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Loose rivets 10th Jan 2010 14:50

Another Google thing I didn't ask for.
Anyone know how to turn it off?

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This has appeared under my bookmarks menu strip. I didn't ask for it, I don't want it, and I can't get rid of it.

I want nothing on my hello screen except Google's box to search with. Thin edge of the wedge. Screen would be covered in distracting cr@p if I let it happen.

mad_jock 10th Jan 2010 15:02

its the google toolbar remove that and all the crap will disappear.

Capetonian 10th Jan 2010 15:07

Yes, as M J says, it's the Google Toolbar.

I find some of the functions useful, and if you want to keep the toolbar but hide the bits you don't want, you can 'right click' on the relevant button and an option list will come up. Click on 'hide button' and you can get rid of what you don't want.

green granite 10th Jan 2010 15:16

It, and also the Yahoo tool, bar gets installed along with free software and some FF add-ons, there is usually a box to un-tick if you don't want it.

Loose rivets 10th Jan 2010 15:18

To be quite clear, this list consists of just text, blue and underlined to pick the function. It has no box round it, and right click offers nothing whatsoever to control the menu system.

That's not quite true. It does have a skinny blue line under it.

If I click on the little house, it goes away. The moment my cursor reaches the screen again, it comes back.

I don't think it's ever been there before, but I'm not sure.

Capetonian 10th Jan 2010 15:25

Then I would just uninstall it. Do you have 'spanner' icon? If you do, one of the options on that will be 'uninstall'.

Otherwsie you can go to control panel/programmes and uninstall it from there. I'm assuming you're running an MS OS, if not perhaps you could specify nad one of the computer boffins will probably be able to help you. Good luck - I know how irritating those things can be.

Loose rivets 10th Jan 2010 15:28

W7 Beta
Build 7100

Since the writing under the search box was there before, and they all turn on together as the cursor arrives on the screen, perhaps they were there before.:rolleyes:

Daft as that sounds, the new 24" screen has to be zoomed for most functions, but the menus at the top don't get magnified, but the annoying writing does. This makes it bigger than the menu block above! Maybe, now, I have the spare brain-power to look at other things. Before, I was really fighting to make dual monitors do what they were supposed to. ( thanks to superb support from the new graphics card makers, they're running reasonably well.)

jimtherev 10th Jan 2010 15:32

Have you tried right-clicking in the 'toolbars' area? (i.e. alongside the favourites tab.)

Loose rivets 10th Jan 2010 15:40

Right clicked everything - but see edit above. I'm getting a nagging feeling that it might have been there but in diddy writing which would have been unobtrusive. Now, it's 3X the size of the menu writing above, so really shouts out.

mad_jock 10th Jan 2010 16:28

tools in the top right in ie then manage add on's then highlight and remove.

green granite 10th Jan 2010 18:14

Daft as that sounds, the new 24" screen has to be zoomed for most functions,
LR, control panel>display then tick the 125% option for readability

Loose rivets 10th Jan 2010 19:51

I'm using firefox, and the 'management' looks a bit different.

Just running out of time.

I'm on that again now. It does help, but there was a reason that I went back to 100%. Can't remember, but probably while trying to remove variables while learning Nvidia controls.

I think it must have been me. You know, like saying, 'How long have you had that mustache?' and your lifelong friend says. 'Oh, about 25 years.' But I suppose if one's friend's head suddenly got smaller, leaving the mustache the same size, One would notice. :hmm:

I confess, as analogies go, that was a bit contrived.:}

Back to the monitor thread.

Simonta 10th Jan 2010 21:06

Possibly how it's always been?

I think you may be looking at normal behaviour:


They have always been there - well, for some years now, but have recently been hidden until you mouse over the page.

I think.....

Keef 10th Jan 2010 22:55

Sounds to me like a visit to the Control Panel, Programs and Features, and remove Google Toolbar, Mr Rivets.

I get exasperated by regular updates from Java and others that try, each time, to get me to tick "Install Something Else that You Really Don't Want". I got Google Toolbar that way, once even got Open Office Suite. No doubt laudable software but not wanted this time around.

I've just cleared out another load of toot that was slowing up the machine for no reason I could work out. iTunes I understand (it plays me soft and gentle music, somewhat distorted but bearable, while doing other stuff in here), but WHY do I need QuickTime? At my age, I don't do anything quickly.

Tarq57 10th Jan 2010 23:52

What Keef said, +1.

Whenever installing almost anything, these days, the setup should be looked at very carefully during installation to ensure no added "features" are included.
Many, many applications default to installing a toolbar as part of the setup. It's another way that money can be made. The advertisers pay a small percentage to the software manufacturer for ads that are viewed using their add-ons.

DeeJayEss 11th Jan 2010 00:30

Yeah I think Simonta is all over this - it's totally normal for the Google homepage (Google). There is no way to remove it from the page.

For those wondering, this is not a toolbar, it's actually part of the HTML. Looks like it's driven by java or similar and this part of the code deals with it:


Maybe you could get an app to suppress java and put a filter in it for

Loose rivets 11th Jan 2010 04:13

All footling with 'puters must be put on hold. Man with Nikon has come live, and it requires my full attention.

However, before I go to a camera thread, on one of the support calls to Nvidia, (2 of 2) I complained of occasional graphics slowness. Letters taking so much time that I'm typing the next one as the first appears on the screen. Just sometimes, the Pprune screen appears with about a 1/4 of its area still black - just for a fraction of a second.

A not so perky support man said that my Nvidia-based card might just be faltering - "clunky and painting in a bit slow sometimes" - because of an inadequate PSU. Gut feeling: bow-lox, but I have been known to be wrong.:suspect:

I was taken-aback to see that the PSU was only 250 watts. Never given it thought, cos don't play games etc., but it is a bit on the titchy side, innit? Could it be true that it could slow graphics down with no other symptoms?

The card is a GEForce 7300 GT By BFG. $44, so it must be good.:}

I'm really not gaining much by this new AVG 8X - with fan and its own wires for power, I might add - really quite disappointing, but given that it has so many more pixels to process a second, can it be that it's not coping with normal internet use? The old one coped reasonably well with Flight Sim, and I'd a thought that, that would have put quite a load on it. Don't know if I'll have time to load FS on this before tomorrow's deadline.

mad_jock 11th Jan 2010 04:37

Personally I reckon your machine needs a right good slash and burn of the OS.

The hardware with the PSU i would be suprised at it only taking the graphics card down and not other things as well. Hesitating and black boxes filling would indicate to me that there is lots of swapping of memory going on. Is your hard disk LED going constantly?

A cheap mans way of getting graphics memory is by grabbing some of the main system memory when you start running at high resolutions it grabs more and more memory. Start using 3D functions on your desktop and it gets even worse. An openGL 3D pipes screen saver used to have machines running at .89-1 load constantly when activated. The less main memory you have the more the OS swaps to disk. Lots of applications open and it gets worse and worse. Add in a load of desktop services and your machine just runs out of grunt.

Loose rivets 11th Jan 2010 05:14

Funilly enough, I'd just come back to post on that.

The OS is W7 beta and was behaving very well - until now.

1gig, with about half available most times. But, 'Process Explorer' seems to have changed. A LOT more svchost's taking up a lot of the screen. The general appearance is just a large open space on the right. ie nothing to say about the list of svchosts. on the left.

Getting this card was indeed a way of stopping the main memory being hit. I'd posted to ask if this MB could cope with 2 gig when HP say it can't and Azuz say it can. End result, nothing done about that except fit the card. (512m dedicated video. DDR2 or summit like that.)

I really don't think it's helped at all.

Most of my grumbles have been taken care of by careful adjustment of the settings on the monitor. Oh, and wearing different specs. Bl00dy old age:(

So, the card doesn't do all that much. Having said that, the complex Nvidia control does give a box for adjusting the Desktop picture. With that, I can get a wonderful 24" colour photo, as good as I've seen. But it makes no mention ANYWHERE about controlling the rest of the video output. And having said that, it nevertheless does control it...but not to the same extent. :ugh: You can see why I'm struggling a bit with this.

Having had significant eye surgery, I'm finding I'm getting tired eyes with this monitor. That sucks! It took a long time to get me 20/20 vision back and I don't want to dent it.:ouch:

Shunter 11th Jan 2010 06:10

The "toolbar" of which you speak is not Java, it's AJAX. AJAX stands for Advanced Javascript and XML, although commonly uses neither. It is however a useful way to dynamically load content into a webpage without loading another webpage, if you see what I mean.

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