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marshall 23rd Jul 2002 10:26

Massey University
Hey guys does anyone know anything about Massey University?

Looking at doing the Aviation Management degree.

Heard the degrees are well recognized in Asia more so then RMIT and Swinburne.

Any info would be great.

Thanks in advance

Sqwark2000 23rd Jul 2002 20:28

Probably more recognised in Asia than in NZ!


kavu 24th Jul 2002 08:53

Management degree is recognised but the flying isn't. For many in NZ coming from Massey it is actually held against you. (Flying wise)

For the simply reason that the people that come out of there expect to walk into a 737 job at ANZ. Massey doesn't tell them about the transition from a 230 hr pilot to the couple of thousand required for ANZ and the likes. Plus the fact that their flying really isn't up to scratch. Maybe okay for the flight test but in the real world it isn't.

outboundjetsetter 24th Jul 2002 11:02

and i shall add KAVU, that many of them dont understand english very well - have a tendency to get themselves lost and ignore controlers while holding up 2/3 scheduled a/c on the ground!!.
they have some scary students out there which has really got them a bad reputation within the industry dont get me wrong about doing a degree in aviation though - i may look at one in the future but not in nz - i dont believe it is nesessary here yet and have friends in great jobs without one to prove it. still it would be a great achievement.Gritteh University in Brisbane seems to have
3 Bachelor degrees which look alright - havent heard any feed back on them though anyone done the courses??

fly real fast 25th Jul 2002 02:41

Tend to agree with Kavu and outboundjetsetter.
Coming in to Hamilton on scheduled ops today the controller had to tell one massey student that the town they were over was not Cambridge but infact Te Awamutu and to turn to that big hill to your left to get back to Cambridge.

Two Massey IFR a/c training in the hold, apps, missed apps, circling blah blah blah basically just being a nuisance, while I was holding in the eastern sector. Suppose everyone has to train though...maybe it's not their fault.... Could it be controllers not prioritising??

kavu 25th Jul 2002 04:36

frf and objs all good points.

maybe i'm being too mean on them. after all i was once a student too. but then again may i add that if they're doing their instrument rating and they still don't have any airmanship then GOD help us all

Duff 25th Jul 2002 06:19

I asked this question on the wrong thread so here it is again.

Any comments on the diploma that Flight2000 is offering??

Skye Pilot 26th Jul 2002 00:34

Don't be put off by the knockers
Massey University is the flight school that I obtained my Multi Engined IR and other qualifications necessary to be marketable in the field of Aviation. I am now a Boeing 737 EFIS Check and Training Captain.
Whilst I was attending Massey there was Industry wide knocking of the School (in New Zealand), which of course made me nervous in regard to my future (a lot of money was being invested in it). However throughout my training there, I received nothing but the highest standard of instruction and was expected nothing less in return of my performance. The School teaches to a much greater knowledge base than many other schools which only teach to pass the exams or flight test. At times this was frustrating as all I wanted to know, at the time was what I needed to get through.
Now however I appreciate much of what I was taught then, as it applies directly to what I do day to day.
I suggest you look closely at Massey University as one of your options. It has bode well for many whom have made it work well for them.
Do not believe all you hear from others who are possibly trying to attract you to be THEIR next student.:cool:

Oktas8 26th Jul 2002 04:17

I work for Massey. Not being a management guru I can't say much, but Massey as a whole has a large and very popular business studies school, both undergrad and graduate. Massey attracts lots of overseas students in this area. So it should be a good investment. (I'm doing a management paper right now actually - boring but necessary I'm afraid. :rolleyes: )

fly real fast
Your comments about being held up at HN are interesting. I was in one of two IFR trainers at HN yesterday, doing holds, apps, circling etc. It's a small world as they say.

Yesterday was one of a minority of occasions when we were not delayed due inbound scheduled operators. Twice in the past four weeks I have had to hold for 20+ minutes and then divert direct AA due to running out of time to do "the lesson". :( I appreciate scheduled op's need for urgency, but it is very nice to do the lesson without hassles every now and again. (Then my student flew the AA ILS at Vno with four jets coming up behind... :D)

Sqwark2000 26th Jul 2002 05:40

Skye Pilot, sounds like the brain washing is still quite effective (getting good results for your money!). I wonder though now that you are a 737 C&T super dude wether you were on an early course which involved reciprical 737 F/O training and line experience as part of an Asian carriers training contract.

Ahhh, them were the days :cool: when they offered something that actually exisited in their marketing speal.

Unfortunatley that reciprical training is no longer offered AND the marketing speel has not changed. Massey are frequently promising ***** they know they can't deliver.

I have heard and seen examples of Massey grads flying the straight and narrow line between point A & B but when something doesn't go to plan (like the weather) the training didn't quite cover thinking outside the Massey square and it goes all pear shaped.

Kavu & FRF, haven't seen you boys for a while.

FRF, heard about your debaucirous w/e whilst visiting the Company HQ. Care to confirm reports ;)


Gravox 26th Jul 2002 06:23

Flight training has a lot to be desired!!!!!!!!!
Although the theory side of things is well covered. During my training not once did I do a downwind landing, now I am often landing with 20knots on the tail. Come on Massey teach some 'real' world tactics to your students.

kavu 26th Jul 2002 07:22


being held for 20 min? good practice for the student? why not divert to auckland sooner - command practice decision making at it's best.

and as a training flight, you're not a high priority aircraft.

down the ils at vno - well to be expected but remember they can only make you fly that fast until the 5 dme final.

min 160 kts until 5 dme.

otherwise request a slower approach speed. you probably will be pulled off the approach but then that's training for you.

happens to everybody.

it would be nice to see massey include some real world flying into their course. aim it at the more advance cpl student. an example of this would be flying in winds above 20kts, or maybe on a rainy day (outside of cloud), or fly the approach with a tailwind to see the differences.

as i said before massey is good for the degree but the flying leaves somewhat to be desired.

Kiwilad 26th Jul 2002 11:32

My five cents worth.
I trained at massey in the mid 90's and found the flight training to be at a high skill level. I had one of the better instructors right the way through which made all the difference, also having the right attitude as well. A number on my course weren't that interested in flying. I came to Massey for the degree and meet a couple of the last guys who went to fly the B737 for the o/s training contract. Very lucky, but also part of the reason why they stopped taking massey pilots also, another story.

One thing lacking at Massey is commercial (actual) training. As soon as the wind got up to 15-20kts that was it and if rain was anywhere in the vicinity then that was the day as well. A bit of a shock when you land your first job flying single engine vfr and learn on the line flying in crappy vfr conditions.

Marshall what ever you decide have the right attitude and you will get out of it want you want....

All good fun...

Another thing of interest is Massey lining up a bandit?? Just a rumour I heard today?:confused:

fly real fast 26th Jul 2002 21:19


Believe everything you hear beautiful. These hands are instruments and they were working overtime in the w/e.

Are Massey still using the "by 2010 there will be 20,000 jobs in the asia/ pacific region" spiel??


You must be chalking up those multi hours then. I do agree with Kavu about decision making though.

If delays are going to be a problem and they always will be for trainers, why not fly about 8- 8:30pm. Most scheduled ops in Hamilton will be finished for the day. Just a suggestion you should seriously consider. (Need to maximise student /govt money.)

hear you on the airwaves


TIMMEEEE 27th Jul 2002 03:59

Isn't Massey University also known by the Australian vernacular as "Choice-Bro TAFE???"

marshall 27th Jul 2002 04:35

Thanks for all the help guys.

Just to clear the record, I have already obtained my Australian CPL in Melbourne.

Just wanting to turn my diploma into a degree for personal reasons. Just wanting to know how Massey's management degree is seen, mostly in Asia.

Again thanks for the help guys

Plastic Cockpit 27th Jul 2002 07:57

I think you will find that you weren't taught 20kt tailwind landings as it is not that clever. No I am not from or ever have been from Massey.

Luke SkyToddler 27th Jul 2002 13:16

Kiwilad ...

GH and FS have been spinning that bullsh!t about getting a bandit/kingair/some other kind of turboprop ever since I worked there ... and that was a good 5 years ago now. They periodically say things like that in staff meetings when they sense morale is a bit lower than its normal rock bottom, I think they are trying to kid the instructors into believing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel if they stick around.

Those two have said a few other things over the years, that have turned out to be complete and utter equine faeces ... but I have had one warning from PPRuNe HQ already for telling it like it is about Massey, so take it from me, things are not always what they seem. Lets be honest your employability potential with a 200 hour CPL in NZ is absolutely zero no matter where you trained, at least when you train with the aero clubs they are open and honest about it!

Fly timair 28th Jul 2002 05:13

Additional ratings required.
If you wanna blow another $6000 why dont you just get a high class whore for a week, she'll teach you to suck cock, which is all you need to know when you have 202 hours in New Zealand/Auz.
I don't know the value of a degree when you are starting out. An instructors rating, coupled with the forementioned will help you more, I think, but you'll still have to work two jobs to stay alive... (I did my training at an airfield 5nm from massey, and socalised with the massey oakes. Lets just say they do things different there, ay?)


Oktas8 29th Jul 2002 08:52

I'm surprised about the tailwind comments. The PM based IFR trainers that Massey use routinely fly VOR 07 circling 25 with 25+ knots out of the west. That's a tailwind in anyone's money no?

Can't say I've ever seen someone take 25kts up the tail in a single engine trainer. Thankfully... ;)

Cheers for the HN tips.

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