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-   -   Aaaaagh! Kaspersky bringing FF to snail's pace. (https://www.pprune.org/computer-internet-issues-troubleshooting/512209-aaaaagh-kaspersky-bringing-ff-snails-pace.html)

Loose rivets 9th Apr 2013 23:32

Aaaaagh! Kaspersky bringing FF to snail's pace.
Installed today, courtesy of my British bank. Nice freebee, or so I thought.

W7 Professional. 4 gigs 2.4 gig processor.

FF takes 20 plus seconds to open, and other things randomly ignore me until I fall asleep and find them operating when I awake.

Is this normal . . . a joke . . . an alteration of the time-continuum?

Please tell me this top name anti-virus doesn't have to soak up this much power.

I was on Security Essentials, and never felt a thing, but then, it got that non-grade a while back.

Milo Minderbinder 10th Apr 2013 00:06

you say a 2.5gig CPU. Just which CPU? Kaspersky is fairly resource intensive and can do this on poorly specced machines. The usual finding is that the PC doesn't have the guts to run the OS....hence the question

A A Gruntpuddock 10th Apr 2013 02:22

I liked the features in Kaspersky but it was a hog and sometimes updates went spectacularly wrong, requiring removal and a fresh install.

Never regretted moving to Bitdefender.

Loose rivets 10th Apr 2013 04:21

I had to look to remind myself.

AMD 64X2 5200 ~2.7 Ghz.

Even Task Manager takes 7 seconds to open. :ugh:

I'm disabling the FF Add-ons to see what happens, but I doubt they would affect things like Task Manager.

Loose rivets 10th Apr 2013 04:39

Edit: Well, that's strange. After turning it off, and later back on, all the symptoms mentioned below went away! If it was doing something radical behind the scenes, it didn't tell me.

original post:

Doesn't seem to have made much difference with Addons disabled, but turning off Kaspersky from its menu seems to revive the PC - apart from the 1 gig constant memory usage.


I guess I could switch it on and off when needed, but that leaves me vulnerable for hours a day.

If Security Essentials hadn't done so badly in that review I'd go back to that.

One clear example of the extreme overhead is my dear old Word Perfect. It often takes an age to load first time, but when it's been loaded once and is obviously in memory, a second reload (only one running) is in the blink of an eye. A-V on, and it's more like half a minute.

I tried that experiment, and the second one left the logo running in the middle of the desktop and nowt happened for 20 seconds. I'm now the owner of a Sinclair Spectrum.:{

openvpntray.exe has crashed twice. StackHash_a7aa APPCRASH reported.

I think this is ExpatShield. I use it very rarely, and it was not running but when I do it worked well. It now takes ages to load and then fails.

Memory shown in Task Manager is 3327 tot., and 1.04 or so showing as a constant Used. 351 free. I thought at first this was not normal for my setup, but now I'm doubting my memory. (ho ho) What is this constant 1 gig? I can't see anything to warrant that.

(Malwarebytes was run on all drive partitions before Kaspersky was installed.)


rgbrock1 10th Apr 2013 13:11


Why don't you do yourself a Big Favor (or Favour for those on the other side) and remove the damn thing? It'll save you an awful lot of indigestion.

Loose rivets 10th Apr 2013 15:47

It seemed a good deal. Free, thanks to Barclay's Bank

I wondered if there ever was an on-line banking dispute, having protection the bank had offered might well substantiate any claim and make it clear I'd taken their recommendations for security.

MS Security Essentials got such a bad report, and always, Kaspersky seemed to be getting world-wide good reports.

What is odd is just HOW slow the computer WAS. Quite useless. Now it seems relatively normal, but while Kaspersky is showing ON. Flags came up on start-up with multiple warnings about firewalls, protections etc.

I accept I didn't spend long messing with it, but it was so bad I couldn't really make use of my main PC, which I spend 6 - 8 hours on a day. Somewhat disquieting.

vulcanised 10th Apr 2013 16:48

I have always regarded Kaspersky in the same light as Norton & Symantec http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/sr...milies/eek.gif

Loose rivets 11th Apr 2013 18:01

Since turning Kaspersky off and back on, plus getting rid of various FF Add-ons, things are pretty normal. In fact the computer is so fast, I wonder if KP is doing anything.

I am now reintroducing the add-ons one at a time.

URL Adviser is the last one. Fingers crossed.

rgbrock1 11th Apr 2013 19:10

Some FF add-ons are notorious for slowing it down. I'd be careful about which ones you enable.

In the future should you experience yet another slow down why not go into the task manager and monitor which application is using the most CPU and Memory? That's give you a pretty good idea whether or not Kaspersky is being a naughty boy.

Loose rivets 11th Apr 2013 21:54

I spent quite a while in resource monitor. It was so busy it was difficult to see what was happening. The consistent 1 gig out of memory is perplexing. I just don't recall that.

The URL monitor doesn't seem to have killed the performance.

Content blocker and Safe money are on.

I'll try Anti Banner and Virtual Keyboard next. I can understand the latter being very demanding.

I'm just a little uneasy. It's almost as though when I turned it off and back on, it never restarted. Everything seems set on. Odd.

Loose rivets 12th Apr 2013 04:28

Mmm . . . on reentering my den after dinner, pulled computer out of Sleep only to be told it was not protected with a firewall or an anti-virus.

Tallies rather well with the regained normal performance, but not with every Kaspersky screen saying everything is on and okay.

Time to uninstall, methinks.

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