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evolante 2nd Sep 2002 13:34

Heavylift Engineering - What's Happening???
Just heard that the workforce was sent home Friday without pay and received a letter asking them to report in Wednesday

Anyone got an inside track on this?

BRISTOLRE 2nd Sep 2002 13:37

YES also Strangely enough...
I keep hearing things about Heavylift, trouble at the mill etc?
All it is is rumour right now - I havent heard anything official from commercial ops or engineering.

LGW Vulture 2nd Sep 2002 13:40

Were they not due to be bought by a neighbouring Third party maintenance orgnanisation?

My word evolante.....you know a lot about Essex from far away in California!!!.....:p :p

evolante 2nd Sep 2002 14:01

LGW Vulture - Indeed I keep my ear to the ground, so to speak...

For a Consultant - you dont know much about what's happening in Essex!!! - ATC Lasham pulled out of the takeover a couple of weeks ago - looks like their BA contarct on the 737's didnt need the extar hangar capacity after all....

Cello 2nd Sep 2002 15:42

Can confirm rumour
- not that I'm in anyway involved.

But a quick call to their offices confirmed that it is only the General Manager there today, and that all staff have indeed been sent home.

Hope it can be sorted out. Generally, not good news.


Boss Raptor 2nd Sep 2002 15:50

ATC Lasham no longer in the running...no wages for August...think this one will end up in the mercy of the banks unfortunately...

dsmsmr 2nd Sep 2002 20:56

Staff were sent home on thursday and told to go back monday, this was later changed to wednesday. Majority of staff turned up at Southend this morning to meet the the contractors who were asked to work an aircraft. seems the Heavylift way of using contractors above permanent staff has not changed. I hope that this is not the end of Heavylift at Southend it would be a pity but no real surprise.:(

Plane Speaker 3rd Sep 2002 09:49

From talking to my well informed freinds at Southend I can confirm that a 757 is being moved to the Inflite (ex WAS) hangar today.
Wasn't the chap that is/was MD at Heavylift the same chap that made such a succes of managing Huntings at EMA? Initials of GM?
ATC pulled out of the deal to buy at the last minute, with no reason given apparently. Good luck and best wishes to all those affected by this.

dogsnutz 3rd Sep 2002 12:51

So how come Farhad Azima isn't prepared to put any more money into this operation? Will this affect HCA/Prime at all?

dsmsmr 3rd Sep 2002 18:33

I saw the Heavylift guys at Southend again today, they had been told that administrators were due in tomorrow but now this will not happen. They seem to feel that the management does not want to tell them what is really going on and keep them there as long as possible.... still without pay!!! :confused:

maverick766 4th Sep 2002 22:30

Cab confirm that a administrator was due to be in at heavyLift today....but due to insufficient funds one couldn't be appointed. The guys are still hanging on for salary payments and trying to fight the good fight. If the company has insufficient funds to appoint an administrator surely the organisation is insolvent. if that the case how can Mr MH and his cronies still continue to operate...i'm sure that illegal too.....just like the non payment of salaries. No redundency...no dole monies...what does Mr MH expect his loyal workers to live off....fresh air.!!

jar66 5th Sep 2002 16:52

I was told last week that they had the A300's taken back by the bank. This is not good news for te rest of us in jobs as so many managers today love to say "don't like it, theres the door plenty of you guys out there wanting your job" hope all works out for the HL guys ive been down that route of hearing hanger door slam shut behind me and I did not like it.

All the best and don't give up.

dsmsmr 6th Sep 2002 18:56

Well I saw some of the Heavylift guys this afternoon and was told that the administrators are in. Well it seems that Mr MH has finally done the dirty act of kicking the people who made him a lot of money were it hurts most!! I can remember seeing their hangar full as well as aircraft outside and not that long ago, wonder where the money went. I hope the airline staff watch their backs, Mr MH seems to have no thought for anyone else but himself. It’s a sad day for Southend!! I wonder if Mr MH will pay the Southend staff all money HE owes them.

heavyless 2nd Oct 2002 16:47

light at the end of the tunnel?
Atc are back in the game ,lets see what happens next.;) :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :confused:

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