below, since I am not mentally handicapped):
1. usually offensive : extreme mental retardation
2. something notably stupid or foolish

Or perhaps you confused yourselves with the usernames in these long threads, and you intended to highlight the stupid and foolish comments of those who come to idiotic conclusions without using reason, logic or evidence by relying instead on faith, Bronze Age fairy tales and logical fallacies while ignoring all the opposing reason, logic and evidence based on verifiable observations, repeatable experimentation, ever-improving scientific knowledge, fact-based conclusions, and a general participation in non-supernatural reality? Don't worry, it happens all the time to delusional people. You can seek help, though, with education, visits to natural history museums, reading science books instead of invalid old stories, enjoying informative discussions with scientist and teachers, and opening your mind to do your own thinking, without relying of the virus of "faith" that has unfortunately infected your otherwise learning-capable brains

Have a nice day!

water check 4th Sep 2011 22:00

Flap 10. Another angry 'god hating' post I see. ATY was simply stating a fact: the UK, which once was a leading Christian nation, which provided Christendom with much of it's major literature is now dead. You don't have to like it, but it doesn't change the fact. As for CS Lewis and his legacy, I particularly like this summation of who Jesus was:

"I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: 'I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept his claim to be God.' That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic – on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg – or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God, but let us not come with any patronising nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to."

water check 4th Sep 2011 22:05

Iron Skillet. That 'virus of faith' as you put it underpins nearly every aspect of the world you inhabit, and the life you live. Let's start with something simple shall we....the calender you use every day. The legal code that underpins western society. Incidentally, which country has tried to eradicate Christianity, but arguably has the fastest growing Christian church in the world? China. No power or principality shall prevail against the Lord. Might want to ponder that....as others have done for two thousand years.

water check 4th Sep 2011 22:29

Iron Skillet. Or should I say 'Man'....(how old are you...really?). Take any one of the 'other' god's (!) you quote, and then do a dispassionate examination of what Christ proclaimed. Furthermore, explain how prophets (say, Isiah 53) could describe almost faultlessly the birth, life and death of someone hundreds of years prior to that 'Man' actually arriving on earth, being born, living and dying exactly as foretold. Explain how a man with so little of worldly goods, power or length of life could be able to establish a church that overcame the very Roman Empire that crucified him, and then to underpin the very foundation of our entire Western Civilisation? If you can answer that, then I think I will give you more of a hearing. To see the sheer complexity of your own existence (the complexity of an atom, or the working of the brain) and suggest it could somehow 'just happen' is really a far greater stretch of faith than anything a Christian professes. All you can do is attempt to mock, without explaining any of the deeply profound and thought provoking facts about a man who arrived on this earth 20 centuries ago and came with a message that was just quirky enough to be something you wouldn't have thought of randomly. Regardless of how we debate, you will always have the chance to ask him yourself one day....

Gigaboomer 4th Sep 2011 23:22

Air Profit, reference your post #46, I don't think I have seen the Christian worldview put in such an accurate and concise post like this before. Well said brother.

Iron Skillet 5th Sep 2011 02:43

To the delusional among us,

1. It is silly to say "god hating" since there is no god (all the other things that exist have evidence, not fairy tales and pretend "evidence" that doesn't count). It's the people that invent their gods that are impossible to reason with, not the rational secularists.

2. The "UK" (established later) only became a Christian nation many, many centuries after many military invasions, battles, atrocities, etc., forced it upon the people (just like all geographically organized religions) conveniently preventing them from actually reading the silly fairy tale book or seeing any evidence (since there is none). Meanwhile, the Christian cult kept changing their books and stories and divided into various other sub-cults, and the battle lasted a long time among these good, Jesus-inspired Christians (mostly Catholics against Protestants who were protesting the insanity of Catholic crap) all over Europe, for centuries of pain, suffering, destruction, rape, murder, torture, etc. (please spare us the fairy tale that this was all fair game because someone ate an apple/fig/whatever). Meanwhile, one king wanted a divorce one day and poof, yet another sub-cult was invented (The Church of England), yet again with the king conveniently in charge of his own cult (do you really need a list of this trend, from Egypt to Greece to Norway to India to Salt Lake City to Rome to Avignon to Jerusalem to Mecca...).

3. Provision of further expansions of the same fairy tales does not make any of it true. Take a look at the thousands of other "holy books" and series of "holy books" out there, many much thicker than the Bible....volume of content does not equal an increase in truth or value.

4. Yes, the virus of faith is everywhere. The faith varies by region (mostly, until the advent of scientifically-invented better communications systems like the Internet, increasing their spread cross-border, cross-culture, and cross-self-protective religion-installed barriers) but the viral effect is the same: Weak, gullible, ignorant (i.e. lacking education/knowledge) people who really want to believe in god (and there are evolutionary reasons for this) always have and presently still do invent gods to satisfy their needs, and entangle supernatural imaginary friends with actual real morals, advice, traditions like marriage, ceremonies, big buildings, fancy art, big hats on chief child molesters, etc. But none of this has anything to do with reason, logic and evidence. The virus of faith works just like a computer virus once it is installed on the brain. It simply runs itself and keeps going, until an anti-virus/cleaner/deprogrammer is used. When referring to brains, this means using education and knowledge.

5. As for the "legal code that underpins Western society" is from the Bible, don't forget to include all the stuff from Deuteronomy about legitimizing slavery, having your daughters raped, killing wives, murdering neighbours for minor upsets, homophobia, executing entire cities/groups of children, genocide, etc. Hey, it's God's code, not Western Society's! The phony 10 commandments were obviously just taken from earlier religions/gods/kings/traditions. Most readers should go ahead and read them again to see how false the above statement is about underpinning. I'll bet anything nobody can quote them all by memory (just try, to yourself), or even half of these wonderful commandments that mean so much to us, using whichever of the thousands of varying translations and interpretations one was taught.

6. Christianity may be the fastest growing religion in China (not fact checked) but Islam is the fastest growing religion in Europe, the USA and the world. So by the Christian reasoning above, Islam must be more true and better, right?

7. As for prevailing against the "Lord," what and who are you talking about? Where is this "Lord" and who is fighting "him?" It's just a whole bunch of people fighting each other on the planet, no Lords or gods or anything, though each is ultimately fighting, killing and ruining lives in the name of their own imaginary gods. Even though religions have generally formed most modern borders or regional borders, religion/faith is still trumped by an equally irrational and overwhelming power in people's lives; nationalism, yet another pure accident of the location of birth, as with religion.

8. Nothing written in the Bible about Jesus is anything more than contradictory hearsay, jotted down by strangers decades after his supposed life. There is a reason hearsay is inadmissible in court. There is a reason modern juries are not allowed to consider hearsay, voices in their heads, imaginary friends or faith to decide if something is true. There is a reason courts and science present evidence. None of the four gospel writers (well, the 4 still included in the Bible) ever met Jesus, ever talked to him, or ever saw him do anything. Any reference to the Bible is of zero value in supporting any argument anyone makes. It has no more value as evidence than a story about Santa Claus going down the chimney proves Santa brought the presents. Just as you dismiss the Koran when other people say they want to kill their daughter in the name of god because the Koran says it's ok. I'll spare you the 1000's of other examples from the Bible and Koran (and Sharia), etc.

9. First, Jesus was Jewish at the time of the Roman Empire, and the time he was alive. Apparently he was a pretty good carpenter, too. Good gig for god's kid to learn the value of work and money and all that, but seriously, this great god was a carpenter until the last couple of years of his life? Really? Anyways...Did the Jews overcome the Roman Empire, as was mentioned above? How's that working out? Jesus sure had a funny way of "overcoming the Roman Empire" as you said. They kind of killed him in the fairy tale. Funny how there is no mention of this great guy for the first 30 years of his life, or for decades after, and this minor cults took centuries to become much of anything. It wasn't until, go figure, some weak minded, easily fooled emperor, Constantine, 300 years (!!!) after Jesus supposedly lived, used the promise of legitimizing the cult to get his guys to kill, rape, murder, maim, torture and plunder another bunch of guys did he actually go ahead and do so, therefore imposing Christianity on the empire. Then that empire split, as did the power, and the cult divided further into eastern and western Christianity. Which one is right? And which one of each division's sub-cults is more right? The horrendous Dark Ages that led into the insane, religion-fueled cruelty of the Middle Ages in Europe is something Jesus can sure be proud of. And then there is today, filled with people like you. Even worse, are you seriously actually anything less that totally ashamed of and offended by the way European Christians spread the nonsense "good book" around the world to the Americas (particularly brutally in South America), Asia and bits of Africa? Really? Just 2 generations ago the good Christians were stealing kids from their parents in Canada, Australia, America, etc, to infect them with the virus of the Christian faith. Did you miss that history class? Thanks, Jesus! Good job! (I'll try to stop repeating the bit about the organized raping of children in "god's house" by the "men of god.")

11. Ever notice that it is not the year 2011 in the Jewish calendar? Or Chinese? Or Hindu? Or Muslim? Or Mayan? Shall I go on? They've all got their own god's birthday/god's death/god's son's birth/resurrection/battle success/battle lost/martyr to celebrate Day 1 with. They are all just established references that make day to day life more convenient. This makes people feel better about Jesus, having a calendar that started 4 or more years before he was supposedly born? (Learn about the gospels' mention of stuff that is also mentioned to have happened before he was born...oops! But, you know, it's kinda hard to write biographies decades after a guy is dead, specially without ever meeting the guy.)

12. Just because atoms are complex to some people does not mean god made them. With a little understanding of chemistry, atoms are not that complicated: It all starts from hydrogen, then 2 of those makes helium, then just keep on adding particles from collisions, etc. It's not even rocket science. But atoms are mostly space! And wouldn't you know it, the Bible never mentioned atoms...and now we're diving even further into subatomic particles, dark matter, etc. Awesome stuff! And people are figuring it all out, without reference to the Koran, or Torah, or any fairy tales...just using the scientific method. Amazing how that works for everything.

13. Nobody said complexity "just happened." I always say it evolved, as do most non-delusional people familiar with evolution, abiogenesis, science, etc. Contrary to your statement about god just appearing and making everything from nothing, and reading the minds of billions of people forever to check whether they are worshiping him or not, like magic, the truth is that evolution is a very simple, wonderful, all-encompassing explanation for the development of things as we see them today, where they came from, and where they are going, all based on observation, experimentation, reason, logic and evidence rather than a fairy tale in an old book.

14. Funny how Jesus or any of the world's other imaginary friends never seem to take a moment to just show up, get on CNN or even Fox News, pitch up for a university lecture, send us a DVD, hold a conference at the stadium to perform miracles (with video!) or really just ever do or say anything to anyone ever...except for all those secret personal messages pumped directly into the faithful's heart muscle!

Alas, I will now take the advice of many smart people and decline debate with these irrational people any further. In the words of Richard Dawkins, on debating creationists:
"Inevitably, when you turn down the invitation you will be accused of cowardice, or of inability to defend your own beliefs. But that is better than supplying the creationists with what they crave: the oxygen of respectability in the world of real science."

And finally, this gem, from sometime after Kirk Cameron's faith was reinforced by his amazement of must-have-been-created bananas:

Have a nice day! :ok:

Air Profit 5th Sep 2011 02:49

Iron Skillet: On a G day i'm guessing? My earlier comments are self-evident. Many will read them and consider the points I made. Many will be like yourself, obviously bitter and extremely worked up about challenging a God who you probably sense is actually there, but have rejected. Either way, I am at peace with myself and my place in His universe. You only offer desolation.

water check 5th Sep 2011 04:24

Iron Skillet.....'man', you need a life.... :hmm: You talk of 'science' as though it is something separate from God. He created 'science', just as he created the universe you live in. He gave man the wisdom and ability to observe and understand. He also gave us the ability to sense his presence and understand his intentions towards us. You are simply trying to observe the painting without recognising the painter.... Oh, and btw, atoms are very complicated. Try reading a book about their structure, the strong atomic force and the weak atomic force, never mind quantum physics and their strange and almost other-worldly characteristics. While you're at it, try pondering the many, many finely balanced facts about the physical universe and how they could not vary by even .000001% in many instances or life could not exist. As someone mentioned, to be an atheist requires more 'faith' than being a Christian, as it requires the suspension of your own god given soul. A life fighting against the very Creator that brought you into being is one that is most sadly spent.

Mooseflyer 5th Sep 2011 04:54

Mods, please lock this thread - or move it elsewere.

water check 5th Sep 2011 04:58

You don't need to read it Moose. There's more to life than flying....

LongTimeInCX 5th Sep 2011 06:22

...and I'm on my second bucket of popcorn! This is interesting stuff.

As a died in the wool atheist, I think it's a great debate about pollution.
I don't force my views down other peoples throats, yet there are many religious types, the ones who believe in some mythical sky floater, who do wish to forcibly impose their polluted views on non believers like me.

As such, thus is an interesting read, and is good ammo to throw back at the god botherers next time they come my way.

Sure I have beliefs, but simple realistic ones like fishing, women, beer and flying (not the sky floating sort!)

superfrozo 5th Sep 2011 13:19

More popcorn fodder
Here ya' go Moose, this should do the trick!



superfrozo 5th Sep 2011 13:21

And again

superfrozo 5th Sep 2011 13:28

And again...

Air Profit 5th Sep 2011 17:42

I'm satisfied that many of you are making a public declaration as to where you stand as to the question of Christ. Everyone makes that decision in their lives, one way or the other. Christ was mocked and tormented and, in the end, crucified by people that did not know any better (and in particular did not have 2000 years of history and learning to base an opinion on). It's a pity that many of you do not possess enough shame to at least not join their modern day equivalents. As it is, you waste your time with rather juvenile attempts to ridicule Christ and those that choose to believe He is who He says He is.

As a point of interest, I too was an atheist until my mid 20's. I decided however that there was something bothering me about the world around me and my own conscience speaking to me. From there it was a quick and easy journey to find the very God that surrounds each and every one of us with his Love. A few of you have made comments suggesting that somehow believers are 'idiots' and 'fools'. You seem to ignore the fact that throughout history many of the worlds greatest thinkers, business people and politicians have possessed a strong belief if Christ. If it was just the obvious lower educated or poor people who are looking for any relief available you would have a point. The fact that people of far grander standing than you or I (both socially and intellectually) are fervent in their beliefs suggests that maybe they have seen something about the universe around them that compels their intelligent and agile minds to conclude that some extraordinary event took place in human history, that represented our very Creator reaching down to demonstrate eternal Love for his creations. I would suggest that your pejorative comments about other people because they believe in Christ only demonstrate your own inability towards full and critical intellectual thinking. But what do I know, i'm only a 'sky fairy' believing, self-deluded fool.....

ByAirMail 6th Sep 2011 00:16

Devil 1 God guy 0
This god guy, who was also jesus ( figure that out but if you can figure out a talking snake, man in a whale, boat full of aminals etc, it should not be dificult.) send his son/ himself on a suicide mission.
According to edition one , old testament, he came to save his people. He got surprised by the locals and they hung him... that was not part of the plan.
So they came up with the second edition, New Testament, and claim he's coming back for a rematch.
I see he has a small fan club, but I think this time the baddy's is really determined, they even fly aircraft into buildings. He might be in for another bud kicking

Fac6 6th Sep 2011 09:48


I only started this thread to have a moan :ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh:

Steve the Pirate 6th Sep 2011 12:17

I only started this thread to have a moan
As is your God-given or evolutionary right (whichever side of the fence you choose to be on which, co-incidentally, is also a God-given or evolutionary right).


arse 8th Sep 2011 05:09

“If someone doesn’t value evidence, what evidence can you provide to prove they should value it? If someone doesn’t value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance of logic?” Sam Harris
Check our the Best of Sam Harris here:

Our another of my favourites; anything from Pat Condell on You Tube.

marcopolosnr 8th Sep 2011 05:45

The power station pollution has actually reduced over the past few years (or they will now be fined) but the roadside pollution has increased year on year.
At Chinese New Year when the PRD and all its factories were shut the API reached 177 in Central. Why was that ? well simply, HK Govt mandated the old diesel buses (plying nose to tail and 95% empty for most of the day outside rush hours,) must install particulate traps - the EPD morons however in their level of incapability omitted to mandate SCR also to be fitted into the diesel vehicle exhaust systems. The result : less PM10 particulates emitted but more PM2.5 particulates and much more NO2. Take a nice steady supply of NO2, add VOCs from paint and vehicle emissions, mix in the sunlight Voila - Ozone photochemical smog- then add the PM2.5 from the power stations , diesels and the 3% sulphur bunker fuel from the ships in the busiest shipping lane in the world passing HKG as a nice yellow sticky crust on the smog and you have your 'haze' trapped in the urban canyons created by overdevelopment in Likasingville . During summer the nice south westerlies dump the **** from here into China and during the winter the northerlies reciprocate carrying the **** from Fo Shan to Hongkers.
In USA they are mandating a 200 mile Emission Control Zone for shipping and Europe has its own ECA also so why not here ? Well China controls our waters according to the HK Marine Department and they have not applied to Marpol to make our waters an ECA. duhhh. So why not make our own rules ? Ayaaah, if a Govt ****** makes a decision he / she might lose the nice cushy platinum ricebowl and future employment by the tycoons after retirement. So what about the amended (24 years old) Air Quality Standards that are lingering to be issued ? -well if the wankers applied the new standards immediately as they should, any chance of passing an Environmental Impact Assessment report for the Zhuhai bridge and 3rd runway would immediately fail. Never mind the fact they have failed to get an agreement on additional landing slots. Ah yes, how many people know that HK Govt owns half the operation of Zhuhai airport, hence the need to truck the exports to feed the aircargo at CLK. Meanwhile Macau airport has signed 5th freedom agreement with Japan for daily flights and is opening more slots for low cost carriers.

stillalbatross 9th Sep 2011 02:37

The thing I don't understand about Christians is that when you ask about any one of the hundreds of other religions on the planet they explain that worshippers to thise religions don't get it yet that Christianity is the only true religion. Everything else isn't factual, it's made up with no scientific evidence to support it. There is no way a Christian can accept that a Buddist or Shinto believer could happily tell that Christian for the rest of their lives that Christianity isn't real but that their religion is.

If you have been bought up with, for instance Shinto, as only 119 million currently have then the whole idea of only one god is complete garbage.

But if you need your god to tell you that drinking 10 bottles of Jim Beam every night and kicking the f*ck out of your wife is a bad thing then I haven't got a problem with whatever you want to believe in.

superfrozo 9th Sep 2011 06:56

Confession time

But if you need your god to tell you that drinking 10 bottles of Jim Beam every night and kicking the f*ck out of your wife is a bad thing then I haven't got a problem with whatever you want to believe in.
Was I the only one that laughed out loud at this?! Mmmm, I'm either a godless, immoral heathen or an Airline manager.

Either way I'm going to hell!


Gigaboomer 9th Sep 2011 12:49

Stillabatross, a couple of comments:

1. Yes there are probably thousands of religions in existence in the world but it does not logically follow that they all must therefore be wrong. If that were the case then logically humanism would also be refuted as this is just as religious as any other philosophy.

2. The simple fact that there are so many religions is in fact consistent with what the bible actually teaches. God made us in His image so we are all naturally drawn to the questions of purpose, answered in many different ways by many different religions. It is sin that prevents us from seeing the truth. Even Richard Dawkins displays 'awe' and 'wonder' at 'nature'.

What we really need to do is honestly look at the actual evidence for any truth claim. This is where Jesus stands head and shoulders above the rest, a real man in real history that made claims that changed the world. Of course you could alternatively believe that matter and energy just popped into existence despite the laws of physics or life just started despite the laws of chemistry, but I would suspect that that path has more to do with rejecting accountability to God than any form of 'reason'.

Steve the Pirate 9th Sep 2011 17:02


Yes there are probably thousands of religions in existence in the world but it does not logically follow that they all must therefore be wrong.
The logical response to this then must be that none of them therefore must be right, surely?

If somebody wants to follow a particular religion then that's fine. I think the difficulty that some posters have is the evangelism spouted by others. If you choose to believe in a particular deity then that's OK but let's give the pushiness a miss.

For what it's worth, God made the pollution index drop to 34 in Tung Chung today - good on Him (capitalisation only to minimise anger from those who have faith).

As Dave Allen used to say, "May your god go with you".


Iron Skillet 10th Sep 2011 13:04

I am not debating:

STP, thanks for pointing out the obvious to those who simply cannot see it! Unfortunately, I bet they still won't see they are completely 180 degrees out in their concept of logic.

For what it's worth, I do have a problem with people who choose to believe in any particular deity, any and all of them: For example, again, the 9/11 terrorists all believed in their deity, which is what gave them the motivation to do what they did. Same applies to a zillion other deity-belief-based stories of awful things done for similar reasons (Galileo, stem cell research, Crusades, Inquisition, conquest of the Americas, circumcision, honour killing, withholding condoms, denying divorce, stoning, polygamy (for men only), Srebrenica, Taliban, Waco, etc, etc, etc....

Let's cancel freedom of religion, since everyone only means freedom of theirs, not the others, and start educating people properly - so they don't say such misinformed, invalid, misleading things, and even falsely attempt to base their ridiculous arguments in a total misunderstanding and misrepresentation of science.

Have a nice day!

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