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hailer 7th Oct 2007 04:26

Pilots Beware

Difficult to argue with your main premise - particularly that guys need to be very sure that they know exactly what they are signing for. I am not sure that there is even much conviction amongst the MAX operations guys. They certainly feel they have had the mushroom treatment from the information I have heard.

Also difficult to argue with your judgment on the MAX senior management -for the three "amigos" involved it may owe more to sycophantic naivety and a sheltered upbringing than mere stupidity. The real rogues may be the share-holders - not noted for their care and concern. Would you let your daughter marry anyone from Air China, Shun Tak or CNAC??

However, that matters little to the pilots awaiting their joining dates. They are not stupid - and I would be surprised of the CV are not being updated as I write. That could be exactly what NX want - the need to recruit using their own "sources"?

Let us hope they confound the sceptics - my money is not on MAX surviving but the pilots and aircraft may still be needed. Air China and Air Macau are short of both.


Noddys car 7th Oct 2007 05:59

Max plans binned
Heard from locals on Friday that Max has been scrapped. Engineers already employed were all given notice late last week

wayne's tache 9th Oct 2007 03:21

Thud and Blunder
My guess is that there will be another airline but one which loses as much money as NX (if not more, as most of the core costs are being locked in at the top of the cycle by a MAX workforce that will not be too bothered about building a cost-effective airline whilst they are being shafted by their lead shareholders).

The current KA management team will be replaced by a suitably nicotine-stained Air China/NX implant and the AOC will come through a bit late but by middle of next year.

So, who is this good news for?

Certainly for the various apparatchiks running NX who hold on to their positions for a little longer, and probably for a few guys from Air China who get to come down to Macau and play Big Brother.

Its also not bad news for pilots wanting a couple of years OK money with MAX/NX, a type rating and some solid hours out of Macau. Like Arrowhead says, NX knows enough about itself not to aspire to make money but it is focused on blocking anyone else from doing anything. Air China is their lender of last resort and they cannot accept "foreigners" on their patch. So job security should be OK for people ready to put up with all of the bollocks.

Its bad news for Macau; the aviation scene will stumble on for another couple of years with no significant internal change and most outsiders will just laugh. NX can't even make money in a monopoly environment...
Air Asia's own growth ex-Macau has highlighted that all of the rehearsed arguments about unsustainable routes are nonsense. The fault is with NX management (and implicitly with their shareholders for choosing, backing and retaining them).

Its bad news too for Viva in that they will continue to be stymied politically, running up bigger losses and making fresh investment for an undefined business plan extremely difficult to source. Ultimately they are as much of a political project as NX and MAX and have no scope for growth unless the politics changes. If they had options out of Macau they would not have an aircraft in Papua New Guinea and their founder would not have departed to Russia.

NX is symptomatic of Macau companies in general, although a particularly diseased case. Shun Tak is not much better but at least has a land bank it can trade on. Its like a scene from Night of the Living Dead, with the corporate corpses desparately gorging themselves in the last few hours before sunlight. Now, who brings the sunlight is a more interesting question...

Arrowhead 9th Oct 2007 08:06


I suspect everyone on the mainland will be too busy in the run up to the Olympics to do anything (including allocating new slots). So its sooner or much later. On pilots, knowing Air Macau and the regulator I doubt they will take on more than a handful on non-typed guys, if any at all.

"Its bad news too for Viva in that they will continue to be stymied politically, running up bigger losses and making fresh investment for an undefined business plan extremely difficult to source. Ultimately they are as much of a political project as NX and MAX and have no scope for growth unless the politics changes. If they had options out of Macau they would not have an aircraft in Papua New Guinea and their founder would not have departed to Russia."

VIVA fought hard against NX to win Busan and Sydney, and arguably Phuket. More battles likely to follow over the next six months, including the local regulatory (not political) scene. Without MAX, there will be even more political pressure to get more routes launched out of Macau, by either NX or VIVA - esp since the casinos are now undershooting forecasts. And you are wrong about PNG and AP - both are beneficial to VIVA.

nyaminyami 10th Oct 2007 06:04

still, could have have been an opportunity for us non rated guys to get a leg up in the airlines, stick it out for the length of the contract and take it from there.:ouch:

hailer 11th Oct 2007 10:05

Too early to abandon all hope?
Despite the conviction of the previous few posts I would be reluctant to write the epitaph for MAX just yet.

It is certain that the in-fighting between MAX and Air Macau has led to a despicable loss of expectation for pilots awaiting start dates. However maybe something can be rescued from the ashes yet - those hotel beds and casino tables in Macau have to be occupied, and I suspect the casino/ hotel operators could not care which bunch of useless self serving and opinionated managements provides the air services as long as they happen.

What is certain is that all the brave talk about creating something different is just hot air. Maybe pilots looking for type ratings and/ or jet experience can still get what they need and then "consider their options"? It would be a brave man, though, who gave up another offer to wait for this lot.

I happen to know that the people involved in the recruitment feel pretty shamefaced about the whole thing - they have been made to look very foolish by the actions of the share-holders. However, for those pilots that can hang on. or have nothing else on offer all hope has not yet evaporated in my opinion.

One thing I do not agree with - Macau does not suck. It ain't Las Vegas or Geneva but it beats the hell out of lots of current expat venues as a place to live.


Arrowhead 11th Oct 2007 11:56

I agree with Hailer, indeed moreso. Macau is a great place (bar the PRD pollution) once you get to know your way around properly. Dont let bitter and twisted old NX pilots put you off. :mad:True, there is more traffic and rent costs more, than 5 years ago. Also true, pay is a even more, there are loads more decent places to eat and drink, and multiples more recreational activities to do.

Hailer, remind us who has resigned from MAX in the last two weeks? :}(positions not names)

nyaminyami 11th Oct 2007 17:12

i will adopt the prudent approach of expecting the worst and hoping for the best. keep those insightful posts going guys, either way, will be interesting to hear how it all unfolds

hailer 12th Oct 2007 13:55


Not got any information on departures other than the Head of Operations (FH), but he had got to the end of his contract and I think it is unrelated - although he is reportedly very disgusted by what has happened. However further departures are bound to be just around the corner.

The shrewd ones will wait to see what transpires - particularly a potential pay out? The pilots who may have been shafted by this would be well advised to join forces and get an opinion on Macao labour law which could be in their favour for a few dollars at least.

I would hope that the management that has led everybody up this gum tree will be the first to fall on their swords. It takes skill to snatch defeat of this order from the jaws of victory - capital, aircraft and routes all available but incompetence, megalomania and jealousy win the day!

It will be very interesting to see if the regulator (AACM) is going to dance to Air Macau's tune - some of the things that Air Macau apparently want to do would make the hair curl in any normal regulatory regime.

I hope that the Macau Express guys use the facility of pprune to air their opinion on this shambles - if nothing else it might make them feel better! For the sake of those guys facing an uncertain winter let us hope that they manage to salvage something.


MOETMAN 16th Oct 2007 04:28

Trouble In Tinsel Town
This is the second bunch of losers FH has been involved with (the first being HKE) as Head of Oooops! and safety. No doubt assuring all joiners of a rosey future then moving on before the s**t hits the fan. If he is embarrassed about it , he should be.
Time to smell the roses FH.

wayne's tache 18th Oct 2007 09:38

It's Macau and its government who should be embarrassed - four years of trying and still nothing credible has emerged in terms of air service support for the new Macau economy. Its almost as if they want HKG or Zhuhai to take up the slack. Roll on those new ferries from the Venetian and we'll see if it can be done.

CNAC is the prime culprit in all of this in pushing something forward without any coherent plan. Air China then gets more directly involved and asks more sensible questions about where cost advantages are coming from versus incumbents and CNAC (and their third attempt at a management team) has no answer.

Air China doesn't really care anyway, as long as no one else can move into the space. They're too busy dreaming of intergalactic domination to bother with trivial stuff like Macau. Plus the politics of their Taiwan obsession means that controlling a dull aviation environment is more important than anything else.

Throw in an NX senior management desperate to prevent even the mildest of performance comparisons in their own backyard and we have all the ingredients of the current mess. Forced to put money they don't have into an airline they don't want, no doubt NX will now do its best to make a "dual airline" strategy impossible...

Shun Tak is also getting some lessons in minority shareholding...at least Virgin Blue saw the writing on the wall with the CNAC gang and wisely cut their losses earlier in the process. Pansy better stick to monopolies in future...

malimali 28th Oct 2007 03:10

Question abt the start date.
Does anyone can tell abt the expected start date of Macau Express. It makes me worrying a lot!

hailer 29th Oct 2007 09:31

It's not likely to be good news
Mali Mali - you worry probably with good cause, unfortunately. The civil war between MAX and NX is apparently all but done - down to the mopping up of the last pockets of resistance. It is unlikely to bring with it good news for the pilots hired by MAX - at best they can probably expect to go through an NX recruitment process (and even if successful be expected to fund their own type ratings). NX are enjoying bragging rights all over town and no spirit of reconciliation is evident

The MAX senior management undoubtedly made a grave error underestimating the opposition and over estimating their own reputation and worth. However we may be about to see that bad as they may have been they were brilliant compared with the muppets who will now take over the show. As to the shareholders and board of MAX - a sad ineffectual lot.

Interesting to see if the regulators have any b**** or whether they are in the pocket of NX as postulated. If they are God help everyone - particularly the passengers.

Even in the current climate this is likely to be a sad and unjustified blow for the pilots promised jobs. As ever in this business the pilots seem to be treated as nothing more than collateral damage. I hope they cause some ripples.


FRA2008 30th Oct 2007 05:07

NX does it again!!!
The new restructuring of flight operations department in NX really shows the kind of people that are at the wheel.

Capt D remains as VPFO, he probably forgot how he got that job, but I still remember!!! You were a snaughty little kid, kissing the CEO's ass for over a year when you were the safety manager assistant. Lucky, lucky, the office of the safety department was next to the CEO's, mmhh!!:confused:

The safety manager left, and you self promote yourself to safety manager!! ok, but when the ex, ex, ex, CP (sorry lost count) left, the CEO went over the old VPFO and promoted you to CP, weird???:= First time ever in NX history that a CEO does this!!! Especially from a CEO who can't tell the difference between a A300, and A320 and judges good piloting skills on the softness of the landing!!!:}

But back to Capt D, so the memo came out and you were suddenty the new CP, wow!!! Congrats you really worked hard for that job!!!

What??? One month later the VPFO goes away??? You had nothing to do with it??? :=

Then you called your old buddy from the safety department to be the new VPFO, and he stays only for 2 months, how hot was that seat anyway??:\

Well congratulations again Capt D, you are now the new VPFO after 3 moths as a CP, and you are doing a hell of a job!!!! :yuk:

In the words of the CP (Capt RP) that resigned "If the chinese boy is there just to make money, that's his problem, I can't do the same so I'm leaving":D

Let's go down a step then, the new CP is Capt. CJ, congratulations to you, I really believe you could do a great job as a CP, but that's not gonna happen, and it's not your fault either.:*

Keep in mind that you were not the current VPFO's first choice, you were the 4th!!!! That means that there are 3 guys ahead that he rather have there than you, mainly his (PANG YAO) but luckily AACM said no to all his proposals!! No wonder it's been 5 months since the old CP announce his resignation and no white smoke for that long!!! You guys must be really busy!!:rolleyes:

In deed you are, I figured out why!!! You were figuring out a scheme to promote your friend without the approval of AACM, so you came up with a new position in the company, Fleet manager!!! Wow, congrats Capt F.!!:D

First I thought he was manager of the A320 only, and someone else would take the 321 and the 319, but it turns out he got the whole thing!!!!!HA ha..funny!!!

Ok, but back to reality, an airline with only 320's requires a fleet manager?? Wait a minute, I forgot there's a Cargo A300!!! but they have a fleet manager, well that makes sense because the CP is not qualified on the A300, but he is on the 320, so why the :mad: we need a fleet manager???

Possible answers :
1 - For him to filter all info that gets to the newly appointed CP?
2 - To kick out the current CP at the first opportunity and slide his PANG YAO to CP when that happens?
3 - For his PANG YAO to make more money?

Don't know, maybe there's something else!!! Must be his good skills as an instructor, and his punctuality!!:ugh:

Let's not forget that Capt. F is a hard working chap!!! Last time I had a training class in the office and he was the instructor, he only arrived 1 hour and 15 minutes late, and only took more 45 minutes to figure out how to work the computer!! Must be a new record for him, I heard he took longer before!! The funny part came when he was looking at the slides on the screen and reading them for the first time!!! Awesome preparation!!!:D

Really feel sorry for MAX and the newly recruited pilots, this is the kind of management that NX runs, not sure what's gonna happen but AirMacau loves to create obstacles, this is the only way they can compete, by not having any competition!!!

Safe landings guys!!!;)

Arrowhead 30th Oct 2007 12:25

Macau Express
So the facts are now thus:
a) Nov sees 3 more daily flights added to MFM: Malaysian from KUL, AirAsia from Kuching, and China Eastern from Shanghaia)
b) Conversely, NX Nov/Dec schedule shows dropping 2 routes (Guiyang and Changsha), and cutting another in half (Chengdu)
c) NX Q3 pax numbers down 2% yoy, and cargo tonnage down 6% yoy - versus economy up >20%
d) NX getting another A300 pax, to be converted to freight (gosh, the last implementation was so successful!)
e) 2 capts resigned in the last week, more pilots expected to follow in the New Year

So the rumours are now thus (I am NOT vouching for the credibility of any):
1) NX will send back 2 A321s early next year
2) NX will pick up one A320 from the MX contract early next year
3) NX looking into taking on some pilots from MX, since NX has own need which is expected to get worse in the New Year (see above), plus looking into some kind of wet lease deal for MX
4) Air China looking into re-organising whole NX mgmt team, and consolidating the lot to Beijing
5) NX to move to own handling in Macau in Nov
6) MX setting up new simulator training agreement in Europe/Mid East
7) most importantly, the restuarant monopoly in Macau Airport ends at the end of this year, and McDonalds is coming

So MX does not yet appear dead and buried just yet.
Meanwhile Air Macau continues getting smaller as Macau gets bigger. Go figure...

wsw 2nd Nov 2007 08:40

Any good news from them????:rolleyes:

Arrowhead 6th Nov 2007 02:38

I am hearing 2 top mgmt bods at MX have gone in the last week, and that the aircraft are now definitely going to Air China (together with NX mgmt). MX therefore appears buried.

I cannot vouch for the accuracy of any of this. However, if you are waiting for MX, sounds like you now need to activate plan B.

hailer 6th Nov 2007 23:42

Arrowhead, It appears you are correct. The whisper is CEO (FW) and Chief Commercial Officer (RC) gone. Chief Pilot (CN) resigned. COO (DL) to follow. With a hierarchy like that it is no wonder they had no commercial case to make that would have justified the existence of a LCC!

No doubt there will be much spreading of the blame for this shambles with the ex management in the bast traditions of failed airline managements refusing to accept any responsibility.

In the interim I do not believe that the poor pilots who were offered jobs have been given any official notification of what is happening.

The rumour mill has it that Air Macau and Air China will put in their own management very soon to persevere with the AOC application - presumably to try to get the services up and running whilst they complete the take-over.

Are they underestimating the time scale and the difficulties? Probably. However it gives a glimmer of hope for the current employees and the pilots in limbo. Let us hope that some phoenix can raise from these ashes.

The bright spot is that the new management probably can not be much worse!


Arrowhead 7th Nov 2007 02:46

"put in own mgmt"?

With top NX mgmt rumoured to be for the chop, and operations staff already overstretched with audits and recruitment, I cant see how anyone at NX will take on MX AOC responsibility. Which perhaps explains the rumour the aircraft may be going to Beijing.

Also heard Air China may be partnering with TransAsia for PEK-MFM-TPE, and not using subsidiary and partner NX. Oops. What does that say about Beijing's relationship with NX mgmt?

wsw 8th Nov 2007 00:47


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