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Feather Boa 13th Mar 2005 23:52

Dragonair to Ryanair!
To all those looking at the GREEN Grass at Dragonair, I understand a pilot is leaving Dragon to join Ryanair.
Perhaps life at Dragonair is not as good as many of us may percieve.

Omark44 14th Mar 2005 05:34

Or then again maybe he doesn't like HKG, or his wife doesn't like HKG, or his kids need special care not available in HKG, or he doesn't see a career path for himself in Dragonair, or maybe he is just homesick, probably at least a dozen other possibilities that don't cast doubt on Dragonair, think positive Feather Boa!

Lan Kwai Wanchai 14th Mar 2005 09:02

K^#p Management !!!
:E Maybe ! Just Maybe !

1. He sees that KA Management is so :mad: bad that the company lacks any direction so future prospects are limited....:{


2. The writing is on the wall that CX and KA will integrate further and the CX (anti 49'rs), Swire, anti-pilot :* management will attack the guys at KA as well !!:E

It's a tough time to be a professional operator in this town with all those meager annual profits!Guess that a bigger management bonus needs to be milked off the drivers !!!

Feather Boa 14th Mar 2005 10:21

I agree with #1, but is a merger or integration with Cathay really a probability, have these rumours not been around for a while?


PS Does a DEC at Ryanair receive GBP5K,if that is the case, with forex as it is at the moment it's got to be a good option.

Flap 5 14th Mar 2005 10:32

It is not credible that employees can still think of Dragonair as a long term prospect. In a territory where any one can be sacked for no reason as long as they are given the severence pay and allowance they are due you have to consider it short term only.

In a company where this law has been used to get rid of expensive 'A' scale pilots you would have to be doubly careful.

Anyone at Dragonair who doesn't think it's short term only has his/her head in the proverbial sand. :suspect:

DRAGONBREATH 14th Mar 2005 14:53

When you're pushing the flying hours to the absolute maximum; and getting minimum rest; or worse still... twenty odd hours off before your next trip; you tend to think that anything is better than KA! I can empathise with whatever influenced that decision... yes, we do have crap management; totaly unreasonable rosters, and a so called Pilot's Association that doesn't have any clout whatsoever. Were it not for having responsibilities towards our families I beleive many more would be walking elsewhere.

Back to the salt mine tomorrow night!

AnQrKa 16th Mar 2005 00:01


“Perhaps life at Dragonair is not as good as many of us may perceive.”

The recent arrival of CC would provide proof of your statement.

KA offer very attractive conditions to its pilots but fail miserably in many other aspects.

The checking and training system is old world at best and clearly has its roots in the RAF. . . .of yester-year. Sim debrief can be little more than an opportunity to demoralize a candidate without providing any coaching, encouragement or positive feedback whatsoever. KA, like many airlines I have worked for, enjoy employing type rated crew, often with Airbus checking and training experience, only to make it abundantly clear that their input is not desired. Such alternative viewpoints should be greeted with enthusiasm but instead are seen as nothing more than a threat to the little empire. Such is the airline industry.

KA has grown up from being a small airline with an ad hoc charter mentality into being a mid size airline . . . . . with an ad hoc charter mentality. Manual trim sheets, minimal use of ACARS if any, poor flight planning systems, little or generally no operational control, manually drawn rostering and cumbersome cockpit manuals circa 1985 all provide an insight into how the company operates in general.

Perhaps a splash of green paint is just what the doctor ordered.

Flap 5 16th Mar 2005 14:28

... And that is after RP has left! :p

qwerty123 3rd Apr 2005 17:59

I say good luck to him if i could get a job in oz that started on approx £5000+ a month and a 5 days on 3 days off roster i would be off tomorrow.

Feather Boa 16th Apr 2005 16:00

Qw 123
I agree, BUT KA could be a great place to be!


qwerty123 21st May 2005 13:07

Another resignation at Dragon!
This one is going back to his old company Virgin Atlantic.

dpamember 23rd May 2005 10:07

Make that two resignations!!

joebanana 24th May 2005 12:46

Not to mention the resignations from the Freighter fleet. One Captain going back to Aer Lingus. More to follow.

With no simulator available to train up new guys the rest of us can look forward to working our nuts off more than ever (not sure that's possible :oh: )

At least I won't have time to worry about spending the extra 2%!!

DRAGONBREATH 25th May 2005 17:48

Wear your 2% pin with pride... chuck it in the :mad: bin!

Kapt. Ive 2nd Jun 2005 20:28

Mine's lying in the bottom of The Harbour amongst the shark-sh!t; where it belongs.

As for the freighter 2%: I'm guessing that'll be just about enough to cover your losses once the Mayor of Wan Chai has got his volunteers up and running for the so called temporary DXB (non) basing!!! :ok:

DRAGONBREATH 5th Jun 2005 18:44

I hope the Mayor of Wan Chai reads all of this stuff. He managed to brown-nose his way into management without too much difficulty... though the genuine guys who applied for the position weren't even given the courtesy of an interview!

Typically a Poacher turned Gamekeeper... ex DPA F/E Rep who actually couldn't give a stuff about anyone else over and above his climb into management and subsequent posting to Hong Kong; except for perhaps his concubines in Wan Chai?

Were it not for the influence of a certain (ex Cathay and buddy) management pilot this guy wouldn't have seen the light of day of the Flight Engineer selection process. Decent F/E he might be; but he lacks any support whatsoever from his F/E colleagues... or pilots for that matter! A totally innapropriate individual for a management position. But hey... the Big Man loves him; so I guess that's OK?

Your true colours are noted.

pontius's pa 9th Jun 2005 17:39


A bit strong n'est ce pas?

Mayor of Wanchai indeed. If there is a story here that would fascinate us all, do tell.

Perhaps no. Based on the strength of your last submission you might end up in the libel courts and that wouldn't do. On second thoughts....

Why wouldn't a "decent FE " get a job?.

However, suspect you wanted the management job and didn't get it.

Go and have a whisky and lie down.

This Dragonair sounds rather spicy

Kapt. Ive 3rd Jul 2005 12:16

...and now we're hearing that TCW has been personally calling Boeing captains to give them a tongue-lashing...? C'mon guys, tell your Airbus buddies all about it?! :}

gliderboy 3rd Jul 2005 16:18

True indeed
The GMO has indees chastised a freighter guy for notshowing"goodwill." What is next for this ex red arrow (ALL BOW YOUR HEAD IN SHAME)

Flap 5 4th Jul 2005 16:12

TCW follows the party line. He will smile nicely while he hands you your termination letter.

I have heard from other ex red arrows that he was not well liked there either. Don't expect any sympathy from him. :rolleyes:

Karunch 5th Jul 2005 00:07

If the Gmo knows where 'goodwill' appears in the Cos then he can rightfully debrief someone for not demonstrating it. If he cannot find it but expects it from crew, he should expect to pay for it. When will these goons work out how much TCW is costing them above & beyond his package.

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