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Mishandled 17th Apr 2002 12:08

Rugby World Cup
The announcement of whether the world cup will be jointly hosted by Oz NZ or just Oz was due to be today, but has been delayed till tomorrow. Being a rugby enthusiast I would like to see it hosted in one country. What do the ppruners in Dunnunda and Godzone think?

Pimp Daddy 17th Apr 2002 14:27

Your name sums it up Mishandled.

Latest money is on a joint Aus/NZ world cup ( remember the first one was joint, but reversed)

It was mishandled by the NZRFU, and caused a large amount of angst over there.

diwai 17th Apr 2002 17:43

last month the NZRFU would not agree to the terms & conditions ( over money) that the ARFU layed down so Australia being the host nation where going to go it alone. I hope thats the case so the whole Tournament bite NZ in the ass. The Kiwi's where being greedy over money.

roll on another world cup victory

Diwai :D :D :D

Super G 18th Apr 2002 04:40

Australia both deserves and should now expect to host the World Cup alone. The Kiwis had their chance to co-host and blew it by not complying with the requirement for 'clean' stadia. They thought they could bluff the IRB and the RWC out of making them comply and the fact is, the regulatory bodies caught the NZRFU out. The Aussies even offered to give the NZRFU cash to help co-host as there would be a short fall on that side of the Tasman. The Kiwis have proved unreliable and unco-operative in their dealings and now do not deserve to host such a prestigious event.

If you were to liken the NZRFU to a job applicant, would you as an employer give them a job given the way they have acted? The ARFU have always acted in good faith and complied with the IRB rules for hosting the event and that's why the Aussies should host alone and reap the benefits alone.

I, for one will be at as many games as possible at the RWC and even if the Kiwis do get to co-host I won't be going across the Tasman. One, to protest what Air NZ did to Ansett and two, simply because the NZRFU don't deserve our support. I honestly think a great and proud team like the All Blacks would be better off without that bunch of misfits. If the Kiwis don't get to co-host then the All Blacks and all Kiwi rugby supporters should lynch the NZRFU for their incompetence.

P.Hendo 18th Apr 2002 05:22

Super G - well written!

I must say from a bloke who lives to play the game, Pprune has finally had a thread and responses where thought and logic have come into it - and it hasn't too much to do with aviation (shock horror!). Although I may be slightly biassed with this one........

The ARU offerd NZRU $10 million ($Aus = a s##t load more $NZ) to co-host, they then couldn't / wouldn't live up to the WCFU obligations regarding sponsor free stadia, they complained the world cup would interfear with their provincial cup (unlike the Olympics to our Sydney comp not so long ago!), then ousted / veetoed Australia from having a 4th Super 12 team, then basically accused the chairman of the WCFU of being corrupt, then blamed the ARU for their own mismanagement, now want to be friends and come the party. TOO LATE SUNSHINE (I hope)!

If you can't run an airline and look after its employees, how can they hope to stage a world event, and be trusted? (Sorry - too easy to have a dig!)

NZ arrogantly think that rugby is theirs and their alone. A certain Lord Bledisloe, "Bill" Ellis, Tri-Nations trophy and Super Twelve Cup tell otherwise!!! Having said that, look out for the French!

All Black rugby is an extremely proud name in rugby world wide, being slowly dragged through the mud by incompetant officials.

Anyone see the "Living With The Lions" on Fox? Bloody fantastic in the end!!

Duff 18th Apr 2002 14:06

Well we just lost the co-host with Australia and the NZRFU will be strung up so there you have it.

News just came through from Dublin

The Crimson Fruitbat 18th Apr 2002 19:34

Well said Super G !! The "Blicks" are a proud and great team and internal buraucracy and a surplus of "alickadoos" (British Rugby term for @rse kissers and hangers on) have unsurped them and their Rugby loving public.

For example: WTF was Anton Oliver doing as skipper last year (isn't intelligence, leadership, common sense and tactical/strategic nous a prerequisite)? The previous encumbent (Blackadder) was selected as captain first and player second because he wouldn't hold his place as a lock on merit. Its like English Cricket, bull$hit from the top poisoning everything below. Its prevalent in NZ govt and in their flag air carrier. A pity...nice people (IMHO anyway), great soldiers, superb rugby players (always preferred playing with 'em than against 'em!).

I'll be seeing you in Perth, Brisvegas and Sydney for the big show Super G!! Should I bring some Moosehead, Kokanee or Molson with me?? You never know, you might be on the 'Coover- Lax - Sydney flights with me in Spring 2003;)

Misty Air 18th Apr 2002 20:07

Underarmed again:( .No worries in a year or two it'll all bounce back and hit them fair square in the round ones.:D

The Baron 18th Apr 2002 21:39

The only ones "underarmed" in this whole business is the NZ public. Maybe it's time to get a professional Rugby board like Australia's. NZ Rugby is on the slide and the problem is the administrators not the playing talent.:(

Seaeagle109 18th Apr 2002 21:47

Misty Air,

Underarmed??? More like playing on to your own wicket or kicking an own goal.

If you enter into any agreement/contract and then try to change the rules to suit your own purposes, you are liable to find that the other party to the agreement, quite rightly telling you to shove it.

The Rugby fans in New Zealand should be really P*SSED OFF with the NZRU, it would have been great to share the tournament with our neighbours/ sporting rivals but brothers in arms.

But the bright side is we get to host/ see more games.

niknak 18th Apr 2002 21:50

Well said.
the main thing that ****ed up English rugby when it turned up professional was the administrators, they were a bunch of old farts who didn't have a clue, and never will.
Fortunately, we now have a regime running the English game who are on a par with the Oz guys and gal's, and although we may be trailing number 2 to France at the moment, we look forward to the World Cup.
what a shame that NZ, who once were the best, are now trailing 5th/6th, due to the total incompetence of their own RFU.:rolleyes: :mad:

Sqwark2000 18th Apr 2002 22:29

WHOA there Tigers, easy on the NZ public!!!!

The NZ public were not party to any of the NZRFU meetings or decsion making policy regarding the RWC.

From what's reported here, they did drop the ball in the own in goal area but initially they were trying to avoid some of the ridiculous requirements set by the RWC/IRB. The most idiotic one was the advertisement free zone within 500m of the ground. Not sure wether other countries have 500m of carparks surrounding the grounds but in NZ most/if not all international stadiums are located in the central city area with residential / commercial businesses just across the road. Eden Park for example has Dominion & Sandringham Road's running either side of it well within the 500m zone, so how would you expect the NZRFU to convince dairy owners, banks, Sports stores etc to go clean, for 2 weeks!!!

Now admittadly they could have achieved what they say they have achieved now, prior to the deadline and saved some international embarrassment, which I'd say all NZ rugger fans are feeling some of at the moment, but still there are two sides to the story and I don't think the NZRFU was 100% the villian.

As for using the RWC as a protest platform for what Air NZ did to Ansett, you've GOT TO BE KIDDING. That airline was rooted before we stupidly bought it and would have wheels up on it's own anyway, then you'd blaming some ocker of your own. Don't give me or any other NZ'er crap about us ruining Ansett. BOLLOCKS!!! The only thing we did wrong was buy it the first place.

Anyways, good luck to OZ for hosting the RWC, I'll still be watching the event, albeit a little jealous for not being able to see a game in the flesh, but please do not compare running a bust airline with hosting a major World Sporting event.


Duff 18th Apr 2002 22:40

5th or 6th?? Last ratings put us at number 1

Super G 19th Apr 2002 09:08

Misty Air,

Nice post! If you are suggesting that the Aussies will some how come to regret the decision to host the RWC on it's own and that maybe the RWC will be a failure next year then I've got some land to sell you. If on the other hand you as a New Zealander are making some kind of veiled threat against Australians because we will now host the RWC alone, then forgive me for asking, but what exactly are you threatning us with?

In another fine example of NZ administrative incompetance your Prime Minister sold your Air Force combat capability, remember? As for your Navy, well it's new motto should be "Give us your tired and huddled masses", because that's exactly who will be turning up on your doorstep if the government doesn't start spending some dollars to modernise the fleet. Boat people do know where NZ is and what a great country it is to live in.


I don't see anyone here laying the boot into the NZ public. In fact as part of the wider Rugby loving fraternity, all Aussies should have a great deal of sympathy for them. They have been absolutely screwed out of a once in a life time opportunity to possibly watch their mighty All Blacks smash all comers on home soil. (Of course they wouldn't have been able to watch them in the final as that still would have been in Oz, but you get my point.) I live and work closely with Kiwis every day and I feel sorry for all of them. As I said in my previous post, it is the officials of the NZRU who MUST shoulder the blame for this debacle. I'm sorry, but you guys got royally screwed by your Rugby administrators who thought they could put one over on the IRB and RWC and then got smashed like Jonah running over Percy Montgomery.

As for my comments about Ansett, I was merely trying to keep my post semi aviation related and was not attempting to start a debate about the airline's demise. RIP Ansett and hopefully their loyal employees are moving on to bigger and better things.

As for you Crimson Fruitbat, if you don't freeze your goolies off in the great white north then I will indeed be joining you on that Rugby odyssey. I can think of at least two escape club members who should probably join us. One in Nowra and one in Christchurch. The planning starts the day the draw is announced.

Wallabies - back to back World Cup winners!
Makes a nice headline doesn't it.


Desert Duck 19th Apr 2002 10:10

NZRFU knew the requirements of RWC when they first signed contract 4 years ago. Guess incompetence is a good word if they are trying to fix things up and then cry foul with only days left. I feel for the NZ Rugby followers but blame lies with the NZRFU.

niknak 19th Apr 2002 22:58

Duff....... - fair point, perhaps I was a little harsh:D , but the side are not number one anymore, maybe 2 -3.
The loss of the W.C is entiely down to administrative naivity and incompentence, and the N.Z. RFU , who had a wonderful opportunity to put one over on the Oz RFU, should be shot, (not literally!:rolleyes: ).

Kanga767 19th Apr 2002 23:36

You bust our favourite airline, we bust you favourite game.

Duff 20th Apr 2002 02:33

I personally don't think it is that big of a deal where the WC is held. I was at the Blues game last night and I got the impression that most people felt the same way as I do. Or was it just the fact that we posted 65 points against the Bulls.

If anything it is a great motivator for the AB's to win the cup.

Samuel 20th Apr 2002 03:46


--the Wallabies are not that good at winning if one cares to disregard parochial comment and get down to a few basic facts.

Up until the end of 1999, Internationals between Australia and New Zealand were 110, of which Australia WON A MERE 26 and drew 5. New Zealand have also scored more points for than against. You are playing catch-up fellas!

Australia had five years at attempting to win both the tri-nations and Super 12: 2001 was a lucky year, and the Wallabies didn't win all games against the AB's, perhaps one or two that mattered!

The IRB decision has nothing whatsoever to do with Rugby, but plenty to do with money, and as anyone who knows these things, NZ has four million people, and Australia eighteen,[or whatever].

Playing all of their games in Australia is a huge advantage to the All Blacks, and being shafted by that most abrasive of ARU officials O'Neill will be the best possible incentive to win. All AB coach John Mitchell will have to say before the AB's run out, is "John O'Neill!" They'll win! You read it here first!

And by then Helengrad will have gone too!

Luke SkyToddler 20th Apr 2002 04:58

Well Samuel you're only as good as your last game mate :rolleyes: .

Don't get me wrong I'm as proud of the All Black rugby tradition as the next man, but I'm sure thousands of Aussies will be quick to point out where all the silverware is sitting at the moment if you go off all defensive like that and try and use statistics from pre-99 to somehow prove that the ABs are still the greatest team in world rugby. The sad truth is that it's been 15 years since they last lifted the World Cup. Kiwi rugby supporters are starting to sound more and more like English soccer fans, having to keep on digging out all the statistics from 1966 to somehow prove that there once was a time when you were the best in the world, even though you're not kidding anyone except yourselves.

Regardless of who wins next year, right now the kiwi sporting public have been kicked in the bollocks by the NZRFU and have a right to be soundly p!ssed off. I would have loved to go to that semi final ... :( :( I can't believe they threw away the right to co-host the biggest rugby event in the world for the sake of some stupid argument over advertising signage. What a bunch of prima donna's ... some heads need to roll forthwith, so we can start mending our relationships with the other rugby nations and get on with the business of preparing for the next time.

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