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-   -   NO, NO, NO. Little Jonnie (https://www.pprune.org/dunnunda-godzone-pacific/21112-no-no-no-little-jonnie.html)

prunehead 14th Sep 2001 17:01

NO, NO, NO. Little Jonnie
Little Jonnie Howard,

We DO NOT want to pay for the mistakes of Air New Zealand by you levvying charges against airtickets for all passengers.

The remaining carriers should not have their loyal passengers subject to fees to pay for the Ansett debarkle.

There is no telephone levy to pay for One.Tel

The levvy for insurance fell flat for HIH and well so it should have.

I personally am sick of paying for your political gains, and in this I include the Timore "one off medicare levy" that was after the other "one off levy" for the gun buyback scheme. I am SICK SICK SICK of paying so much tax, and as much as I feel for my brothers at Ansett, it is not for me to be paying for them.

Let the payment for the mistake fall with those who caused it, and they are Air New Zealand, Ansett management, and short sighted politicians. Let them pay.

bjm367-80 14th Sep 2001 17:20


If you are going to make comments on this forum that you would like people to take seriously, don’t start by referring to our Prime Minister as "little johnnie howard". It was a once popular media title given to a man who deserves the respect of all Australians and who is not actually that short.

It is not the government’s responsibility to ensure the success of private companies - no matter how large.

Maybe you should take you anger out on some ANZ board members? Or don’t you have childish names for them?????

GROW UP and get a clue!

nasa 14th Sep 2001 17:36

-80.....Did you read pruneheads post????

Feeton Terrafirma 14th Sep 2001 17:55

apparently not :)

prunehead 14th Sep 2001 18:05


If you would like to write comments on this forum that people take seriously, then learn to read what is written and reply to it on a logical basis without insulting the poster.

Those are the rules of the forum, and I hope that Woomera goes easy on you as anybody with as few as six posts is allowed a few faux pas posts.

For What it's worth, when I met Little Jonnie, he was short. I am not tall and I towered over him.

[ 14 September 2001: Message edited by: prunehead ]

farrari 14th Sep 2001 18:17

Prunehead, I agree with you, an Airline is a business and in this case a private overseas one, but in any case why should they get special treatment. Whilst i am very sorry for most, not all, taxpayers should not have to shoulder the cost.

flyingfox 14th Sep 2001 18:30

Having watched a few interviews of the leader of the USA in recent days, can't help but notice how respectfully all Americans are to their elected leader regardless of political persuasion. He is always "The President" or "Mr. President." If you want a statesman then at least start by giving the duly elected leader of our country some respect. Courtesy is a good start to any negotiation. ;)

flyingfox 14th Sep 2001 18:37

Dear Prunehead, despite my previous comment, the content of your original posting is excellent. It doesn't seem fair to burden travellers and taxpayers with yet another impost. ;)

MarkD 14th Sep 2001 19:08

Governments should be temporarily *abolishing* taxes, at least for intl. flights, given that virtually every intl. carrier was hit, whereas most internal flying outside US was OK bar congestion from aircraft diversions.

case drain 14th Sep 2001 19:33

I think there is one thing everyone has missed.
Dn't forget that it was this government (little Jonny Howard)that approved the sale of Ansett's second half from News Corp to Air NZ against the advice of quite a few reports (they could not afford to by Ansett).
This government has to sholder some responsibility. :eek: :mad: :confused: null

prunehead 14th Sep 2001 21:01


in support of our statesmen, I will address them in a statesmanly-like manner where I feel it is due. Little Jonnie may AT PRESENT have my vote, be not my respect, and my address reflects that. What he has to learn is that there is a limit as to how much tax he can exude from the Australian public, and that he has already far exceeded the limit. Secondly the laws of natural justice is to punish the right persons for the crime, not to punish many of the innocent for the grose crimes of a few.

huntsman 14th Sep 2001 21:17

i think you'll find there is a levy on certain insurance policies re: the HIH kerfuffle.
and that company seems to have gone down almost exclusively because of one man.

i don't mind the idea of a levy on air tickets, as long as everything possible is done to get the $$$ out of ANZ first.

shakespeare 14th Sep 2001 23:08

John Howard ...5' 8.
Bob Hawke .....5' 6.

Bob Hawke gave us record high unemployment, record high interest rates and record high foreign debt.

John Howard has reversed all of those Labour atrocities.

Sure Mr Howard has his short comings, but compared to what he inherited and the blubbering fool in opposition, it aint all that bad!

How quick we are to forget the past!

Ovation 15th Sep 2001 00:50

Prunehead (deleted personal abuse, it is possible to conduct a vigorous debate without resorting to the aforesaid. Steady on or it's the sin bin W)

John Howard rescued Australia when the Labor parties sent it broke. You just don't realise it. My payroll went from 22 to 7 when we had the recession we had to have. It's now north of 30. It would be more if the employment regulations were less one-sided.

Don't blame the politicians unless they are board members of Air New Zealand as well. The levy on tickets is a sensible way to cover the immediate need - to pay fair entitlements for those unfortunate ex-employees of Ansett.

Perhaps you prefer Beezlee's plan where the Australian taxpayer kicks in about half a billion dollars to keep Ansett flying for a couple of months? Sending good money after bad would be downright stupidity.

Make no mistake, one way or another we will end up paying for the mistakes of the board of Air New Zealand. Whether it's a levy on ticket, unemployment benefits or some other government assistance, you will pay.

[ 15 September 2001: Message edited by: Woomera ]

Niles Crane 15th Sep 2001 00:59

Respect is earned not given.
The American political system elects the President. If the candidate has not earned the respect of the American people he will not be elacted.
In Australia, we elect a political party, they then elect a PM. He is only put there for political reasons, therefore the PM of Australia rearly has the same respect of the people and The President.

As for FA's to QF, at least most of AN's are women!!!!!

Whiskery 15th Sep 2001 03:22

Six weeks ago,the Australian Labour Party would have romped into government.

John Howard has reversed that situation with his handling of the "boat people" saga and now the Ansett collapse. The aussie taxpayer has no obligation to bail out a foreign owned Company and John Howard and his government has seen to this.

I do believe that,as aussies, we should help one another in a crisis. John Howard will pursue Air New Zealand in the courts for the entitlement payments due to the AN workers. If that is unsuccessful, then a ticket levy should be enforced to help out our fellow workers.

Labour and Kym Sleazely - you AREthe weakest links - Bye Bye !!

flyingfox 15th Sep 2001 06:34

Niles Crane, it's not quite as simplistic as that, but I won't start a debate here. Next thing you know we'll have a thread about republics etc. :p

nasa 15th Sep 2001 06:59


Sure Mr Howard has his short comings
Sorry guys, but that just cracked me up :D :D :D :D :D

200psi 15th Sep 2001 09:50

John Howard is the PM not our head of state unlike 'The President'.

429 CJ 15th Sep 2001 10:39

The honour of that would go to Aunty Bessie, you know, from Buckinghuge Palace. ;)

[ 15 September 2001: Message edited by: 429 CJ ]

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