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necro 12th Sep 2001 14:08

Just announced: Ansett into Voluntary Administration
Jim Farmer announced AN is in Voluntary Administration. Administrators are Price Waterhouse Coopers. "Business as usual" at this stage. There are other interested buyers including an Employee Share Ownership Scheme. A very small light at the end of a very long tunnel. Let's hope it stays in Australian hands.

nads 12th Sep 2001 16:22

The answer's simple boys. Time to head overseas for a job. Those who joined between Aug '89 and Mar '90 will discover exactly what the international pilot community thinks of you.

beerpleasehostess 12th Sep 2001 17:10

Well a large majority of us didn't join during those times Nads. Some of us weren't even old enough to be involved.
Take your 89 nastiness, edited by W ,your not wanted here.

To all the dedicated AN employees, we all need to pull together and give all the support we can to whoever is trying so hard to keep our jobs.

I saw on the news tonight that some staff refusing to dispatch flights for various reasons. Come on guys lets not do this. The administrators have bought us extra time. We need to dispatch each and every flight on time and keep this show on the road for all our jobs sake. The unions can't help our cause if we don't have a company so lets keep up the AN professionalism for as long as we are able.

Keep up the good work and hang in there everyone.

[ 13 September 2001: Message edited by: Woomera ]

beerpleasehostess 12th Sep 2001 17:47

So because I had a dream to fly for Ansett just like you Tool Time, I should be denied the opportunity, even though I was not old enough to be involved in 89. This still makes me a scab? Are you alright in the head?

This is not an 89 forum. Remove yourself and your views along with Nads. Again you are not wanted either.

As I said before. Keep your chins up everyone. We can get through this.

[ 13 September 2001: Message edited by: Woomera ]

mistapproach 12th Sep 2001 18:00

Sorry, stuff all to do with us Ozzies, thought Ansett was in 100% Kiwi/ Malaysian/ Singapore hands, Sir Sel's to be exact.That's the "let's hang on as long as we can,{despite what we know about the books}, and suck the best price out of SQ" Sel. Bet he's feeling a bit embarrassed right now, or not, considering he is a Kiwi. Then Madam Lash, aka Chairman Helen and co should be feeling a tad contrite for holding national interests to the fore as the (privately owned) national carrier goes guts up whilst they, the govt procrastinate about 35 or 49% of nothing. They should have recognised the solution last month and sold out to the good Doctor whilst they were ahead, national pride only goes so far. (And you don't get many chances to rip off the good Dr.) :p

Rabbit 12th Sep 2001 18:57

Don't worry about the price, its a Foreign Company anyway that has cast you to the wolves, just hope there are wolves out there that wants all or parts of AN. Also remember not all the Company will survive intact. I suggest that parts of the Company and approximately half the staff will be cut loose.

I know that this means a large number of ground staff are going to lose their jobs and I feel for them, but the blame for this should be directed where it belongs and that is Air NZ and the inept NZ government.

Have a nice day

GoGirl 12th Sep 2001 19:41

Geez, Tool Time, you just explained it!!
According to you....anyone who came after 89 is just as bad because they took all the Pilots jobs.
Until you posted this, I had been unaware that Pilots were the only group who existed in Ansett.
I honestly thought they had engineers, maintenance, Customer Service and Safety Systems Staff, not to mention caterers, cleaners....well gee, the list is long, and almost never-ending really. What a **** I have been to not have realized that all this time, Ansett, has in fact only ever employed Pilots.
Gee Tooly.....thanks for clearing all that up

Pull yer head in Mate.

ico330 12th Sep 2001 20:05

I too remember the hard time given to me trying to get my job back after 89 when I was quite young(although I don't quite agree
with the less than brillant decisions made by
our illustrious leaders either).However, no help came from the heroes whether they signed up early or late.I was left to hang out and dry.Take it from me,don't waste your time writing a resume as the word is out you haven't got a hope.Further,BPH before you reply with your pathetic profanities have a bit of a look at the big picture.
Have a nice day.


SOPS 12th Sep 2001 20:33

People, firstly I am glad to see we have stopped using the S**B word, these people are Heros, the worlds greatest heros, and as such, they will be welcomed throughout the world by any other airline that employs heros as great as them. Once a hero always a hero. Thats the thing about being a hero, you cant wash it off, it sort of sticks for life.

The other thing that I am really happy to read about,is that the heros have put in a bid to buy Ansett. That is probably a great idea, seeing they did such a good job at saving the airline the first time around as a hero, I am sure they will all do a REALLY good job this time. Long live the heros!!! :eek: :eek:

Pom Pax 12th Sep 2001 21:20

Wed evening flight quote from an F.A.
"See yu next time, but I might be wearing a veil"

twodogsflying 13th Sep 2001 02:58

Any employee employed prior to 89 kept their heads in the sand.
Any employee employed after 90 did not read history and took on the asian view "Whats in it for me"
Bag snatcher on 65K! Cleaners on 50K!
And some of you think the staff is good when they don't dipatch flights. Since 89 its been ME ME ME only mentality in AN.
Couldn't happed to be better bunch!

rescue 1 13th Sep 2001 03:24

The contributing factor from 1989 is the huge losses that were never recovered combined with poor management decisions subsequently, and the ensuing CEO's who never removed these managers - just sent them to a new cabin on the boat.

Karunch 13th Sep 2001 03:26

And of course there are the heroes side kicks, the 90 something joiners who have taken up management and union roles to assist their heroes progression within AN. Asia & the Sandpit know who you are, and will actively resist your employment. Along with the children of the heroes whose path to AN consisted of getting a license, we should see a higher standard of cab driver in Australia soon. At least the cadets are are smart & young enough to be able to change career paths.

barra21 13th Sep 2001 06:36

By Staff Reporter Leigh Catley at 2:24pm, 13th September 2001

Air New Zealand has announced a loss of $1.42 billion for the year.

The write-down of its subsidiary Ansett Australia accounts for most of this.

Ansett is now in 'voluntary administration' - one step away from receivership.

The company made an operating loss of $280 million, a huge slip back from the high of last year's operating profit of $143 million.

The $1.3 billion dollar writedown of Ansett has reduced the group's equity from $1.8 billion to $518 million.

© NewsRoom 2001

Woomera 13th Sep 2001 07:00

This is a valid and interesting thread which should continue, it may by the nature and scale of the consequences to many, become heated, but, has come within an ace of being closed because of some intemperate language by Beerplease in reponse to some observations by some 89ers.
I am not sticking up for either side, we just dont need the language.

Please, give us all a break and discuss the issues in a civilised manner.


Traveling Toolbox 13th Sep 2001 07:20

I am not getting into the '89 discussion as I was working OS for all of the 80's and not even in the country then.........I'd just like to give my best wishes to ALL at AN during this toughest of times. I know it is small consolation, but there are some of us out here thinking only good thoughts for you all. :confused:

B'ar 13th Sep 2001 10:04

Such spite and hate from you 89 boys. Yes lets make it generational that has done wonders for Northern Ireland and the middle east. PATHETIC outlook on life boys............

Karunch 13th Sep 2001 12:18

In keeping with the heroic spirit, it might be time to aquire cheap real estate & motor vehicles from our heroes. Maybe a few more places for our kids at the higher end schools in Oz too. Sounds like the vultures circling doesn't it?. Maybe I'll just walk around the Mascot carpark and start making offers - late 90's Bmw 7 series is what I'm after. I'd particularly like Eecams car or house, as something of a trophy though.

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