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ALPHA FLOOR 2nd Jan 2010 11:30

He's back -
Capt Marin*o back on the CX roster from KA , see he is doing 340 ccq later in the month -- all smiles at Dragon air house I am willing to bet.


Follow the Follow Me 2nd Jan 2010 14:26

The Dragonair Pilot's Association was responsible.

He is still KA's chief pilot but he just doesn't fly our aircraft. How that works with CAD I don't know.

I have a lot to say about him but I won't.

BEKOL Magic 2nd Jan 2010 14:52

You're a bit out of the loop Alpha Floor. He's been flying CX metal since at least September - get with the program :ok:.

DPA refused to grant a further exemption to him from their seniority order. What do the DPA think they can achieve with this minor inconvenience? He's still their CP :}.

broadband circuit 2nd Jan 2010 23:37

Win some, Lose some

What do the DPA think they can achieve with this minor inconvenience?
Actually, they've achieved 2 very significant things.

1. The KA chaps don't have to fly with him (good result for them)

2. We (CX) are stuck with him again (bad result for us)

Follow the Follow Me 3rd Jan 2010 00:27

Now lets be fair. Many of these F/O reported dramas are unsubstantiated.

On another issue with some management pilots. "I don't fly much" doesn't cut it on modern aircraft. You are either a good pilot or you are not. I did 3 months SLS and first days back flew like an ace. If you are not a good pilot, and are in management, everyone knows it and you are the professional laughing stock of the airline. Give it away!

boocs 3rd Jan 2010 10:43

F the F me,

Wasn't the comment directed at KA drivers that "you fly too much!!" ??? What i was told anyhow...


The Wraith 4th Jan 2010 00:50

Wow, Follow the Follow Me! Once you get over your lack of confidence and self criticism you'll probably turn out ok!!!

iceman50 4th Jan 2010 02:26

Follow the Follow Me

I did 3 months SLS and first days back flew like an ace.
Well YOU obviously thought you did, I wonder if EVERYBODY else did?

Did you want to be Chief Pilot, ACE, and they wouldn't let you, poor didums.

jonathon68 4th Jan 2010 04:43

Morale at one airline has gone up..

Morale at another airline has gone down..

I shall leave everyone to guess which airlines ae involved..

Australia2 4th Jan 2010 16:48


You ARE wrong on one account I can assure you !


Follow the Follow Me 5th Jan 2010 03:33

Wasn't the comment directed at KA drivers that "you fly too much!!" ??? What i was told anyhow...

Hey Boocs. No. My point misunderstood and it wasn't in relation to the CP and I don't want to drag up unsubstantiated F/O stories or comments. My point was aimed elsewhere as I don't think you are cutting the grade when you consistently identify yourself as a threat when flying the line. It may have been good CRM initially. Now it is poor leadership. A few sectors a month on Airbus aircraft is enough to maintain a leadership standard. If you can't well you just can't.

Follow the Follow Me 5th Jan 2010 03:43

The Wraith and iceman50. You come over insecure and threatened by throw away lines on pprune. Ease up. You especially iceman. Very uncool. I am starting to wonder if training and checking at Cathay is intimidation and an industrial weapon judging by nervous outpourings around here.

iceman50 6th Jan 2010 11:39

Follow the Follow Me

The only nervous and insecure outpourings here are from you and your poor attempt at trying to make excuses for your comments. I think you need to grow up or is that "uncool" as well.:rolleyes:

punkalouver 8th Jan 2010 01:21

What is the problem with this guy. Examples of what a flight would be like. Can't be that bad.

preset 8th Jan 2010 02:16

You especially iceman. Very uncool.
An iceman becoming "uncool" couldn't that become life threatening ? :}

BEKOL Magic 8th Jan 2010 02:31

*rant on*

punkalouver - this is pprune. A place for a small minority to b*tch about people they hear rumours of, and don't really know (or do know, but are bitter enough to feel the need to stir or give people a bad name on a public forum). The sooner you learn that, the better.

The reality is the management guy you meet in the office is doing a job to bring home the bacon; same as any other Tom, Dick or Harry. Their job, however, requires them to commit necessary evils to keep the lads up top happy (which they are suitably compensated for, of course).

Management pilots are puppets for the executives of the company. They do whatever the puppeteers require. Whether it be to implement methods to reduce costs (ie SLS, B Scale, etc) or get the labour force to kow tow to their masters :} (49ers). This is capitalism in working motion, chaps! It doesn't take a genius to see that.

Exploit units of labour (ie, us pilots) and reduce costs to reel in a profit for the shareholders (and Tony's bonus might I add :ok:).

You might not have realised it but this is what YOU signed up for. If you don't like it, don't blame the personalities who implement these policies, blame the system!

And, subsequently, you should probably move to North Korea :E.

Out of the office, these guys are just normal people who like to spend time with their families or even have an ale and watch the cricket. It might suprise some to see they don't have horns and a tail :=.
*rant off*

All the best for 2010,

BEKOL Magic ;).

jonathon68 8th Jan 2010 15:01

Almost all of us are "part of the system" to some degree or another.

Everyone draws the line in a different place for different issues at different stages in their career. An example, would be someone who elected to never fly a freighter nor work a "G day" for over a decade, but ultimately ends up as a trainer. Meanwhile his colleague, who decries the idea of going into training, accepts freighter flying so that he could get his temporary basing for that year. You could easily argue that both are wrong for playing into the hands of the Company. But it is impossible (and a waste of time) to say who is a more "hard-core Unionist" than the other. I doubt that more than a handful of pilots in the Company could stand up to total scrutiny of the most absolute of the work-to-rule purists.

The Company will always fill vacant positions with pilots. Our flights will be crewed, through recruitment, training, rostering and manipulation there-of. Similarly, our pilot management positions will also always be filled, and we will continue to fight the same old battles anyway.

I think that rather than discourage people from going into management (and training) etc, we should be grooming our own "sleeper agents" to try and take over the 3rd floor from the inside. With retirement age disappearing into infinity, we could be stuck with some of the present 3rd floor incumbents for decades. We desperately need to get the guys we want, up there.

The Wraith 8th Jan 2010 16:45

F the F me,
I am not insecure, I just don't come on here and tell everyone just how damn cool and amazing I am. 3 months off and you come back and fly like an ace....
Get over yourself.

Steve the Pirate 9th Jan 2010 00:50


I agree completely with your first 3 paragraphs. I also agree with the sentiment of the last one but, in reality, when people become part of any management structure they risk becoming institutionalised. There are obvious exceptions (Philby, Blunt etc) but I would imagine that most people would eventually succumb to the thinking on management's side of the fence. Not only that, you have to reach at least GM level before you can influence the system.

Still, I might be wrong. I seem to recall someone telling me that one of our current GMs used to be a BALPA representative in a previous life.


mr Q 9th Jan 2010 03:32


CODE][/CODE]I'll be at Laguna from 3pm tomorrow and I'll be glad to enlighten you with with my wisdom!
Do You think filipinas and indonesians will have any real interest in this topic ????????????????????????????????????????

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