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Jinkster 15th May 2006 18:50

FIC Long Briefs
Evening All,

Just wondered what subject you did your FIC long brief on? If anyone has got notes they willing to share please PM me.

Jinkster :)

G-KEST 15th May 2006 21:58

The mind boggles. Why can't you do your own homework? Preparing lesson plans is part and parcel of any FIC. At least it was for me.
Trapper 69
:mad: :ugh: :ugh: :ugh: :ugh:

duir 16th May 2006 00:05

Found Trevor Thom/AFE Aircraft technical to be most useful when putting together long briefs on the technical/POF stuff. Also helps to remind you how much you have forgotten after the ATPLs!!!

unfazed 16th May 2006 07:46

Subject was what causes a spin but could I propose an alternative

Why are people too lazy to search a few web sites and use their own brain power ! Come on you are going to be teaching people so stop being so lazy !!:mad:

FlyingForFun 16th May 2006 08:34

Doesn't sound to me like Jinkster is being lazy, just inquisitive. Surely if I tell him what subject I did my long brief on, or even if I sent him a copy of my notes, it wouldn't help him unless he has the same subject?

Jinkster, my long brief for my initial FI test was on Human Factors. Unfortunately, someone nicked my folder with my notes on this brief (as well as all my other FIC notes) quite some time ago. I do remember that this happened not too long after I had a Human Factors related incident, so my incident played a big part in my brief.

My long brief for my instrument instructor test was on ADF tracking. I still use the same notes now when briefing IMC students.


VFE 16th May 2006 09:58

Well said FFF.

Jinkster is asking for the sharing of information which in aviation is never a bad thing is it? It's not like he's asking for JAR exam answers although that is perfectly acceptable on the wannabe's forum....

I really hope I don't encounter some of the hollier than thou attitudes I see around here in reality when I enter flight instructing! Why can't people just be civil and offer their advice - flying instructing isn't supposed to be a black art is it?


homeguard 16th May 2006 13:26

Flying training is certainly not a 'black art' but nor is it a regurgitating of other instructors research and hard work without an understanding.
I would hope that all FI Examiners will probe deeper than to allow a candidate to present a rehearsed presentation of their notes. An FI candidate will do well to research and therefore understand their briefs fully.

unfazed 16th May 2006 13:34

Guy's - Come on !!

Jinkster I assume has completed or is soon to complete an FI course so I would very much hope that he has taken extensive briefing notes on every single aspect of the syllabus. Whatever long brief he gets he should be very well prepared for it.

What will he do when a student asks a question ? run off to the PC and ask a few Pruners ?

I have seen enough so called FI's who lack technical knowledge and flying technique so I really don't wan't to support somebody who can't be ar%£d to research his own long brief.

Surely I cannot be alone in that viewpoint ?:\

Chinchilla.612 16th May 2006 14:51

So many instructors, but not very much help?!
It really is very disappointing to see such negativity from people when we are all invloved in the same dicipline. I can't understand why people have a hard time with sharing information to the degree that rather than just not help, they feel they have to put down the efforts of others!

I know Jinkster, and certainly would not describe him as someone who can't be @rsed as someone described it...far from it infact! The only error I feel he made was to be thorough enough to not only research from books and other instructors, but to broaden his search to here. Surely the idea of this site should be to encourage new instructors rather than frighten or shame them off?!

Those of you who think it is lazy to make the effort to ask feedback from others to try to improve their own game from a broader experience than they have immediately around them (in my opinion) shouldn't bother posting at all!

As for him searching on pprune for the answer to a students question, that is of course not likely to happen (just look at how much help we are!).

PS, Good luck with your FIC Jinkster and don't be put off by the less helpful members on here.

foxmoth 16th May 2006 15:15

Well if Jinkster is guilty of cheating I suppose I must be too as I was after pre flight briefings on Powerpoint and got them off someone on this forum - but I am probably allowed to cheat having been instructing for nearly 30 years !:=

Jinkster 16th May 2006 16:32

Many thanks for the help chaps! I do have some long briefs - some created by myself and if anyone wishes to use them in any way possible please feel free to PM me.

I am using this forum as research along with many other contacts and sources of information including websites, experienced instructors and of course books!!

Jinkster :)

unfazed 16th May 2006 18:34

I am using this forum as research

One persons "research" is another persons "plagerism" !

Looks like I am outnumbered by a number of "researchers" so having made my viewpoint known I will leave you all to your "research":mad:

VFE 16th May 2006 19:29

The difference between copying notes from a book and copying notes someone made from a book is........?


foxmoth 16th May 2006 19:44

One persons "research" is another persons "plagerism" !
Unlike some exams there is no requirement in the Instructors test for any of it to be your own original work, indeed it is often done straight out of the book or as shown by the guy running the course. What is required is to show that you can put the information over thoroughly and clearly, as long as you can do this effectively and have a proper knowledge of the subject to answer questions that is fine. At the end of the day the main thing is that any instructor should be able to teach effectively and if my notes or briefings will help this,then anyone is welcome to them.:ugh:

johnnypick 17th May 2006 06:46

Does it really matter where the notes come from??? The examiner will know whether you've learnt and understood the subject, using someone else's notes is a good way of saving a bit of time and being able to get a 'life' that doesn't involve aviation. Also, some people need to do the course quickly to start earning some money again. My advice, beg/borrow/steal any notes you can and get the course done. I studied at a well known ATP school, where most of the tutors were copying from oxford notes, maybe all you 'researchers' should give them a call from your high horse.

rmcdonal 17th May 2006 12:03

My brief was on stalls. My renewal was on Turns.
I can't help you out with briefing notes as all mine are on paper and I haven't gotten around to putting them on computer (yeah I know I’m lazy)
My briefs are a combination of all the instructors who have taught me. However unlike some schools I was made to know every last detail about the brief so that if a student asks any question I should be able to come up with some sort of answer, failing that I just use the 'your homework for tonight is to find out and tell me' :E .

unfazed 17th May 2006 12:35

Sorry guy's not convinced

If you have put your own long brief lesson plan and slides together then you have thought about what you are going to present

If you cut corners you won't (and I have seen many examples where notes or slides have been borrowed and the results are often quite :) embarrassing).

fireflybob 17th May 2006 14:58

When is the last time anyone in the "real" world did a "long brief" ? - I do plenty of pre flight (and post flight briefs) and "tutorials" on all sorts of topics but not many formal "long briefs" - maybe I should?!

unfazed 17th May 2006 18:47

maybe I should?!

Well - Maybe you should !:ok:

rmcdonal 17th May 2006 23:36

A lot of schools have done away with the long brief, they expect the student to read up on the information themselves. :8

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