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WindyFlyer89 26th Oct 2009 02:55

Job hunt road trip
Hi all!! I'm new to the forum and also new to the aviation community. I just finished my CPL with Multi/ifr and float endr... I have been sending some cv's and making some phone calls and have pretty much got no where. I want to get into bush flying somehow both summer and winter. I've heard that applying in person is the way to go, so I want to make a big road trip around western Canada to put out some apps. I don't really want to instruct so im hoping for perhaps flying a Jump plane or something for a season then maybe applying to places like Kenn Borek. Or perhaps getting a ramp position for a while (anything to get out of retail!!!) Im looking for some advice on when I should do this? Is now a good time or should I wait till the new year?

Hamtarro 29th Oct 2009 08:55

Perhaps on the ramp?
Perhaps that would be a start. If you can swing the cash head for the Territories, Norman Wells, it may be a gamble but being in an aviation community for the winter doing anything is better than selling retail. Yes I know there are only two companys there, or Yellowknife or Whitehorse. Work your ass off doing what ever and if you get on a company that has everything from singles to turbine twins. Spring is usually the best time, wait long enough then you can line up with the rest. I doubt in this day anyone will get hired over the phone to fly (with no time). Even in Asia on the larger machines they can pick and choose. Northern Ontario is another. I wouldn`t wait for spring. Trust me it will pay off. You guys are headed for tough times but hiring does not stop just changes pace.
By the way off to Hawaii from Tokyo. It does pay off!

WindyFlyer89 1st Nov 2009 05:26

Have fun in Hawaii! Probably a lot warmer than it is here. I think im probably gonna pull some extra hours over christmas then take the trip in late January. Im hoping to make it up to at least Yellowknife but Norman Wells may be a bit out of reach... but you never know. I may make that a separate trip perhaps. I'm sure there will be something.... that Wright Airways would be pretty sweet and i am defiantly not opposed to working the ramp either.

Left Coaster 1st Nov 2009 15:51

God, did that ever bring back some memories! I did the same drive 30 odd years ago! Made it out to Eastern Ontario and back to Laronge before anything resembling work came my way! It was a fantastic trip! I met and still speak with quite a few old colleagues and friends on that trip, and saw a whole bunch of Canada along the way. My only advice would be do it in the early Spring, lots of smaller operators start thinking about hiring around then. Good luck and enjoy the journey!

mrb09 1st Nov 2009 15:57

The end of Feb and march are good times for a road trip, looking for float work. I would put manitoba(selkirk,bisset, pine Falls,Lac du Bonnet) and northwestern ontario(Kenora,Red lake, Ear Falls, Nestor Falls, VermillionBay, FortFrancis, Ignace) on the list. If you are going that way you should hit up soiux lookout and surronding areas as well.
Google"charter companies in northwestern ontario" that will give you a pretty good list to start from. Good Luck!

WindyFlyer89 3rd Nov 2009 20:09

Thanks for the imput guys, this is really helping out the planning process to this nightmareish road trip. I wasn't planning to hit northern ontario but I think I'll probably extend my route further that way. Im also wondering if anyone knows a ballpark est for the min insurance reqs that I will probably run in to. I talked to a guy in Innisfail for flying a Jump plane and they had 300 hrs TT for their mins. I finished my training with around 225 hrs TT, you guys think this will be a burden? Also what are the chances of cropdusting?

WindyFlyer89 30th Dec 2009 05:21

Well it looks like I won't have to make this trip after all as I have been offered a ramp job up in the NWT... Now just gotta put up with some early mornings and cold days and its clear sailing....more or less ;). Still thank you everyone for your advice.

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