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NISHTA 8th Jul 2011 07:40

Distance Learing with Sheffield
Let me give my experience with EM and the Sheffield school...

Enrolled in distance learning with Sheffield spent a few dollars; in industry from 86', Operations and Dispatch (ICAO) all my carrier, decided to get FAA ADX rating...

ADX distance learning is not the way to go - when you need assistance Eric and the team are not always available for consultation, and by the time you need to get to new module you are already late for the previous one.

You have a feeling that they are swamped with students, they cannot give you attention you think you deserve for the buck you paid...

And do not come with an attitude - I know what I am doing, there is no way that I will fail.... You are in for a shock...

Classroom training is the only way to go... 6 weeks of pure blood sweat and tears...

So I lost the money, need to enroll into 6 weeks course.

There is no easy way out...

emorris 19th Nov 2011 11:59

A plain shame to fib for your wife's lack of ability
RE: I attended Sheffield in 1998 and was wet behind the ears. I had no experience and the instructors they had at the time got me through it. Now, jump ahead to March 2011. I sent my wife to Sheffield to get her license. She has 10 years of aviation experience. Everything from ticketing, ramp, flight attendant, crew scheduler and 3 years in Continental SOC.

A: Unfortunately, ticketing, ramping, flight attending, crew scheduling, and fetching papers or doing revisions within an SOC can't help someone who was either lazy, a procrastinator, or both in addition to not seeking free tutoring after class daily (she did not come close).

RE: Long story short, her class at Sheffield had 25 students and 19 failed including her. The instruction there is pathetic. They take your $ and you're on your own. Whatever you do, do not waste your money on Sheffield when picking a school.

A: False. We have NEVER had a class failure rate like that. We've had probably 2-4 classes with a fail rate or 45-50% over the past 15-20 years, typically the success rate for the course is 70-85%. The FAA practical exam rate however exceeds most because Sheffield actually does not commit perjury on the applicant's Application for Dispatcher certificate - we only sign off those who are qualified. The airlines worldwide seem to appreciate that, as well as the FAA. Fortunately, most people who read this guy's account, including many following replies could tell his 'story' was rubbish. Sure - to stay in business 64 consecutive years, we screw people and flunk them at will - makes complete sense. First, the failure's hubby neglected to mention that students drop out for family emergencies, illness, military duty recall, etc.. He failed to note how many in his class had those circumstances, returned, and passed. He failed to notice how many airlines, individuals, and other companies have used Sheffield School, were successful, and provided testimonials online, which are all dated and verifiable. He failed to note that we counsel any students having a difficult time, and even offer a pro-rata refund for a large portion of the course. And..whoops..he neglected to mention that 2 students in his class and 1 student in her class actually attended other schools before attending Sheffield - one was already certified. Feel free to contact me, and I'll send email copies of the last few requests from grads of other schools looking for refresher training, a job, or both because their diploma mill can't cut it.

RE: She took the 2 weeek (sic) course at Universal Weather in Houston and learned more there in 2 weeks than 5 weeks at Sheffield. Not only did she learn, SHE UNDERSTOOD IT!

A: She may have understood their version of dispatch training. She failed herself at our school. Her success may have actually been linked to ALREADY sitting through comprehensive material at Sheffield, departing with a full Sheffield notebook, having the ADX test already passed, then attending a different or less comprehensive course. Feel free to have her return to Sheffield at any time to see if she could pass any of our class tests or better yet - send her here for an FAA-witnessed oral exam and simple flight. If she passes PTS standards, I'll pay her transportation and air fare. If she fails, her results will be posted here and anywhere I feel like posting it, including video of what would be long uncomfortable pauses. That's the deal. Sign your name next time, coward.
Eric Morris-President-Sheffield School of Aeronautics (est. 1948)

emorris 19th Nov 2011 12:25

A plain shame to fib for your lack of ability and study
RE: look here..i was at sheffield in 2009 and it was the worst near 10,000$ i ever spent. they will take ur money and fail u! if u go there you are on your own!!
i had to retake the course at another school!!

A: Do I really need to counter this? Seriously? Feel free to read my reply to the sad hubby above which should be posted soon.

the instructors suck, they just want u to study the gliem on your own.

A: Actually, Sheffield prefers to spend most of the class time instructing real-life material and concepts; therefore, we send Gleim prep material to students electronically to get ahead before they arrive, the students can ask questions after class regarding same material, can still study during the class until they feel comfortable to take the ADX test. We cover flight logs in class, and include ADX snippets throughout our instruction. Some students study, and some waste their time going to bars and watching TV - sad, but true. Some of our students went to ADX prep-only courses...at other schools - you can do the math as to what their total tuition became by attending a mill prior to Sheffield. We instruct students in order to help them find work, and keep it - not just for some piece of paper - I thought it was a good idea...

RE: plus they treat foreigners like trash!
A: Which obviously is why most of our students are international and Sheffield has the largest international airline customer list in the world.

RE: to make matters worse from the very first day they already tell u they will fail u.
A: Wrong again. We tell people on the first day that they need to study hard to pass. We want a 100% pass rate, but it is impossible if everyone does not study hard, and seek free tutoring daily after class, if needed. We feel it is fair to forewarn students so they don't lose all their money and they can drop out if they want. I call it good business. We were established in 1948, so it seems to be working.

RE: not to mention the fact tht the same pple who are instructors are also ur examiners! wheres the transparency in tht.
A: Never had someone whine about that one, but here goes: The FAA approved us as examiners because we have the most experience with instruction and practical exams in the world - no individual or school comes close. It's also nice to have an examiner who is familiar with your type, intensity of instruction, the materials, and having familiarity with the schools flight plan forms is nice. No outside examiners have the ability to conduct a proper, consistent exam without assistance from me, which I've done for 4 outside examiners who are also on call, if needed. We are monitored by the FAA and have NEVER had a problem.

RE: i only signed up to this forum to let everyone know not to go to sheffield..please!!
A: And it was a pleasure to rebut 'ur mis-pilled nonsinse.'
Sign your name next time, coward.
Eric Morris-President-Sheffield School of Aeronautics (est. 1948)

emorris 19th Nov 2011 12:41

The spelling should say enough but...
RE: How can u justify a testing system tht is carried out my your very same instructors? So say Eric has a personal problem with me he can decide to give me a hard time or better yet fail me

A: Well, if FAA approved because of our experience, and controlled and monitored by the FAA for PTS assurance, it is a good idea. If you'd like, I can recite flight school requirements or future airline training requirements which mandate methods that we are already authorized to perform. If you were a problem child at my school, you would have been warned or dismissed - we do not want bad distractions in our class. This happens once every 10-12 years, maybe. If we really sensed any personal issue, as a professional courtesy, you would have been examined by another person, who referred to a DADE. In the past, when a student would blame others for their own problems or blame the school, I simply give them my FAA inspector's contact info. There's never anything to hide and everyone in this profession knows that about Sheffield.

RE: Other schools prepare u for ur oral and practical exams and have external FAA instructors and pilots or ops control personnel to do d testing.why dosnt Sheffield do tht.?

A: answered already here and in another reply to be posted soon.

RE: The house I stayed in was a good 45 min walk from the school! Imagine coming to school already tired from such a long walk. I was never for once late. Until this particular day it stormed heavily while I was walking to school. I had to take shelter underneath a tree for about 10 mins so the rain could subside . I got into class soaking wet and do u know I was actually penalized for coming late???

A: That was my favorite. First, Sheffield housing consists of 1-2 houses that are MAXIMUM 15-20 minutes of a walk to the school. One other house is a MAXIMUM 5-7 minute walk. We offer to pick up students if the weather is bad. If the student chooses not to do so, there is this thing called an umbrella which is in the housing, that could help. Nobody is penalized for being late for oversleeping, stormy weather, etc.. unless it appears to be a daily issue. Then you simply make up time - it is quite simple.

RE: Long story short, Go to Sheffield at your own risk.

A: If you are lazy, a procrastinator, or an idiot, blamer, or whiner...y'know I kind of agree with this guy.
Sign your name next time, coward.
Eric Morris-President-Sheffield School of aeronautics (est. 1948)

emorris 19th Nov 2011 12:47

2 weather manuals
You can download from:
Airline Dispatcher Resources
The high quality and bookmarked pdf links are password-protected for future/current Sheffield students, but the other links are ok too, if attending elsewhere.

Just don't go crazy reading them all. If you're coming to Sheffield, I'd pre-study for the ADX and selected sections of those books, which I can list if you want. Just email me anytime.

E. Morris
Sheffield School

JIC 19th Nov 2011 21:09

New dispatch School in europe
Hi There.

AT&C are starting up a new dispatch course here in Europe with two major airlines.

Check it on AT&C - Aviation Training and Consulting

Best regards jic.

desertopsguy 21st Nov 2011 15:08

Sheffield School, Florida
It appears as though someone has an axe to grind with Sheffield School.

The boss has come on here refuting these allegations and I for one would like to lend my weight in the defence of his establishment.

I went there some time ago and although it was tough and kept me on my toes, the standard of instruction was excellent. Drive, determination and self application is all that you need to pass, if you lack any of those you will not make the grade; I for one have absolutely no problem with that.

Over the years I have stayed in touch with, met, worked together and hired numerous Sheffield graduates. All are doing well in their chosen careers and many attribute alot of this to the grounding they got at the school.

The airline I currently work for sends their new dispatchers there for training as the standards are impeccably high. Many other carriers also do this.

Finally, some of the other schools out there benefit from those people who don't make it through Sheffield's program. It makes me wonder if theirs is deliberately adumbrated to accommodate these people.

If there are any other Sheffield grads out there who care to back-up the place that enabled them to get a start in this business or enhanced their careers then you really should post a few words in support of E.Morris and Sheffield school.

There are two sides to ever story, you've just read the second.


merrick 1st Dec 2011 04:13

Its funny when people know they are wrong as they have to get personal. Idiot.

emorris 3rd Feb 2012 17:26

Gee - you burned me
I will try to keep this simple since I don't write in rap and this person may have issues with non-acronyms. I wish you the best of luck, health, and happiness. I also would like to thank you - somebody just saw your post, and decided we "MUST be that good if an idiot hates us so much." (no worries - I told her that you likely had personal issues and an upsetting childhood.) How can I ever repay you? Anyway, I need to go make another one of those dreadful bank deposits soon all because of you.

emorris 3rd Feb 2012 17:31

Thx Merrick
I appreciate the comment against nonsense. Some things are too absurd to respond to. However, it should make the rest of us thankful for who we are and what we are not.

JohnieWalker 18th Feb 2012 16:20

Lufthansa Flight Training Academy is going to run a Flight Dispatcher in Riga, Latvia in May.

Description and syllabus:

JohnieWalker 21st Feb 2012 08:14

P.S Actually course start mentioned above postponed until May 7, registrations until April 1.

Ask me anything if needed.

Bergkamp10 22nd Feb 2012 13:22

Training Courses:
One of the best for BA/GA sector are a company: AirlineDispatch

PM if you want any additional info.

pgo 22nd Feb 2012 13:27

We have had a graduate from Sheffield and he wasn't any better than an experienced neophyte. Having said that I'm sure that they produce good dispatchers, this gentleman "just" had some other personal peculiarities not compatible with an indoors job.:eek:

Heavy D 14th Mar 2012 04:34

Dispatcher Training
Dear 777ORD,

I hope you are able to get your medical issues resolved in a favorable manner. I am an airline pilot and instructor,and I also teach Dispatch at FlightSafety LGA (NY). I was a dispatcher for more than 10 years at JFK for Iberia and Swissport (a handling company), and found the Dispatch career very,.very rewarding. I have had the privilege of working with many graduates of Sheffield, Pan American and FlightSafety, and found all of their skills solid and sharp. Give FSI (LGA) a call, and call Sheffield in FLL and compare for yourself. Happy hunting and enjoy the world of dispatch. Remember: "A pilot flies the airplane, a dispatcher flies the airline!"

You can also pursue the CFI/CFII/MEI and give instruction, such as instrument ratings,BFRs,IPCs, and ATPs, as long as your "student" holds a valid category and class Airman Certificate. Stay in the air if you can.

By all means AVOID working with the FAA, unless you wish to be a ATC Professional. The FAA has the world's best ATC, bar none. But their other employees, especially the FSDO personnel, are the dregs of humanity.

May God Bless you and Guide you in your career search. Enjoy instructing and dispatching,and hopefully I'll see you in the sky some day.

Heavy D
New York,USA

Dogfactory 3rd Oct 2012 12:57

Gleim red books
which one is it: ATP FAA Knowledge test 2013 or ATP FAA Written test? Or both?

emorris 3rd Oct 2012 19:22

Book name & test name
Q: which one is it: ATP FAA Knowledge test 2013 or ATP FAA Written test? Or both?

A: The test is technically referred to nowadays as ADX Knowledge Test (used to be "written.") One test prep book sold is Gleim's 'ATP'. The ADX (airline dispatcher) questions are buried in the ATP book since they are nearly the same test. An applicant for the FAA Aircraft Dispatcher Certificate must specifically pass (at or above 70%) the ADX knowledge exam. That is one prerequisite among others.
Eric M.
Sheffield School of Aeronautics (est. 1948) - FAA Aircraft Dispatcher Certification School-about Sheffield

Dogfactory 10th Oct 2012 17:36

Resurrecting this post as I'm having a big dilemma here.

I'm in Italy, i.e. where Dispatchers are not licenced but just taught the job at the same price of US FAA approved schools. I was happily looking to Sheffield's for my training but now I might have found a sponsor for the training in Italy. I really don't want to waste my time for a course that doesn't licence me, so I was thinking whether is possible to be trained here and get the FAA licence by doing an official FAA exam in the US ?
In other words, can I get the Dispacher's licence being trained in Europe and tested in the US ?

emorris 10th Oct 2012 18:01

Training & exams
Yes, but you must pass the ADX exam and receive 'credit' by the FAA via FAR Part 65.57 or receive course credit via a Part 65.61d from an Aircraft Dispatcher course operator - via 65.61d, you still cannot simply take an FAA practical exam. At Sheffield, we've seen people arrive here with varying backgrounds and varying experience. Some work hard and do well. Some are lazy or lift too many "12-ounce" weights and do poorly. So what we do is mandate that everyone who intends to take less than 200 in-classroom hours of training pass the ADX exam and complete online training, then complete a pre-selected amount of residency in-classroom training, which could be 3-weeks or less. THEN, if they are signed off as 'passing the course", they have a ticket to begin an FAA AD practical exam. If that exam is passed, then they are FAA AD certified. From what I've witnessed any prior training before Sheffield's means very little. Any training following Sheffield's seems to be relatively easy based on hearsay.
Good luck and contact us anytime.
Eric Morris - Sheffield School (est. 1948)

Dogfactory 10th Oct 2012 18:42

Thanks Eric for the info (we are already in contact via email and I'm appreciating all the help from Sheffield).
What is hard for me to understand is why should I attend a proper 328hours Flight Dispatcher course in Italy (see the study curriculum for yourself at http://training.alitalia.it/it/flight-training/altri-corsi/FDB/flight-dispacher-base-training-course.html in Italian) and then have not a licence or a certificate, while in the US I get it all for less time/money. It sounds to me that even studying in Italian (or in any other language/country) would be useless, unless I study in English and do the FAA exam. Really, why in the world this option to study in my country even exist if it's useless? I mean, why do they ever teach you something if THEY are not certified to do that?
Please explain to me why this world is wild at heart and weak on top.

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