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m&v 22nd Oct 2001 20:44

Industry Lay/off's
AC to implement new bid,thoughts of work sharing???
Sky'Temporarily laid off about 40 pilots,due financial status of Ticketing agent,hopeful of recall later in season.. :eek:

Dockjock 23rd Oct 2001 02:12

Don't quite understand. You say Skyservice (assuming that's what you meant by Sky') has laid off 40 pilots due to the financial status of the ticket agents? Huh?

As for worksharing (no layoffs)- stupid. The no layoff clause is what will kill AC just as it killed CAI. As painful as it would be, you gotta lay off staff in order to cut back costs in any meaningful way.
Short term pain for long term gain.

flyguy93 24th Oct 2001 11:17

dockjock as painful as u made it sound, its the most viable alternative, totally agree with u, but that doesn't mean the brains of management should stop thinking. i say they should think harder and another viable alternative should come of it. the whole industry is depending on todays thinking not tomorrows', but ofcourse vice-versa is the better way to think. we all have bills to pay u know!!
in for the ride!!!! :confused: :( :(

Willie Everlearn 25th Oct 2001 19:58

Thinking for tomorrow is exactly what will result in decisions for today. Airline management have tuned and identified on the correct frequency and are receiving signals 5x5. Although, I must admit, your comment reaks of eloquence, the reality is, Air Canada and others are in for 'cuts' (layoffs, or whatever else is needed) regardless of employee needs or financial necessity.
Reality sucks.
Work sharing? In hard times, maybe work share is an option. Today? Not on your life. The company isn't going to continue to pay or encumber the cost of benefits for 'work sharing'...that's how desperate the present situation IS.
Doesn't that suck?
That's just the way it is.
C3 is almost a penny stock and prime candidate for a hostile takeover at best, out of business, at worst!
Air Canada? Same, same.
If it were me, I'd not bother to 'wait and see IF we go out of business', I'd be looking for something elsewhere (where, is up to you) so I can continue to pay the mortgage.
How you read the tea leaves is, of course, your business. But, this is how I read the tea leaves.
Suck it up. Put the shoulder straps on. Select Ignition to continuous. Slide your seat back a couple of inches. We're gonna get whacked!!! :eek:

Azure 27th Oct 2001 05:33

. Airline management have tuned and identified on the correct frequency and are receiving signals 5x5

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

But, who even cares anymore? Not only have the regionals been shafted in the last few weeks/years, so have AC pilots and FA's.

Don't trust anyone, or anything until someone smarter than you knows something.

Willie Everlearn 29th Oct 2001 04:31


The 'correct frequency' is a reference to whom management needs to 'listen'.
AC management has listened to the UNION whining for far to long and taken their eye off the 'ball', the state of the Canadian Airline industry as well as the International one. Agreed?
They haven't listened to their passengers whining for long enough (if ever). Agreed?
So, they've finally 'tuned' their ears to those who deserve to be listened to. Their customers.
You know...the ones who are abandonning AC in record numbers. The ones who are forced to pay $1,000 plus for a YUL return on a 146! Not to mention that all important Airport Improvement Tax to pay for expansion!!!
We're the ones that are finally coming through loud and clear (you know, strength 5, readability 5, remember that?) as evidenced by the AC chops that have taken place. Parking aeroplanes. Laying people off.
You know, the basics that happen when times are tough. It's usually about then that the UNIONS reckon everyone should pay, except their members. The ones who have already paid to much. :eek:
I simply couldn't sit here and read this drivle about F/As, who in many cases are paid more than an F/O and almost as much as a Jr. Captain, :rolleyes: spare me the loyalty speach, length of service, good employee nonsense... :mad: It's time to do something about AC. If the taxpayer, (including you) has to pay for stability in this industry AND pay higher airfares on top of it, AND get no concessions for travelling on our airlines...then something's wrong. :confused:

All is not right with the world.
All is not right with Canada.
All is not right with the industry.
All is not right with the airlines' cashflow.
And you think the AC pilots and FAs got shafted??? :eek:

tail dragger 3rd Nov 2001 19:11

Hey Folks
Could someone please help lighten the shed and explain to me what AC plan on doing with their pilot contracts? What is this work share buissness I have heard about?
Any word yet as to pilot layoffs at AC?


RockinBob 5th Nov 2001 03:08

Before you call the pot black...you guys should really get the facts straight!!!!

Layoffs are very very very very expensive....

m&v 5th Nov 2001 20:50

Latest rumours(whe really knows???)C3 have cancelled their latest intake course,considering L/off's,definitely not hiring for the near future.AC are to L/off the 'last'175 pilots not saved by the nolayoff agreement date,considering work sharing (A la 1980- guys worked 71.15hrs instead of 85,raises morale,don't pay as much tax,saves the firm retraining costs,unify's the association).Other firms are entertaining the same option.This is an Industry 'problem'not a Company's induced concerns..Think Big :rolleyes:

Willie Everlearn 6th Nov 2001 05:43

Collinette says no Money for Funny!!!

AC will have no choice but to layoff. Done deal. Work sharing? In your dreams. No layoff clause? Meaningless. Chance of survival? Priceless. AC pilots are in fantasyland.

The sad part is...
a lot of real quality people are about to get the chop. Either way, it's not a nice situation and I wish them all well.

tail dragger 6th Nov 2001 13:47

Just heard today that C3 are trying to get rid of Royal along with all their employees. This includes all pilots.
With this news and with whats happening at AC I can't help but extend a heartfelt good luck to all who are affected.
Its got to turn around again and I'm sure that when it does it will turn around big time.

PaperTiger 6th Nov 2001 21:58

C3 to dump Royal in toto ? http://www.cbc.ca/cgi-bin/templates/...can3000_011106

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