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-   -   Air New Zealand to follow Ansett (https://www.pprune.org/dunnunda-godzone-pacific/21047-air-new-zealand-follow-ansett.html)

Betelgeuse 6th Oct 2001 19:29


When will you Ansett people realise you're boring everyone to death with your childish bickering over who's to blame.....

Don't you just hate it when something that's affected you so deeply is trivialised by people who were not affected in the slightest?

Ficky 6th Oct 2001 21:58

Flat Side Up,

As long as this thread continues in the vein that you and a few others are taking it then the more intelligent of us will be deserting PPrune at your loss.

Comments such as...

"Let us apply the same discriminatory employment policies as AirNZ does against Australian pilots. Don't employ NZ pilots in Australia."

....are inflamatory and grossly incorrect.

Australian pilots are, and have been, employed by ANZ and other regional airlines within NZ, particularly post 89. Your comment regarding not employing NZ pilots will be doing a great disservice to other Australian pilots looking for work in the rest of the world, as I'm sure a few of them are. Any recruiter reading your posts would have to wonder about the sentiments of Australian pilots towards Kiwi's, and whether the Australian applicant has any deep seated resentment towards their neighbours. There are still a number of airlines looking for expatriate crews that are capable of working alongside one another. It appears, from your comments, that some Australian pilots may be incapable of such an arrangement.

Flat Side Up 7th Oct 2001 00:24

You will find that it is VERY unusual for an Australian pilot to be working for AirNZ. ON the other hand AnsettNZ did employ pilots from any available source including kiwis. AirNZ over many years prior to recent events DID NOT employ pilots other than kiwis. Australians who applied never got a look in and No I did not apply and get knocked back but I know of many who tried and it was not because of any shortcoming on their part.
I am entitled to my opinion and you yours. The fact that you don't like it is your problem. And, by the way, you will get your kiwi who pretends to be our tourism minister back after the next election. Good riddance!
You have imposed on us for far too long and then you expect to spit in our faces. Well, the time has come to put an end to that.

[ 06 October 2001: Message edited by: Flat Side Up ]

RedUnderTheBed 7th Oct 2001 01:57

I forgot to thank BB for his kind words about his Kiwi mates, I think they put him into the 'Gripper' category.

The only Kiwis who worked for AN post '89 were sc@bs, at least the ex-AN pilots now in ANZ stood staunch, we got the best deal by far. "Dregs to the Bottom - Cream to the Top."

Reading the Oz posts in this thread is like watching Oz TV news - never looks outside Oz unless you want to blame someone!

In case BB, FSU et al haven't noticed, an Australian owned airline has operated continuously in NZ, employing many Australians by the by, since 1987, (with a short break recently when it was called Qantas).

Recently we've had QF aircraft, Oz reggos - Oz pilots, plying the main trunk, they are now going to charter foreign aircraft to operate the QF NZ domestic structure because the aircraft and pilots are "needed" across the deetch. Have you heard the screams from this side of the deetch? - NO! We're mature enough and secure enough in our nett worth and skills to sit back and accept the competition. Keating p!ssed back on Open Skies because you guys are lacking in those departments apparently. To follow through on the logic expressed by BB, FSU et al then ALL Oz nationals flying off-[Oz]shore should immediately repatriate. Haven't you heard of the 'Global Village'? Welcome to the modern world son!!

Reactionary views such as those expressed in the wake of AN's collapse from Australia are making it more and more understandable why Australians don't want NZers over there, you couldn't stand the heat!
:D :D

Flat Side Up 7th Oct 2001 02:09

My point exactly.
AnsettNZ (now QF domestic) established by Ansett did have an open employment policy.

AirNZ did not.

PPRuNe Towers 7th Oct 2001 02:17

Well over the hundred mark so time for this one to close.

Rob Lloyd

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