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timmcat 30th Jan 2005 19:03

Xbox live ip issues...

Main PC has USB ADSL modem. Have succesfully installed a Belkin wireless network card. The second PC in my sons bedroom has also been fitted with an identical network card. I've created a working wireless (and internet) connection between the two. The main reason for doing this was to enable my son to play xbox live in his room (the xbox is adjacent to the PC). I've linked the second PC to the xbox via the NIC and a crossover cable. When attempting to share the connection, I'm getting an IP conflict. I understand why (after doing a bit of googling). What I can't find out is what manual ip / gateway / DNS settings I should create between the PC and xbox. Anyone help? Thanks.

Toxteth O'Grady 30th Jan 2005 19:35

Won't work the way you have it.

You need to connect the X-box to your son's pc via an ethernet switch or hub.

Or get a wireless access point to connect the X-box to your ICS pc.



FunkyMunky 30th Jan 2005 22:11

The conflict is arising because you are trying to use internet connection sharing on both PCs. By default, XP tries to use as the internal IP for the host ICS machine. Since you have two ICS host machines, this is causing a conflict on your network. What you need to do is change the ip address of the second machine (the one in your sons bedroom) to a different range. Unfortunately, I don't think Windows XP Allows you to do this. Have a look around and see if you can change one of the machines to You may have to alter the subnet mask too; I'm not sure about this. I presume you are sharing the internet connection on the first PC with the second PC via the wireless link, then sharing the wireless link to the second pc with the xbox in a sort of chain.

With this change, the machines should cooperate on the network and you'll end up with something like:

Modem <> [PC1 (] <> [PC2 ( <> [Xbox (].

Failing this, I think you may have to resort to buying an ADSL router.

I have had a similiar setup working in the past where my xbox was out of reach of a cable.

I wirelessly connected the a laptop to the router, then connected the xbox to the laptop and shared the connection on the laptop. This was reliant on the router being because at the time I couldn't change the setting on the XP laptop. I'm not at an xp machine right now but I'll look into it asap and see if it's possible or not.

Toxteth O'Grady 31st Jan 2005 06:32

Just thought - there is another alternative, along the lines of what Munky was alluding to.

On your son's pc, create two separate LAN connections, one wireless to your pc (which you already have) and one new connection using the X-over patch cable to the Xbox; then bridge the two networks.



timmcat 31st Jan 2005 08:47

Thanks for the replies.

Been doing some more googling this morning and found this on another forum which seems to back up TOG's second theory..

I did it!!!!
Okay I finialy connected to Xbox live. Here is what you have to do:

1. BRIDGE your the wireless internet connection and your local area connection that your xbox is hooked up to. (this means you will have to turn off Internet connection sharing for the connection that is connected to the internet)

2. Obvioulsly make sure that all connections are set to obtain IP's and DNS automaticly.

3. Foreward the following ports on your wireless router.
UDP 88
UDP 3074
TCP 3074

And after I did all those things, the xbox just connected to xbox live. I think the problem we ran into was we were trying to set up ICS to make the connection work, when all we needed to do was turn off ICS and bridge the connections. Let me know if this did not work for you cause the was some other settings I messesd with that I am not sure if you need to do or not.
Now I can have a go at that tonight, but as I don't have a router (so I cannot do item 3) will it be possible?

Thanks again.. this is tying me up!

spannersatcx 31st Jan 2005 12:03

Can I use my existing wireless network to connect to Xbox Live?
Wireless LANs are not officially supported for Xbox. Depending on the distances involved, the construction of your home, sources of interference, you may not get good performance from a wireless solution. The setup is also not for the faint of heart. If you know what an SSID is, then you might be ok, but if you don't, you should probably stay away from using wireless for your Xbox. To put it another way, it's possible to get wireless to work for Xbox Live, but our support staff can't help you do it.
Have a look at xbox connection the answer may be there somewhere!

FunkyMunky 31st Jan 2005 18:40


The port forwarding issue you quoted is just to bypass the firewall on the router. Since you dont have a router, you shouldn't need to do that. If you have a software firewall turned on (norton, zone alarm, windows firewall) you may need to prompt it to forward those ports, or disable it, but I wouldn't worry too much about step 3 :)

Good idea that (bridging), I wish I'd thought of it at the time, would have saved me plenty of hassle :p

Slightly ironic that MS doesn't support wireless for xbox, but will happily flog you a wireless adapter for it. C'est la capitalism ;)

Good luck!

timmcat 31st Jan 2005 19:22

It worked!

Thanks everyone for your time.

Guess I wont see No1 son for the rest of the week now!


Toxteth O'Grady 31st Jan 2005 21:01




FunkyMunky 31st Jan 2005 21:26

Good stuff :ok: Xbox Live is quality; if you....uh i mean your son ;) :p is interested there are tons of quality games out for the service,

Project Gotham Racing 2
Forza Motorsport (out soon)
Rainbow Six 3
Halo 2

It simply doesn't compare to any of the other services offered.

Hope ya have a good time

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