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-   -   We are now working for the Chinese now! (https://www.pprune.org/fragrant-harbour/434506-we-now-working-chinese-now.html)

crewsunite 21st Nov 2010 11:57

What is it like working for the Chinese?
Guys, it does not take a rocket scientist to work out the trend here.
In the medium future CX & KA will be reporting to the Chinese!

If you are young and don't want to work under this lot and have options, use them. You may regret not making plans that offer better ability to take a stand against unjust practices in the work place.

Do you guys really think Basing are going to continue to open up around the network?

What is it going to be like commuting on our new rosters? (New FTL in 2011)

We have already lost some courts cases & a few suspect alot of higher level politics at play.

I fear this is only the beginning.
Mix the ruthless Swire with ACC and you'll get a 1st class employer (Not:ooh:)

crewsunite 21st Nov 2010 11:59

Life at ACC is not happy..

For EG..

Clondnine's vitriolic rant of deception and falsification
Before I respond to Clondnine's vitriolic rant of deception and falsification, I would like to qualify myself as being a person able to respond with some authority on the subject;

I fly the 330 at Air China. Our package stiplulates that we have days off at our respective base OUT of China. However, we layover at the Crowne Plaza when in PEK. None of the 330 guys would entertain the shameful Air China Cargo (ACC) package, which is NOT as advertised. Even our respectable contract is constantly tampered with by the Chinese. The Chinese seem to revel in causing grief with the foreigners contract and lifestyle.

I am very familiar with the ACC operation, having spoken to some of the cargo pilots and one in particular who lived at the Crowne Plaza at his own expense rather than take a lease on an apartment - ACC will not tell you until you arrive, you MUST sign a lease and provide a deposit for an apartment in order to be issued a Residence Visa.
Clondnine conveniently neglected to inform readers of this fact when responding to another thread on the subject of apartment rental in PEK.

With regard to ACC provided hotels, Clondnine states: "In Dubai and Europe, it is 4-5 star"

Absolute tripe. The hotel in FRA is NOT even a hotel. It is an apartment building where pilots are expected to take their own clean towels! cook their own food and wash the bedsheets of the prior occupant! AND suffer the incessant smoking of the Chinese crew with whom you will share the apartment building. ALL of the foreign 330 pilots refused to stay at this 'hotel'.

With regard to the "sacked" Captain. Clondnine states: "The captain who was sacked, refused to remove his bag from the emergency exit when requested to do so by a Chinese FO. Expletives were used by said foreign captain"

Utter tripe. The Captain was NOT "sacked". He left PEK on his days off after ACC kept him in limbo after the incident. I spoke with this Captain several times during this period. True, this Captain had placed his bag in front of an Emergency Exit and did refuse to move it, but this was DURING THE CRUISE. The bag was removed prior to top of descent.
During the approach into VIE the Chinese F/O lectured this Captain about not placing his bag in front of an exit. The Captain raised his voice in order to restore a sterile cockpit. Additonally, the F/O was smoking on the aircraft both in the air and on the ground in VIE, with Cargo Aircraft Only, Dangerous Good on board. This caused the Captain to speak to the F/O once more. Having spoken to the F/O, the F/O then decided that would not participate in his duties and sulked like a child. The F/O also continued to smoke on the aircraft!
On returning to PEK the Captain, rightly, submitted a report of the matter.
The Captain included in his report that the Tech Log entries were all in Chinese and he was unable to determine the status of the aircraft without interpretation.

As a consequence of his report he was removed from duties for failing to remove his bag from an emergency exit! To my knowledge, this Captain has not been paid owing salary and allowances. This, combined with the deception of the contract changes on arrival, would cause anyone to become angry and argumentative.

Clondnine, perhaps you are submissive and subservient by nature or preference. Are you possibly also too frightened to complain when you are treated badly? However, you have the affront to state you would not wish to sit next this Captain even as a passenger. Having completed even the most basic course in CRM, readers will realize that from your post, you personally demonstrate weak, if any, leadership qualities (IF you are a Captain).

The Austrian BMVIT, Austro Control, were made aware of the incident invovling the F/O's conduct and other shortcomings at ACC. Austro Control have regularly ramp-checked ACC aircraft and fined ACC for various violations.

Clondnine states: "had flown for many respected, and long established flag carriers in the last four years, and is no longer working for any of them. This should have been picked up by ACC, but they will no better next time"

Pompous tripe. The recently recruited ACC Captains were ALL sacked from airlines. Namely, JAL, Atlas and Asiana. In fact, the Korean pilots sacked from Asiana all returned to Korea recently to attend court hearings regarding their sacking from Asiana.
Most of the foreign pilots working in China have flown for many airlines.
If ACC follow Clondnine's absurd suggestion, they will have even fewer applicants than they have now!

Clondnine states: "Roster is produced on a Saturday for the following week"
Tell me Clondnine, are you not even slightly embarassed by admitting this?

Additionally, Clondnine draws attention to the 'junior' Captain status in place at ACC. I am aware that one of the two Captains promoted to 'full' Captain status, who practically lives in the foreign pilot administrative office, completed only a 20 minute sim check during which the weather was VFR and no engines were failed! This is entirley contrary to industry standard PIC checks.
The other promoted Captain regularly flies to FRA and willingly accepts the disgusting apartment accommodation.
Clearly, ACC award the 'full' Captain status to those who insert their noses in smelly places. Such a regime is quite abhorrent.

All the ACC foreign Captains to whom I have spoken, are actively seeking alternative employment.

Further, Clondnine would have you believe he is a pilot. From reading some of his "recruitment" postings, I believe he is on this site purporting to be a pilot only to promote his own interests as an agency representative. Much to the detriment of improved conditons and associated quality of life of pilots - something you will NOT achieve at ACC. However, you will be paid accordingly at the expense of your personal and family life. You can watch your children grow-up via Skype!

In previous postings when someone has dared to disagree with Clondnine, he has either cried for the moderator, or, as related to this thread, called the reply rubbish and lies.

Clondnine, I think it is best that you return to 'FaceSpace' where your bedwetting schoolgirl, bullying, might have more chance to intimidate.



clondnine 21st Nov 2010 17:46

You are backing the wrong horse, or should I say Nag.
Your 'friend' who lived in the crown plaza, yes, THE captain in question who was fired, yes he. He did not have to take an apartment to obtain a residence visa. It was his choice to live here in the Cown. Currently there are other ACC pilots also 'electing' to live in the same hotel. 'IF' you are indeed an Air China captain you will have met these other pilots no doubt at breakfast. Go ahead, ask them whether they need to get an apartment. I am currently living there myself and I have the Crown Plaza Beijing Capital as my official address on my Z visa, maybe you and I have had breakfast together!

Regarding the Hotel in FRA. I do not know what FRA YOU fly in to(are you sure its EDDF you insert into your MCDU), but Air China, and Air China Cargo, and Asiana and Korean all stay in the 'International Frankfurt airport Hotel. Its 4 star, and very good for a 24 hour layover. Are you sure you are not being spun a yarn??

Maybe next time you write poison here you will at least get your facts correct. Or just don't be so gullible in believing what your 'buddy' says. Remember, he had an agenda, and he is using your posts here quite successfully. Don't be so fooled. By the way, if you dislike working for air China, why don't you foxtrot :mad: away from here.

See you at breakfast.

Direct Bondi 21st Nov 2010 20:55

Oh dear, how you disappoint Clondnine
Oh dear, how you disappoint Clondnine. You can use expletives as much as you like, you will simply never make it as an internet bully here. Your reply does little to promote the case for Air China Cargo (ACC). Did ACC teach you such skills during their new-hire CRM class? - unfortunately, there is no CRM class at ACC.

You appear to be embedded in a thick cloud of confusion on several points. Perhaps you can navigate your way through it using the LVP training given to you by ACC - unfortunately, there is no LVP training at ACC - ( be sure not to go below those 600rvr/800viz minimums this winter, Austro Control may be looking to inspect your LVP/Cat2 Qualification Certificate ).

You seem preoccupied with facts. You will agree then, it is a FACT that ACC do not conduct industry standard, ICAO required training.

It is a FACT that the new ACC Captains recruited in February had to sign a lease for an apartment in order to be issued a Residence Visa. Ask the Irish Captain at ACC to confirm this for you.

It is a FACT that ACC used an apartment instead of a hotel in FRANKFURT. As stated, pilots had to take their own clean towels and wash the bedding of the prior occupant, plus suffer the incessant smoking of the Chinese crew. Ask one of the Korean Captains at ACC to confirm this for you.

Perhaps the Chinese have embarrassed themselves into changing the apartment in FRA for more suitable accommodation for the ACC pilots. The 330 guys all refused the apartment accommodation from the beginning.

It is a FACT that ACC have a ‘punishment scheme’ in place where money is deducted from your salary. Ask one of the South American Captains to confirm this for you. A couple of them have been already been ‘punished’.

By the way, ALL the Air China expat 330 Captains totally rejected the ‘punishment scheme’. To have accepted it would have been tantamount to masochistic prostitution.

Clondnine, to further educate you and perhaps recover you from your hypnotic, confused state, I suggest you talk to the Australian Captain at ACC and ask him to enlighten you on these facts. While you are at it, ask him if he and the other Captains who joined ACC 4-years ago, are still commuting home monthly on Air China for free, while the new Captains are told they must go home at their own expense, during the short European and US layovers - which are subject to change.

The Air China Cargo and Air China regimes are of course communist, where everyone is equal, however, at Air China Cargo it is apparent that some people are more equal than others.

Clondnine, it is unfortunate that you have chosen to defend, indeed promote, the appalling contract at Air China Cargo rather than criticize it, to the benefit of those who might be deceived into joining or possibly improve the conditons for you and your colleagues. What can your agenda possibly be, a 'full' Captain position perhaps? I hope this will not also involve inserting your nose into smelly places. Please do try and retain some dignity and self respect.

How is the FACT of that "quality of life" roster, published on a Saturday for the following 7-days, working out for you?

With all these facts, I've lost my appetite. Please start breakfast without me.


MrClaus 22nd Nov 2010 03:24

Now we are now working for the Chinese now!

Only three 'nows', I thought I would at least fit in four.:ok:

crewsunite 22nd Nov 2010 11:47

Thks! Amazing what stress & Jet lag can do to ones spelling & Gramma. (Esp if it is not ones strong point)

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