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lame 7th Jun 2001 08:09

How Many Out There Would Work In Australia IF You Could?
This is a serious question...........

I have been led to believe that there may be an opportunity coming up for Engineers from outside Australia, to work for one of our Major Australian Airlines.

There would not be a problem with work permits etc, and assuming your Licence can be converted easily, how many would actually be interested?

Those that are interested, why would you be interested? That is the money, lifestyle, other reasons???

"I USED to be a PPRuNaholic, but now I'm CURED"

Bus429 7th Jun 2001 08:18

All of the above. What's their email address?

Bus429 - the pilot's pal!

lame 7th Jun 2001 08:27


Thank you for your reply.

As I said I believe the offer will be coming, NOT yet on offer.

Just trying to find out whether or not there are many interested, and why?

IF you are interested, where are you now, I don't expect you to post your address, just which Country? And why would you be interested in moving to Australia to work? I believe it is the best place on Earth, but what are the reasons others would like to work here???

Best regards,


"I USED to be a PPRuNaholic, but now I'm CURED"

diwai 7th Jun 2001 10:09

I would love to come home, LAME ,where would the offerings be. I hold both A&C here in the UK and in Aust, please keep me posted.

lame 7th Jun 2001 13:05


No worries, you have no email listed though?

If you would like to email me.

Best regards,


"I USED to be a PPRuNaholic, but now I'm CURED"

spannersatcx 7th Jun 2001 13:35

lame, interesting question, however to be tempted away from the UK the deal would have to be worthwhile. In all seriousness the pay would have to be not less than 100000 Aus$, at todays rate that is about 37000GBP, plus other benefits. Would the airline in question be able to offer this?

DoctorA300 7th Jun 2001 13:43

Put the shrimps on the barbie, and drop me a line ANYTIME

lame 7th Jun 2001 13:50


It IS possible to earn that much with the majors on line maintenance, but I don't think they would guarantee it?


No worries...........

"I USED to be a PPRuNaholic, but now I'm CURED"

spannersatcx 7th Jun 2001 13:59

Thanks I know someone who wants to go there from the UK, he has rite of abode, due he married a Shiella. I'll point him in this direction.

aeroguru 7th Jun 2001 15:05

Yes I'd go tomorrow mate.Love the place.Went there at every opportunity when I worked in the far east for ten years.
Very much regret not going when I was younger and had the chance twice and didn't make it for various reasons.

ragspanner 8th Jun 2001 01:39

Where about's in the country ?.
Reasons : A/ Climate.
B/ people (no airs & graces).
C/ Standard of living.
D/ A good place to raise my girl.
E/ good restaurants,beer,wine.
F/ to far for the 'outlaws' to
come for the weekend !.

I would be very interested,currently hold UK
A,C & 'X'Elect & A&P, working A300's.
The dough would have to be a consideration,
also working conditions,pension etc.
When you know tell us more.

Penn Doff 8th Jun 2001 01:50

Go on then LAME count me in, better be enough VB to go around mate!!!!

"please report further"

lame 8th Jun 2001 01:53

Penn Doff,

No worries.

I take it would be interested in a position in Melbourne then????????

IF you are interested in Brisbane you would be better asking for XXXX........

Best regards,


"I USED to be a PPRuNaholic, but now I'm CURED"

FNQTech 8th Jun 2001 02:22

I have sighted a letter of offer for positions for line maintenance LAME's at Canberra, paying $95K fixed salary. And that is not from a major. The rates where I work are closer to 65K before overtime.

Blacksheep 8th Jun 2001 11:26

My earlier experience with Aussie recruiting suggests they will be looking for low-wage "starters."

In 1989 Ansett arrived in town on a world-wide recruiting drive, doing walk-in interviews. They had plenty of jobs for LAEs with minimum cover to start at the bottom. The pay was too low for a family to live on though. Fair enough, they wanted young folks to go out and make a start at the bottom in the normal way.

If I was young and single, never mind the starting pay or the location, I'd be off like a shot.

Through difficulties to the cinema

brame 8th Jun 2001 12:06

G'Day lame (and other posters). I wish I know where you got your info from for this post. There is not many engineers working in Aust, getting $A100,000PA. Some senior managers may, some overtime hounds may and no one in GA is. Most of the gingerbeers that I know that work for the majors are unhappy and ready to leave. So, not to throw a wet blanket on anyone but, if you are earning this kind of money where you are, stay put......

Diablo 8th Jun 2001 13:18

Are Ansett still in the cack with regards to their 767's? The trouble they had at the start of the year could mean people with 767 cover could be very attractive to them at the moment. Where do they do all their maintenance?

growler 8th Jun 2001 17:32

I courted with Ansett back in 89 when they tried recruiting in UK. The money they offered then was similar to UK salary and they claimed that I would have a higher standard of living in Sydney or Melbourne. It was all a bit acedemic in the end as I failed the Licence exam. They offered me a mech's job, but Mrs Growler was none too keen.
I have since obtained CASA licence with 757, 737, 767 and A320 type ratings. I would love to go there, but now with 3 kids in tow I would have an even harder job convincing Mrs G. I would like to keep updated on developments though LAME just in case.
Reasons for :
good place to bring up kids??
quality of life (if the soaps are to be believed!!)

Penn Doff 8th Jun 2001 20:16

I am not choosey I will drink either (or both), prefer VB though. Just need the job first, beer and barby come later!!!!

"please report further"

[This message has been edited by Penn Doff (edited 08 June 2001).]

jetfueldrinker 8th Jun 2001 23:31

This would depedn on several factors:-

Would I be able to persuade Mrs Jetfueldrinker that it would be a good idea to go to Aus as we are not exactly 21 any more

What the relocation package would consist of

Would I really have to take my teenage kids with me?

Would I get the asking price for my house and what the property price is like in Aus

How much agro would I have converting a BCAR A & C license to a CASA license

What the salary vs cost of living is like with the potential new employers

And if I got there and discovered that Aus was not what I thought it would be, what then?

There are far too many ifs and buts, but if I were 20 years younger..........who knows?

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