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EK2EYengineer 11th Oct 2007 15:45

EY Engineers
Hello guys any body out there who is intrested in starting a thread for EY engineers i will be joining EY as an engineer soon waiting for my papers

spannersatcx 11th Oct 2007 16:14

Last I heard was that one of the guys that left CX to join EY is begging to come back. As his words not mine "the place is a mess".

Have fun! :)

EK2EYengineer 12th Oct 2007 18:30

EY Engineers
Why is it so after all airline is working well and growing day by day give it some time and then every body will be running to get a job i witnessed Emirates from the scratch pad to the full bloom and when Emirates was concieved it was the same opinion but now job seekers are lining up for the interviews

mono 14th Oct 2007 13:09


Fargoo 14th Oct 2007 13:18

Think you may be in for a shock this time :eek:

EK2EYengineer 14th Oct 2007 15:37

with all the uhhhhhhhhh & the shocks still people are lining up for the jobs i fail to understsnd the hypocracy

Fargoo 14th Oct 2007 18:19

Perhaps those people don't know any better. Check back with us in six months and let us know how you're getting on.
I've heard bad things and good things about the place, just more bad than good assuming you'll be based in AUH.

EK2EYengineer 15th Oct 2007 00:04

yes i will be based in AUH and i only believe on my very personal experience lets wait & see what ever the situation will be i dont think they are that bad i worked some worst places like Emirates (English Managed Indian Run Arabs Taking Extra Salary) where name of the game is who browns his nose more than others
Thanks for your concern

spannersatcx 15th Oct 2007 10:31

And the difference between EK and EY is.............?

Bullishit 15th Oct 2007 18:32

been at ek for 17 years it was a flying club when i joined and is still a flying club now.The trouble is they are getting to be a big carrier now with still the same amount of poeple.
EY have done what ek did after 10 years.They (EY) f:}:\:hmm: it up after 2 years.

Tom Sawyer 16th Oct 2007 08:08

I've had some dealings with the EY Engineering dept. Worked on some of their aircraft. I had the chance to apply for a position with them with a payrise. Wouldn't touch them with a bargepole. 'Nuff said

itwilldoatrip 17th Oct 2007 00:49

Think you were one of those Indian managed engineers who could'nt make it and did a runner to JFK when the chance came my friend. You now want to come back to be nearer you're homeland (could'nt work there could you). Also having worked for EK for more years than I can remember there are worse places to be.
If you think EY will be better enjoy, think you will find from all reports a big shock.

EK2EYengineer 17th Oct 2007 14:27

No you wrong there the guys you talking about are the reason for me to quit they dont know from theur A** to elbow i call them bicycle mechanics they do wonders on the aircraft i never went through such a dirty politics in my entire career and as far as EY is concern i think i can live with the mistakes than the dirty politics

EK2EYengineer 19th Oct 2007 15:55

Any info on V-HR contracting will be appreciated

auditt 17th Nov 2007 05:26

Hey, how u doing?

Im waiting for my papers to be processed too, where you from?

Jet II 17th Nov 2007 13:04

Before anyone jumps to join EY you should make sure you know what you are getting into.

Main issue is that you will NOT be Etihad staff - you will be GAMCO staff seconded to Etihad.

The only staff directly employed by Etihad will be in MCC

Terry McCassey 21st Nov 2007 03:31

EK2EY . . . If you are who you think you are, then you did not join from "The Scratch Pad". Beleive me sonny, EK is a shambles,I have yet to see anyone even starting a queue to get in. EY will be no different my friend, believe me !

Terry McCassey 21st Nov 2007 03:34

. . . Oh and another thing, if your nose is as brown as I think it is - you certainly didn't make it as long as you did on skill levels alone ! Good luck with EY, you'll need it ! !

Terry McCassey 27th Nov 2007 15:52

great, well that's just great, can we please have our white shirts and red ties back ?

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