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-   -   CX "New Vision and Mission': here we go again (https://www.pprune.org/fragrant-harbour/357973-cx-new-vision-mission-here-we-go-again.html)

Captain Dart 14th Jan 2009 01:43

CX "New Vision and Mission': here we go again
Older CX hands may remember 'The Cathay Pacific Commitments' which were an appendage of Red Oddington's 'Operation Better Shape' of the early-to-mid nineties. It appears that the industrial psychologists have recycled this into the 'New Vision and Mission' being peddled on IntraCx today.

The same older hands may remember that 'Operation Better Shape' and the 'Commitments' were a prelude to the introduction of B Scales, COS 94 (signing away leave etc for modest pay rise and 'chance' of a basing), and who doesn't remember being taken off the flying roster for a day, sat in the auditorium at Kai Tak and harangued about how 'bad' things were?

In these times of financial 'tsunamis' and other thesaurus-inspired terms of doom and gloom (maybe 'armageddon' is next), the fact that CX is spending time and money on this psycho-babble is cause for concern for all crew.

KillingTime 14th Jan 2009 03:57

So what's the 'mission' statement then? Please? I am curious to see what kind of jargon the marketing consultant came up with...

Azamat Bagatov 14th Jan 2009 04:47

Let's see...

Unpaid leave is offered, with the potential (depending on how one goes about it) to screw those accepting it, at a later date.....:ugh:

..and now this ? The warm fuzzy 'let's stick together' "vision" ?:D

Methinks it's a hard attempt at improving morale - nice try, you spineless, greedy :mad: !!!

Goonybird 14th Jan 2009 05:39

Old Mission Statement:

Our vision is to make Cathay Pacific the most admired airline in the world.

            New "Vision and Mission Statement"

            Our vision is to be the world’s best airline.
            Being the best means that we always strive to
            excel in everything we do. Our dynamic team
            provides the highest quality service so that our
            customers are happy they chose Cathay Pacific.

                          Notice that they've dropped "providing rewarding career oportunities".:ugh:

                          Composite Man 14th Jan 2009 05:48

                          I guess the "We provide superior financial returns" mission may take a while to acheive with the possible cash losses from hedging and future cargo fines pending.

                          Interestingly enough there was nothing in there about being a corpoartely moral and just company.

                          And I guess they don't need to restate their ongoing "mission" of continually f**king their staff.

                          BusyB 14th Jan 2009 06:07

                          Yes, the obviously missing words are staff and careers.

                          The review of the year also doesn't seem to think 468mil dollars in Cargo fines worth a mention.:mad:

                          Lowkoon 14th Jan 2009 06:12

                          • We will attempt to limit our illegal activity this year... (fingers crossed behind their backs).

                          Goonybird 14th Jan 2009 06:22

                          Let's have some fun with this, treat it like Letterman's top ten list...Come on guys give it a shot!

                                        Not my best work, maybe I'll try again when I'm not so jetlagged....how many years to retirement?? whoops touchy subject..:{

                                        TheHKAOA 14th Jan 2009 07:05

                                        We produce superior financial returns ... http://static.pprune.org/images/smilies/icon25.gif Who the hell wrote this???
                                        Who else - the directors. They had superior financial returns in the last annual report.

                                        Humber10 14th Jan 2009 09:13

                                        How much did it cost for someone to produce that dribble....

                                        badairsucker 14th Jan 2009 10:13

                                        In these difficult times, they spend money on that bollox.

                                        Well done CX.

                                        FlexibleResponse 14th Jan 2009 14:38

                                        Strangely enough, executives and managers see a desperate need to re-invent themselves on a regular basis. Perhaps, if only to satisfy their primal urge to leave their individual mark on the boundaries of their territory?

                                        As aircrew we have some fundamental and intrinsic problems with that sort of unbridled behavior in the world of professional aviation.

                                        We, aircrew and airline management, have a symbiotic relationship in that one can't survive without the other. And there is very little chance that we'll ever understand each other...

                                        Kitsune 15th Jan 2009 16:37

                                        Uuuuuummmm, what part of the vision is the 55% loss in value of the shares over the last twelve months..... let's see, 10,000,000 shares bought back (from whom:suspect:) at 15.5 now worth 7 dollars a share less..... which side of the balance sheet and the 'superior financial return' does that fiasco come in on..........:cool:

                                        Saturn 15th Jan 2009 17:39

                                        Full of Shiiite
                                        It took me a few years but I have figured out that our managment are blatant liars and hypocrites. Hey does the new vision include all the court cases going on against the company??? Where is the SCMP and the Standard on calling this BS! What a bunch of azz clowns.:mad:

                                        1200firm 15th Jan 2009 23:05

                                        I've still got the "committment for the 90's" coffee mug with all the consultant-speak psycho-babble shpeal on the side.I drink from it most mornings & it has made me the man I am today.

                                        Sqwak7700 16th Jan 2009 03:25

                                        I've still got the "committment for the 90's" coffee mug with all the consultant-speak psycho-babble shpeal on the side.I drink from it most mornings & it has made me the man I am today.
                                        How funny.

                                        Who the fack came up with "Mission Statements". What a bunch of crap created just so some a-hole can keep his useless job. I can't beleive that a bunch of adults actually sat down in a meeting and wasted a whole work day (potentially, and most likely, more than one) hammering this crap out. Did they actually think that people read this and are inspired?

                                        I'll tell you what inspires me. Actions, which I'm sure you've heard, speak louder than words. Growing team? Hardly when you are parking aircraft and asking crew to take un-paid leave. That to me smells like shinking team.

                                        Socially resposible? I guess colluding with other carriers in cargo price fixing and general cartell behaviour is considered "socially responsible". :yuk:

                                        And please, "Our vision is to be the world’s best airline" Yhh, not really. The world's best have already moved on from the herring-bone coffin class fiasco to wide comfortable staggered seats. We are still fully commited to yesterday's product and haven't even finished intalling it fleetwide!:ugh: Maybe they should change it to "Our vision is to be ONE STEP BEHINDthe world’s best airlines"

                                        Honestly, ****t like this "mission statement" crap really frightens me and reminds me of inefficiency and lack of initiative to improve things. :suspect:

                                        badairsucker 16th Jan 2009 03:58

                                        I must say that the CX management really don't have a clue.
                                        Just when I thought they can't go any lower, this management bollox come out!!!!:ugh:

                                        Kitsune 16th Jan 2009 06:49

                                        One of the basic precepts of OBS under Ed Roddington was how to keep up with and EXCEED the airlines we were benchmarked against, in particular SQ........ that would be the SQ that has galloped off into the distance ever since then..:rolleyes:

                                        broadband circuit 16th Jan 2009 13:14

                                        Staff Briefings
                                        Take a look at intra-crapex. They are advertising opportunities for staff to go to briefings about the new mission statement by the CEO (Tyler) & COO (Slosar).

                                        I just don't know what to say. Surely the managers don't actually believe that this type of window dressing is of any interest to the staff.

                                        VR-HFX 16th Jan 2009 14:34

                                        What you need to understand is that Slosar needs witnesses...while he shafts Tyler. Be afraid, very afraid, if Slosar gets the nod...he wll make TT and DT look like pussies:E

                                        Captain Dart 7th Feb 2009 11:08

                                        For CX crew, 'Vision and Mission' statements are now (individually addressed on a computer printout) in your Flight Crew mailboxes. History has shown twice during the last two decades in CX that when this sort of psychobabble appears, pressure on crew usually follows; flying yet more hours, pay cuts and 'help' in other forms may be on the agenda. Cargo fines and fuel hedging losses are not your problem, although Management will try to make it so.

                                        Read your HKAOA Updates thoroughly. Do your job and keep your head down until the next crew shortage, which will be a doozy; there are few pilots left to leave the military, and the few Gen Y kids who are actually interested in aviation currently have difficulty borrowing the funds required to learn to fly. Whether it is six months, two years or five to the next upturn, the industry will need lots of us. In the meantime, humanity will still need to travel, and as a bonus the Hudson River ditching has caught the attention of the travelling public with regard to our technical competence and responsibilities.

                                        Good luck to us all!

                                        AnQrKa 8th Feb 2009 05:25

                                        'Operation Better Shape' and the 'Commitments' were a prelude to the introduction of B Scales"

                                        No, really? Dont you think striving for better shape would include cutting labor costs. How much growth do you think CX would have seen were it saddled with A scale only.

                                        Just take a look at how many jets are sitting idle at CLK. These are not scare tactics, CX, like every airline, is in for a VERY rough ride and the downturn has not even started to kick in.

                                        So, what will you guys do to ensure CX survives, cos bitchin and moanin on pprune about how dumb your managers are compared to how smart you monkey operators are is not going to do diddly squat. You could all be replaced tomorrow by button pushers on half your dough and the end result would look no different.

                                        So what you gunna do? Any suggestions?

                                        sisyphos 8th Feb 2009 05:55

                                        You are mistaken if you think CX still pays above average. Have a close look at the pay scales, especially the based crew ones. Then compare with EK,BA,LH etc.

                                        quadspeed 8th Feb 2009 06:02

                                        You could all be replaced tomorrow by button pushers on half your dough and the end result would look no different.
                                        Mmmm. They already did that. Twice.

                                        ACMS 8th Feb 2009 11:27

                                        Well ANQRKA we are STILL carrying about 50,000 PAX per day.

                                        I don't see many more CX jets parked around CLK than usual.

                                        So keep spinning it.

                                        AnQrKa 8th Feb 2009 23:20

                                        You obviously didnt see the freight apron the other day.

                                        Full planes, yep, surely an indication of profit. Hahahahahaha.

                                        Tony has cried wolf but the interesting thing about the story of the little boy that cried wolf is - he was mince meat when the actual wolf showed up and no body believed him.

                                        Whats that, can I hear footsteps?

                                        ACMS 9th Feb 2009 01:47

                                        mmmmm, maybe although there always were a lot of Freighters sitting in HKG most days.

                                        If CX hadn't screwed up the fuel hedging we would still be making quite a good profit with the fuel price so low. In fact this year they forecast a fuel bill 20 billion less than last year.

                                        Don't feel sorry for CX, we will still be around for a long long time to come.

                                        As others have said, wait for the day the executives take a big pay cut, then start to concern yourselves.;)

                                        Humber10 9th Feb 2009 03:38

                                        here they are crying about having to save money and they come out spending money on this crap and filling my mail box up with it too.... and now they want to spend more wasted money on painting up 3 aircraft in one world colors.

                                        So is this what the savings of FLWOP are paying for??

                                        Kitsune 9th Feb 2009 07:06

                                        In yesterdays Sunday Times you can get a CX flight LHR-SYD for 572 sterling.........

                                        CokeZero 10th Feb 2009 02:21

                                        The recent Cathay released Mission statement has me wondering. I was talking with a friend who has run some successful companies around the world and she laughed at Cathay's new mission statement.

                                        She would get her junior staff to write this dribble so she could see what they were made of. She said "It's one thing to write the stuff but another to actual try to live up to what they write".

                                        Classic example is "Our vision is to be the world’s best airline."

                                        No harm in saying that but what are you actually doing about it? Reducing size of meals, old movies, herring bone seating, removing the amount of newspapers, reducing the size of seat width and depth.

                                        As Cathay have said in it's advertising campaign

                                        "It's the little things that matter"

                                        Well Cathay - It is the little things that matter. That is why people don't want to fly with you, sometimes they have no other choice. You used to be a Leader in Airlines but now you are a sheep and following everyone else.

                                        A great company leads from the front, and to be honest I don't see Cathay coming second nor third behind the leaders now.

                                        That's my two cents worth.

                                        Sqwak7700 10th Feb 2009 17:45

                                        I don't know about you guys, but all these tools making weekly updates seem a bit bi-polar to me.

                                        They always start with "well, the economy keeps worsening and our figures XX behind target, and they don't look like they will improve".

                                        But they always seem to finish of with "well, like to thank the staff for another very busy week and for koping with such heavy loads".

                                        It is almost as if the guy who wrote the intro is not the same as they guy who wrapped it up. Knowing how things operate in China and HK, maybe there is an actual department that exists in CX just for writting these updates and they do not come from upper management. This department works in shifts and there is a structure which dictates that the first half of the update is written before lunch, and the end is written after by a different guy. :confused:

                                        Azamat Bagatov 18th Feb 2009 04:25

                                        The usual story at CX :

                                        It's the **** in the sandwich, my friend.... the gool ol' **** in the sandwich.
                                        Only that this one would make even a 'pizza-by-the-meter' look like finger food at a party.

                                        Go figure !

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