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groundhogbhx 23rd May 2008 11:02

Only the Station Manager and Airside Operations Manager, but they are retreating into T2 and shedding staff as well as work so OPS1978 could be right. Won't be too long now until they find out if that is going to happen!!

tickerdboo 23rd May 2008 12:32

Swissports pay offer for this year.........0%

pleass place votes in the ballot box......

legalize 23rd May 2008 23:26

"Swissports pay offer for this year.........0%

pleass place votes in the ballot box......"

Im assuming thats a joke or a typical bhx rumour. How can 0% be a pay rise?

groundhogbhx 24th May 2008 09:56

That's the point, they aren't offering one and the staff aren't happy.

beefster 24th May 2008 12:24

The offer is 0% on basic and shift
You dont lose the 1st 3 days sick as you used to
And a new bonus scheme which could be worth up to £300 a year(wow) then If you die your family will receive 1 years pay :ugh::ugh:

Looks like the best deal is to drop dead

We may have lost airlines but we are working harder than ever with less staff. Sure it wont be long before we have a day on strike or will all be looking for alternative employment

tickerdboo 26th May 2008 03:57

I think that a strike is in order, lets face it the whole place is going down hill fast, I dont know of one person who can say that they want to be working for Swissport other then to pay the bills..........

greuzi 26th May 2008 09:13

Oil and perspective

There is no magic wand here whether you work for Aviance, Menzies, Swissport, Servisair et all.

With oil around 135 USD a barrel, airlines will struggle. Get set to see old fleets getting laid up particularly in the US where all sorts of old types are still flying. We will see a period of mergers, network reduction and ultimately less overall business for the handlers who will continue to fight for the business that remains. Airlines will squeeze every cent they can to offset their cost increases.

It is not all lost. Just look at BA's recent profit announcement despite the fuel surcharge fine and lost baggage long before the final hit which was T5. Imagine the figures without those problems and you see there is hope. The ME and China will maintain the overall growth in our industry too.

But there will also be more bad news as well..


Lets just all keep positive and weather the storm.

legalize 26th May 2008 22:07

Swissport Pay Rise
This sounds like typical tactics used by management. Next they will be telling you about how they are not making money and how they could close due to a strike. I use to work at LHR and my old company shut down. All workers (apart from management) were offered alternative employment with other handling agents.

The bottom line is swissport could shut, but the airlines will continue to fly!!

What managent dont realise is that silly pay offers like this do nothing but stir up more hatred and bad morale amongst the workforce. Looks like you boys will be roasting marshmellows at the picket line!!:ok::ok:

Whilst your managemnt are inside :{:{:{:{:{

groundhand 27th May 2008 09:04

Just for the record, what are management supposed to offer workers when their business is losing money, their customers are hurting and looking for cost savings and the industry, as a whole, is in turmoil?

Annual pay awards are all very nice but are not mandatory. Employee expectation is always that they will receive an annual award higher than inflation; customer expectation is that their handling charges will either not increase or will increase at less than inflation. The airport will increase charges as they see fit; the government will meddle and inevitably add to business costs.

From previous posts it would seem that the operation is not 'fat' in terms of labour; and labour is the biggest cost for a Ground Handling company. You can trim equipment replacement; but only for a limited period and this can backfire with much higher maintenance costs; you can reduce other overheads such as office space etc. but most GH's have been doing this for years and there is no flex left in their operations.

So I ask again, what is a reasonable pay award in this current climate?

OPS1978 27th May 2008 10:53

Swissport Pay Offer
From what people are saying I think we should go on strike Mangement have been getting away with to much the last 2 yrs working us to the bone sometimes not giving us enough hours between shifts, Not giving us enough staff or the proper training to do the tasks asked of us. I think industrail action would be the best thing we could do. If nothing else might untie the workers and get morale back which at the moment is around the zero mark:{:{:ugh::ugh:

legalize 29th May 2008 21:31


You even sound like management!!

Something along the lines of inflation is fair in this current climate. Id companies were not making money they would not be operating. For years now i have seen handling agents all over the uk abusing their staff to maximise their profits so they can fill their fat greedy bellies!!

groundhogbhx 3rd Jun 2008 21:30

I hear from my former work mates that Monarch have given Swissport 60 days. Will they pull it round or is it for real this time??

Black n Blacker 4th Jun 2008 10:21

the words swissport and training dont go togeather:ugh::ugh::ugh:

OPS1978 4th Jun 2008 12:33

Trainning at swissport what
I have been there 8 yrs and taught most of what i know myself or by asking captains from airlines to show me bloody disgrace :{:{

Sam1664 4th Jun 2008 15:11

I've also heard that Monarch have given swissport 60 day's notice to improve!

legalize 5th Jun 2008 00:47

These rumours have been doing the rounds for years now. Honestly, can you really see an airline whose OTP is well in the nineties leaving a handling agent to go to another one who will be concentrating solely on Ryanair at the moment. I know this is a 'rumour' network, but we have to look at things sensibly as well.

OPS1978 5th Jun 2008 08:38

Who's saying if monarch do leave swissport the would go to servisiar anyway could their be another new ground handling company coming into bhx?:ok::ok:

legalize 5th Jun 2008 11:43


Your the only one thinking 'sensibly' Maybe a new handling agent will be for the best. Especially for your boys.:ok:

OPS1978 5th Jun 2008 12:26

Legalize re an extra handling agent all I can say is watch this space.If it does happen can see alot of old groundstar people jumping ship me included:ok:

BHX86 16th Jun 2008 11:37

I heard a rumour yesterday at the airport that Swissport had been issued with an 'improve your performance' notice. Does anybody know if there is any truth in this and if it is true what the implications to Swissport are?

groundhogbhx 16th Jun 2008 21:47

Try reading from post #98 onwards:ok:

legalize 16th Jun 2008 22:26

Another one bites the dust
Just heard that my old MAS pal 'Tony Williams' has jacked as well from his Duty Officer position. Another big loss, he was a man of much experience,dedication and professionalism. What are Swissport playing at???

groundhogbhx 17th Jun 2008 08:37

I'm told he was hauled over the coals for helping the Ramp staff on an aircraft!!! Only two ramp guys so he went to muck in:(

OPS1978 17th Jun 2008 09:04


It was because he put steps on a monarch A321 on his own after it waited on stand for 40 mins as no ramp staff would do it themselves they said "were not trained to move steps" Thats what I was told good bloke anyway and will be missed.:D:D

legalize 17th Jun 2008 13:11

What makes me laugh is the fact that Swissport managemnt would sit in airport meetings and have a good laugh and joke at the expense of Aviation Support services (AJ). In my opinion Swissport are worse as they have backing from big companies and they still can't do the job properly.

Bring back ASS !!!

OPS1978 17th Jun 2008 14:49


Swissport prob wont be here in 6 months so dont worry about it... Your right though:ok:

tickerdboo 17th Jun 2008 21:29

Things are really starting to get sporty at Swissport, those who are still left are working harder and harder while we lose staff left right and center. lets hope we can pull up before we hit the rocks..........

Any thoughts??????

RollNow! 18th Jun 2008 00:00

Swissport prob wont be here in 6 months so dont worry about it... Your right though:ok:
I dont work for swissport so i cant say ive seen the insides of the downturn but some of your guys look totally knackered.

I saw the PIA come on to 41 today with no stand guidance systems and only one guy there. Thats not a "knock" im just sayig it seems that swissport really are stretched at the moment. Whats the actual plan or dont they have one? Or dont they care? OR is it all of the above?

tickerdboo 18th Jun 2008 11:18

Something to do with a driving permit me thinks.....:ugh::ugh::ugh:

splash&dash 18th Jun 2008 13:29

Bring back ASS !!! :mad:

No way! Unreliable, unsafe, under staffed, zero training and no kit! At least under the previous manager.
I wouldnt have thought BIA would re issue them with a work permit in a hurry.

Come on Swissport management! A global company! Sort this mess out :suspect:

groundhogbhx 18th Jun 2008 13:39

Latest on the Monarch saga is that they are no longer on 60 days improvement, they are now on 90 days termination according to what I was told this morning:eek: Anyone care to confirm or deny, this is very bad for the few staff left. Swissport are in real trouble now by the look of it, no Ops Sup last night or today and load control passed to NCL.:sad:

RollNow! 18th Jun 2008 14:30

Centralised L/C in NCL Groundhog? When did that happen?

Thing is ... if ZB do terminate Swissport where are they going to go??

This might have been discussed previously but seriously ... can any of the other agents at BHX take them right now? Thats a lot of flights.

groundhogbhx 18th Jun 2008 17:16

Not centralised, NCL doing loadsheets because there are no load controllers on shift. Despatchers are doing there own and NCL doing flybe!!

Word this morning was that ZB were Servisair bound, but both agents would have trouble finding room for them at the moment unless staff came from Swissport with them. I know a few that would move but doubt it would be enough.

RollNow! 18th Jun 2008 17:29

Well where ever they end up if they go from SP someone is in for a rough ride trying to squeeze all that work in! :{

OPS1978 18th Jun 2008 19:02


If Monarch do leave Swissport and go to servisair .A certain Despatcher would have to follow them wouldn't he?:ok:

beefster 18th Jun 2008 20:20

Apperently the 60 day notice was applied to other stations but not BHX as they think the service is still good at BHX. They are either blind or stupid if that is right or our management are lying through the teeth

Load control was not passed to NCL in the end. God knows how but managed to get it covered for the rest of today but who knows what will happen tomorrow

nclops 19th Jun 2008 20:51

Haven't you got one of our guys down there helping out in load control!

Black n Blacker 20th Jun 2008 16:27

rumour has it monarch will move to cov, now they have perm for the new terminal

RollNow! 20th Jun 2008 17:11

I have heard the same thing about BE since Ryanair have arrived in T2... hmmmm

call100 20th Jun 2008 20:39

They have not got permission yet....They were denied at the public enquiry, a High Court hearing is scheduled for July 21st I believe.
So all those rumours are Bogus as usual.

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