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AdamFrisch 3rd May 2013 06:11

Flying to Vancouver from US - need some help.

I'm planning on taking my aircraft up to Vancouver for business on Saturday VFR. I use Foreflight on my ipad in the US and it's very good, but unfortunately doesn't have any VFR charts for Canada. So I bought a VFR chart for the area via Sporty's. What I don't have is any airport information except for the stuff printed on the chart. I plan to clear customs at YVR and would really need a printout from an AIP or something for that airport - frequencies, procedures, taxiways etc. Once I've cleared, I'd like to move on to a smaller airport, maybe Pitt Meadows or Boundary Bay and would also like some info on those. Can I access such things via Transport Canada online somewhere?

Any other tips greatly appreciated. How happy will YVR be with an old VFR twin to come in? Is it better to clear customs somewhere else less busy?

goates 3rd May 2013 08:07

Do you mean YVR? YVC isn't really all that close to Vancouver...

La Ronge (Barber Field) Airport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you haven't already, you might also try the AvCanada.ca forums for advice too.

AdamFrisch 3rd May 2013 08:20

I meant YVR.

clunckdriver 3rd May 2013 11:09

You are required to have a Flight Supliment or the information contained therein on board, VTA and VTPC required if crossing the straights, file eAPIS inbound and outbound, also crossing the US/Canada border you MUST be on a flight plan,{with a discreet code} give Canada Border Services two hours notice, also VFR is quite complicated in the CYVR area, have all the charts with reporting point clearly marked with highlighter or similar, if you insist on CYVR be prepared for some fairly large FBO/Landing fees, By your post it seems you are not familiar with the area, sugest get a briefing from some one who is.

AdamFrisch 3rd May 2013 12:02

Thanks. I know about eAPIS, Canpass and all that. What I need is an airport diagram fro YVR and all the VFR procedures. Are they accessible online anywhere?

localflighteast 3rd May 2013 12:11

you need this

NAV CANADA - Aeropubs - Canada Flight Supplement (CFS)

as far as I'm aware online doesn't cut it , you need to have this onboard

clunckdriver 3rd May 2013 12:52

Local, I belive you are correct in this, for myself going to CYVR without all the publications would not be a smart thing to do, it really is a very complex airspace and airport, we always go there IFR, much simpler.We were parked at one of the FBOs a while ago when the Feds were checking on paperwork, dont know if they nailed anyone.

AdamFrisch 3rd May 2013 13:34

OK, this is a last minute thing, so I'll try to get a hold of that Nav Canada in time. Hopefully Aircraft Spruce has it in stock.

ahramin 3rd May 2013 18:29

Sounds like you don't need to go to CYVR at all. You can clear customs at CZBB.


But you will still need a copy of the Canada Flight Supplement. If Sporty's doesn't have one maybe an FBO on your route will. If not perhaps someone here would be willing to scan in the relevant pages for you.

AdamFrisch 3rd May 2013 18:42

Would have loved to, but I have a work visa specified for pickup at Vancouver so have to go there.

clunckdriver 3rd May 2013 19:50

Are you SURE it has to be CYVR as Boundary Bay has Canada Border Services on the field, lets hope some poster can scan the pages for you, sorry I cant do this on my set up.

surveytheworld 4th May 2013 23:50

I can email you CFS pages - send me a PM and let me know what you need.

Edited to add: did you mean this Saturday? If so, I'm too late. Sorry, hope it worked out.

AdamFrisch 6th May 2013 00:29

Just a quick post mortem:

Everything went beyond smooth. The US controller handed me off about 20 miles before the border and the Canadian TML controller couldn't have been more helpful when I said it was first time into Canadian airspace. Soon I was handed over to Vancouver's tower on a base leg for 26L and then cleared to land. Almost as if I knew what I was doing..;)

Clearing customs was also very smooth. Handed my passport over, told to sit tight and 10 minutes later the engines were turning again. The border guys even let me use their restroom! CYVR gave me a guided departure up the river to Pitt Meadows airport and again, couldn't have been more helpful. I didn't really fancy the $110 overnight ramp fee for a four days at Millionaire (now I know why they're called that...), so decamped to CYPK where the ramp fee was a little more bearable at $10 per night.

Now, getting back into the US with a plane that looks like a dead ringer for a drug runner will probably be a little more, shall we say; al dente...:E:}

clunckdriver 6th May 2013 11:04

Just shows that at least one CYVR terminal controller reads PPRUNE!

AviatorTB 7th May 2013 07:18

Problem solved?
Tho it seems all's well that ends well, you might try fltplan.com's app for your Canadian charts, APD's, IAP's, etc. Tho' I use WingX for US, when I go to CYTZ, I rely on fltplan's DL. Regardless, I have had the same easy-going experience you have with Canada's border servants, just nice people to deal with; same with their controllers.

Good luck with your return.



dianed 28th May 2013 05:26

landing fee
I wouldn't clear customs at YVR nor would I go near yVR airspace for that matter, best place to clear customs is czbb boundary bay.
There is a number you can get to call , you tell the customs what time you are arriving. They will document your aircraft ID, your name by phone, but probably wont be at the airport when you arrive unless they suspect you have something on you.
I have done it twice and neither times did the officer actually show up tot eh air terminal. :)

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