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mpenage 20th Mar 2001 02:16

What do you think
Strict drinking and flying limits for
pilots and other key aviation personnel
have been proposed by the Government.

The limit will be 20 milligrams of
alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood `
four times stricter than the current
limit for motorists.

Those subject to the limit will include
cabin crew, air traffic controllers and
aircraft maintenance engineers.

The proposals were unveiled by Aviation
Minister Bob Ainsworth.

innocent bystander 20th Mar 2001 05:25

mp, they already have a random drug and alcohol program running in the us,done at the end of the shift to see if you have been "sipping" on the job, they tell me some of the good mouth washes can get a reading. if you have, i suppose that they take the a/c apart again to check your work? there's mention of it happening here in oz. i know that there is drinking after work but it's very rare to see people drunk on the job.makes pollies look good, i suppose dreaming these things up.

The Weasel 20th Mar 2001 15:14

Mmpenage, Theres no worry there then,we are not going to be classed as engineers after June 01,just Technicians!!!
Yeah I know I'm flogging this one a bit.Sorry folks.
Might as well go for full house....Of course Managers are not included in the list, still some of their decisions could only improve after a few pints!

[This message has been edited by The Weasel (edited 20 March 2001).]

The Weasel 20th Mar 2001 19:58

Seriously though...It's a sad state of affairs when,in an industry this reliant on high calibre personnel,there has to be legislation put in place just to make sure people turn up for for work sober and/or 'uncoked'.
If it does cause justifiable loss of jobs then it can only make those of us who stick to the rules a rarer commodity and therefore improve our chances of a pay increase.

jetfueldrinker 20th Mar 2001 23:20

A bloke I know is diabetic. He had his ADP withdrawn because he 'Posed a threat in that he may have a hyper, fall unconscious at the wheel and crash into a parked aircraft'. His supervisor, very annoied at this, got in touch with the department that deals with the issue of ADP's, asking if everyone who had an ADP, ranging from cleaners to management, could be random tested as the 'recreational drug' problem in our area is rife. He was told that this was not possible as there is no legislation for this, and that they may be in breach of EU directives if they did so. Stupid or what?

Blacksheep 21st Mar 2001 09:20

The diabetic guy may have a cause for action at an Industrial Tribunal. I presume that he has a valid driving licence and declared his medical status to the licensing authority (The UK DVLC?) If he is legally entitled to drive on the road with his medical condition then withdrawing his ADP amounts to discrimination.

Through difficulties to the cinema

[This message has been edited by Blacksheep (edited 21 March 2001).]

Genghis the Engineer 22nd Mar 2001 00:51

I'm in favour, there's no room for influence of drugs, including alcohol in our business.

I saw an aircraft destroyed once after an alcoholic senior manager made a seriously bad decision one afternoon after a long lunchbreak in the pub. Thankfully nobody killed and the aircraft was insured, but it was a hell of a close call.

If anybody wants to test me at work they're welcome, I'd just be grateful if they'd stick to a urine test - I'm terrified of needles!


ottiss 22nd Mar 2001 04:28

I am 100% for random piss tests.I think the FAA has got it right. weekend trips to AMS for a DRUG weekend has no business in our business.

riche71 22nd Mar 2001 23:15

as a guy who works on the tools and has worked under random drug tetsing in the uk
for a helicopter maintenance company i think
it is no hinderence to any personel who
understand the quality of work expected in
this industry.

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