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pilot_will 14th Apr 2005 12:26

CD ROM drive

Since I installed WIN SP2 for XP home months ago, my CD rom drive decided to not work anymore, and completely uninstalled the drivers etc.

I've tried to make the computer go looking for it, though it doesn't find a thing. I've coped up to now, although it does get annoying having to only use 1 disk reader now (DVD drive). I'm thinking about a format soon but I really need to burn some essential files onto CD.

(SP2 also uninstalled half of Window's default programs, i.e. calculator)

Flik Roll 14th Apr 2005 13:31

Ah.....so thats where my calculator and games have gone.....i can still find the calculator if i go through help; but all my games have vanished :mad:
Thanks for explaining that...sorry i don't know what to do about your CD ROM drive!

ORAC 14th Apr 2005 14:21

Found this:

It may be a registry problem wich can occur with both Nero & Roxio after updating Windows. You will need to locate 2 keys in the registry and delete them.


Start Registry Editor - Go to Start-->Run, type the word, regedit

Locate the UpperFilters & LowerFilters value under the following key in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control \Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}

Before we start you will want to back up this entry, to do this highlight the {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Now go up to, File and select Export, enter any name you want any will do and save it where you can find it, desktop is th best for now!

Now delete 2 of the entries within {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}:

Highlight {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} and look on the right for the entry, "UpperFilters", right click on it and select delete. Now do the same for LowerFilters.

Now scan for New Hardware or Reboot.

Remember, you should backup your registry or export what your changing, before editing it!

Mac the Knife 14th Apr 2005 17:29

Good idea to make sure the darn thing works at all, before you go tinkering with Window$ innards.......

"Of course I can't see anything! I'm standing on the shoulders of idiots."

pilot_will 15th Apr 2005 14:11

ORAC, thanks for the reply. I tried what you said and I could only find the LowerFilters, the Upper ones were not there :ugh:

4granted 15th Apr 2005 14:54

Same Problem
I have had the same problem for about six weeks and have been to every driver site/ cd/rom Forum on the net. I found my solution right her on pprune computer forum (guy couldnt burn his photos). Anyway I went here:
Dowloaded the tool and have got my cd rom back. Fluke maybe but its worked for me.
Good luck


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