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skydozer 20th Apr 2002 07:06

QFNZ 12 months
Well 12 months ago QFNZ finished operations, this sad fact was brought home today with the deth yesterday of Friend Guy Holbrook. Guy was short listed for the next Dash 8 cse that QFNZ were to hold, can't help but think that he would not have flown the FU24 in a hill if we had kept operating ....... bizzar I know but it has been a very bizzar 12 months for a lot of us.
Best wish's to any ex staff still looking.

Walf 20th Apr 2002 09:46

I was on the same interview "batch" as Guy. Though I worked in the same company it was only on through this process that I got to know him. He was, in two words, a "Good Bastard".

As for QantasNZ, I miss my old job. but onwards and upwards I suppose (Slightly cynical tone)

Monty Python 21st Apr 2002 00:22

12 months since I flew http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/sad2.gif

Very sad.... http://www.stopstart.btinternet.co.uk/sm/mcqueen.gif

#1AHRS 21st Apr 2002 01:02

The demise of the remainder of the former Ansett NZ has had an impact on a lot of lives. I loved my job at ansett NZ and took the lockout in 99 rather personal and left during the lockout. I must admit since then I have enjoyed the most rewarding and exciting period in my aviation career having flown in European and Australian operations. I have learn't so much more about aviation and flying than I ever could have imagined. Whilst I one day hope to return to NZ, my family and I are currently quite happy living overseas.:)

ground-run 22nd Apr 2002 13:35

Where are you #1AHRS? I'm also ex Ansett NZ - now living and working in Germany. I feel for those back in NZ waiting in vain for what's owed to them. It was a good team and some great times, despite the ups and downs we experienced.:p

kavu 22nd Apr 2002 22:05

So why are we still waiting then for jobs?

With Qantas flying into NZ why don't they employ NZ pilots then?

There is a prejudice at the moment about the whole situation. Alot of NZers in Aussie are being unfairly treated about gaining work over there. But NZ can turn around and let Qantas run Aussie planes with Aussie crews throughout this fair land.

Sure the Transman Tasman Agreement is in affect but come on folks lets get real about the whole situation.

Lets put the question to our local reps about getting something done to fix this.

Sly'n Smiley 22nd Apr 2002 23:21

Dear All, I extend to you sincere commisirations on the winding up of your company and the uncertainty that you now face. It does seem unfair that NZ routes are being plied by foreigners; I would go ape sh!t if the same was happening here. Place the blame squarely on Helen Clark, your nation's PM for inept manner in which aviation has been handled by her cabinet. Sre, put pressure on her, but make sure you get rid of her at the next poll.

#1AHRS 22nd Apr 2002 23:40

Oh I'm In Sydney nowadays.

longjohn 23rd Apr 2002 02:30

Almost all of the 'Foreigners' flying for QF NZ are ex Ansett Australia.

I am sure they too would rather not be there.

Need I say more.:mad:

Bronte 23rd Apr 2002 12:04

There are NZers flying in Qantas, Kavu. I am ex-AN flying on contract with QF NZ. I'd rather be doing that than bludging off Centrelink Australia, which is what most Kiwis do when they come (immigrate?) over here, including "refugees" that NZ agrees to take.

So take your bleeding heart story and shove it up your @r$e.:mad:

PS I'm sure Kavu, you and other Kiwis will sigh in releif when you see Aussie pilots flying over NZ in fighter jets, shooting at the enemy, as alas, your pathetic govenment cant do it themselves anymore, can they? Quite expensive, those jets, especially when you have to defend TWO countries with them.

PPS AirNZ shafted my job, put my family thru hell... I wouldn't be taking "your" job in the first place if it wasn't for those damn Kiwis!!!

rescue 1 23rd Apr 2002 13:53

Bronte, I'm not sure on the debate that you raised makes sense!!

AirNZ as you state "shafted my job" - I think that it was not them and not even the great SQ could have saved AN.

I trust that you were not one of the pilots that was not home when crewing called, operated at max fuel burn to "show them" for your A/C type [737 I guess], taxied at an inappropriate speed and abused sick leave?

I recall seeing some stickers around that said AN flying for AN pilots it seems that you now proffer to take any flying from anybody. Show some understanding instead of your covetousness that your post displayed.

#1AHRS 23rd Apr 2002 22:55

I attempt to put a little sense into Bronte's rantings and ravings.
Ansett NZ/QF NZ was stripped to an unsustainable level by a large Australian corporation and then, in its death throws, sold the stripped out shell to an (aparrantly) unsuspecting buyer who went down the gurgler with it.
The same large Australian corporation cleaned out Ansett Australia and then flicked the shell off to an (aparrantly) unsuspecting Air New Zealand. Air NZ, discovering that they had bought a lemon, dumped it (who wouldnt) and the whole thing couldn't sustain itself and went down the gurgler.
The commonality here is an Australian company that probably made a lot of money in aviation and walked away, after some creative sales talk I suspect, leaving 2 companies (both bearing the ansett name) doomed and a lot of Australians and Kiwi's in the lurch. The clever part is that whilst relying on the industry being full of short sighted rednecks (such as Mr Bronte) they also had a little bit of a say in the way the News media works and managed to avoid the blame.
Now, as a result of job losses, we have the paradox of Kiwi's working in Australian aviation and Aussies working in NZ aviation and a lot of Kiwi's and Aussies unemployed. and most of them would probably be happier working "back home". I guess only time will see people filtering back to where they want to be.
Embittered rantings such as Herr Bronte's that are so far from the truth only serve to "muddy the water", create ill feeling between Kiwi's and Aussies and definatly do not help the individuals get back to their respective "home countries".
P.S Bronte if you hate NZ as much as your posts reveal then why don't you leave, I know around 150 pilots out there who would happily do your job.

Bronte 24th Apr 2002 05:19


Actually I do not hate NZ. Some Kiwis think that because QF operates domestically in NZ they should employ only NZers to fly. You and other Kiwis feel quite free to start an Australian domestic airline employing Kiwis, no one will stop you.

While I admit my post is not in the Queens English, nothing in it is "so far from the truth". Get on with your life, mate. And happy ANZAC day!

#1AHRS 24th Apr 2002 05:34

Oh no not the old "Ive got nothing constructive to offer so I'll just tell him to get a life" or similar and hope he goes away. Try some constructive debate on the subject it will offer you more credibility above:

So take your bleeding heart story and shove it up your @r$e.
Your good wishes for ANZAC day are very poignant in the wake of:

PS I'm sure Kavu, you and other Kiwis will sigh in releif when you see Aussie pilots flying over NZ in fighter jets, shooting at the enemy, as alas, your pathetic govenment cant do it themselves anymore, can they? Quite expensive, those jets, especially when you have to defend TWO countries with them.
However I will enjoy ;)

P.S. So what you are saying is that Australians would be more than happy for Air New Zealand to start a domestic operation between Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne only employing Kiwi's whilst Australian pilots previously doing that job (such as you ex Ansett pilots) remain unemployed?

ZK-NSJ 24th Apr 2002 05:50

well whenever the RAAF do fly over here, they always seam to crash

Sly'n Smiley 24th Apr 2002 14:24

Actually, 1 AHARS, News wanted to sell their half share to SQ, not AirNZ. They went to great pains to get this deal thru only to be thwarted by AirNZ who had a contractual first option to buy, remember? Yep, no doubt that News ripped the guts out of AN, but it was AirNZ who proceeded to suck the bone marrow from Ansett. AirNZ didn't unsuspectingly buy a lemon, their board failed to do due dilegence on the purchase. The NZ govt. then acted to prevent SQ from re-financing the AirNZ group, which included AN. What the NZ Govt. did to us at Ansett and to you the NZ taxpayer is unforgivable.I dont have any problems with NZ per-se, but no fate could be too gruesome for Clarke, Cullen and the AirNZ board.:mad:

#1AHRS 24th Apr 2002 23:17

Yep Air NZ bought a lemon either through their own stupidity or perhaps arrogance but the damage was allready done and AN was in its death throws and would have gone down with or without help from ANZ. The money went somewhere and it wasn't to the employees or into ANZ's pocket and I don't think that AN was a charity airline and flew for nothing. Placing the blame soley on ANZ and the NZ govt is a little naive though easier as you have someone visible to vent frustrations out on. They are not blameless in any way but are just a smaller player in a big game that were left carrying the baby when it all went pear shaped.

NoseGear 25th Apr 2002 01:17

"Aussie pilots in fighter jets flying over NZ shooting at the enemy"

Bwaaa ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!:D :D :D

Nearly pist meself!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D

kavu 25th Apr 2002 01:48


holly cow man - don't mean to pry but what the heck kinda drugs you on man.

can i get some - can i can.....:D :D :D :D :p

but seriously................ can i

Albatross 25th Apr 2002 03:34

Is this forum getting worse for the twisted and bitter bunch of souls that post on it or what? I thought it was a good posting that caused time for reflection but by about the second page it had all turned rather septic. It is unfortunate when anybody loses their job and it happened to occur at AnsettNZ/QFNZ a year ago. No doubt exAnsett Oz staff will post something similar in the months to come. And there are staff out there from QFNZ, especially the regional, who don't have ATPL's or marketable type ratings or the luxury of a job across the Tasman on 737's who cannot get jobs anywhere in NZ and will struggle to hold on to their profession, let alone travel overseas for flying work. So can we concentrate on the original intent of this posting for a little reflection, much as many Australians will be doing in months to come. :)

Thank you

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