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Habana2118 31st May 2010 21:57

MENZIES Aviation
lets make this a general forum for issues regarding Menzies Aviation.....

groundagent 15th Jul 2010 12:11

Hi All

A friend of mine who I think works for Menzies said they had been offered a cash lump sum in place of a pay rise this year and that they had accepted this where he works. As always they would have likled more, but it was a lot better than nothing!! Anyone else heard of this as I thought all aviation industry had tight purse strings, especially following all of the problems of weather and ash earlier in the year affecting handling agents?

Has anyone else heard anything? Sounds pretty good based on the UK economy as a whole!!!


tigger2k8 15th Jul 2010 17:10

Some stations were halfway through an agreed pay increase which was brought in on two stages, the first part went ahead (2008) but then the recession kicked in, so the second phase was suspended (2009), this lump sum works out at an increase of around 3% i think. They were extremely lucky to get anything this year, more than likely a case of accept it, or get nothing for awhile.

The only downside to the lump sum is that some stations have had their bonus schemes chopped significantly due to the ash cloud. So it could work out that the lump sum will just keep income at the same level as last year for most

Heavyman 23rd Jul 2010 08:18

The Price isn't right
If Handling Agents like Menzies hadn't started doing the job with too few men and hadn't cheapened the whole industry by cut-throat prices just to get their feet in the door, the industry would be able to charge the correct prices and offer living wages to their workers. I can't think of another job where you are responsible for £30m+ of equipment and hundreds of people on an hourly basis but only get paid 50% over minimum wage !

Charley B 25th Jul 2010 20:00

If its them that handle Ezy at LGW-they need to sort their staff out on a Sunday night as 2 hrs to get baggage off aircraft and pax thro to arrivals area is a disgrace!

Waving_tug_boy 14th Aug 2010 14:26

Probably short staffed with about ten kites down at the one time! Menzies staff get there wages docked for delays and other misdemeanours so don't be so quick to point the finger at the ramp boys cos no one likes losing money and work hard not to get hit.

FMCTEMPEST 14th Aug 2010 15:30

Menzies BRS
Thanks to Menzies at Bristol Airport.
Yea now we have had chance to compare ourselves with you alot and lets face it NO competition.
Wonder how many complaints the airport have to answer with regards to Bag Times on the lates over an HOUR?? and your Boss Paid Her Airport bill for fire section having to assist with offloading bags yet?
Thanks Guys keep your heads up........:ok::D

Waving_tug_boy 14th Aug 2010 15:35

Haha Fire section offloading bags! :ok: Must be going pete tong for them down there. I can't personally speak for Menzies at BRS as I don't work there.

GRIZZLER 15th Aug 2010 08:52

Two things come to mind here and the airlines should know this by now..........You get what you pay for.... and handling agents.....if you pay peanuts you get monkeys work....say no more.

when you get low pay....flat rate o/t...and a bonus that you will never be able to get as long as you have got a hole in your rear......your hardly going to loose sleep at night thinking i must get the bags to the undercroft faster...i dont think so.

But its about time that ground handling agents realize what a very responsible job we do on the ground....we are not just bag rats...lowest of the low ,dirt on somebodys boot.....we have peoples lives in our hands...we are the last people to see the aircraft before it becomes airborn....who makes sure the doors and hatches are closed,pins are out,bags are loaded correctly and de.icing done....we do.

I rest my case.........normaly a 32 kgs one!

750XL 15th Aug 2010 09:17

when you get low pay....flat rate o/t...and a bonus that you will never be able to get as long as you have got a hole in your rear......your hardly going to loose sleep at night thinking i must get the bags to the undercroft faster...i dont think so.

But its about time that ground handling agents realize what a very responsible job we do on the ground....we are not just bag rats...lowest of the low ,dirt on somebodys boot.....we have peoples lives in our hands...we are the last people to see the aircraft before it becomes airborn....who makes sure the doors and hatches are closed,pins are out,bags are loaded correctly and de.icing done....we do.
I think it's ridiculous how low paid most people on the ground are paid :bored:

I can't think of any other jobs where your in charge of a £150million+ piece of equipment and your paid only a quid or two over the minimum wage working at all times and in all conditions :mad:

FMCTEMPEST 15th Aug 2010 09:42

Its true ground handling is ruthless business however does have some up sides.
Most of the time the teams you work with make the job.
So why do airports put up with very poor handling then?
At BRS the nightstopping aircraft is the biggest problem as we provide coaching for all airlines at BRS and having to wait 20-30mins for steps to go onto aircraft(EZY) and only 1 set most of the time has a knock on effect.
One eve Servisair told by Airport Customer Services to hold putting bags off Thompsonfly onto to belt as there could be riot due to EZY pax of many flights waiting over 1hour for bags from inbound EDI & GLA flights only takes over an to fly from these places.
So again why to airports allow them to contiue?
If I was a travelling public not knowing there are Two Handling Agents who operate at BRS for different airlines I would just see as Bristol Airport where you to wait ages for your bags.
Not Menzies handle easyjet bound to be a wait......
Menzies have just started employing agent staff doing split shifts BRS nightmare to get to let alone making journey 2 or 3 times aday.

Gee08 21st Aug 2010 09:09

menzies announce 20 million profit?yeah thanks for smelly TAXED lump sum ya bunch of lying ***** in the offices using ash cloud as reason for no payrise!!!

John Menzies' aviation arm overcomes ash cloud crisis to double profits

Aug 20 2010 By Graeme Evans
JOHN MENZIES' aviation arm overcame the disruption from the Icelandic volcano and doubled profits to £9.1million.
The Edinburgh group, who also run a newspaper and magazine distribution business, benefited from a turnaround in cargo volumes and a sizeable number of contract wins in ground handling.
Group-wide profits for the six months to June 30 were up by 46 per cent on an underlying basis at £19.3million.
Menzies said they were on course to exceed current market expectations for the full year.
Their aviation division won 56 contracts and lost 16 in the first half but suffered a £2.5million hit from the volcanic ash cloud in April.
The company said: "It is testament to the flexibility and spirit of our employees that the size of the loss was not bigger. The majority of staff either took holidays or accepted flexible working conditions during what was an unprecedented period for the industry."
The division serves more than 500 airline customers at 112 locations in 27 countries, including South Africa where the company handled some 250 extra charter flights during the World Cup.
The tournament had a positive impact on Menzies Distribution, where profits rose seven per cent to £14.5million.

GRIZZLER 21st Aug 2010 19:43

m500dpp ....wife training for PSA
Wait a few weeks until she is out there doing the job and working with the men.......then report back.

and i dont think any body said staff were low quality......even if at times you are treated like it.....if you are not getting paid the correct money for the job that you do, you are hardly going to put yourself out.

and as for being a graduate,teacher or pilot....that means jack s:mad:t in this game....i worked with a bloke who was a college lecturer and had the title of DR.....a very intelligent man at his own job...but as an airport worker NO....I WOULD NOT LET HIM LOOK AFTER MY CAT.

jen248 23rd Aug 2010 17:39

I have been offered an interview with Menzies and wondered if anyone could help me out with any interview questions they might use?
I have a dispatch background with a Private Charter company.

Thanks in advance.

groundagent 25th Aug 2010 16:02

Good luck with the interview.

It is difficult to guess at questions as I'm sure each airport is different. The questions could even be tailored to the airline you would start off working on. If you were going to LHR to work on a widebody aircraft or to a regional airport to work on commuter jets the questions could be different. Is the airline product CLC or does the despatcher complete the weight and balance?

Have they asked for any direct despatch experience? If they have and you have this, any technical questions should not be a problem. Thisnk about loadhseet completion, AAA, dangerous goods etc. Much of the role of despatcher is people skills, problem solving and co-ordination/management of the turnround, so if they haven't asked for tecncinal experience don't be put off.

Try and think what skills you would need for the job, leadership, problem solving, assertiveness and resilience for example. Try and think of an example you can give where you could demonstrate each of these individually from the past, not one example that does everything, but an example for each.

These may not be the type of questions Menzies ask, but it always helps to think about any role you apply for in a similar way, what are the skills for that job, how can I show I have those skills.

Good luck again


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