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-   -   D70 NEF Conversion, any recommendations? (https://www.pprune.org/computer-internet-issues-troubleshooting/161520-d70-nef-conversion-any-recommendations.html)

WG774 31st Jan 2005 21:46

D70 NEF Conversion, any recommendations?

I noticed from recent discussions that there are a few Nikon D70 users around here, so I wondered if anyone could make a suggestion or two:

A couple of weeks ago I picked up a D70, having used a D100 for a while last year. I used QImage to convert NEF files from the D100, but it doesn't support the D70 format...

From what I understand, if you use PhotoShop CS, it doesn't read certain RAW info, is this correct? Not only that, but my version of PhotoShop (6 - adequate for my tasks) is a bit ancient, and it'll cost to upgrade.

I tried Nikon "Capture" a while back, but it is slow as hell, and was hoping someone here might have a better recommendation?

There are a plethora of patches floating around on the 'web that claim to convert D70 NEF files to TIFFs etc, but the selection is so extensive that I thought it might be better to get advice prior to installing any of these as I'm guessing they will have individual limitations.

The facility I really need is to convert the NEF files into a format PhotoShop 6 supports, such as TIFF and JPG (I realise you can take JPG when you take NEF, but I'd rather just dump the NEFs in, and then convert as and when needed).

Thanks in advance :ok:

Windle Poons 31st Jan 2005 21:59

I'm not sure if this is exactly what you need, and is not just a simple convertor, but I believe Qimage Pro will convert NEF format files to TIF format. We used to use this software at work, but we now use JPG format only on our new D1, and Photoshop CS.

Their software company is here, but as I say there may be a much better solution elsewhere, and possibly a free one (Qimage is about $45).

Good luck


Gonzo 1st Feb 2005 03:59

I use Nikon View 6, no complaints so far.

innuendo 1st Feb 2005 04:26

There is an extensive amount of info on raw conversion in this site.


Try a search in the retouching forum or the Nikon or Canon Forum for Bibble, Breezebrowser or Capture One.

They will all do Raw conversion for D-70 files. Each have their own devotees. They are all very good, each with their own workflows and enthusiasts. Adobe CS does do raw, as does Adobe Elements 3. I use Capture One and find it to be excellent but each of them have trial downloads. Give them a try.

Hello again, I reread your post:

"The facility I really need is to convert the NEF files into a format PhotoShop 6 supports, such as TIFF and JPG (I realise you can take JPG when you take NEF, but I\'d rather just dump the NEFs in, and then convert as and when needed).

The programs that I mentioned above are not simply to convert NEF to jpeg or tiff. You would be missing a lot if that is all that you would use the program for. They are designed to allow complete processing of the raw image to a finished image. IE, white balance, colour correction, saturation, exposure correction including curves, contrast and finally sharpening.

Capture One has come in for a lot of criticism for their customer service but in spite of that the product is good enough for a lot of people to hold their noses and stick with it anyway. I am one of those. It is an excellent program. I am using it to do my raw files from a Canon 20D and I am a believer.

I\'m pretty sure that PS 6 will not handle NEF, I think you would need PS CS.

WG774 1st Feb 2005 20:35

Thanks :ok:

Looks like Capture is the main option, as CS loses certain Nikon-specific info (I'm told).

I don't mind forking out for Capture, it's just that it ran like a dog when I tried it, and others concur that it's not a fast program in action.

innuendo 2nd Feb 2005 00:14

I can't comment on the comparitive speeds as I have not used Breeze or Bibble but perhaps this method of dealing with your images might help mitigate the lack of speed.


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