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601 27th Feb 2002 02:31

ACTU Confirms Tesna collapse
There will be blood in the streets after this con job

[ 26 February 2002: Message edited by: 601 ]</p>

Wirraway 27th Feb 2002 02:37

"Melbourne Age" Breaking News

Deal off: Tesna. .MORE|Published: Wednesday February 27, 9:12 AM

In a statement released at 9am (AEDT), the Fox/Lew syndicate of Tesna confirmed the deal could not be finalised by tomorrow's midnight deadline.

They blamed issues principally related to third parties.

"Discussions have taken place with the administrators concerning options for resolving the outstanding issues and finalising the sale," the statement said. . .advertisement . . . ."In the light of those discussions and in consideration of our advice, we have reluctantly reached the conclusion that the sale agreement is not capable of completion and that the process involving Tesna and the administrators cease

Wirraway 27th Feb 2002 02:45

Ansett deal off. .AAP. .27feb02

THE future of thousands of Ansett staff is in doubt following the collapse of talks between potential buyers Solomon Lew and Lindsay Fox with administrators last night.

In a statement released at 9am (AEDT), the Fox/Lew syndicate of Tesna confirmed the deal could not be finalised by tomorrow's midnight deadline.

They blamed issues principally related to third parties.

"Discussions have taken place with the administrators concerning options for resolving the outstanding issues and finalising the sale," the statement said.

"In the light of those discussions and in consideration of our advice, we have reluctantly reached the conclusion that the sale agreement is not capable of completion and that the process involving Tesna and the administrators cease."

The Tesna statement said contract requirements for the transfer of domestic terminal leases for Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth to Tesna could not be finalised in time.

In addition, serious issues were yet to be resolved, including environmental risk and the use of Ansett's IATA designator code.

Mr Lew and Mr Fox said they had been completely committed to the purchase and, for a range of reasons, "this was now impossible to achieve".

"We have spent the past five months doing little else but working towards the finalisation of the Ansett purchase," they said in the statement.

"We have committed an enormous amount of resources; our professional advisers have worked tirelessly, but the obstacles and hurdles we have encountered from a range of parties have had the effect of consuming both resources and time."

"In all of the circumstances and to our great disappointment, time has run out."

Mr Lew and Mr Fox said their greatest disappointment was for the Ansett employees.

"Ansett's best asset has always been its people - the workers who built the brand and who embody the spirit of Ansett through service, efficiency and character," they said.

"Since September of last year, the people of Ansett and their families have experienced uncertainty but also hope.

"Whatever we feel about the outcome from a personal and business perspective is completely overshadowed by our regard and disappointment for Ansett's people."

ACTU secretary Greg Combet said the collapse means "that where we stand at the moment (there are) absolutely no jobs that can be saved in Ansett. It's a tragedy."

A spokesman for federal Transport Minister John Anderson said the minister's office had not been informed of any problems with the deal.

He said the government had put a great deal of effort into making it work, including support for Ansett Mark II, the Tesna consortium and agreeing to requests from the Ansett administrators.

ACTU president Sharan Burrow was unable to comment this morning.

Reporters at Melbourne airport said Ansett flights were still leaving and arriving, and there had been no changes to the schedule. Ansett staff were still issuing boarding passes.

Staff were still arriving at Ansett's Melbourne headquarters.

Meanwhile, Qantas was drawing up contingency plans to ferry stranded Ansett passengers if the airline's sale did not go through tomorrow and it collapsed.

A Qantas spokesman said the airline had only heard rumours that the sale of the airline was in jeopardy, but he said it should be prepared for the worst.

"We have assumed that Tesna will get up, but if they don't then it's only prudent that we should consider contingency plans," he said.

"It's an extremely busy weekend with the (Australian) Grand Prix anyway."

Wirraway 27th Feb 2002 02:49

Feel sorry for the staff that believed in. .the Union and Fox/Lew, IMHO there should be. .a Govt inquiry into this farce.


Casper 27th Feb 2002 02:49

...."Despite their pledge to take on Qantas in the full-service market, it appears Tesna's principals, Mr Lindsay Fox and Mr Solomon Lew, were prepared to consider adopting Virgin Blue's no-frills model and brand - at least on some routes - and to ditch half the Ansett staff they have pledged to employ.".....

Some staff consideration! You guys sure were in good company!

Wirraway 27th Feb 2002 03:42


Ansett deal falls in a heap. .February 27 2002

Ansett has collapsed again, with the syndicate headed by millionaire businessman Lindsay Fox and Solomon Lew pulling out of a deal to buy the airline.

The Fox/Lew syndicate, Tesna, today issued a statement confirming it withdrawn less than 48 hours before the midnight February 28 deadline set by Ansett administrators, Andersen.

The administrators, involved in late night talks with Tesna, had yet to comment this morning.

ACTU secretary Greg Combet confirmed the Tesna syndicate has pulled out of a deal to buy Ansett. He says there will now be no jobs for any of Ansett's workers.

Mr Combet says he spoke to Tesna's Solomon Lew this morning who confirmed the deal had collapsed at the last minute.

In the statement released at 9am (AEDT), the Fox/Lew syndicate of Tesna confirmed the deal could not be finalised by tomorrow's midnight deadline.

They blamed issues principally related to third parties.

"Discussions have taken place with the administrators concerning options for resolving the outstanding issues and finalising the sale," the statement said.

"In the light of those discussions and in consideration of our advice, we have reluctantly reached the conclusion that the sale agreement is not capable of completion and that the process involving Tesna and the administrators cease."

The Tesna statement said contract requirements for the transfer of domestic terminal leases for Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth to Tesna could not be finalised in time.

In addition, serious issues were yet to be resolved, including environmental risk and the use of Ansett's IATA designator code.

Mr Lew and Mr Fox said they had been completely committed to the purchase and, for a range of reasons, "this was now impossible to achieve".

"We have spent the past five months doing little else but working towards the finalisation of the Ansett purchase," they said in the statement.

"We have committed an enormous amount of resources; our professional advisers have worked tirelessly, but the obstacles and hurdles we have encountered from a range of parties have had the effect of consuming both resources and time."

"In all of the circumstances and to our great disappointment, time has run out."

Concern for employees

Mr Lew and Mr Fox said their greatest disappointment was for the Ansett employees.

"Ansett's best asset has always been its people - the workers who built the brand and who embody the spirit of Ansett through service, efficiency and character," they said.

"Since September of last year, the people of Ansett and their families have experienced uncertainty but also hope.

"Whatever we feel about the outcome from a personal and business perspective is completely overshadowed by our regard and disappointment for Ansett's people."

Night Hawk 27th Feb 2002 03:47

This is a sad day for aviation in this country.. .The third parties now will get zero, where they could have got something building up to what there were asking for.. .The YSSY terminal Boss now has his terminal all to himself.

"Ansett's best asset has always been its people - the workers who built the brand and who embody the spirit of Ansett through service, efficiency and character."

I’ve never worked for Ansett but flew with them on many occasions and the above statement I found to be very true.

Good luck to all the staff and their families.

[ 26 February 2002: Message edited by: Night Hawk ]</p>

Wirraway 27th Feb 2002 04:23

"Melbourne Age" Breaking News

Staff distressed as news filters through. .February 27 2002

Union leaders rushed to the Ansett headquarters in Melbourne today after receiving calls from "very distressed" staff as news of the collapsed Tesna sale deal leaked out.

Australian Services Union state secretary Martin Foley said staff had been calling the union since yesterday as speculation over the deal heightened.

Calls continued overnight and this morning as the first reports confirming the collapse came out.

Mr Foley said staff were very distressed. Union leaders including ACTU secretary Greg Combet were meeting with administrators to see what could be salvaged from the collapse.

The administration has been losing over $6 million a week over the past month after agreeing to put off the sale deadline at Tesna's request.

Confused staff at the Ansett headquarters were waiting for information about the situation with meetings to be held with unions there and at the airport later today.

The Tesna syndicate, headed by millionaire businessmen Lindsay Fox and Solomon Lew, confirmed today they had pulled out of the deal.

Wirraway 27th Feb 2002 04:26

"Melbourne Age" Breaking News

Virgin not to blame: Tesna. .February 27 2002. .AAP

. .The Tesna syndicate said today the termination of its talks with Virgin Blue had not contributed to its decision to pull out of a deal to buy Ansett.

Tesna, headed by millionaire businessmen Solomon Lew and Lindsay Fox, confirmed it had withdrawn less than 48 hours before tomorrow's midnight deadline set by Ansett administrators, Andersen.

There had been speculation of a takeover or merger between the two companies.

Mr Lew and Mr Fox said in a statement they were aware that some observers might attribute today's announcement to the end of its negotiations with Virgin Blue, but this would be wrong.

"In itself, the Virgin Blue/Tesna outcome had very little bearing on where we are today," they said.

"The simple reality is that the sale agreement cannot be completed by February 28.

"Our commitment and ability to work with the administrators and other parties to achieve this was never influenced by whatever discussions were taking place with Virgin Blue."

The Tesna syndicate held closed-door meetings with rival Virgin Blue for three weeks earlier this month.

The talks began with a series of preliminary discussions in London early this month when Mr Fox and Mr Lew and the company's US investor David Bonderman met Virgin Group boss Sir Richard Branson.

It was speculated Tesna and Virgin Blue were looking at setting up working agreements to challenge Qantas's stronghold and to negotiate the shared use of Ansett terminals.

On February 22, Virgin Blue ruled out any deal with the Tesna consortium.

Gibbo 27th Feb 2002 04:32

Darren Goodsir, transport writier for the Sydney Morning Herald must feel like a goose this morning.

His article opens with "Ansett's teetering sale prospects soared last night........" and goes on to talk up the terminal agreements and a break through with CASA re AOC.

Guess no one told him!

<img src="frown.gif" border="0">

Wirraway 27th Feb 2002 04:40

"Melbourne Age" breaking News

Fox, Lew must explain says ACTU. .February 27 2002

Unions had done all they could to help save the failed Ansett airline, and Solomon Lew and Lindsay Fox must explain why they had pulled out of negotiations to buy it, ACTU secretary Greg Combet said.

Mr Combet said today's shock decision by Mr Lew and Mr Fox, which followed late-night talks with Ansett's administrators, was a devastating blow for Ansett workers.

"The question that's got to be asked here (is) that having gone so far down this process of sale of the airline, the reasoning behind Mr Fox and Lew pulling out at this late stage," he told ABC radio in Melbourne.

"We've invested an enormous amount of time, energy and money, and so have many other parties.

"Everyone has worked extremely hard to try to pull this off.

"The airline was pretty much ready to go.

Certainly there were some issues that needed to be resolved over the next couple of days."

In a statement released at 9am (AEDT), the Fox-Lew syndicate of Tesna confirmed that the deal could not be finalised by tomorrow's midnight deadline.

They blamed issues principally related to third parties.

"Discussions have taken place with the administrators concerning options for resolving the outstanding issues and finalising the sale," the statement said.

"In the light of those discussions and in consideration of our advice, we have reluctantly reached the conclusion that the sale agreement is not capable of completion and that the process involving Tesna and the administrators cease".

Mr Combet said unions would be extremely angry at the Fox-Lew decision, but he was satisfied unions had done all they could to help the sale go through.

"We negotiated everything, productivity improvements, changes, new agreements, protected entitlements, we agreed on job numbers - we've done everything to try and make this thing work, so it's a tremendous blow," he said.

"(We) would not have done a thing differently. It was the right thing to do to set out and save the jobs in the airline and protect people's entitlements and that's what was done.

"You can only save the jobs if you find a buyer."

Mr Combet said unions would be doing their "utmost" to help employees, and would meet with administrators today.

"Obviously we've got to regroup and sit down with the administrators and figure out where we can still try and save some jobs and see what the state of play is for the employees' entitlements," he said.

"What we wanted to do is save as many jobs as we could in Ansett and we're going to have to put our nose back to the grindstone."

Wirraway 27th Feb 2002 04:53

No buyers left for Ansett. .AAP. .27feb02

ANSETT staff have been told the Tesna sale was over and there was no-one waiting in the wings to pick up the airline.

Ben Hayes, a pricing distributor who has worked at his second stint at Ansett since June 2000, said it felt like the first time Ansett collapsed but worse. Mr Hayes was one of hundreds of staff addressed by unions this morning.

"It hurts more this time," Mr Hayes said.

"You think you do what you have to do to get the airline working and you get kicked in the gut," he said.

"There is anger there against (Tesna principals Lindsay Fox and Solomon Lew). What do you expect."

"I do feel led on."

Staff have been coming and going from Ansett headquarters in Melbourne, some in shock, some in tears, others rejoicing that they have been released from their uncertain Ansett contracts and are now free to accept jobs with other airlines without losing their entitlements.

Staff at nearby cafes said they would lose up to 70 per cent trade once Ansett went under.

Wirraway 27th Feb 2002 05:02


Ansett staff entitlements 'covered'. .AAP. .27feb02

TRANSPORT Minister John Anderson said employees who lost their jobs from the latest collapse of Ansett would be covered by the government guarantee for workers entitlements.

"Ansett employees who lose their jobs will be covered by the Special Employee Entitlements Scheme, which guarantees payments equal to their statutory entitlements and redundancy payments up to the community standard of eight weeks," Mr Anderson said in a statement.

Melbourne businessmen Lindsay Fox and Solomon Lew today confirmed they had pulled out of negotiations to buy Ansett, blaming issues principally related to third parties.

Mr Anderson said he was saddened by news that the deal had fallen over but noted that negotiations had related to commercial rather than regulatory issues.

"Nevertheless, I have been in close contact with the participants during this time," he said.

Mr Anderson said the government was holding urgent discussions with the Ansett administrators.

"I expect that the administrators will make a further announcement today about the future of the airline," he said.

"I recognise the concerns that must be felt by Ansett's employees and I am hopeful that the administrators will be able to start negotiations with another bidder as a matter of urgency.

"I call on all of the parties involved, and particularly the union movement, not to act as spoilers in any fresh negotiations."

ACTU secretary Greg Combet today said unions had done all they could to save Ansett.

"We've invested an enormous amount of time, energy and money, and so have many other parties," he told ABC radio.

"Everyone has worked extremely hard to try to pull this off."

Mr Anderson said the federal government had done everything in its power to support the Ansett administrators and facilitate the the bid by the Fox-Lew Tesna syndicate.

So far the government had paid $142.5 million to cover the entitlement of 6,747 workers.

A spokesman for Mr Anderson said it was hard to estimate how much extra it would cost the government to cover the additional entitlements.

"All we can say is it will cost a fair bit more than that," he said.

Wirraway 27th Feb 2002 05:11


Ansett prepares for liquidation. .AAP. .27feb02

THE Victorian head of Ansett's major union said the airline was preparing for liquidation, but operations would continue until early next week.

Australian Services Union (ASU) state secretary Martin Foley said flights would continue as the government set up a taskforce to ensure the smooth wind-down of Ansett, and to ensure passengers who had brought tickets for the Melbourne Grand Prix, Sydney Gay Mardi Gras and CHOGM in Queensland would not be left stranded.

Mr Foley was at Ansett headquarters in Melbourne early this morning talking to distraught staff.

Three thousand jobs had been lost and Tesna principals Solomon Lew and Lindsay Fox would have some questions to answer, Mr Foley said.

"People are terribly traumatised by this," he said.

"There is very high emotion, people's hopes were raised only to have them knocked back at the 11-1/2th hour.

"People to been to hell and back in the past five months.

"Many have knocked back other job offers (in the hope that Ansett Mark II would get up and running)."

Mr Foley said unions were now working with administrators for an orderly wind-down and to maximise assets.

He said the ASU would be willing to cooperate with anyone including Toll Holdings (formerly Patricks) owned by Chris Corrigan who put an offer to administrators last November and who has had an ongoing with unions since the waterfront dispute.

Mr Foley said unions had not heard from Mr Corrigan this morning but could not speak for administrators.

"Our goal is to maximise the value of assets ... whoever pays the best price," he said.

He said the federal government would also have questions to answer in not playing a greater part in ensuring the Tesna sale went through.

VMCA 27th Feb 2002 05:26

If the ACTU had of stayed out of proceedings, 10,000 would still have jobs and ansett would be still in the air. <img src="mad.gif" border="0">

Wirraway 27th Feb 2002 05:27

"Melbourne Age" B/News

Don't blame us: Sydney airport

Difficulties in securing the Sydney airport lease agreement could not be blamed for the collapse of the sale of Ansett to Tesna, the airport corporation said today.

Sydney Airport Corporation Limited (SACL) announced late yesterday it had formally offered Tesna a lease under the arrangements agreed to in principal on February 14.

In a statement issued this morning, Tesna blamed issues principally related to third parties.

The Sydney airport lease in particular was regarded as a major stumbling block to the sale of Ansett to Tesna, the company founded by Mr Lew and Mr Fox.

But SACL spokesman Peter Gibbs said the airport corporation wanted Ansett to fly again.

"Any criticism that anyone would like to throw at the corporation I really think is quite unfair because we were never, nor are we now a barrier to the sale of Ansett to Tesna,'' he told ABC Radio.

"We are an airport. Our clear intent was to get Ansett back in the air again and for passengers to fly and enjoy the benefits of a competitive aviation market.

"It really is a sad day for the whole industry."

Mr Gibbs said it was too early to speculate on what could happen with the Ansett terminal lease.

And he refused to be drawn on whether Virgin Blue or Qantas would take over the terminal.

Casper 27th Feb 2002 05:28

Well done, ACTU Kelty & company. You've shone again! :mad:

Wiley 27th Feb 2002 05:35

Sad, really sad… But I fear that this one will go down with very few (if any) of the real culprits ever being brought to justice. It’s a cockup on such a grand scale that it’s a bit like the old truism that has saved the likes of Rupert Murdoch in the past. (Now there’s a familiar name. I wonder what brought that particular name to my mind?)

The truism? “If you owe the bank a million dollars, you’re in trouble. If you owe the bank A HUNDRED million dollars, it’s the bank that’s in trouble.”

If Andersens don’t lose all credibility over this, particularly after ENRON, it will show us all just how rotten ‘the System’ really is. But I suspect they’ll stay firmly in place charging their fat fees, for there are so many powerful people involved in this debacle with dirty washing to keep away from a public airing that little or nothing will be done. We might have a Royal Commission, but it will be very much like the Army’s Blackhawk disaster in Townsville – the chiefs will find some poor middle-level patsy or two to nail it on, and they (or their ‘mates&#8217 <img src="wink.gif" border="0"> will walk way withn their reputations unscathed or pocketing their fat fees.

[Back to the word ‘mates’. Why does that particular word immediately come to mind when ‘Ansett’ and ‘underhanded skullduggery’ are mentioned in the same breath?]

My commiserations to the 15,800 AN staff who’ve been led a sad and all too predictable dance these last few months. And to those A320 drivers who were shafted out of their (as it turned out, non-existent) jobs by non-rated members of the ‘Old Boyz inner circle’ since Sept 14th, perhaps you will now agree at least in part with the likes of Kaptain M when he says you have been lying down these last twelve years with some particularly vile, low-life curs. I wish you all well in ridding yourself of any fleas you may have now thought you picked up along the way.

EPIRB 27th Feb 2002 05:36

I think we can also blame the ACTU for this. The original administrators had a buyer lined up who would have given 10,000 jobs but on CONTRACT. The ACTU did not like this as it would have set a precedence in the airline industry and they would have lost their influence. This is apparently the reason why the administrators were changed.

Wirraway 27th Feb 2002 06:00

"Australian Financial Review"

Timeline of events since the collapse of Ansett. .Feb 27 11:52. .AAP

. .September 12:

Ansett put into voluntary administration by owner Air New Zealand, after Australian government refuses to underwrite plan to turn it into discount airline. Airline continues to fly. PriceWaterhouseCoopers appointed administrators.

. .September 13:

Acting Prime Minister Mr John Anderson rules out underwriting Ansett, says he does not know whether it can be salvaged.

. .September 14:

Administrators ground Ansett stranding 40,000 passengers and putting 16,000 jobs in jeopardy.

. .September 17:

Administrators PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC) quit because of union conflict of interest concerns because PWC sister company in NZ had audited Air NZ. Andersen takes over as administrator.

. .September 21:

Ansett subsidiaries Hazelton and Aeropelican resume limited services in NSW.

Ansett Pilots Association announces buyout plan, headed by former Ansett managing director and chief executive Mr Graeme McMahon.

. .September 21:

Ansett travel arm Traveland sold to internet company Internova, backed by a travel industry consortium, for an undisclosed price. Workers' entitlements are guaranteed.

. .September 24:

WA Ansett subsidiary Skywest resumes full services.

. .September 25:

Federal government announces $3.5 million loan to enable Ansett subsidiary Kendell, Australia's largest regional airline, to resume flying in South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania.

Qantas and Ansett administrator announce collapse of talks regarding Qantas leasing Ansett planes.

. .September 26:

Administrators announce deal with federal government to return 1,500 Ansett staff to work and five planes to the skies by September 29. Deal should have 11 Ansett A320s flying main capital city trunk routes within a fortnight.

. .September 27:

Administrator says resumed flights will generate $6-7 million a week. Old Ansett tickets not valid. Hundreds of phone bookings for new no-frills service in first two hours.

Government's Air Passenger Ticket Levy bill, imposing levy to help pay for Ansett entitlements, passed by Senate.

. .November 8:

Millionaire businessmen Mr Solomon Lew and Mr Lindsay Fox announce a $3.6 billion deal to take over the main assets of Ansett Airlines.

. .November 15:

Ansett's domestic contract catering arm Gate Gourmet goes into liquidation after no firm buyer is found for the business.

ANstaff, the Ansett staff consortium, announces it will fold its proposal to buy the airline and join the Lew-Fox consortium Tesna.

. .November 17:

Transport logistics giant Lang Corporation and Virgin Blue meet with Federal Transport Minister Mr Anderson to discuss a proposal that reportedly could threaten to derail the Fox-Lew bid for Ansett.

. .November 18:

Virgin Blue announces plans to bid for Ansett's airport terminals.

. .November 26:

ACTU says only 2,000 former Ansett workers would retain their jobs under a Virgin- Lang proposal to buy the failed airline, compared with up to 8,000 under the Fox-Lew bid.

. .November 27:

Transport Minister Mr Anderson says the federal government will meet most of the requests of the Fox-Lew consortium to allow its bid for Ansett Mark II to proceed.

Travel agency Traveland is placed into administration just two months after being salvaged from the assets of Ansett Australia.

. .November 30:

Virgin Blue accuses Ansett's administrators of sabotage after they deny the budget airline access to terminals.

. .December 14: . .Administrators say sale agreement between Ansett and Melbourne's Lew-Fox syndicate was as strong as ever, after a rival bidder revealed it had been asked to resubmit an offer on the beleaguered airline.

Thousands of redundant Ansett workers to receive entitlement payments in time for Christmas after the federal court released $195 million in government funds.

. .December 20: . .Ansett employees under the Fox-Lew syndicate would maintain current pay rates, after five key unions sign an enterprise agreement with Tesna.

. .December 27: . .More than 1,600 Ansett workers would be refused jobs with the revamped airline.

. .January 1: . .Mr James Hogan appointed chief executive of the revived Ansett.

. .January 10: . .Ansett administrators announce they're still seeking a buyer for the airline's maintenance and engineering departments not included in the Tesna deal.

. .January 11: . .Sacked Ansett pilots take legal action against company administrators saying the selection process for the revamped airline was "on the nose".

Unions warn prospective owner Tesna the deal was off unless $240 million of employee entitlements were secured.

. .January 15: . .Ansett employees enter into a profit-sharing deal with the airline's proposed new owners, the Fox-Lew syndicate, Tesna.

. .January 18: . .Tesna announces it will pay $270 million for Ansett's assets and take responsibility for $244 million of employee entitlements as part of its proposed purchase deal.

. .January 21: . .Tesna announces key senior executive appointments to lead the revamped Ansett airline.

. .January 23: . .Tesna's flight operations chief, former Ansett captain Mr Trevor Jensen leaves the company just two days after being appointed.

. .January 25: . .Ansett creditors give administrators the go-ahead to sell former Ansett regional subsidiaries Skywest and Aeropelican.

. .January 29: . .ACTU signs an in-principle agreement with would-be Ansett owners Mr Fox and Mr Lew securing $244 million in employee entitlements.

Proposed handover date for the Ansett sale deferred for 30 days.

Ansett creditors vote to accept the sale of the airline to Tesna.

Unions blame the Sydney Airports Corporation for forcing the delay of the Tesna/ Ansett sale deal.

. .February 7: . .Pivotal talks between Ansett administrators and the Sydney Airports Corporation Limited stall over lack of vital information from would-be Ansett owners Tesna.

. .February 9: . .Reports reveal Ansett Mark II is haemorrhaging up to $500 million a year as ticket sales slump, but administrators say it's nothing new.

Mr Lew and Mr Fox meet with Virgin Blue owner Mr Richard Branson in London.

. .February 10: . .The federal government says it does not plan to bail out Ansett if the Tesna buyout plan for the troubled airline fails to get off the ground.

Tesna vows its purchase of Ansett will go ahead, committing itself to buying 30 new Airbus planes, with an option to buy 10 more.

. .February 12: . .Ansett administrators face further Federal Court action after 12 hours of negotiations failed to resolve problems surrounding the lease of the airline's vacant Canberra terminal.

Federal Court refuses an application by Ansett administrators to support their decision to continue operating the airline at a $6 million-a-week loss, but administrators say it's "business as usual".

. .February 15: . .Tesna reaches an agreement in principle to take over the lease on the airline's Sydney domestic terminal.

. .February 17: . .Tesna announces it will restore all former Golden Wing memberships including one- year, two-year, five-year and life memberships that were valid at September 13, 2001.

. .February 19: . .Tesna announces new customer loyalty program, but old points won't be valid.

. .February 20: . .Disgruntled former Ansett frequent flyers vow to continue class action against the airline's administrators in a bid to have their points reinstated.

. .February 26: . .Ansett representatives say an increase in Ansett ticket sales for the Easter holidays shows public confidence in the airline.

Sydney Airport finally signs off lease agreement with prospective Ansett purchaser Tesna.

. .February 27: . .Ansett collapses again, with Tesna pulling out of a deal to buy the airline.

Wirraway 27th Feb 2002 06:10

Wed "Sydney Morning Herald" Late News

We'll look at other bidders: administrators

. .Ansett administrators will now approach unsuccessful bidders for the collapsed airline after Lindsay Fox and Solomon Lew this morning pulled out of the deal to buy the company - with the loss of 3000 jobs.

The Tesna syndicate pulled out of negotiations with the administrators to buy Ansett, 48 hours before tomorrow's midnight deadline, effectively sounding the death knell for any long term revival of the airline.

Administrators Mark Korda and Mark Mentha, of Andersen, said today Mr Fox and Mr Lew had served a termination notice last night.

Mr Korda said Tesna had advised they could not meet tomorrow's deadline for the sale because of third-party issues.

"We are assessing the situation and, as foreshadowed at the creditors' meeting, will return to the unsuccessful bidders to pursue an alternative course," Mr Korda said in a statement.

He defended the administrators decision to go with Tesna only, and reject other options, including a bid by transport company Patrick, formerly Lang Corp.

"The Tesna option was the only option at the time to keep the Ansett business in existence," he said.

"It was in the best interests of all creditors and the only option that would have provided benefits for all unsecured creditors and jobs for employees."

Mr Korda said in the event of a no-sale of Ansett, air services would be wound down in an orderly fashion.

He confirmed Ansett's intercapital flights would continue until Monday night and refunds would be arranged for all passengers with bookings after Monday night.

Help will be provided for alternative flight arrangements with Qantas and Virgin Blue.

We're hoping for Santa: union

Ansett staff facing the sack are still hoping Santa will walk through the door, a union delegate said today.

Ansett team leader and Australian Services Union delegate Eric Dimos said 500 staff at Sydney airport faced the sack from Monday unless a white knight could be found.

Mr Dimos said the shock news of the deal's collapse came shortly after staff were reassured it would go ahead.

"We were told up until early this morning that the sale was going ahead," he said at Sydney airport today.

"We were prepared for Friday. Then there was a staff announcement just after that which said at this stage it is not going ahead.

"The staff are sad (but) maybe Santa Claus will walk through the door."

Mr Dimos, an Ansett employee of 23 years, said there was a possibility staff would choose not to show up for work.

"... and I don't blame them - we've been through a lot in the last six months," he said.

About 500 Sydney-based staff including 100 flight attendants, 150 technical crew, 150 baggage handlers and 80 customer service officers would lose their jobs if the deal did not proceed.

At the Sydney terminal today, dozens of nervous passengers crowded around television screens to watch the story unfold.


Capt Claret 27th Feb 2002 06:17

Why, when Tesna was selected by the Administrators, as the preferred buyer, were the other interested parties sent packing?

Surely as with buying a house or other type of investment, the first to sign a contract and put their money on the table, usually gets the prize.

Wirraway 27th Feb 2002 07:25

A news report for Ansett employees. .AN Update 040. .27 February 2002

MESSAGE FROM JAMES HOGAN: It is with the deepest regret that I must advise you that the Administrators Andersens and Tesna Co-Chairmen, Solomon Lew and Lindsay Fox, will imminently announce that the finalisation of all arrangements necessary for the completion of the sale agreement between Tesna and the Ansett Administrators cannot be achieved by 28 February, and the sale process involving Tesna and the Administrators has ceased.

I am now meeting with Mark Mentha and Mark Korda regarding the next steps we must follow and together we will issue further information and. .instructions later today including establishment of a staff help line.

Please remain in your workplaces, and maintain as you always have, your. .professional care of our customers and your support for your colleagues.

Please raise any queries directly with your manager or via email to EGM

Attached is a statement which will be issued publicly shortly by Tesna principals Solomon Lew and Lindsay Fox who are deeply disappointed as are all parties, in this outcome.

James Hogan

Released by Ansett Corporate Affairs

Wirraway 27th Feb 2002 07:39

ABC News Online:

Wed, Feb 27 2002 1:53 PM AEDT

Administrators desperate after Tesna deal fails

Ansett's administrators will speak to other parties about the possibility of buying the airline or its assets following the Tesna consortium's decision to pull out of the deal.

The exit of the Lindsay Fox and Solomon Lew-backed Tesna consortium, leaves Ansett's administrators back at square one.

The administrators say they will let the dust settle over the next few days, then revisit the question of Ansett's future.

They have confirmed they will speak to Virgin Airlines, Singapore Airlines and Lang Corporation and any other interested parties, to determine if Ansett or its assets could still be sold.

But they concede the airline will not be back in the air on the same scale as Tesna had planned.

sniffer dog 27th Feb 2002 09:17

I'm an 89 er and even though on these posts I predicted this end I take no solace from it, a Once Great Airline is gone, which for me was taken away on 24 August 1989.

Congratulations to the ACTU, Kelty and now Combet it's good to see that you haven't forgot how to "shaft" the workers.

We were shafted good and proper in '89 now you've done it again.

To those staff post '89 I wish you well and good luck, you will have to adopt survival proceedures as we have.

To my compatriots pre '89 you must bare a large degree of responsibility for this debacle by your indecent haste to rush back for your 30 pieces of silver, 12 years is not long for "B......rds" to get there com-uppance, good riddance! Unfortunately a lot of probably loyal staff are caught up in this maelstrom, it's very sad!

<img src="frown.gif" border="0">

Wirraway 27th Feb 2002 10:38

"The Age" B/News

Fox and Lew express regret. .February 27 2002

. .Businessmen Lindsay Fox and Solomon Lew today spoke of their deep regret at the failure of their bid to revive Ansett.

At a media conference in Melbourne they blamed the collapse of the deal, one day before its deadline, on third party issues.

The two men firmly denied speculation that their Tesna consortium did not have the finance to complete the deal. Mr Lew told reporters a letter of termination was delivered to administrators Andersen at 6pm yesterday.

A late night meeting was called at Mr Lew's office at 8pm where an extension was offered but not taken by Tesna. Mr Fox said he felt terrible that the deal had fallen through.

"I don't think I've felt as bad about any commercial transaction in my life," he said.

Mr Fox said the consortium now had no plans to purchase any of Ansett's assets.

"We're not in there to try to cherry-pick after walking away," he said.

Mr Lew said there were forces working against the Tesna proposal but it was too early to point the blame.

He said a lot of spin doctoring and leaking of information had damaged the bid.

He said administrators owed the owners of the airports tens of millions of dollars in back rent and there had been discrepancies about how and when it would be paid.

In the end, they only had one airport and six aircraft leases signed, Mr Lew said, and their lawyers would not let them complete the deal while there was nothing to purchase.

Mr Lew said some of the actions of the landlords of airports had hindered the negotiations.

He also stressed that Tesna was fully financed and ready to complete the bid and that key US investors were fully behind them until the very end.

Mr Fox said he would love to see someone come in and revive Ansett but Tesna had not been able to do it under the conditions.


eyeball 28th Feb 2002 14:08

Capt Claret and anyone else who wants a good perspective of some of the inside workings of this debarcle please refer to. .<a href="http://www.crikey.com.au/business/ansetthistory.html" target="_blank">www.crikey.com.au/business/ansetthistory.html</a>

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