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future atco 14th Sep 2006 16:08

HI everyone
right-i'm a failed ATC assistant (actually i only lasted a week!) but only due to the distance i had to travel each day, around 150 miles!!!
i'm desperate to work in the aviation world!??
any suggestions?? somebody said about flight ops or something??
I live in somerset so its gotta be somewhere like Bristol,bournemouth???
really appreciate your help!

Venkman 14th Sep 2006 16:21

Can't really help you with getting a job, but I am interested to know what kind of duties and ATC Assistant has?

JediDude 14th Sep 2006 16:36

I'm assuming by your username that you've already applied to NATS for an ATCO position?

You could always jump on the bumpy rollercoaster of professional pilot training with the rest of us ;)

future atco 14th Sep 2006 16:58


yeah,ive applied for NATS but failed at the exams!!

Do you know, i'd love to be a pilot but i coul never afford to do it!??


Superpilot 14th Sep 2006 18:10

Do you know, i'd love to be a pilot but i coul never afford to do it!??
:} , :ok:, :bored:, :uhoh: , :{

K. Soze 14th Sep 2006 18:15

If you don't mind moving to Holland then try Eurocontrol - they always need ATCO trainees but be warned that the failure rate is very high. Have a look in this and the ATC Issues http://www.pprune.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=18 for more info on Dispatcher and ATCO info.

scroggs 14th Sep 2006 18:21

Moved from 'Wannabes - Interviews, Jobs and Sponsorships' - as he 'can't afford' to be a pilot, there's no point in his thread being in a pilot-only forum!


Phil Brockwell 14th Sep 2006 19:13

Future ATCO

Try Gary Thomas at BFC, 01275474601.

Ring him in the morning, he is looking for Ops staff at the FBO side of the business.


JediDude 14th Sep 2006 19:57

"can't afford it"?

And you think the rest of us can? It doesn't stop us. :}

future atco 14th Sep 2006 21:42

Originally Posted by scroggs (Post 2849435)
Moved from 'Wannabes - Interviews, Jobs and Sponsorships' - as he 'can't afford' to be a pilot, there's no point in his thread being in a pilot-only forum!

excuse me???

he is actually a she!!!!!

and there is no need to be sarcastic?? if you've got nothing useful to say, then dont say anything!!

future atco 14th Sep 2006 21:44

Originally Posted by Phil Brockwell (Post 2849546)
Future ATCO
Try Gary Thomas at BFC, 01275474601.
Ring him in the morning, he is looking for Ops staff at the FBO side of the business.

oh you're a star!! i'll do it and let you know

Phil Brockwell 15th Sep 2006 06:34

If you want to give me a call on 01275 474357 I'll gve you the gen


Superpilot 15th Sep 2006 07:20

excuse me???

he is actually a she!!!!!

and there is no need to be sarcastic?? if you've got nothing useful to say, then dont say anything!!
Scroggs, maybe you should type in big bold gold to emphasise your authority? :D

mikehammer 16th Sep 2006 09:15

I was asked recently at interview: "The captain knocks on your hotel room door late one evening in a full evening dress and make up, what do you say/do?"

I wonder what Scroggs reply would be were he/she in that position...

Future ATCO good luck. Thank goodness there are people like Phil Brockwell in this forum genuinely trying to help people out.:D

JediDude 16th Sep 2006 10:15

Originally Posted by mikehammer (Post 2852238)
I wonder what Scroggs reply would be were he/she in that position...

He's not a mind reader, Jeez.

Originally Posted by mikehammer (Post 2852238)
Thank goodness there are people like Phil Brockwell in this forum genuinely trying to help people out.:D

:? Scroggs moved a thread because it wasn't in a relevant forum, where's the issue?

mikehammer 16th Sep 2006 10:43

Er...the way in which it was done and the male assumption?

Phil Brockwell 16th Sep 2006 13:52


I think trying to turn this into a gender issue is a bit inappropriate.


mikehammer 17th Sep 2006 20:41

I didn't think I was, Future Atco said "he is actually a she" so I thought I'd follow on from that. There seemed to be certain assumptions made which I wanted to emphasise, and I decided to use my interview question as an example.

I don't want particularly to turn this into a gender thing, or anything really, but I was slightly incensed by what had occurred and decided to speak out.

However I take your point, perhaps we should get back to the original issue, or leave it at that.

future atco 18th Sep 2006 15:49

ok guys-calm down!! :rolleyes:

i appreciate everyones comments, however helpful or not!!

that last thing i wanna do i start an arguement! However, it was wrong for whoever it was to assume i was a bloke!!

I'm just a small person in a big pond and i use this site because most people on it have a lot of experience in the aviation world and someone somewhere will usually be able to help! However, things may not always get put into the righ category but that doesnt mean i'm stupid!!!

there are some people on here who just seem to be out to belittle people, making sarcastic comments and that isnt any help to anyone-i dont care if they are a moderator or not!!!!

anyway-thank you to you all so far for your comments! feel free to pm me!!

xx :ok:

cessna l plate 18th Sep 2006 16:03

Future Atco
This might sound a little pompous, but bear with me.

Problem1 You live miles from anywhere
Solution. I am assuming that you aren't that old, married etc, have you thought of re-locating nearer to an airport? Don't get me wrong, I only moved away from my parents house the year before I got married at the ripe old age of 28, but then I was also happyish with my lot at the time. At age 18 I spent some time travelling around the country with my job and longed to be at home, so it isn't everyones cup of tea granted, but balance that against your overwhelming desire to work in aviation.

Problem2 No airport jobs near where you live
You don't have to work for an airline or at an international airport to work in aviation. Have you thought about working in ops in general aviation. Not only are you working at the grass roots level of this industry, you might get a little flying thrown in as part of the package. OK so we all know that the wage isn't a lot to write home about in GA, but a great way of gaining experience, making freinds, maybe even getting your hands on a plane from time to time. Big bonus to this side of things is that you don't generally find flying clubs working a night shift, or starting at 4am!!! Again, it's a question of balancing wages, perceived lifestyle and life goals together.

And that is the ultimate choice. Life is full of regrets, I regret spending my money on booze and girls when I was 18 instead of scrimping a licence together. But then I think about it, and I enjoyed life at that age. I might be paying for it now, in a job that I can tolerate, but not love, and I too would love to be an airline pilot but can't afford it. But I look back, and I learnt life skills that allow me to earn a reasonable salary today, so maybe not all bad then. What you have to do is decide a few things. What path do want your life to go in? Even if you are 55, you can still steer your career path if you really want to. To what extent is money your motivating factor? I gave up chasing big money jobs long ago to enjoy a bit more of life rather than working all the hours god sends as I used to.

After 20 years in the workplace nearly, I am happy that I have a good lifestyle, earn the kind of money that enables me to have that lifestyle and am in a job that isn't too bad really. But then I learnt the hard way. Decide what you want from life, and then steer towards it. Once you know this, you can then decide on what sort of job you want, and then you can decide where to go and do it, and it will all fall into place.

Good luck

scroggs 21st Sep 2006 14:41

I don't normally get involved in justifying moderating decisions, however a number of points have been raised that can be usefully answered.

Firstly, gender, If a post gives no clues as to the gender of its originator, it is unwieldy to attempt to cover both genders with incessant 'he/she' or 's/he' adapted pronouns. As the English language still accepts the noun 'mankind' to encompass all people of whatever gender, it is still acceptable (if somewhat old fashioned) to use the pronoun 'he' in situations where the gender is indeterminate. In any case, whether you like it or not, the vast majority of people in aviation - including ATC, though less so than among pilots - are male. On top of that, I am not a great fan of the more trivial attempts of Political Correctness to constrain language.

Secondly, sarcasm. I'm sorry you read the post as sarcastic. However, for whatever reason, it was in the wrong part of this site. I moved it to the correct part with an explanation of why it was moved. On most occasions, there would be no explanation.

Lastly, helpfulness. I think a cursory examination of my posts over the last eight or nine years will reveal that I spend a great deal of my spare time helping people both by direct advice, and by the time I spend collating information on the Wannabes and Terms and Endearments forums, among others. I also offer my time in direct correspondence with wannabe pilots and by participating in the various seminars, sponsorship selections and other wannabe-focussed activities that Pprune has promoted over the years. If that is not enough for you, Mr (or is it Ms?) Hammer, I apologise for the inadequacies in my moderation that your 10 days or so on this site have allowed you to study in great depth.

future atco I wish you all the best in your efforts to become involved in aviation by whatever route and into whichever field of endeavour.


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