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morroccomole 3rd Apr 2001 18:48

Dumbing down the Licence
So, the CAA (UK) has finally given in (almost).Fully Licensed A/V guys are now being GIVEN A+C licences on the strength of the A+P that they hold. Those without A+P are simply doing 100 multi guess per Category. If they pass, they get the licence(s). No oral reqd.
If I (as an A+C holder) apply for my X licence, will they just give it to me? I think not, even though I hold ICAO type 2 from more than one country,including one that includes a large amount of electrical content and compass swing!
I asked my QA manger's advice on whether to do X or JAR66 conversion. His answer? "Hold tight, JAA will cave in and give away 66 licences"

LBMF 8th Apr 2001 02:53

The CAA LWTR for A&C has always allowed exemptions from the multi choice if someone holds an A&P. With the removal of the essay questions & now the oral, obviously anyone holding an A&P can get A&C without an oral.

It is not just Avionics who gain but all A&C engineers who go for an Electrical license. They no longer have to do written questions / oral & only need sit 100 multi choice to get an X Elect ticket. Level playing field, I would say even if I don’t agree with the new system.

We (LAE’s) let the written questions go by the way side & now most A&C are happy there is no oral for their Elect. Do you hear many complaints from A&C’s that there is no oral?

Morroccomole stop complaining. It is a level playing field, just the CAA have let us all down. Your post just sounds like sour grapes to me. You don’t have the guts to sit 100 elect questions, so start slagging off Avionic LAEs. If you do have a problem write to the CAA or CHIRPS.

We thought Section L was hard when we did our exams but 66 will be a give away for those who can learn the answers to multi choice.

Times change so get one with it. Even if someone holds a LWTR it does not mean they have any experience or are capable of doing the job. Word of mouth still rules as it is still a small industry.

SchmiteGoBust 8th Apr 2001 04:21

Well said LB. Totally agree with you. A buffoon will always be a buffoon and in this game everyone will soon know about it.

Penn Doff 8th Apr 2001 22:55

If you read the full exam listings for a new starter (ie non licence holder) doing JAR66 you will find that they will still be doing essay questions.
As for the A & P exemptions, I thought that it was only the "trade" multi choice that they are given and that the air legislation multi choice (+ human factors), essay questions & oral must be completed.

"please report further"

LBMF 10th Apr 2001 12:33

PD Sorry I was refering to Avionics LAE's with an A&P.
If you only have an A&P & want to convert ( section L ) you need to do essay, air leg & oral. You must also have aplied before 31 May.
There are no exemptions under JAR for A&P holders.

Airmech II 16th Apr 2001 00:46

Re:Exemptions. The well informed Engineering Licensing dept. had the grace to inform me the other day that the JAR 66 scheme "might" allow exemptions for an A&P. I might just answer "might, I'm not sure" next time our surveyor asks me a question !!

morroccomole 20th Apr 2001 13:21

LBMF: I have sat the 100 multi guess questions, twice, but failed. I did not study first time, just went in to see how far I could go. Second time tried self study but couldn't do anything really constructive with screaming kids around the house and battling against tiredness from nightshifts , overtime etc. Funds ran out so I stopped.
Company I worked for at the time were too tight to put me in a classroom for a couple of weeks. My new company however, are about to send me on a 66 conversion course and will pay for the exams, so hopefully soon, I will have an unrestricted 66 Licence.

I was not slagging off a/v engineers. I know 2 of them that have just got C licences by this route and they are good guys.
They both recognise the faults of the system but are using it to their advantage. Full credit to them I say.
End of defence

innocent bystander 20th Apr 2001 21:37

i'm an a&c man and electrics are not my strongpoint, i've felt it a few times, but you cant even see the bastard , anyway if i can get electrics through 100 multi choice without an oral, hell i'll give it a go,and try not to do any electric work, i dont think i can become a leccy overnight, because i have passed an exam that says i am one
however i will try to grab it then worry about it


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