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MOSTAFA 1st May 2007 15:19

Unwanted files again
Can anybody help me with a file shredder recomendation? I have been trying to get rid of some unwanted files from FSX ever since I removed it from my machine. It left several in its own uninstall prog. McAfee shredder wont touch it and I am convinced they contain some sort of virus albeit nothing comes up with either scan or spyware checker. Just very very frustrating. If I try to locate the said files the computer almost comes to a stop whilst it identifies them and a soon as I leave them alone its fine again!

Many thanks in anticipation.

BOAC 1st May 2007 15:40

File names?
Presumably you are using Windows?
Which Version?
Have you tried Safe Mode?
Have you put the file names into Google to check them?

MOSTAFA 1st May 2007 16:38

Thanks BOAC,

I could be barking up the wrong tree but as I said if I try to interfere with the remaining files the computer goes on a go slow until I leave them alone and just occasionally they threaten to format the C drive!!!

Anyway, here goes.

FSX puts a folder in the C Drive - Programme Files - Microsoft Games. I un-installed it using the FSX programme provided. After deletion I was surprised to find that FSX (Parts of it) was still there in the same folder. (They might have nothing to do with FSX) I thought perhaps some virus had got onto the computer and hidden itself very neatly in there). Nothing shows up on my security system but if I try to touch/move/delete/shred my excellent spec machine grinds almost to a halt.

The file name is simobj~1.sh

I use Windows XP and your other questions dont really effect = The computer is working fine in all respects until I try to delete those files.

Sorry to be a pain, many thanks

BOAC 1st May 2007 16:58

OK - I'm a little out of my depth on Flt Sim. The 'Games' folder, I think, is used by all 'Games' in Windows so it might NOT be a good idea to delete it.

I'm sure a 'fundi' will be along to tell you more about it.

BOAC 2nd May 2007 18:39

Well - no further posts here.

If you are concerned about the files I would suggest 2 options:

1) Rename the folder Microsoft Games - Microsoft Gamesold (right click/rename). If your computer still runs everything you want it to, you can delete the folder.

2) Just delete the file simobj~1.sh. You may need to start up in 'Safe Mode' to do this if the machine is fighting back. (F8 on boot-up)

Otherwise just leave them there?

Blacksheep 3rd May 2007 05:17

Sounds like a job for "save all data files, reformat C: and a clean install".

I hate my PC. I'm gonna get a Mac next time.... :ugh:

MOSTAFA 3rd May 2007 12:03

Sorry BOAC but work called! The files are definately slowing everything down considerably. I've tried re-naming, tried several shredders but to no avail. When I scan the system it runs really quickly until it gets to the said files and then almost stops. I sometimes get get a "cyclic redundancy" message when I just try to delete as normal. As soon as the scanner passes the nasties it's back to the normal speeds.

Blacksheep, I am not that familiar with your answer - would I have to re-install XP and office and all the other programmes?

Many thanks

BOAC 3rd May 2007 13:13

OK - 2 more questions:

1) What are you 'scanning with' that slows up?

2) Have you tried no 1) in my post #5 and what happened

a) when you renamed the folder?
b) did the machine still 'perform' as you wished?
c) did you try to delete the files in Safe Mode?

Two_dogs 3rd May 2007 14:15


From Google
#!/bin/sh # This is a shell archive, meaning: # 1. Remove ...

SIMSRC = mpsim.c drive.c userin.c SIMOBJ = mpsim.o drive.o userin.o LIBSRC ... int iprobe(int type); .fi .ft 1 .SH DESCRIPTION A simulator driver task, . ...
www.netlib.org/misc/mpsim - 109k - Cached - Similar pages

This is the only reference I could find that was similar to the named file. Some sort of UNIX file. Of course the tilde '~' is probably the DOS shortened name of the file for 8.3 file naming protocol.

Two Dogs

MOSTAFA 3rd May 2007 15:20

To be honest I have no idea how to do something in the "safe mode".
The scanner I am using is the McAfee virus checker I have also tried the same with the "Uniblue" speed up my PC programme which has the ability to scan for problems.
I was wondering if it could be deleted withe the DOS prompt? But sadly I don't remember how to do it!!!

Two Dogs. Again being honest, that was all in French to me !! but thanks anyway.

BOAC 3rd May 2007 15:55

Safe Mode - press F8 during the boot up (you will see the message at the bottom of the screen inviting you to)

NB It takes longer to boot into Safe. In this mode a minimal number of services/programmes etc are loaded.

Select 'Safe Mode' from the list of choices

Locate the file in the folder when you are in Safe Mode (using 'My Computer')

Try 'delete' on the file

Reboot and see (this time w/out F8)

More info on 'Safe Mode' here

Keef 3rd May 2007 17:01

That file sounds like an installer for something Unix or Linux. Whatever it is, it can probably go.

As BOAC said, "What are you 'scanning with' that slows up?"

The "fix" is indeed to boot into Safe Mode and delete the thing. If it won't delete, then I would be very suspicious that you have a nasty that McAfee can't sort. I gave up on McAfee a long time ago, and use AVG Free, which has never failed me.

born2fly_au 3rd May 2007 17:26

I would suggestyou download a copy of CCleaner www.ccleaner.com (Crap Cleaner) and let it do it's thing and it will remove all oprpan files from the registry as well as unused files from your computer. It never seems to matter what uninstall program you use there is always bits left behind.

MOSTAFA 3rd May 2007 19:36

Sorry if I am not making myself clear.
Tried the CCleaner but the files are still there. They contain about 8Mb in a total of 10/12 folders, I say 10/12 because the properties does not seem to be able to make it's mind up and changes the longer I leave the box open.
I am convinced they are nasty because everytime I try to get near them we grind to an halt. I think it's time to try a complete format but as usual I will have to find out all the added programme disks and keys. Just cant wait!!

Tried the safe mode but no difference.:*

born2fly_au 3rd May 2007 20:06

Have you done a FULL virus scan to see if it is a virus?
When did you install FSX as you maybe able to do a system restore to a date before the installation which may fix everything (Hopefully).
What sort of folder and file names are we talking about?

MOSTAFA 3rd May 2007 20:25

I've done dozens using McAfee, XsoftspySE and Regcure but none of them show up as a visus but during the scans when it gets to the nasties we have a go slow whislt it checks them. As soon as it passes these files it goes like a rocket again. I might be barking right up the wrong tree here.

BOAC 3rd May 2007 20:38

Tried the safe mode but no difference
- I fear I am going round in circles here!

You booted into 'safe' and could not delete the files? What ACTUALLY happened?

Keef 3rd May 2007 21:09

Do you have an old DOS boot floppy? Left over, perhaps, from the old days?
If you can boot from that, then you can almost certainly delete the files with no problem.

Otherwise, borrow or burn a Linux bootable CD - Knoppix or Mepis would allow you to inspect the hard drive, and potentially to delete files on there.

I'm surprised that Safe Mode wouldn't let you do it - it does indeed sound like a virus.

born2fly_au 3rd May 2007 21:42

What happens if you do a system restore to a date prior to this happening?

MOSTAFA 4th May 2007 09:03

Sorry BOAC if I have confused you. My computer (Toshiba) does not offer the option of F8 at boot but another route via several of the function keys. Anyway, it is in the safe mode ie, "Safe Mode" displayed in all four corners and the icons about 3 times bigger with a much poorer resolution. I am certain that it is in the safe mode. So I try to delete the files in exactly the same way as I would in normal mode ie, find the folder, open it and then delete. This gave me the same result "Cyclic redundancy" unable to delete.

Keef, don't have one sadly but I have tried via the C prompt in accessories to get into the DOS. That's easy but sadly I know longer remember how to get to directory and subsequently also don't know how to delete it. Vague memory seems to remember cd:/c:dir but I have tried all the variations and :confused:

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