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smallwing 4th Dec 2000 08:41

Hong Kong sucks
What is this deal with non perfect eyesight for flying? We do not live in the 50s-60s. We do not require to look outside all the time to see where we are. Glasses and contacts do not go flying everywhere when there is turbulence or even when upside down!

I hope this "so called" sophisticated colony will improve on a lot of standards. It is a pity and a shame that so many ethnic chinese that dearly likes to fly are turned down.

So there.

ATCWannabe 4th Dec 2000 11:24

I guess it's the airlines which sucks...
i.e. CX, KA, GFS
Cause you can fly with glasses if you pass the medical while the management denines you even if you're within the limits of that medical.

Compliant One 4th Dec 2000 12:23

Oh dear. We have another disappointed candidate.

The requirement for perfect vision at the start of your career is laid down by the companies. It doesn't apply if you are going to pay for your own ATPL training course which costs about HK$600,000. I don't think that it is unreasonable for a company to set the standards high when they are putting their money forward.

Most airlines are the same throughout the world - try to get a scholarship for BA with glasses - no can do!

In the far east it is even more applicable due to the physiological changes are different in caucasians compared to Asians. Just a fact of life - the eye finishes developing later for Asians so the risk of failing later in life is greater when you are only looking at someone 18years old.

Best of luck - try instructing abroad first, as a friendly suggestion to an obvious enthusiast.


on the glide 4th Dec 2000 13:35

With respect of what i'd last time,
but forsure I'am in deeply sad,cause
of you guys mentioned above.
Hopefully it will worked out in the


ltjng 4th Dec 2000 15:24

Not 100% true, there are some cadets in Adelaide are wearing glasses.

SuperSandwich 4th Dec 2000 20:19

Yeah I know of some ppl
If your eyes are not that bad then CX will take you (I think under 100) but then there are a some that have bad eyes and seem to get special treatment and get onto the Cadet Course. Why is it different standards for different ppl. I guess I dont buy shoe cream........EVER!
I guess some have been treated unfairly, well Smallwing keep trying!!! If you want something badly then dont stop trying, one day your dream will come true.

sigma 4th Dec 2000 23:24

In HK, knowing people gets you there.
I am not surprised that some people got in due to them or relatives, friends who know people in CX.

on the glide 5th Dec 2000 06:55

With respect,

If Aviation medical has a standard limit
why this things still an obstruction of
the applicants,even has already gained
hours?(disregard the company policy).


SuperSandwich 5th Dec 2000 08:04

Its a shame that the guys who dream of the chance to be able to fly pax a/c with an airline and can't. For example in the UK/Oz/US, even if you have perfect vision you are in competition with so many others, and the chance of getting onto the cadet course with BA is impossible. I have a friend who got turned down because one of his GCSE grades was just alittle bad but all the rest have been top notch. I am sorry to say that there are a few individuals and only a few who didnt really want fly in the first place, in that I mean they are just in it for the money, 'Oh I had nothing better to do so I just applied and saw what happened', 'I want to stick it out for a few years then get a job as a manager with.....'. Oh I have heard them all and it sometimes makes me a little sick, if the guys in UK, US etc. who have invested so much in thier flying heard this I am sure they would chunder too.

For the guys who dreamed of flying and got onto the Cadet course... they are the lucky ones, their dreams have come true, they can only think of the hundreds who are not so lucky.
For those who are not remotely interested in flying....move over for the guys who want to. Enough said.

smallwing 6th Dec 2000 01:30

Thank you all for the every support you bestow upon us nerds. All over the world aviation has been accepting corrected vision even in some of the armed forces. The fact with some people within limits and not getting in because CX does every and all medical exams for the airlines/aviation companies.
In regards to walking with an ATPL, I think they will still have doubts of our very own experience.
From now on, should we trust our lives with doctors that wears corrective lenses? I know "some" within aviation medical that does, and they are they exact same people that set the standard for CX.

Anyways, letting off some steam and hope you all stay safe and keep up with the word!

CallButton 9th Dec 2000 09:13

I believe that the standards required in HK, and alot of the world, are vision correction not greater than 3 diopters. If you are close to this I can see why a company might pass you over, as you might well fail your medical in the future.

In Australia they changed this requirement about 10 years ago. Now all you need is to be able to see 6/9 with each eye and 6/6 with both eyes together WITH your glasses or contacts on.

I have read on the ICAO website that they will be recommending to their member states that they all change to this new criteria in about Nov 2001. Whether or not HK or the UK change their medical standards though is not known as the ICAO standards are minimums - the member states can still require stricter standards.

billybob 9th Dec 2000 09:44

The only standard of vision this company has is one where you can't read any small print on the contract, so they can change the small print every other day and keep shoving those changes right up your arse as they have always done!!
In this case even a vision standard of 20/15 will not help as it only gets one more ticked off when you can read all the unilateral changes.
If one uses a standard of 20/20 HINDSIGHT you would see that this company[management]
doesn't really have any standards other than to kiss the bosses butt and stand being bullied from day to day.
OH YES! Almost forgot! If said applicant also has a definite "greedy" streak and enjoys back stabbing / producing falsehoods / and pointing the finger elsewhere then YOU yes YOU have Swire management potential!!

Healey 9th Dec 2000 09:46

The bottom line is that if someone is going to sponsor you to the tune of several million dollars then they can be as choosy as they wish!

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