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SpringHeeledJack 19th Jul 2012 13:09

Nokia 6310i phone
I'm the owner of one of these veritable old warhorses and it has done me proud over the years, especially in butterfinger mode when dropped, forgiving me and working another day. Anyhow, I have a question that perhaps someone who used to own one could answer ?

I wanted to download all he old kept sentimental SMS messages to a file and then print them out for posterity. I've long since lost my user details and Nokia have archived/don't offer any support. I believe that I need an RS232 cable and the Nokia PC Suite appertaining to the 6310i and a PC as there was no Mac support from our Finnish friends back in the day. Has anyone done this in the past and can confirm that a printout is possible ?


green granite 19th Jul 2012 14:30

From the manual which you can download from here

PC Suite
PC Suite contains applications which help you
• to conveniently manage various phone functions from your PC
• to synchronise contacts and calendar items between your phone and your PC Personal Information
• to draw and edit caller group graphics and picture messages.
• to create new ringing tones for your phone.
• to select the connection type used when connecting your PC and your phone.
• to back up and restore personal information from phone to PC or to another phone.
• to install Java applications from PC to your phone.

And the Nokia PC suite V4.81 you can download from:

Old Version of Nokia PC Suite 4.81 Download - OldApps.com

SpringHeeledJack 20th Jul 2012 16:13

Thankyou mr granite, especially for that 'oldapps' site ;) ,that will sort out the software side of things. Are there no ex-users of this fine phone still with the memory of doing said transferring ? Or am I the only person still telephonically in the last century :{


Milo Minderbinder 20th Jul 2012 16:26

I can't answer your question, but I'll pose one to you

You mention an RS232 adaptor / cable. But if you Google for cables for these, all you get are USB ones. However from the images, these seem to be two types: one with a mini-USB connector at the phone end, the other with what looks like some kind of bespoke clip
Do you have any cables with it? Looks like you may have to try and work out which is the correct one

jimtherev 20th Jul 2012 16:47

Wot MM said. It's certainly a USB connection, not RS232. The Nokia PC Suite as supplied then worked a treat. The OVI suite which replaced it was clunky & almost unusable, and the present Nokia Suite is a bit better but worse than the first one. But if you use the correct cable - still avail on ebay - you should be all right.

However, the 6310i does have a bluetooth connection; if your computer bluetooth is in the mood to talk to it you don't even have to buy anything.

Worth a try?

green granite 20th Jul 2012 17:11

You can still buy refurbished ones. Nokia 6310i Sales | Refurbished | Accessories

BEagle 20th Jul 2012 18:21

An excellent phone indeed! I've been using them since 2004 and I'm still only on my second.

Lasts for ages without needing charging, makes voice and text calls world-wide. What else does one need from a phone?

Snaps into the handsfree car kit effortlessly and has never let me down:
Why oh why did Nokia lose the plot to concentrate their efforts on, to quote Mr J Clarkson, "Phones designed for teenage girls"?


Not sent from any FruitPhone or iToy!

mad_jock 20th Jul 2012 18:39

They have gone back to producing proper phones as well as the smart phone types

6700C is a good un

And they have just brought out a range of dual sim zero bollocks phones.

Milo Minderbinder 20th Jul 2012 18:52

"zero bollocks phones"

Sounds like another batch of girly phones???

mad_jock 20th Jul 2012 19:13

I know :D

Have a look at the C1 and C2 ranges metal shassis.

Has a camera which is good enough for goverment work ie sending pics of shagged aircraft or photos of car prangs.

Usual huge standby times etc compared to the others no GPS or any of that guff.

Running a 110 just now dual sim 30 euros cash no network lock or deal required and it just works as a phone and texting only down side is no computer link to get phone numbers etc into it so you have to transfer them on a sim card.

dusk2dawn 21st Jul 2012 07:56

The 6310i indeed! And where to find a new battery, pliz?

jimtherev 21st Jul 2012 09:13

6310i battery
Well, here's a start...
Genuine Nokia BPS-2 6310 6310i 7110 NK404 NK702 Battery | eBay ; plenty of other places, if you googog

SpringHeeledJack 21st Jul 2012 10:12

Thanks for all the replies. Bluetooth does work......but there always seems to be a problem transferring information rather than being recognized etc, so a cable seems to be the best way. Although the majority of ebay cables seem to be USB with a driver, experience has burnt my optimism with chinese sourced gear, so was hoping to get hold of an original Nokia DLR-3P cable which is on one end an RS232 as the most reliable option and they are as rare as hen's teeth.

As an aside, that Nokia 6700c looks like a nice phone, basic yet capable. Perhaps a successor to luddite phone owners such as myself and Beagle ;)


bingofuel 21st Jul 2012 10:25

Snaps into the handsfree car kit effortlessly and has never let me down:
Ah but did you buy the car because it had the handsfree kit for your phone or the phone to fit the handsfree kit in the car?

M.Mouse 21st Jul 2012 10:30

....so was hoping to get hold of an original Nokia DLR-3P cable which is on one end an RS232 as the most reliable option and they are as rare as hen's teeth.
Like this one you mean?

SpringHeeledJack 21st Jul 2012 11:25

....yes just like that one, but after having a good smooch around they are mostly 'out of stock' or in the above case for a 6250 (which in fairness might be the same as the 6310i's connector), or once clicked on a link via googoo comes up with other accessories, but not the one proffered :hmm: I have found one on a German website and will give them a shout next week hopefully.


BEagle 21st Jul 2012 13:09

Ah but did you buy the car because it had the handsfree kit for your phone or the phone to fit the handsfree kit in the car?
I bought the phone first, then an SLK 320 which I had fitted with the full Nokia CARK-91 handsfree system. Worked fine, except that the speed bumps and cratered Oxonian highways eventually loosened a plug somewhere in the system, so I took it back and asked them to make sure it was fully secure.

Sold the SLK320 for an SLK32 AMG and bought another CARK-91. The fitters said that it was a right $od to sort out, because the AMG has a weird Bose system and they had to faff about with various adapters etc. But it's been fine now for nearly 7 years. As indeed has the Teutonic tourer!

When I attended various Airbus meetings a couple of years ago, it was interesting to see how many of their senior people still used their good old Nokia 6310i phones rather than gimmicky girly smartphones!

mad_jock 21st Jul 2012 14:26

6310i, radio 2 dialed up and an automatic.

What does that tell you about someone :D

Rossian 21st Jul 2012 20:08

What does thet tell you.?...
.....that he is a moderately well off BOF (like wot i r innit)

The Ancient Mariner

BEagle 21st Jul 2012 21:19

The Mercedes Benz SLK32 AMG is not available with a manual gearbox. Anyway, 0-60 in 4.8s with an automatic is good enough for me!

BBC Radio 2 is the most popular UK radio station, according to RAJAR.

Nokia 6310i was the phone M-B recommended for the SLK at the time.

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