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Fr8 Dog 13th Jan 2011 05:01

WEBJET - Brazil
Just wondering if those guys are hiring? I hear there's a demand for pilots in Brazil these days - how one gets his/her resume to where it is supposed to go?
the website ain't much of a help, I've sent it and got no reply...
Are the chances good over there for a nobody like myself or do you have to be part of some good ol' boyz club? ( got the 37 tkt, 6000 on Boeings and Br. license)
any ideas, fellas? :rolleyes:

Da Dawg

alemaobaiano 13th Jan 2011 13:15

What passport do you have?

Despite rumours of change it's still Brazilian nationals only, and the old boys network is alive and well.


Fr8 Dog 13th Jan 2011 18:47

I've got Br. passport. Maybe just need to transfer 737 tkt to br. license and do the poke & wiggle with the doctor, and I'm good to go.
Now, what's the password to club?
They must be glad to see 737 experienced guys drop out of the sky onto their laps, no? Or that doesn't really matter?


flyingswiss 14th Jan 2011 09:43

I think you are overqualified to work for webjet, not long time ago they did a 733 class at Flex with a bunch of low time pilots...I think they are getting some planes (less then 10 I think), you should look at Gol, so you can fly something made this century....

alemaobaiano 14th Jan 2011 11:35

They must be glad to see 737 experienced guys drop out of the sky onto their laps, no ?
That would depend on your salary expectations, if you are prepared to work for what they offer, then yes they would be glad. If you are expecting a living wage, they'll show you the door.

As flyingswiss says, try GOL, they pay (a bit) better but at least the aircraft is younger than you.


Fr8 Dog 14th Jan 2011 14:17

"but at least the aircraft is younger than you."

Ha Ha! No 737 (except the 100s) is younger than I am ! So I'm ok with a 300. Which brings me to ask you another question - knowing the ancient corporate mentality of the country - does being 40 matter at all? My intentions were for a direct entry captaincy.

Are we still looking here at that mentality that experience doesnt count but age does or have we developed to wiser practices in the last decade?

Also, if one wishes to apply for both companies, is the website the only way to go or can a resume be walked in somewhere, to someone?

thanks again for the help!

TOFFAIR 14th Jan 2011 14:29

I think Webjet might be the better option for you as with 6000 hours on type experience you will qualify as fasttrack, so you get Captain quickly and therefore can expect a salary around 11k, better then sitting another 10years in a NG rightseat (my opinion!). You should go to their office directly and ask for a personal chat with either their Diretor de Operacoes or Piloto Chefe and explain your situation.
Azul is another option for you if your willing to change to a E190, as Azul also still looks for fast tracks with a load of 50T+ and 4k+ hours. Type will be provided.
But first of all you should get your convertion to ANACs license in the way as it can be tricky and take a while, before you get this done dont even expect any company answering you or calling for interview!

TOFFAIR 14th Jan 2011 14:42

BTW, age has become a relative matter, as pilots are needed. Experience is welcome, but what will be analized is depending on where you got your experience if you are rather likely to stay in the company for a while or one of those who might be inclined to be discontented with salary and working environement after a while and jump over to "greener grasses" .
Consider this on an eventual interview.
Internet is the way to go for posting your CV, but if you have aditional contacts, who can bring you closer to those who decide, it will certainly be a valuable plus.
If you dont mind the classics and cargo Rio and Absa are options who have acceptable working environements, pay well, and will still grow strong as such companies are lacking still in Brazil.

Fr8 Dog 14th Jan 2011 17:07

When you say 11K - is that 11K reais a month? Is that take home money or is it before taxes?

Well, thank you very much guys, I'll start working on that and see how it goes.
thank you!:D

TOFFAIR 15th Jan 2011 20:10

its either take home including all xtras, or before taxes without. Its a roundabout figure anyway just to have an idea of what to expect, and yes its in Reais, what at the exchange rate now looks quite ok but i doubt it will stay like this forever...

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