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OPS1978 1st Jan 2009 07:15

Swissport Redundancies at bhx
Swissport Bhx more redundancies annouced a very happy new yeart to you aswell

bazzab68 1st Jan 2009 08:31

Contract losses or something else
Why are swissport losing staff, are they losing a contract or is it natural wastage.



clcman 1st Jan 2009 11:10

see swissportuk.com for more info

tigger2k8 1st Jan 2009 14:32

Welcome to Swissport UK - From landing to take-off: We care!

just another way to try and run the business with a minimal amount of staff, how typical..

legalize 1st Jan 2009 14:41

Everybody off to the 4th handling agent then......:oh::oh:

exaviation 1st Jan 2009 18:15

good luck
I hope things improve for the staff, the staff who were there as Groundstar were the ''Best'',what a service we used to give:D a lot of Good people have gone since then, the porta cabin on the ramp, living with the mice, ''I'm your mommy now'' A West Ham fan,''The boy'', ex BA.
NS,TW,NB,Yam Bob,RB,GW,SF,and not to mention Homer,can't forget him... those were the days. the best groundhandling at BHX for a while....

who to blame...... well some say no, not the stig....I.B
Good luck to everyone

groundhogbhx 1st Jan 2009 22:21

exaviation, no mention of any of the Airside Ops Supervisors???:}

Groundstar were a great bunch, even on a bad day most staff gave 100% and on a good day no one could touch them. The place started its descent to it's present level just before the Swissport take over, people being promoted way beyond their ability just because they suck up making the other so fed up they leave was just the thin end of the wedge. Yet again the company is looking to remove the people with the most knowledge when it is the useless management that should be sent packing. How can an Ops department work properly when the most experienced load controller only started working in Ops last May? It looks like they are trying to remove people who know more than them, which is probably most of them.

I feel very sorry for all the staff that are being forced to suffer once again. With Gate Group talking to Flybe, PIA looking to Servisair, Monarch off to who knows where, and Swiss surely looking to move after the last two rumoured cock ups it doesn't leave much for the staff to do. Not a good time to be working there I fear.

exaviation 2nd Jan 2009 07:57

ops sup;
There was one on the list RB. missed off MM sorry, both became DM's they were fantastic,I know I can't mention everyone, best wishes to Mr & Mrs W, there from the start nice people and great to work with,
SM training, fantastic who took over from TW.
Cream will always rise to the top
Groundstar 100% commited, maybe some there just for the ride, you know who they are.
last one turn out the light...

groundhogbhx 2nd Jan 2009 11:53

Can't argue with MM, glad she has moved on to bigger and better things, but RB??? Have you been over doing the Christmas spirit? To me RB is a prime example of all that went wrong, promoted for being a yes man and certainly not for skills and ability to do the job being asked of him. There were others with much greater knowledge and experience who should have been given the DM job, unfortunately for them they had the balls and experience to question daft ideas first and not implement them irrespective of the outcome, and yes more senior management were aware because I raised the point with them during SM interviews. It isn't always cream that rises to the top, you just need to look inside a bog bowser to know that :ok: There are, unfortunately, many other examples. I hope that the good ones are put out of their misery soon, there is a better life outside and if you get the chance take it.:( Groundstar really did try to be the best, it's such a shame that those that could have made it the biggest as well as the best were either pushed out or lost the will to carry on the fight out of sheer frustration.

exaviation 2nd Jan 2009 14:31

hum bug
I know it's not possible to get on with or like everyone that we have worked with, but all did their bit for me, RB was a big help to me and I can only speak as I find, I'm glad to be out of it now.

Being a DM is not what it's cracked up to be, training now that's the thing !

last post and last visit to pprune,
be the best that you can be, see you on the left with the pin have a good flight......?

OPS1978 2nd Jan 2009 16:07

I was proud to work for groundstar
I was very proud to work for groundstar the times we had to load bags and despatch at the same time but will all managed to get on with it and pull together the times we did 18-20 hr shfts just to get the planes out and we all enjoyed it and worked well together. I am afraid its a very different story now we just get no support from our leaders and dont get me started on the trainning what trainning?.

All the old faces no longer there just 2 of us left over from the good old days at groundstar not for long I feel just waiting for my cheque to arrive and get told to hand my pass back, what a shame wish it was still good old groundstar in T1 sharing the office with the mice and the damp the good old days eh!!!!

urdy gurdy 3rd Jan 2009 20:13

Redundancies expected in NCL too. Restructuring the supervisory levels AGAIN across the board. A couple of staff came up from another station to restructure us last time and now people stand to loose there jobs because of the arse that was made of it the first time. All comments same as From BHX, we used to be a cracking station when we were North East aviation and then changed to Groundstar, the staff From NCL and MAN helped set up the operations at BHX, STN and LGW. Same every new year - theres always something

OPS1978 4th Jan 2009 15:27

Great NewsThe Messiah is coming......All Heil the Messiah he is coming to save us all........Thoses who belive will be let through the Pearly "GATE"..........

QuietLanding 7th Jan 2009 10:08

Redundancy at BHX
I too was a proud and very dedicated worker at Groundstar/Swissport.....The slow and steady decline started after we were taken over by Swissport. The staff morals in the Original groundstar was so high we were proud to work for pittance... We grew in numbers and must thank PR for it. He ensured eveytime we were to lose a contract we were able to win another and it kept us in our jobs. WM have no clue and his supposedly side kicks AW and JW are C R O N I C S. They only look after themselves and family and freinds. They dont care about th company....They salaries are fat and secure.....I am sorry for all the innocent staff that will lose their jobs. Here is a thought when you mess with God's children you mess with God himself...Nuff Said:\

Trash_Hauler 7th Jan 2009 15:08

Looks like the problem isn't just at MAN. Seems that there are endemic problems within the ground handling industry all across the UK. MAN, NCL, BHX, GLA, LPL, LGW, LHR et al... it is always the same old story. Overworked, under equipped, pushed to the limit staff with NO MANAGEMENT SUPPORT!! What is the underlying cause of this disease? And more importantly, what can be done to fix it? Perhaps Thatcher took too much power away from the unions and now the workers have no strength in unity and nobody to look after THEIR interests. These same managers, regardless of which company or airport always seem to land on their feet elsewhere whilst the staff get shat upon from a great height!

tickerdboo 10th Jan 2009 12:00

I heard from that RB might be working alongside SA, according to CM

groundhogbhx 10th Jan 2009 22:52

Think you heard wrong:ok:

groundhogbhx 10th Jan 2009 23:40

Best BHX Manager
Quiet Landing, hate to upset your rose tinted glasses but the best manager at BHX was the last General Manager CT. Didn't have much time for her at Servisair but was a total revelation when she switched sides. PR, as the first Station Manager, simply inherited all the good work she did. When he got his feet under the table he started to promote his 'pets' because of the way they sucked up rather than how well they could do the job. That was when the problems started, people became demotivated, lost interest or just left. And he didn't have much to do with winning new contracts either, that was the Commercial Manager, all he had to do was make the place look pretty and let the commercial team do their stuff. Think about it, were KS RB JW CS PK and others really the best people to carry out the tasks asked of them? There were others who could have done a much better job if they had been given the chance, then maybe the company would have continued to grow and prosper instead of face the current crisis. There again, if commercial had of done their job and get work for BHX instead of concerntrating on MAN and LGW things would be different. What other company would let a competitor continue with a contract that they have a worldwide agreement on when it would have saved jobs and allow the base to continue in its previous set up :ugh:

tickerdboo 11th Jan 2009 04:11

Time will tell Groundhogbhx.........oh forgot to ask, hows the band?

groundhogbhx 11th Jan 2009 10:45

If you are talking about the DM's job, then no he hasn't got it or anything else as of last Friday. Just like a certain ex ramp person was definitely coming to Servisair, it didn't happen either.

Which band are you on about?? One has gone their separate ways and left me with an albums worth of material to find a home for, the other is going from strength to strength and will hopefully feature in my new venture. So watch this space:ok:

tickerdboo 11th Jan 2009 18:07

Watch this space???

Don't you mean check out MySpace.....

groundhogbhx 11th Jan 2009 21:51

Myspace as well as several other places:ok:

QuietLanding 13th Jan 2009 14:06

You didnt rock my tinted rose glasses, You do have some good pionts. It also shows how and what stand piont one looks at the company from. Swissport has had its share of very good workers who they end up s(h)itting on. Those that they have presently in management are cronies who only look after themselves and their relatives and freinds and freinds relatives. They couldnt give a rats behind about the company. PK have been left to continuosly bully members of her team, JW dont like anyone dark skinned(pity she loves wearing dark clothes) AW cant keep secrets. GH is a lazy so and so To Be Continued

groundhogbhx 13th Jan 2009 22:26

Go on, lets have the next instalment, this could get interesting:}

groundhogbhx 13th Jan 2009 22:33

Back to the redundancies, I was told yesterday that the despatchers will be on their way next month to be replaced by Team Leaders and load controllers rushing out of the office when they can. Please tell me this is someones idea of a joke:confused:

OPS1978 14th Jan 2009 08:53

Yes Its true I am prob going to go next month after 7 yrs of service its thank you very much and goodbye!!!. Load controllers to do the monarchs and then L/C the flybe's dual role saves money but what you cant beat is experience.

tigger2k8 14th Jan 2009 11:32

is this in just 1 station? or are they intoducing it in all stations?... flip next thing they will be doing is getting PAX services to help load the aircraft :oh:

Trash_Hauler 14th Jan 2009 11:41

Yes Its true I am prob going to go next month after 7 yrs of service its thank you very much and goodbye!!!. Load controllers to do the monarchs and then L/C the flybe's dual role saves money but what you cant beat is experience.
I find that to be absolutely disgusting.

Are we talking baggage loading Team Leaders? If so, do Swissport management have a complete and utter disregard for the role of the dispatcher (and flight safety for that matter)? Who is going to supervise the turnaround whilst the TL is loading the bags? Who is going to answer the flight deck's operational related questions? Who is going to chase up cleaners. de=icing, fuellers and catering? Who is going to monitor the turnaround ensuring on time performance and making sure that departure and airborne slots are not missed? If there is a problem with the load sheet, is the TL going to be able to fix it there on the spot or will we further delay aircraft whilst some guy back in the office runs out? What if the systems go down? Who does the manual L/S?

Who exactly ARE Swissport management? Me thinks bean counters or arselickers instead of experienced professionals! A poor poor decision if you ask me!

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